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July 13, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-13

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of the Summer Session

pursued at the time. He has delivered an ultima-
tum to American industry, and we have every
reason to believe that he is not bluffing.

_-. -M1, :


r N r $ HY H t
Published every morning except Monday
Uiversity year and Summer Session by#
Control of Student Publications.
ember of the Western Conference Edit
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press ia excusively entitl
for 'republication of all news dispatches cre
no therwise credited "in this paper and tV
pbished herein. All rights of republicati
dispatches are reserved.
Bntered at the Post ,Office at Ann Arbor,
second class matter. Special rate of postag
Thifrd Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $
$1.50. During regular school year by carr
Offices: Student Publications Building, M
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214..
representatives: College Publicatidns Re
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth 'treet, New )
Bylstoi 'Street, Boston; 612 North Mich
CYickgo. Ntional Advertising service, ic.,
St., New "sork, N. Y.

His methods are stern and his actions in many
instances are without precedent-but he does have
a knack for obtaining results. This time, seeking
a means of putting his national recovery program
into effect without needless delay, he has gathered
about him industrial leaders of prominence, and
he will undoubtedly achieve some outstanding re-
Instead of discussing this current matter merely
with members of his cabinet, President Roosevelt
has organized a recovery council composed of all
the special administrators to combat the economic
situation. In addition to the members of the Pres-
ident's cabinet, that council will consist of the
director of the budget, the chairman of the Re-
y during the construction corporation, the governor of the farm
the Board in credit administration, the administrator of the
industrial recovery act, the administrator of agri-
oral Associa- culture adjustment, the federal relief adminis-
trator, and the other officials in charge of the
RESS forces now existing in an effort to revive Amer-
ed to the use
dited to it or ican industry and combat the existing emergency.
on ofal pne w Steps will not be taken. to investigate the in-
ability of other American industries to follow the
Michigan, as lead set by the cotton textile industry in restrict-
ge granted by ing working hours and raising the wage scale.
Alibis and excuses will be of no avail from now
1.00; by mail, on, we predict; Roosevelt's council will go after
len, $4.00; by the facts-and obtain them.
:aynard Street; And, whatever the results, we will have had an-
other stirring example set by the man who is not
epresentatives, afraid to follow his convictions'in an attempt to
York city; 80 bri ngthe nation back to standard it once knew.
ii n A mni-

called. The mother had left early for work and
I was to meet the situation. I am a teacher by
profession and always inteipested in the problems
of youth. I told him the lad was innocent, but he
evidently did not come to discuss the affair, and
stated that he would take the boy down to the
police station. I said, "Then I will go with him."
He said I could not go, and added something
about my making trouble, for the police-a thing
apparently not to be tolerated. I said, "I do not
know why I cannot go with him, and I do not
know why you should take an innocent boy down'
to the police station and put him through the
third degree process without someone going with
him. If I were going to the dentist I would like
to have a friend along." I picked up the 'phone to
ask a lawyer why I could not go with the boy to
the police station but the lawyer was not in.
Again he said I could not go down, and if I did
I could not hear what he said to him, and added,
"I'll take the boy down and lock him up in jail
and question him when I feel like it." This I have
since learned he could not do without a warrant,
and this fact he must have known. He was making
use of his badge of authority to intimidate. We
were not getting police protection but police per--
secution. Anyway I got into the car with the boy
and we were driven down to the police station
where he took him into an office marked "PRI-
VATE" and talked to him. When the lad came out,
we went together and refreshed ourselves with
sn ice cream soda.
So much for the efficiency of this detective. He
spent five days on a false clue, without the basic'
fact of when the instruments were taken, thus
giving the culprits all the time they needed to get
away. And he threatened to lock up an innocent
lad, a thing he had legally no right to do, pre-
sumably because he was. dealing with helpless
women and children-a veritable travesty on the
name of Justice. And for such marked efficiency
he is now promoted! And the taxpayers go on
paying his salary, and with a probable increase!
What is efficiency in the police force? Is this effi-
--A Forner Student.

