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June 26, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-06-26

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Publication of the Summer Session

were strangely ccmbihmd with genial kiudliness
sociai grace, a±d a capacicj foi stauhn.n epduI ng
Screen Reflections

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is excusi vely entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214,
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
St., New York, N. Y.
Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1933

(Playing Sunday through Wednesday)
Robert Montgomery, as Thomas Knowlton, a
lieutenant aboard the submarine AL-14 in action
off the coast of Italy during the World War, fig-
ures in more sensational action that is usually his
lot on the screen. Between Austrian mine layers
and air raids, the submarine in the story has a
hard time of it, and this is the first time that
Montgomery has been planted in such a scene of
constant activity.
He does it well, as the picture comes close to
being one of the outstanding hits of R. M.'s ca-
reer. As the young officer who falls hopelessly in
love with a woman already married, he is pre-
cipitated into a series of occurrences in which he
disobeys the orders of his submarine commander
in an effort to save his friend adrift at sea and
target for the guns of a squadron of airplanes,
is dishonorably dismissed from the service after
unwittingly causing the entire crew a narrow
escape from a horrible death at the bottom of
the ocean, and finally vindicates himself before
both his commander and the woman he loves
in a heroic gesture in which he forfeits his life.
Walter Huiston, who recently contributed a
memorable performance as the President in "Ga-
briel Over the White House," has another stir-
ring role as the submarine commander, and the
cast also includes such notable film names as
Madge Evans, Jimmy Durante, Eugene Pallette,
and Robert Young. The picture was directed by
Jack Conway.

it id Cintinents, world) wiich is sentinmnal
d.ecad.ana, Sophiszicated-te lives mn his Wor d
with a grown up playfulness which he brings
wholesale into his plays. He has reached a cynical
ease in his outlook on life which is not devoid of
the more sentimental emotions.
The three months that have elapsed since Play
Production first produced Noel Coward's giddy
farce, "Hay Fever," have done great things for
the people who then made up its cast and who
have now returned as the Michigan Repertory
Players to give Ann Arbor a quite considerably
improved presentation of the play. Back in March
we were more than merely enthusiastic over the
work that Billee Johnson, Frederic Crandall, Jack
Nestle, and Sarah Pierce did in the show-we
were downright excited.
So, by all that is right, adjectives should be
flying thick and fast at this point, for every mem-
ber of the "Hay Fever" cast has increased the
polish, the precision, the vivacity of his per-
formance by a very respectable margin. Not only
have the headliners-Johnson, Crandall, Nestle-
improved substantially, but the lesser lights too
have become more sure of themselves and of
their parts.
As we have written before, "Hay Fever" is about
the Blisses - arty, temperamental, pseudo-Bo-
hemian -about their guests -uncomfortable,
shocked, panic-stricken-and about a week-end-
rainy, nerve-wracking, abruptly ended; the whole
is done in the best comedy manner of the estima-
ble Mr. Coward. For sheer farce, "Hay Fever" is
essentially what "Design for Living" is, without
the sinister implications.
Probably the most significant feature which
this most recent production of the play has
brought to light is the satisfying manner in which
Frances Manchester, Robert Hogg, and Donald
Brackett have developed since early spring. In
general, it is difficult to trace accurately the prog-
ress of a young actor unless it is possible to see
him repeat a performance after a period of some
months. For this reeason, "Hay Fever" offered
an excellent opportunity to judge the work that
Play Production has done in the past semester,
and the performance of the Michigan Repertory
cast Friday night showed definitely that that
work has been considerable.
So all in all, prospects for the summer look
bright indeed. With the return as guest director
of Thomas Wood Stevens and the establishment
of an outstanding student and ex-student tech-
nical staff, the season which opened with "Hay
Fever" and which continues with the opening to-
night at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre of Franz
Molnar's "The Play's the Thing" promises to be
one of unusual interest and activity. -K. S.


Forty Years Ago
And Now.

