T HE M'ICHIGAN D'A IL Y lln Gives Stock Season X 01 K.V Trust Has Two New Members NEW YORK, July 12.-(/P)-Two new names have been added to Pres- ident Roosevelt's "brain trust" under auspices which leads Wall Street to believe the foundation is being laid for a "managed currency." Professor George F. Warren of Cor- nell University and James Harvey Rogers of Yale have been named to survey the fiscal situation. Both are regarded as outstanding advo- cates of managed money. President Roosevelt in his recent message to the World Economic Conference indicate dhe considered a "sound and adequate" currency to mean a currency whose buying and debt-paying power remains constant from one generation to another. The financial community feels certain that the new "brain trust" niembers will have something to do with pointing the way to the gov- ernment's objective. Nebraska-born, Dr. Warren is a professor of agricultural economics and farm management. His recent t tional piominence, however, is at- tributed to his studies of price move- mnits and criticism, of the gold standard as it has been used. He contends that the dollar should have a constant buying power, not for one commodity, as such, but for all commodities at wholesale prices. In his writings Dr. Warren explains that this could be accomplished if central banks were permitted to change their buying and selling prices of gold as often as deemed necessary. Dr. Rogers is a student of gold problems and related questions. He has called the gold standard one of "the most illuminating anomalies of our so-called advanced civiliza- tion." A Modernized Uncle Tom-If Windt Is Right (Continued from Page 1) contains is being presented, he says, and being presented as completely as limitations of staging, make-up, and amateur acting will permit. Director Windt is pretty tired these days. In the past week nearly 60 ac- tors have been coached in parts, many of them speaking parts ad some of them songs, costumes have been provided for the cast, sets have been constructed for 17 scenes-"you co uld use 34, but we had to compro- mise on 17," he says-, the Aiken script has been rewritten, and music has been arranged. So whether the Uncle Tom who last night cowered before Simon Le- gree and said, "My black body may belong to you, but my soul-" is really something new or is just the same old hokum in new clothes, Di- rector Windt has a right to be con- fident-or at least to be tired. Amy Loomis, formerly director of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and prominent in campus plays for years, is presenting her new Vacation Theatre Company in its first stock season at Traverse City and North- port, Mich., this summer. Free Dancing Casses Held For Students By JEAN HALL (Instructor in Physical Education for Women) In a recent article in a Detroit newspaper, a well-known movie di- rector was quoted as saying that "dancing gives poise, the ability to move hand and feet gracefully, and to walk with rhythmic smoothness." This summer, the women's physi- cal education department has offered to those enrolled the opportunity to learn tap dancing, free of any addi- tional charge. Classes are being held at 4 and 5 o'clock Mondays, Wednes- days, and 'Thursdays in the basement of Barbour Gymnasium. A class, open to both men and women stu- dents, is to be hield at 7:15 Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the lounge of the Women's Athletic Building. Why not plan to attend. at last one of these? Tap dancing has a decided place, in the field of physical education. If one needs to be convinced, a strong argument would be that this type of activity brings joy to the participant, and pleasure is funda- mental in any type of learning.. Interest in tap dancing has in- creased rapidly during the last few years. This may be due to several factors; rhythms, which are the basis of tap dancing, the pleasure of work- ing with others, and the opportunity to measure one's self-achievement.' From physiological and recrea- tional standpoints, tap dancing is most valuable. It helps to develop the body symmetrically through bal- ance, muscle co-ordination, and a sense of rhythm. No better leisure time activity can be found, as tap dancing demands the minimum amount of necessary equipment and space. Brown Speaks To Socialists On Antrchism At the regular Wednesday evening discussion of :the Michigan Scialist Club, Tom Brown, Grad., spoke on the history of anarchism. He pointed out that the philosophy of anarch- ism frst appeared in written forrn in Chinese literature of 400 B. C. However, it was Michel Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin in the 19th centty, aristocratic Russians who learned much about prison as a result of their beliefs, who make anarchism modern. Its ideal, as argued by Bakunin, is liberty, no coipulsin to work and distribution of all goods for the asking, it being confidently expected that man's desires would cause him to produce goods in sufficient amounts of all kinds. Anarchism has been closely associated with sy- dicalism, but should not be confused with terrorism,l he said.' Charles Or, Grad., continued with syndicalist ideas and tactics in Spain and Latin-America, whei he said they had tken the stiongest hold. "Around the industrial Bare- lona disti-ict, the anarcho-syndica- ists quite control the dovernn cnt. and are continually rehearsing for the great general strike, which is to be their seventh march around Jer- icho. The present government of Spain rests on the strong Socialist trade unions around Madrid, but it is threatened more by the syndical- ists and communists of the left than by the monarchists and Catholics," he said. Orr told of his acquaintance with Mexican anarchists, who sincerely predict that there will be no govern ment in Spain after two years. Such unrealistic enthusiasm, he thought could not be accepted by a Marxian. He further traced the post-war seiz- ure of Italian industry by the syn- dicats, the fascist reaction and the positive influence of syndicalism on the fascist structure of government. Stewart Way discussed the Indus- trial Workers of the World as a kind, of Marxian and syndicalist move- ment in America which differs from socialism and communism in that it aims to overthrow capitalism by di- rect economic power, which must precede political power. By the mis- represented term "direction action," the I. W. W. means a strike on or off the job. A strike on the job is sabotage, defined by Veblen as "a conscious withdrawal of efficiency." The I. W. W . frowns on violence, especially armed .revolution, which it holds impratical. It 'relies on the general strike to take over the fac- tories for the workers, aid insists on industrial rather than craft unions. Way expressed the belief that the I. W. W. pins too 'much faith n the general strike and that its plans for the classless society were extremely vague, but he felt that Socialists could learn much from the niove- inent. Four Succumb, Crops Hurt In Western Heat KANSAS CITY, July 12.