Niagara Falls Excursion: The Ex-
cursion, planned for the past week-
end to Niagara Falls, is postponed
until this week-end, July 15-16. It
is possible to accomodate an addi-
tional number of students and their
friends in the special coach which
will care for the party.
Persons who expect to make the
journey and wish to reduce the costs
of their rooms at Niagara Falls by
more than one person occupying a
room should see me to indicate their
wishes, if they have not already done
so. Laurence Gould
Niagara Falls Excursion: Party
meets at Michigan Central Depot.
Train leaves Ann Arbor for Niag-
ara Falls at 7:05 a. m. Saturday,
July 15.
Arrives in Niagara Falls at 2:27
Daylight Saving Time.
Tours will be conducted by Pro-
fessor Laurence Gould Saturday aft-
Private coach will be open to party
in Buffalo at 10 o'clock Sunday
night, July 16. Party arrives in Ann
Arbor at 8:35 Monday .morning, July
17. Round trip railroad fare, $7. To-
tal expenses should not exceed $15.
For further information call Mr.
Laurence Gould at University Exten-
sion Phone No. 615.
Wesley H. Maurer

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

sion students who are interested are
welcome to attend the assembly.
Students, College of Engineering:
The last day for dropping a course
without record will be Saturday, July
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Socialist Club Lectures: Mr. Tarini
P. Sinha, former organizer for the
British Independent Labor Party,
speaking on "Labor and Parliament"
at 5 p. m. Friday at Natural Science
Aud., will open the series of Friday
public lectures arranged by the Mich-
igan Socialist Club.
The Men's Education Club baseball
series will continue today with a
game at 4:00 at Ferry Field.i
Uncle Tom's Cabin Saturday Mat-
inee: All seats for this performance
are unreserved. The doors will be
open at 2:00 and the performance
wvill start at 2:30. The admission fee
will be 50 cents for adults and 25
cents for children. Season tickets
holders who wish to attend thisiper-
formance may exchange their cou-
pons for general admission tickets.

Divorce Is Nearing
For Roosevelt's Son
RENO, July 12.:--(1P- Elliolt
Roosevelt, second son of the Presi-
dent, will file suit at Minden Friday
for a divorce from Elizabeth Donner
Roosevelt, Philadelphia heiress, his
attorney, Samuel Platt, announced
Platt indicated that Mrs. Roose-
belt probably would be awarded the
decree on a cross-complaint charg-
ing "extreme cruelty."
A property settlement has been
made. Terms of this agreement will
not be made public. Among other
things it provides for the support of
the infant son of the couple.
Round-The-World Fare
Set At $35,000 And Up
NEW YORK, July 12.-(A)-If you
want to be a passenger with Wiley
Post on his around-the-world flight
the fare is $35,000. If you have that
much and insist on passage, Post and
his managers will think up some new
discouragement, maybe a higher fare.
Dr. Martin M. Schor, a dentist,
made application to be a passenger
last night. Lee Trenholm, Post's
manager, set the fare at $35,000. Dr.
Schor offered $10,000. Post already
had rejected an offer of $15,000 from
an Oklahoma woman.
"As, a matter of fact," Trenholm
said, "Post wouldn't take a passen-
ger for twice $35,000."
Gilda Gray's R1eading
Seems To Omit Bills
NEW YORK, July 12.-,)--Gilda
Gray, dancer, loves to read biogra-
phies. The American Historical So-
ciety, Inc., filed a judgment yester-
day asserting she wouldn't pay for
the entertainment. The company
claimed she owed $691, for her copies
of the "Encyclopedia of American
Biography," which contains an ex-
haustive article on Miss Gray.
Beauties' Rank Rests
Upon Collection Plate
DAYTONA BEACH, Fria., July 12.
-("P)-Handsome is. as handsome
does in the local Negro colony. At a
church beauty contest next Sunday
night the girl who brings in the most
money for the church collection will
be crowned beauty queen.
The town of Dillon, S. C., will have
a swimming pool this summer
through aid of the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation.

