THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1933 1E MICHIGAN DAILY icial Publication of the Summer Session ;W. Y' 11 at home in conditions abroad and lead to a wider study of foreign literature, history, and language. In one respect do European countries surpass the United States. This is one of the few occidental nations where the study of modern foreign lan- guages is not compulsory for all public school pupils. Since prejudices and beliefs in adults are much harder to break down than those in children, probably the most feasible plan for arousing in- terest and understanding among peoples would be one which would apply to the young. If exchange classes could be sent between schools in the United States and those in European countries; if chil- dren's festivals and celebrations could be con- ducted on an international scale; if, in short, children of the various nations could repeatedly and frequently be brought into close and friendly, enjoyable contact with each other, the future of pacifism in the would would be considerably brighter than it is today. This is the concluding article of a series of three' treating on disarmament prob- lems. The Editor. trienne, is the leading lady and other principal parts are played by Wally Wales, Duke Lee, Buf- falo Bill, Jr., Lafe McKee, Blackie Whiteford, and Edmund Cobb. In the past, both Wally Wales and Buffalo Bill, Jr., have played in starring roles for Pathe and became popular in Western films. Here, for per- haps the first time, they play together in a sim- ilar picture. "Deadwood Pass" is a mystery story which was directed by J. P. McGowan, and it supplies the action and suspense usually found in that type of production. Added attractions include the second in the series of films starring Harry Carey and Noah Beery, "Devil Horse;" and a Mickey Mouse cartoon and separate comedy. ILU'GFT W RTCIAD 1160 9OflAfd flIJ N IfANNM R~rLC(C Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled- to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited toit or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone : 4925 MANAGING EDITOR............FRANK B. GILBRETH ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR......KARL SEIFFERT ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ...............B'YRON C. VEDDER ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER... HARRY R. BEGLEY CIRCULATION MANAGER...........ROBERT L. PIERCE FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1933 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. * y AirSkppers TFing Off In Final CenY"tests The London Parley Will Continue . . M ANY have criticized the action of President Roosevelt in refusing to allow a discussion of monetary problems at the London trade parley. Most of those who were seriously "put out" by his action are across the seas of course and their protests have reached the United States as an undercurrent of grumnbling which is easy tounderstand. But there are those in this country who feel that for once the chief executive has gone a bit too far. On the other hand, those who uphold his de- cisiveness in "standing pat" when the time arrived to do so, feel that his step in this instance was a brilliant one primarily because it came as an ab- ject refusal to sacrifice the American dollar in favor of the French franc. This is true, and yet, underneath, we see a far-reaching effect of the President's action which supersedes even this re- sult. And that effect is the attitude which has been created in the minds of foreign diplomats toward this nation and the man who is now serving as its leader. By this one statement of President Roosevelt's it has become plain that we will no longer dawdle when international relationships are at stake. In the past Uncle Sam has attended all conferences seeking toward international good- will apparently blindfolded, and has returned from them practically scalped. But this time there can be no question as to the outcome. Roosevelt has virtually stated, "If you chaps care to play ball, here we are; if not, then goodbye!" The first actual results of his ultimatum are now coming home to the American leader. The London parley will be continued, recent reports state, and all talk of monetary matters will be set aside. , If the French or any other people care to stab- ilize their currency it is not to be done at the expense of the United States. This much has been made plain. And President Roosevelt and the American people will not be made fools. That also has been made equally plain-and we believe it to be the most fortunate result of the President's forcefulness in directing the American representa- tives at the London conference. The Theatre "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" By DAVID MOTT The history of the American theatre shows no parallel to the popularity of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," a revival of which is scheduled for the fourth pro- duction of the Michigan Repertory Players' sum- mer season. In its day it has been performed be- fore more people and has made more money than any other play written in modern times. Yet Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote the story that helped to light the fires of the Civil War and from which the play was bodily taken, never