-(/P)-A gasping, sun-scorched southwest to- day hoped for clouds, forecast by weather observers, to alleviate some- what the heat that caused four deaths Tuesday. Two died in Dallas, Tex., where the mercury reached 104, and two succumbed in Oklahoma, one in the capital city and one near Perry. Oklahoma City's 106 equalled the record set there in July, 1914. But Vernon, Tex., topped all high temperature readings with 115, the city's twenty-first consecutiveday of 100-degree weather. It was.a new high for the season, as was the 107 recorded at Sherman, Tex. Reported temperatures in Kansas and Missouri did not range as high but the population sweltered. Kansas city's maximum was 92. Wichita re- ported 98. Recent rains in parts of Missouri and Iansas came in time to save' crops but two Federal crop statisti- cians in Oklahoma City predicted failure of the corn crop in the state, unless rain falls quickly. Robert P. Chandler, Oklahoma state fish and game warden, said thousands of fish were dying "because the water is too hot!" Part of Poland's molasses produc- tion is used in the manufacture of shoe blacking. Greenshields Discovers New Way To Study Traffic Problem Cars moving at varying speeds Moving pictures of traffic in mo- along streets and highways, at vary- tion, takeh with definite time inter- ing distances apart, 'are large of- vals between photographs, is the fenders in the causation of traffic newest method for studying this jams and time lost in slowing down problem and giving the traffic expert aid speeding up. Highway engineers a permanent record from which he have long believed that if an even may prepare worthwhile recom- speed and spacing were maintained mendations or regulations, it was a good share of the enormous annual announced by the highway engineer- money loss in time wasted in Amer- ing department of the University as can traffic could be saved. a result of research by Bruce D. (9f c,41l Tkmaining SUMMER -ASHJONS. Our policy demands - tt all summer fashions be disposed of at once- We must mQke room for season merchandise - for newness, freshness, smartness, are by-words at JACOBSON'S. You'll ge t months of wear frorr every one of these summer fashions -- and the values are the most out- standing you Ve witnessed in many years. Don't miss the benefits of this supreme value event. Starting Todayq-SAVE 2 /% to 50% Read Every Item Carefully - Then Plan To Shop Early! I SUMMER FROCKS Group I Vauesto $19.75... Group I Values to $16.75... $8.77 $6.77 WHITF, WOOL White and Pastels, Values to $16.75. BLOUSE Organdy, Ginghan Voiles, Dotted Swi COA s. n, ANNE s,$ Ts BATHING SUJTS 77 10% discount on 6o1 Suits. GlOVES Mesh and Fabric Half $1.00 Values....c Price Fancy eckea . I/ Pice 98 Linen Suits and Half Swaggercoats. .e Teach Old Dogs New Tricks? It's The Best Thing He Does IN THE FASHION Group of White and Pastel formals, $5.95 val. 2.77 Pique Suits, Coats and $3.95 value b I MADISON, Wis., July 12.- (Big Ten)--The fallacy of the popular be- lief that "you can't teach .an old dog new tricks"has at last been clearly demonstrated. An experiment in the adult learn- ing of French conducted in a Wis- consin vocational school at Madison has proved conclusively that adults with an educational background ranging anywhere from an elemen- tary school training to a college de- gree and with widely different occu- pational pursuits can surpass the achievement of young high school or university students at the same levels of instruction. The experiment was conducted re- cently by F. D. Cheydleur, professor of French at the University of Wis- cousin. Professor Cheydleur carried on the experiment in his spare time with night school classes in French over a period of three years. The immediate purpose of the ex- periment, according to Prof. Cheyd- leur, was to learn whether adults could learn a foreign language more or less thoroughly than school chil- dren or even university students, or in other words to ascertain what could be accomplished by students beyond the average school or 'college age when subjected to the same amount of instruction, the same methods, the same teacher, and the same examinations for measuring the results. "The experiment ought to demon- strate the fallacy of the popular be- lief that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, for insofar as foreign language learning is concerned, it wo-uld seem quite clear that the older person in vocational school of nor- mal intelligence and some leisure through better motivation, applica- tion, and concentration may outstrip his younger brother in college with less clear-cut aims, industry, and singleness of purpose," Professor Cheydleur said. What has been demonstrated in regard to the superiority of achieve- ment of adults in the learning of French compared with university students is equally true of their at- tainiment compared with high schoolI students in the sane subject,.at the same levels of instruction, he main- tained. It is reasonable to expect, he said, that similar experiments in other foreign languages under approxi- mately the same conditions, namely, vocational school adults versus col- lege or high school students would bring comparable results and that the plan could be extended to other standard subjects such as mathe- matics, science, history, and English. \ 9 no Our July Clearance SSALE / 9 t ,t y 1 White Hats 7 5c OF SUMMEF 9. . 1300in BN S <