ngan Avenue,
11 West 42nd

Phone: 4925
CIATE EDITORS: John C. Daley, PoWers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
IEPORTER: Edgar H. Eckert, Thonas H. Kl eene, Bruce
Ma~nley, D~iana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.'
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1933'
The Appropriatio n
Bile .Vet-
the University appropriation bill
will not change the revenue that the University
was to receive from L'ansing as voted by the 1933
lgislature. Financially speaking, the veto has no
immedi:ate effect.
However, the veto was one of the most advan-
tageous things that has ever happened to the
"This statement may seem paradoxical but, in
order to understand the significance of the gov-
ernor's action, one must follow the history of the
approprfation as it passed the legislature this
Last year, the University received from Lansing
a sum in excess of .$3,900,04O. This amount was a
definite percentage of the mill-tax.
This year, the legislature decided to appropriate
$500,000. to the University fronf the recently-
adopted sales tax and $2,700,000 -fron the mill-
tax. However, the amount that was to be received
from the mill-tax was not a fixed percentage of
that tax but was merely a flat sum. Consequently"
two years from now, when the new legislature
convenes, the University would have nothing but
the right to petition for more funds. This might'
cause the University, which has always been com-
p'aratively free from politics, to become little more
than a "political football."
Crnder the old system, at the end of a two-year
period, the University automatically received the
same percentage of the total mill-tax collected
that'it did during the previous period unless the
ieW legislature voted to change that percentage.
That made the University far more secure fi-
nancially because it could depend on a certain
tixed sum unless the legislature decided to change
that sum and, if the sum were changed, it at
least guaranteed action on the part of the legis-
Now that Governor Comstock has vetoed the
appropriation bill, the University is back on it
formfer secure basis of last and all previous years.
The' bill may still be passed over the veto, blt, as a
two-thirds majority of the total members of both
houses is needed in order to over-ride the gover-
nor's disapproval, it is not expected that"the bill
will become law.
Theoretically, the University should receive ap-
proximately $3,900,000 from the mill-tax and
$500,000 from the property tax for the fiscal year
1933-34 but the state administrative board and
University officials have agreed that $3,200,000.
the amount set aside by the legislature, shall be
all that is.appropriated.
For the Univerity thus to co-operate with the
spirit expressed by the legislature is a sign of good
ith that cannot be overlooked by the legislature
cf 1935 when the University appropriation bill is
again considered.

Eliza crossed the ice for the some odd thou-
sandth time last night as "Uncle Tom's Cabin,"
staged this time by the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers, opened in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Every so often the Players find a show that they
can do excellently.. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is such
a play. About all that one can say regarding the
performance last night is that it was very nearly
Perfect, which, incidentally, is quite a bit.
Fortunately, the abyssmal temptation-nearly
always the downfall of young actors and directors
-to make fun or "horse" the old mellerdrammers
_has been successfully avoided. Uncle Tom,
Eliza, Topsy, Eva, and Saint Clair are as sin-
cere as the most rabid anti-slavery reformer could
desire. The result is the creation of a Christian
mood that will astound the cynical. The melo-
drama goes over.
We have purposely left Simon Legree, played
by Lester L. Griffith, out of the list of those who
horsed not. Mr. Griffith, by overdoing his part,
horsed just a little and in so doing almost took on'
the aspect of quite a different sort of quadruped.
In this column we have very often said that
it is our opinion that Frederic O. Crandall is an
actor. Last night he did probably the best job
of his career as Uncle Tom. It is a long jump from
Mr. Bliss in "Hay Fever" to Uncle Tom. In fact,
right at the moment, it is quite the longest jump
which we are capable of conceiving. But Mr. Cran-
dall made it with more than inches to spare.
Jay Pozz has learned to use his hands, and this
trick, combined with fine voice control, marks him
as the most improved actor of the year. As George
Harris he played a heavy emotional part quite
We must not conclude this bit of eulogy without
saying a word about Uldean Hunt and Ana Lou
Ferguson who were Topsy and Eva respectively.
Miss Ferguson especially was well cast.
We could go on. Frances Johnson, as usual, was
effective although her accent was a little more
Amos and Andyish than southern nigger, Lauren
Gilbert was adequate, James Doll made an amus-
ing Lawyer Marks, the scenery was professionally
But enough is enough. The Repertory Player's
version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is a good show.
-F. B. G.
4 e