re- ceived a penny of royalty! There were no copy- right laws then, no protection for the author of a novel from a playwright's assault. From the days of Shakespeare until recent times plagiarism was an accepted practice. Charles Dicken's stories were seized upon by theatre managers, turned into plays by ready dramatists and presented publicly before the stories' endings were printed in their original serial form. The dramatization of Mrs. Stowe's book was made by George L. Aiken and was evidently begun immediately on the book's publication, or even be- fore, while the tale was running serially in The National Era. Both the book and the play ap- peared in 1852 and bore the title of "Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly." Since that time many other dramatizations of the great Abolitionist novel have been made, but none have been so successful as the one made by Aiken. On a later occasion Mrs. Stowe made a dramatization of the novel herself, but it con- tained so few elements of the theatre that it was never presented. Never having been drawn to the theatre, she did not think of dramatization until Aiken's play appeared. When the play was produced she was profoundly surprised. She seems, however, never to have resented the dramatization or its success. On the first occasion of her witnessing a perform- ance of the play, she was somewhat confused by it, and asked her friend Charles Dudley Warner, who sat in the box with her, to explain the plot of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to her. George L. Aiken poured the substance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's work into the conventional molds of mid-Victorian drama. Though the forms of that drama are crude by present day standards, Aiken's play has persisted. Each producer and "Uncle Tom" manager has made his own version of it. It has been tricked out with dramatic effects, melodrama, scenic novelties, animals, and comic episodes, but it marches on. The success of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is attrib- uted to the sincerity with which the author wrote the book. It was a simple emotional protest against slavery. Though heavily burdened with household cares, the mother of six children, she found time to write on a problem which troubled her deeply. The legend goes that she wrote the first chapters on brown wrapping paper which she had pinned in the back of her cook-book. And we are told that she found her husband "dissolved in tears" when he had found the manuscript, which convinced her of its true worth. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very ood; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. . AT THE MICHIGAN "LILLY TURNER" RUTH CHATTERTON A ROTTEN DEAL In the first picture filmed since their marriage, Ruth Chatterton and George Brent appear to- gether in "Lilly Turner," the screen version of the stage success of the same name. It is an interest- ing movie possessing unusual sequences and a few good shots, but it is far below the standard which Miss Chatterton set for herself in the ultra-smart, sophisticated type of role with which she is us- ually associated. The play is typical of the sort about which it is hard to make up one's mind. The cast is good, including, in addition to Miss Chatterton and George Brent, Guy Kibbee, Frank McHugh, and Marjorie Gateson. It evidences fine direction, and good filming so it seems that the lacking qualifi- cation must be the play itself and perhaps the fact that Miss Chatterton never should have been cast in the title role of such a picture. There is something so terribly incongruous about this excellent actress playing the part of a "cooch" dancer that the mind is automatically turned away from what few good qualities the show might possess. And yet it is impossible to forget that it is Miss Chatterton playing the part, and she does know how to act, even in such a far-fetched character role. Then too, the picture is a bit overdone. Instead SCREEN LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD-R)-"I didn't think they'd ever do it." That was movieland's reaction when it heard that Mary Pickford planned to separate from her traveling man husband, Douglas Fairbanks. Hollywood thought it was impossible. The town has become accustomed to hearing rumors of rifts at Pickfair-the Fairbanks million dollar mansion-but it felt somehow that the movies' "first couple" would, after 13 married years, continue to live together anyway because the world expected it. Popular Couple No man and wife in the movies ever attained the international popularity enjoyed for so many years by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks. Their, professional popularity was due in a great meas- ure to the fact they were looked upon as the ideal pair, the happiest prominent couple in a city where separations and divorces are almost every- day occurrences. Seemingly, too, their great romance had the ef- fect of increasing their popularity, for it kept their names before the public almost constantly. There always was a fanfare when Doug, in some far off place, would announce he had to be with Mary by Christmas eve. And then he'd travel on the fastest boats and planes to do it. Often, too, Mary would stop whatever she was doing to rush to