up) Hldsial ul) old "CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY et tOnr Fabiyas TYPING Seven Cents a Page PHONE 2-1636 Leave Name and Address Quick Service 15 LOST LOST-Chi Omega Pin. Phone 2-1898. 16 LOST-Last Thursday, green and black Schaeffer fountain pen. Re- ward. Call 7225. 21 LAUNDRY BICYCLES WANTED FOUR-Musicians to play for their board at M Hut. Piano player, 2 saxophones, drums. 20 WOMAN-Student wants to share expense of trip to Gary, Ind., week ends. Can help drive. Address Box 78, Michigan Daily. 17 LAUNDRY - Soft water.; Towels free; socks darned. 2-1044. RENT A BIFE-Rfssell Reed. Ray- ment Radio. Next, to Witham's, South University. Phone 2-1335. 20c NOTICE SHAMPOO-And finger wave. 25c Tuesdays.AExpert scalp treatment. Raggecy Ann Shop 19c FOR RENT FOR RENT-Double room for rent single, first floor $2.00. Call Health Service, Mrs. Groves between 9 and 12 and 2 and 4. 19 ONE BLOCK-From campus. Pleas- ant rooms. Low rent. 513 E. Wil- liam St. Phone 3330. 18 I 13c WASHING-And ironing wanted. Guaranteed satisfactory. Call for and deliver. 611 Hoover. Phone 2-3478. 17c HOME COOKING-For Jewish boys. 611 Hoover St. Phone 2-3478. 18c i I -- I', 'STUDENT AND FAMILY LAUNDRY --Good soft water; will call for, and deliver. Telephone 4863 12c Main Library Displays Antique Book Bindings Samples of book binding illustrat- ing the history of binderies from the sixteenth century to the present are being displayed this week in the lobby of the general library. The exhibition includes among, others work by Brunn, Riviere, Cape, Tout, Launder, Zaehnsdorf, anId Ramage. There are several books from the Club Bindery at New York, an inlaid binding done by the Hamp- stead Bindery, England, a volume in Morocco with silk lining papers by Brunn, a .binding of antique Moroccor by Zaehnsdorf, and copies from Thomas Berthelet, Samuel Mearne, and Le Gascon. A volume by Aldus, made in Venice in 1528, and several Persian bind- ings made up the display of sixteenth century books. A book with the I$- lamic star and crescent is exhibited to show the effect of European leather work on the Turkish binding. DANCE Jack Nelson's Band Free adm. Park plan ,A_ or 50c couple BEAC H Via Saline, Clinton, P R andBrooklyn, to - " "Clark's Lake &>o<>o<=o<-o<-><=-><=n I. 1i . -; t4 . \ . 'I 11 For Cooling Summer Comfort 0 Talk about a life-saver for this summer heat! You'll thrill with these new tailored summer cot- ton stripes. They're ideal . . . live in them . play in them - you'll always look fresh and cool. Seersuckers Piques Ginghams Whipcords I East-Liberty at Maynard IL 11 ,. NOW ON HAND - A New Supply of the TEX BOOK WHICH WERE OUT-OF-STOCK, LAST WEEK I r _________t WAHR S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE I 316 State Street Goodyear's College Shop ;I Semi-Annual CLEARANCE of SHOES. The mid-season clearance of smart footwear is now - Hundreds of pairs of College Shop st shoes at worthwhile savings - pumps, strap sty and ties in black, browns and beige tones -fa wear for travel wear as well as for early fall. All Heel heights Styles and Leathers Appropriate for F Black, Brown and Beige ; '_ ./...:'':r : . ,,, ,/' /. >.. 1 , - > , : ; .. ""'V" *.,.-.,,may s InU $ 85 $ 85 Formerly $3.95 to $6.95 This includes our remaining stock of white shoes. GOODYEAR'S I 14 l J' r ' 1 1 Il