, &1 4, 111 "111 =Mft

Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good;, one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
The first of the two first-run pictures now
showing at the Majestic theatre is an interesting
movie if only because it is the typical murder
story attempting to be different. Then too, the
cast is slightly better than that usually found
in this type of picture.
Jean Hersholt, as the scientist, Stuart Erwin as
th&reporter, Wynne Gibson as the scientist's wife,
Frances Dee as his daughter, David Landau and
Robert Elliott as the two police officers, Gordon
Westcott as the lover of the scientist's wife- all
have good parts which they play properly.
The plot is one of these affairs presented as the
absolutely "different" sort of thing which, after
all, is almost the same murder story that has been
done hundreds of times before in almost the same
fashion. The story opens with the confession of a
man that he is about to commit a crime. Later,
after the second murder actually has been com-
mitted, the least-suspected member of the cast is
found guilty. Were we astounded!
"Nagana," which, we learn in the picture, is
the African expression for "sleeping sickness," is
really one of the most laughable pictures-with-
out trying to be-that we have been unfortunate
enough to see for some time. There is too much
African native dance in it, too much "love in the
tropics," too much horse-play among wild animals.]
In fact, mentally reviewing the film, it seems
to be nothing more nor less than a succession of
native war dances, lion springs, and hypodermic
syringes. Roughly reverting to the "Arrowsmith"
type, where a doctor goes into the unknown
among natives to conquer disease, "Nagana" is
about the worst failure of the entire group of
this kind. At most unsuspecting moments the na-
tives are loose, next the lions and tigers, and then
in walks the white woman, who has followed her
man to the ends of the earth, to be with him at
the moment of his greatest trial. It is too, too
much. Overdone throughout, the picture, instead
of paying tribute to those scientists of the past
who have aetually become famous in such manner,
is really quite silly.

Excursion No. 6-July 15: The ex-
cursion to the General Motors Prov-
ing Ground at Milford scheduled for
July 15 will be postponed until some
later date, probably Wednesday, Au-
gust 2. The trip is being postponed
on account of the change in sched-
ule of the Niagara Falls excursion.
Students interested in the Milford3
tour should watch for future an-
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Music:
All matriculated students, now in
residence, who received marks of In-
complete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance, (i.e. semes-
ter or Summer Session) should com-
plete the work in such courses on or
before July 26th. Where unavoidable
circumstances make this impossible,
a limited extension of time may be
granted provided a written request
with the approval and signature of
the instructor concerned is present-
ed at the Registrar's Office, Room
4 U.H.
In cases where no supplementary
grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these
marks shall be considered as having
lapsed into E grades.
Mr. Edgar G. Johnston, Assistant
professor of Secondary Education
-and Principal of the University High
School will talk this afternoon at
4:10 at the educational conference
in Room 1022 University High School
on "Contributions a Professional
_Oroup May Make to Educational
United States Civil Service: Ex-
amination for Statistician (Medical-
Social Service), $2,600 a Year. Ap-
plications must be on file with the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion at Washington, D. C., not later
than July 27, 1933.
Special Lecture: Professor J. H.
Van Vleck of the University of Wis-
consin will lecture on "Recent De-.
velopments in the Theory of Magne-
tism" on Friday at 10 o'clock in the
West Physics Laboratory.
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The second demon-
stration assembly of the University
High School Summer Session will be
presented at eleven o'clock Friday
morning, July 14, in the high school
auditorium. The program will be
under the direction of the Mathema-
tics department. All Summer Ses-

Men and Women: Lessons in con-
tract bridge will be given at the
Michigan League. Come with or
without partners. Six lessons for
$1.50. Call 2-3251 for further infor-
mation. Those who have missed the
previous lessons may secure mimeo-
graphed ones.
Wemen Students: There will be a
picnic swim for women students on
Friday, July 14, leaving Barbour
Gymnasium at 5:30 and returning by
8:30. A fee of twenty-five cents will'
be charged and transportation will
be provided. Reservations should ,be
made before Friday noon by calling
4121, extension 721.
Women Students: Women students:
are advised that every facility of the
Health Service and the Physical Edu-
2ation Department are available to
promote the well being of each stu-
lent who cares to take advantage ,of
her privileges. Short courses, with'
?xpert instruction, are now opening.
or archery, golf, swimming, tap
lancing, tennis and rhythms at suit-
able hours. Students should register
in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
during the following hours: 8-12 and

'follow te .leader!"

