THE MICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY of the Su'mnmer Session W7 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. tnMember of the Western Conference Eitorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or ~ot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Ofce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General._ ,Subscription during summer byrcarrier, $1.00; by mail. $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. epresenntatives: College Publications Represe4tatives, Inc9., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, Newv York~ City; 8C Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue- Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIALSTAFF Phonie: 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.......... ....RANK B. GILBRETH AS$SSTANT MANAGINGEDITOR......KARL SEIFFERT ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place., BUSINESS STAFF Office .Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER .............BYRON C. VEDDER ASISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY CIRCULA'ION MANAGER...........ROBERT L. PIERCE THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933 Must We Still Have An Automob~ile Ba4 P ERIODICALLY throughout the past six years, articles have ap- ared in The Daily criticizing the officials of the iiiversity for allowing the continuance of the Lu upon "motor driven vehicles." 'or nonths at a time perhaps, nothing has been id regarding the matter and it has appeared as acceptance of the ban as a necessary eyil was z accomplished thing. Not so, however, for the istence of the prohibitionary measure has al- ays been a thorn in the flesh of the student dy. And once again The Daily comes forth to mn its readers that, though unmentioned for se past few months, the matter his not been lowed to drop. On the contrary, it is now, more ian ever before, a very live issue. Whatever the arguments in favor of the restric- ons upon the use of automobiles during the gular academic year, certainly there are none hich would stand as an excuse for its continu- nce during the Summer Session. proponents of e ban claimed, at the time it was put into force, iat students had pMgven themselves incapable, proper possession of cars. But can such a thing said when students are allowed to drive at cer- in hours and not allowed to drive at other times, in certain company? It is true that the rules are relaxed somewhat wring the summer months, to allow the use of rs for certain "recreational" purposes, yet the n does exist and permits must be obtained. And rther rulings prevent the use of cars by men id. women students together after certain hours the evening. "Mixed couples driving after 9 in. will be violating, the ban," summer regula- )ns state. Summer Session students who have been en- ged in "professional" pursuits during the year imediate preceding are exempted from the rul- g. It is apparently assumed then, by those charge of the ban's enforcement, that maturity the one -quality lacking in the students from lom the use of cars is withheld, otherwise why, e leniency toward the older students who at-, nd the Summer Session? If this is true, is it to be gathered from the les that a person not yet 28 years of age is, mmature and that one having passed that point mature? And, if so, why do not the state auto- )bile regulations prevent persons under 28 from ving, instead of setting the limit at a much ver figure? Finally, if arguments in favor of the ban were ;ical, and if they did arise from reasoning which' uld make for a better educational institution the end, where do they stand at a time like this en every effort must be made to economize on University expenditures? Exact figures upon cost of enforcing this measure are not read- obtainable. The sum represented however tst be worthy of consideration at a time when ry penny counts and every employee of the iversity must answer, not only as to his useful- s to the institution, but also as to his indis- isibility.hThis, above all times in the past," Fuld be the moment when the autom'obile ban Auld either pass the test or forever be thrown de as a luxurious measure which no one wants I which has no place in an institution which ,ches young men and women how to properly bers and townspeople of Ann Arbor serve as an estimation of his character. Ie will be missed, by the University and by the City-and a's much by those many students who have valued his friend- ship through contacts made at the institution to which be gave his life blood-the Union. The Disarmament Myth... F RANCE'S recent default on war debt payments due the United states is an outstanding example of the futility of international agreements under the present code of world morality. The failure of France to keep its promise to this country has proved that na- tions will observe their obligations only in such cases where it is directly advantageous. This case, it may be pointed out, is one which involves financial matters exclusively. An example of a very different sort is the line of action fol-. lowed by Japan in reference to the Manchuirian dispute of 1932-33. Here all the League of Na- tions agreements were thrown to the winds with one gesture of defiance. Japan cared nothing for its international agreements. The other nations of the world, not being desirous of war, could do nothing. Very few individuals really want war. As with people, so with nations. Every effort will always be imade by the majority of the powers to avoid international strain. To a great extent, a country wouad rather remain silently aloof than take ag- gressive action ii an attempt to right a financial I tvrg. 'The es8enae Of the matter is that interna- tip al ag eer&6its are unenforceable. If one na- iaon breaks faith, the wronged country has three courses of action. It may declare war, it may insti- tfte econoimic rheasures of retaliation, or it may suffer in silence. War, being the greatest of all national cal2tmities, is never really desirable, ex- cept to the leaders of an out and out imperialistic government. Economic boycott measures, being of the nattire of an unfriendly and retaliatory course of action, lead to strained relations and to pos- sible war; they are also hazardous. The only thing left for a nation which has been wronged and which seriously wishes to avoid disaster is to say nothing and permit the aggressor to enjoy his ill- gotten gains. That is exactly what is the matter with disarm- ament treaties. They, by their very nature, are unenforceable. It would be paradoxical indeed to attempt to enforce a pacifistic agreement by mil- itary measures; it would be equally futile to bind parties to the agreement with a threat of eco- nomic war. The need of enforcement is clear. The temptation to take advantage of the unpre- paredness of other nations will always prove too much for some. They will arm, and they can- not be stopped, for the League of Nations and the World Court