_E MICHIGAN DAILY PA Musicians PlanSeries 'g e IY C i lActivities-t-a------- id, Sixty membersof the Detroit Sym- SSixy meberhs, ondf the Dretitn- Social activities for students en- lounges, and bowling alleys will be Dancing classes will be held under Pis hony Orchestra, under the direction rolled in the Summer Session will open as usual, he said. the direction of Roland Fulton, who series of nightly concerts July 1 at a center around the League, it was Dances Friday and Saturday nights will be assisted by Miss McCormick newly constructed concert garden at stated yesterday by Miss Ethel Mc- at the League will follow the general and Miss Ellen B. Stevenson, assist- Westwood Inn, situated on Michigan Cormick, social director of women, plan of those held during last year's ant to the dean of women. These ate In Wvenesw dnnsiuateornccordingt mongevents planned are Friday Summer Session in that they will not classes, which are limited to 100, are th e S.A .E . OS Avenue near Dearborn, according to and Saturday night dances begin- require attendance in couples.dBoth intended for beginners and willmeet w an announcement. ning July 7, teas, dancing classes, men and women will be encouraged two evenings a week in the League Corner Washtenaw and South University With concerts every night except bridge instruction and tournaments, to come to these dances whether Ballroom. It was pointed out by r mem- Monday as well as on Saturday and and the organization of luncheon with partners or alone, Miss McCor- Miss McCormick that Mr. Fulton will .aborate Sunday afternoons, the orchestra clubs. The Student Art Exchange mick said, and there will be host also give special lessons in tango 'esented will present hour and half-hour pro- will be continued from the regular and hostess committees to make it dancing if desired. A nominal fee accord- grams interspersed with dancing to session, Miss McCormick said, easier for students to get acquainted, will be charged for membership in a by Dr. a representative dance orchestra. Students will also have a number Dean Edward H. Kraus' reception any of the classes, she said. of the Officials of the Detroit Symphony of facilities for recreation offered and open house Friday, July 7, will Bridge will be taught Wednesday e bu D ,y r pr setive da ce or hets.ttu ent w ll aloeav a nu m er D ennd w rdHdK r us' re ep io a y f he cla seyhe sadh®ee rUnteiffci lof thwDe rothym ho yifm sclit es fo r cr at on ohfre a dppe eh usiF idaeulv7ew llBrdge wiltehauhsW ensdarJu yes.Or he trnh vghnn used th ty t eJ yhhe U n onMwictamss,,be thwoen ng ev nt flhi s ri ssni htTby Jo nE Etes woE All al o HAE E ASA YD s of five floor 125 feet long and 65 feet wide provide a social and recreational All students enrolled in the Summer be in charge of the bridge tourna- aturing will be available. center for faculty and students. Session are invited to attend this ments scheduled for Tuesday nights. e Uni- According to the plan the sym- There will be no special activities, free of charge, it was said. There Players in the competitions will be ALSO ROOM $2.50 PER WEEK PHONE 9135 resident phony program will begin each eve- however, it was said yesteerday by will be dancing and the entire League in pairs and the winning team will ning, continuing for an hour and Stanley Waltz, assistant manager. Building will be open to inspection receive a silver cup. There will be a faculty followed by' a half hour of dancing, The swimming pool, billiard room, by the visitors. small entrance fee charged. in the after which the symphony orchestra th en- will again play for half an hour. The e Was- dance music will then continue until violin; 1 a. m. Reservations for tables may >ncello; be made through the Detroit Sym- voice; phony Orchestra, Orchestra Hall, rofessor Detroit. an, as- WHITNEY THEATRE OPENED faculty The Whitney Theatre, closed for laneous many months, has now been opened Palmer for regular afternoon and evening st, and showings of first-run movies. The chestra, theatre, located across from the iversity court house on Main St., is under the tes for direction of Larry E. Mull, who has finitely been in the theatre business in this r Presi- city for the past four years. rtunate gonie i DAILY OFFICIAL Lguished Le Sum- BULLETIN us year ' Presi- (Continued from Page 2) er con- fully the detailed article appearing in Hill in this issue of The "Daily" Band, Las Fal- Michigan Repertory Players: Franz ind in- Molnar's "The Play's the Thing" ent sev- opens tonight in the Lydia Mendel- , it was ssohn Theatre. An announcement concerning the list of plays and prices may be found elsewhere in Will this paper. WE certainly are happy that you are having the advant- tdies University Symphony Orchestra: Seso atU vriy Open to all students of the Univer- ages of a Summer Session at the University of M ichigan will be sity who can qualify. Rehearsals dies this M. T. W. Th. at 2 p. m. in Morris collec- Hall. Students not in the School of YOU likewise will be happy to know of the finer cleanng iiversity Music who have conflicts may regis- at the ter for two of the weekly rehearsals. and pressing available in Ann Arbor at GREENE'S. The by and David Mattern. _an__d__ most modern of cleaning methods are employed. It is a n 1928, University Summer Session Men's botany, Glee Club: Open to all men of the cleaning procedure that insures that your garments are y, and University who care to sing. Re- om 8 a. hearsals Tuesday from 7 to 8 p. m..ins anrrks nd from in Morris Hall. this id holi- David Mattern. able for University Summer Session Mixed ral ex- Chorus: Open to all students of the :dustrial University who can sing. Rehearsals la, an- Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p. mn. in Morris ;y, fine Hall. ., David. Mattern. weFountain Pens - Typewritersg 1 e RIDER'S -EXPERT SERVICE- .;,...---- 302 SOUTH STATE STREET -E UNDERTHE MICRJ .Pr School Co-Eds y.* % 1 ".I.,I r Feet in a mair With an Additional Cost of But I0c a Super-Cleaning- elightful CreationsMICRO-TEX-is obtainable. Whitest MICRO-TEX makes: The press remain longer Garments slower to soil Garments water repellent Colors brighter Lustre and sheen are restored to woolens and silks Stains do not become imbedded Silks are hand pressed. Linings all hand ironed SUMMER CLOTHING SUMMER CLOTHING The articles of wear for summer, through improper cganing often are not returned perfectly clean. Oftentimes garments have shrunk. We clean these garments, such as Palm Beach, linen, tropical worsteds, flannels and the like so that they are thoroughly clean. And we guarantee that theese do not shrink. Bring us your Panama Hat. We will clean it carefully and block it on factory equipment especially prepared. GREEePhone 2r 1GREN 'S221 516 E. Liberty- 110 S. University-802 S. State I I