FORTY years ago, when the first
Summer Session of the University
f Michigan was established, only 91 students
were enrolled and less than 50 courses were of-
ered in the curriculum. Last year approximately
,000 students were enrolled during the summer
erm and more than 600 courses were available.
In keeping with this remarkable growth and
vith the pioneering reputation that it has ac-
iuired in the field of education, this year's Sum-
ner Session offers to its students not only a wide
rariety of courses but a program of what, for a
>etter word, we will call educational-entertain-
nent, that cannot be matched by any other uni-
rersity in the country.
Teachers have long agreed that the knowledge
gained in the classroom, while extremely im-
portant, should be supplemented by knowledge
gained through more pleasant mediums if that
knowledge is to be retained. It is only through
his dual system of education that one can obtain
a well-rounded background.
The extra-curricular program of the Summer
Session includes a number of lectures given by
noted authorities on subjects which range from
'Diet and Nutrition as They Relate to the Decay
>f the Teeth" to "Observing Total Eclipses;" from
'The Trend of Collegiate Athletics" to "Some
?roblems of Real Estate Bonds." Productions are
being presented by the Michigan Repertory Play-
rs which include Noel Coward's mad modern
farce, "Hay Fever," and the Classical "Hyppoly-
us" by Euripides. Other forms of entertainment
ire offered in the form of concerts, excursions to
nearby places of interest, and athletic recreation
or which the entire equipment of the University
ias been made available.
We welcome the students of the Summer Ses-
ion to Ann Arbor and to the University. We hope
hat you will enjoy your stay here and that you
will take advantage of the educational-entertain-
nent that is yours.

(Playing Sunday through Tuesday)
Blonde Evalyn Knapp and suave Walter Byron
are the harassed lovers in "Slightly Married."
Evalyn is seen as Mary Smith, a girl whose des-
perate poverty makes her easy prey for a vice
spy and results in her being brought into night
court. Here, Jimmy Martin, adventurous young
scion of a wealthy family happens to be among
the spectators, and, on impulse, marries the girl
to get her out of the jam. .
Complications set in when they realize they
love each other. His haughty mother, his snooty,
blue-blooded fiancee and his "friend" succeed in
their efforts to convince him that Mary is a
mercenary little "tart" and has been making a
fool of him. Jimmy gets terribly drunk, makes
his way to Mary's flat and overpowers her.
A quick Paris divorce follows. Then Jimmy
learns the stories were a tissue of lies, but the
grievously wronged Mary refuses to see him,
until the event of Jimmy, Jr., patches things up
and the couple are remarried.
Marie Prevost shines as Evalyn's wise-cracking
girl friend. Others in the cast are Jason Robards,
Robert Ellis, Clarissa Selwynne, Phillips Smalley,
Herbert Evans, and Lloyd Ingraham. The pic-
ture was directed by Richard Thorpe.


(Playing Saturday through Tuesday)
One of the most interesting features of this
picture which presents many radio and screen
stars, .is that it is also the vehicle for Peggy
Hopkins Joyce's screen debut. All of which pro-
vides, apropos of nothing at all, an opportunity
to review the past of this much-married woman.
Peggy ran away from home to marry Everett
Archer. Since she was under age, the marriage
was annulled three days later. She later met
and married Frederick Hopkins but finally left
him too, after a year. Following a successful
career on the New York stage she married Stan-
ley Joyce, multi-millionaire lumberman who
showered extravagant gifts upon her, a mansion,
a villa in Europe, and a marble swimming pool.
She eventually obtained a divorce and married
Count Morner of Sweden, divorcing him six
months later.
Despite all this background which Miss Joyce
provides, "International House" is nevertheless
an unusual and entertaining movie. It contains
a few good songs, and features an unusually
large number of excellent entertainers. The scen-
ario was from a story written by Lou Heifetz and
Neil Brant and the picture was directed by Ed-
ward Sutherland.