on your way to lunch

" " ',f

the hut restaurant
fingerle operated

1-baked ham sandwich or roost loin of pork
sandwich, cut of our delicious homemade
pie, orangeade-lemonade-coffee--ice tea


President Roosevelt
Continues To Lead...
S HORTLY after his inauguration in
March, President Roosevelt, before
guests at that auspicious occasion had even re-
turned to their homes, went to work. Without
wasting a momfent he rolled up 'his sleeves, cleared
his desk for action, and followed a procedure'
which established a precedent for chief executives.
Brilliantly withholding political patroriage until
he had received the staunch support of the party
which he represented, he set forth on a mailed-
fist venture that opened the eyes of the nation.
Those who had believed in him previously shouted
to each other, "I told you so." Those who had
withheld their votes murmured, "Perhaps this is
the man we need after all." Republicans and
Democrats alike united to praise his earnest ef-
forts to give this nation the kind of government


Campus O.pinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Dily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
egarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are'asked to send in only typewritten or legibly
articles, using one side of the paper only, Contribu-
tors must be as brief as possible, confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. -The Editors.
To The Editor:
Your editorial on the Ann Arbor Crime Wave,
coming as it does simultaneously with the promo-
tion of Clifford E. West from city detective to ser-
geant on the police force, brings forcibly to mind
my one first-hand experience with the wonderful
astuteness of this department.
Within the past months six band instruments
were taken from Morris hall, and the glass in the
door broken. This detective thought one of the
town boys wont to play about the buildings on the
campus was the culprit. He came to the mother
on June 22, asserting that her boy had taken the
instruments from the hall on the night of June
14. As the lad had left the city to visit an aunt
he could not then be questioned, and the mother
was admonished not to write him one word about
the the affair lest he run away. Upon his return
he would call and question him. This would be the
following Monday. The household was in distress.
There was no man about the place, however the
mother made inquiry and found that the hall
had been broken into on the night of June 15
and that was the very day he had left town at
two in the afternoon-a fact easily proven. This
should have exonerated him. Had the detective
taken the trouble to find out that the instru-
ments had been stolen the night of the 15th in-
stead of the night of the 14th, the whole matter
would have been promptly dropped. Because of
his failure to do this, the real culprits were given
arf additional five-days start on their getaway

the hut

(Showing Thursday through Saturday)
"Zoo in Budapest," co-starring Loretta Young
and Gene Raymond, is the story of two orphans
who meet in the unusual surrounding of a Zoo.
Raymond, as the orphaned son of a former keeper,
is a friend of the keepers and trainers who falls
in love with Loretta when she visits the zoo with
a group from the orphanage where she is kept.
Complications, including Raymond's theft of
fur-pieces (because he doesn't like to have ani-
mals killed), Lotta's escape from the orphanage,
and the punishment of the keeper who attempts
to thwart the plans of the young lovers, all lead up
to the climatic scene in which the beasts break
loose from their cages.
The supporting cast includes O. P. Heggie,
Wally Albright, Paul Fix, Murray Kinnell, Ruth
Warren, Roy Stewart, Frances Rich, Niles Welch,
Lucille Ward, Russ Powell .and Dorothy Libaire.
The direction was by Rowland V. Lee.
A novel dramatic theme is offered in the latest
picture of Diana Wynyard, "Men Must Fight."
The picture is based on the stage success by Regi-
nald Lawrence and S. K. Lauren which received
much comment this past season. The story covers
the developments in America from the end of
the World War until 1940, in an effort to picture
what the next great war will be like.
The picture was directed by Edgar Selwyn, who
made a name for himself when he brought Helen
Hayes to the screen for the leading role in "The
Sin of Madelon Claudet." Robert Young, who
played with Joan Crawford in "Today We Live,"

- - --~- - ' - -~ - -

2-chicken a la king on home made biscuit,
chopped manhattan salad, orangeade --
lemonade - coffee - ice tea-
3-cold roast veal, special potato salad, mexican
cold slaw, rolls and butter, ice tea, coffee or
milk, home made apple or pumpkin pie
4-small grilled sirloin steak, "finest steer
steak," potatoes, chopped salad, rolls, ice
tea, coffee or 'Milk, dessert 50c

the hut


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