Europe to meet Doug. This con- tinued even after the rumor of their divorce popped up often enough to be labeled by Doug as "the annual report." Mary Holds Her Public The hold of "America's Sweetheart" on her public was so great that it is doubtful if even the knowledge of her leaving the Roman Catholic church after her divorce from Owen Moore and marriage to Fairbanks caused any appreciable drop in her popularity. And, incidentally, no other cinema actress ever has managed to hold her public so long as has "America's Sweetheart" which is further proof that the world looked upon Mary and her private life as something quite unique. How Mary's admission of the breach between her and her husband will affect that all-impor- tant following that has made her a world figure is a matter of conjecture even to her, as well as to movietown in general. It will make no dif- ference to those who pay to see Mary Pickford, the actress. But how about those who pay to see Mary Pickford because she is Mary Pickford and all that the name represents? That is the question Hollywood asks. Excursion No. 5-Ford Plant, River Rouge, Wednesday afternoon, July 12. ( Repetition of Excursion No. 3). This second Ford Plant Excursion is: arranged for those students who were unable to go on the trip July 5. The nominal bus fare of $1.00 is the only expense for the trip. The party meets in front of Angell Hall at 12:45 Wednesday afternoon and arrives in Ann Arbor at 5:30 p. m. Reservations must be made before 5:00 Tuesday, July 11, in Room 9, University Hall. University Bureau of Appointments' and Occupational Information: All summer school students who wish to register for positions, business or professional, will please call at the office of the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, for registration forms. This is the last day of registration for the sum- mer. Prof. C. L. Meader will lecture to- day at 5 p. m. in Natural Science Auditorium on "Tolstoy's Teachings." This lecture which is sponsored by the Tolstoy League is open to the public. Graduate Students Applying for Teachers Certificates: Will all stu- dents enrolled in the Graduate School who are planning to receive Teachers' Certificates at the close of the Summer Session please report at the Recorder's Office of the School of Education at their early conveni- ence. Chincse Student Club: There will be a meeting at 7:30 p. m. at Lane Hall, Saturday, July 8. Welcome to new members. Social hour and re- freshments. The meeting will be conducted in English. University High School Demonstra- tion Assembly: The first demonstra- tion assembly of the University High School Summer Session will be given at nine o'clock this morning in the high school auditorium. The pro- gram will be under the direction of the English department and will demonstrate the use of the library by high school pupils. All Summer Session students who are interested are welcome to attend the assembly. sented Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday nights at 8:30. Please note that there will be no Friday night performance on account of the Uni- versity reception. Michigan son Tickets: those people cure season week of the sale .will be at a special son ticket priced at $3.50 are now on sale at $3.00. These season tickets will en- title the holder to reserved seats inl the 75 cent seat section. for each of1 the remaining seven plays. No fur- ther opportunity to secure season tickets will be extended after this1 week.1 There will be a tea at the Michigan League today from 4 to 5:30 o'clockI for all Public Health Nurses enrolled in the Summer Session. All Campus Golf: All students in- terested in participating in an all campus golf tournament should turn in qualifying score at the Club House, University Golf Course by July 10. Entries for intramural sports in handball, tennis, squash, horseshoes, and swimming should be made at the Intramural Sports Building by July 10. Sales Tax May School Finance LANSING, July 6.-(P)-A belief that the new sales tax will bring sub- stantial relief to Michigan's schools was expressed today by Dr. Paul F. Voelker, superintendent of public in- struction. Contrary to previous estimates, Dr. Voelker said he has been advised schools may expect $1,000,000 to $2,- 000,000 from the sales levy. The new law provides that they be given the excess revenue after operating and welfare costs have been met, together with $700,000 for the University of Michigan and Michigan State Col- lege. Gov. Comstock estimates the revenue will not yield any excess above these requirements. Dr. Voelker said he has been ad- vised the primary school fund will yield at least $12,000,000 which he said would exceed his original expec- tations. LOS Anzh .i1 continued this week only reduced price. The sea- coupon books formerly Meet Fighit Repertory Players Sea- V In order to accomodate who were unable to se- LOS ANGELES, July 6.-U?)