Campues Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
regarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legibly
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribors
must be as brief as possible, egnfining themselves to
not more than 400 words. The Editors
To the Editor:
It seems to me that after a university has been
in existence for over a hundred years, it is almost
time that it decide whether it wants an "honor
system" or a "police system" in examinations.
But evidently even a hundred and sixteen years
is not a long enough time for the University to
decide upon and to enforce its system.
The cheating that went on in a certain Literary
College course during the June finals was so
disgustingly evident that even Michigan's worst
cribber would think that it was overdone.
Now I do not believe that the honest students
in this course care a damn whether or not anyone
else cribs, but the thing that gripes them is that
the cribbers raise the class average sky high,
thus robbing the honest students of a fair grade.
Whose fault is it that some students cheat?
Just picture this and smile. Most of the students
are sitting beside each other-not in alternate
seats-in a long, long roomin Angell Hall. The
instructor (good scout that he is) sits up at the
front of the room reading a newspaper, during
the entire three hours! So you see it isn't at all
difficult for notebooks, texts, prepared cribs and
what-not to be spread all over the laps of those
sitting in the rear of the room. But, for that
matter, I wouldn't say that the cheating was con-
fined to only those in the rear!
Does the instructor know this is going on?
Well, does a blind man have to see the sidewalk
under his feet in order to know it's there? You
bet the instructor knows it's going on-this course
has the reputation of being a "cheater's paradise,'
but what does he care?
I understand that there was some agitation for
an honor system last fall but it fell through, be-
cause, if I'm not mistaken "the students were
not ready for it." Well, what are they ready for
-a "cribber's paradise?"
-Sumner E. Shikes, '34.
Edlitorial Comment




W ITH the death of Dean John R.
Effinger, on June 7, the University
an excellent administrator and a valuable
id. Graduating from the University in the
s of 1891, he continued to serve the insti-
n faithfully for 41 years. Rising rapidly'
i an instructorship to an executive position
ie head of the largest unit of the University,
ecame well known and liked by thousands
tudents who passed through the Literary
resolution, adopted by the faculty of the
ge which he administered, fittingly sums up
noble characteristics and valuable abilities
h he possessed.
.e resolution, in part, follows:
n Wednesday, June 7, the University of
.igan suffered a heavy loss in the death of
. R. Effinger, Professor of French and Dean
e College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
sudden and stunning blow which removed
beloved friend and colleague from our midst
terminated an honorable and distinguished
r of 45 years as student, teacher, and execu-
Few men have served the University longer;
more devotedly. His loyalty to the Univer-
vas jealous and passionate; his every thought
wish directed to its advancement. His pro-
d interest in educational progress and the
>vement of teaching; his wholehearted fur-
,nce of the scholarly aims of his associates
:ordial support of their undertakings in re-
Lh; his unstinted and highly efficient efforts

The Theatre
Surely any season which would bring us a com-
edy by Molnar must be termed particularly lively.
So it is with the delight of great anticipations'
that we look forward to this play of the Michigan
Repertory Players' season which opens tonight at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
..Not that it is a Molnar play alone, but that it
is a play about Molnar makes us unusually eager.
For it is said that the piece was written shortly
after the occasion of the playwright's only ex-
cursion into the field of actual production. His
leading man refused to learn the lines as they
were written, his prima donna filled his cup to
over-flowing with displays of temperament-so
Molnar tossed up the diplomatic job as director,
paid off the choruses, stage-help and hangers-on,
and went off for an unmitigated rest-cure some-
where in the south Mediterranean. The result
was a glittering comedy at the expense of chief
actors, leading ladies, composers, property-men,
playwrights, collaborators, and family men. The
playwright, who surprisingly looks like Molnar
himself was the chief character and the deus-ex-

Because we are living in a transitional age
when different factions are relaxing momentarily
before uniting in the face of many difficult prob-
lems which mean either the destruction of civili-
zation, or its emergence to greater heights, educa-
tion assumes a significance it has never had be-
fore. Duing the years previous to this era, educa-
tion was directed toward the perfection of pro-
fessional studies, cultural training, and voca-
tional achievement. Little has been done until
recently in the matter of educating the mass of
students to the world problems existing today.

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