- tickets during the first Skippers of the winged motors which summer play season, the have been roaring over the inunici- pal airport for five days will make their last attempts today to anni- hilate time in postponed events of the national air races. A ruling of the contest committee, holding that Col. Roscoe Turner technically violated the rules in the 100-mile closed course race Tuesday, gave to the New Orleans pilot, Jim- mie Wedell, victory in the event and top prize money. Wedell, plane designer, had earn- ings of $7,875 for the series of races which started last Saturday with the cross country dash from New York in which Turner set a new East-West record of 11 hours, 30 minutes. Roy Minor, of Hollywood, was second with $0,075 and Turner third with $6,175. By victory in the closed course race Wedell added first place money of $3,375 to the $4,500 he already had. He was a close second, about three miles an hour slower, to Tur- ner in speed, averaging 237 miles an hour for the distance. Today's events included speed dashes for women in which Mrs. Martie Bowman, Los Angeles; Mae Haizlip, St. Louis, and Gladys O'Donnell, Long Beach, Calif., will attempt to better the 793 mile an hour set for this meet by Mrs. Bow- man. Mrs. Haizlip is co-holder of the women's speed record of 252 miles. Amelia Earhart, transatlantic flier, late Wednesday night postponed an attempt to set a new transcontinent- al speed record for her sex as her final salute to the 1933 races. Thund- erstorms near Flagstaff, Ariz., led her to put off her try until around mid- night tonight. She proposes to stop en route only at Wichita, Kan. YP RITE - - PORTABLE Now, Seoond- 1,Rebilt Smitb-Corona, Noatseless, Unaerwood, Boyal, amington. So1&.Rnte... 314 S. State St., Ann Arbor, V, Michigan Repertory Players: There will be no performance of "The Ro- mantic Young Lady" tonight. There are still a few seats left for the final performance tomorrow night.. Disarmament, _00 0 Her Career Worries Her Miss Pickford is concerned, and very deeply, about what the world will think of her. She still has her career-which she insists she never can give up-the success of which is wholly dependent on the desire of people to see her on the screen. Fairbanks, who is fifty (approximauely ten years older than Mary) would rather retire than any- thing else. His friends say he is as little concerned about his movie future as his wife is greatly con- cerned about hers. Domestic trouble is no new occurrence in the Pickford-Fairbanks ranks. Both, of course, have had divorces. Lottie Pickford, Mary's sister, has had three divorces and four marriages. Jack, who died early this year, was married three times. A few weeks ago, young Doug, son of Fairbanks and his first wife (who also has remarried) was divorced by Joan Crawford. Editorial Comment OF DEMOCRACY PRESERVATION Preservation of our democracy depends upon preservation of our public schools," Roy E. Mor- gan, editor of the Journal of the National Educa- tion association, told members of that body the other day in a meeting preliminary to the conven- tion which will be held this week in Chicago. Especially did the educator decry the lack of employment for the thousands of young men and women graduated this year from colleges and high schools and the "cutting off of financial support for the schools." Morgan laid the depression at the door of the men of big business and declared that "even the most ethical of businessmen are of essentially un- democratic character." It was their greed, he said, for large profits possibly by highly mechanized industry that caused unemployment, which, in turn, brought depression. Whether or not Mr. Morgan's radical jabs at the capitalists are true, the fact remains that education has had to "take it on the chin" repeat- edly during the period of the depression. It is no wonder that he fears for our educational system when teachers have gone payless for months, bud- gets have been slashed almost beyond reason, and persons who have gone at great expense and work to secure a good education have been left high and dry without jobs after graduation. Democracy will certainly fade and die in Amer- ica should, these conditions be allowed to prevail in a land where too many millionaires live among plenty whilst protesting that they're too poor to pay an income tax! We hope that this week's sessions of the N.E.A. 1 TIHE PLEA for mental disarmament by education has always been eted by only partially suppressed derisive .ghter in some quarters. It has been looked upon platitudinous and visionary, as having a fine- nding title without any real and applicable aaning. But it has a meaning, and it can be >lied. It requires only a quite superficial an- sis of human relationships to demonstrate ich pursuits lead to peace and happiness and ich result in strife and ill-will. In general, human endeavors which depend on close co- ration between individuals are prone to bring ser understanding between them, and conse- ntly to tend toward amicable relationships. ompetitive athletics which require that a num- of individuals work for the common good are ong the most powerful factors in training ith to a spirit of co-operation. It is not at all >ossible that the fact the Americans practice. .letics so much more generally than do the zens of other countries is responsible for the re even tenor of the American social temper. n pursuance of this theory, it would seem well th the attempt to enlarge the extent to which letics have been carried on on an international is. In addition to the purely "fair play" rela- iship which such a program might well be ex- ted to bring about, the frequent visits of for- I.