notwithstanding there is no higher power to judge the countries of the world. They cannot be stopped, that is, while the world takes its present attitude toward social morality. They cannot be stopped while nations treat each other with the suspicion and brutality that pre- vailed among individuals in prehistoric ages. But they can be stopped if in the mind of every citizen of every country is the deep-seated conviction that international justice is sacred, that it is a thing to be cherished above all other things. And that can only be accomplished through education of the youth of the world. If only for the sake of the example that events necessarily have upon those of impressionable years, diplomatists who sponsor disreputable international deals of a sort that have been far too prevalent since the World War must realize how badly they are building for the future. They should see, if they are sincerely striving for the good of their own nations, that only confusion and strife can be fostered by a generation which grew up in an atmosphere of in- ternational distrust and hatred. This is the second of three editorials on disarmament. 'The next will appear tomorrow. -The Editor. The Theatre SIERRA MUST HAVE HAD P4ARTIHA ELLEN SCOTT IN MIND G.0Martinez-Sierra, author of "The Romantic Young Lady," had in mind a very, very highly ro- mantic and sentimental young person indeed. She' thrilled to popular novels, she longed to Live, she chafed at her misfortune of being a woman. And last night when the Michigan Repertory Players presented their opening of the Sierra comedy at rLydia Mendelssohn Theatre Martha Ellen Scott played the lead. She was the romantic young lady. By that we mean that, to all intents and purposes, she had become Rosario. She thrilled to popular novels, she longed to Live, she chafed at her misfor- tune of being a woman. She was, in short, the part. Few student actresses can dare to be sweet. Probably all would like to be, but, fortunately, some know better. Martha Ellen Scott, as Rosario, was nothing short of delicious. She dared to be sweet, and fortunately sweetness becomes her re-' markably. There is very little of the Janet Gaynor about Miss Scott. Her work involves the ability to know when to turn off the starry eyes and to re- frain from the sunny little smile-two articles of equipment, incidentally, which the screen-famous Miss Gaynor works to the cloying point. Opposite Miss Scott was Jay Pozz, as the dash- ing young novelist. And Mr. Pozz, wisely enough, was discreetly not too dashing to contrast satis-' factorily with the feminine lead. To carry on the parallel, Mr. Pozz was what Charles Farrell could be if he weren't so devilishly dashing and hand- some--and boyish. As we have already remarked with reference to the Play Production presentation of "Journey's End" last spring, Mr. Pozz is very clever in avoiding sickening boyishness in playing his parts. His charm is somehow gratifyingly seasoned. The rest of the cast is relatively of trivial im- portance. Dorothy Crane, as the wise, understand- ing old grandfather, might also have been pretty ing Maria Pepa, the old servant, was satisfactory, but hardly convincingly made up for the part. Second among the several character parts in the cast was doubtless Arthur Secord with little more than a bit as Guillermo, the author's serv- ant. His shamble and his blankly approving look smacked of realism. -K. S. Screen Reflections Pour stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "LILLY TURNER" (Playing Thursday through Saturday) In a part far different fromi her usual role, Ruth Chatterton plays the soiled, bedraggled queen of the carnivals and sideshops ii "Lilly Turner" which opens at the Michigan theatre today. As the "cooch" dancer and come-on girl for a carnival, Miss Chatterton has in this picture more clandestine love affairs th'an most acfresses por- tray in a lifetime. She flits from one love to an- other with an abandon inlspired by the mistreat- ment she received at the hands of her first lover. As usually happens in such a story, it is not ttil she finds the "real" love that the ilianly sweet- hearts of her past come to the front to haunt her. The picture, based on the stage play by Phillip Dunning and George Abbott, reveals the life be- hind the scenes of the players in the tawdry ied- icine tent shows and the more glanorous car- nivals. Gone is the Miss Chatterton of the society drawing room; in her stead is the cheap ddncer of the cheaper shows. Miss Chatterton is supported in this film by George Brent, Frank McHugh and Guy Kibbee. The picture was directed by William Wellman. A W ashington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON - If there was doubt in any- body's mind about the political significance at- tached by Democratic chieftains to the original Senate vote on the Steiwer-Cutting amendment on veterans' cuts Senator Arthur Robinson's out- line of his re-election campaign plans out in In- dianapolis would seem to set it at rest. He is a Republican lone-wolf in an otherwise Democratic state delegation to Congress. He started his re-election campaign as soon as the special session of Congress convened. He selected the veterans' cut issue 'right then as the probable best bet for the 1933 campaigning. That was precisely the situation pictured to House Democrats in the party conference which paved the way for ultimate White House victory over a Senate revolt on the veterans' reduction issue. Had there been any Republican break-away in the Senate on the vote which adopted the Steiwer-Cutting amendment, Democratic leader- ship would have had a far more difficult task in whipping House followers into line to resist the Senate drive and save &gident Roosevelt from resort to a veto. Appeal to Loyalty The Democrats were advised that the Senate vote marked a definite Republican decision to go to the bat on the question of veterans' cuts next year in virtually every Senatorial and House dis- trict. Democratic party loyalty would be judged, they were warned, on how they lined up in the clash between the Senate and the White House. And the fact that Postmaster General Farley personally checked up on how Senate Democrats voted in the final showdown, with seven of them changing front to give the administration its ul- timate victory, is not to be forgotten. It is insisted by Democrats "in the know" that Farley made no patronage or other promises whatever. Yet the fact that he was on the job that night probably had a compelling influence on more than one Democrat who dreaded the effect the vote he was asked to cast might have on his own political fortunes. Other Campaign Weapons Senator Robinson - who constituted himself chief critic of the "new deal' during the special session-adds war debt handling and -the fact that Roosevelt lieutenants like Secretary Woodin and Ambassador-at-Large Davis figured on the Morgan preferred' buyer lists, to his - announced arsenal of campaigning weapons. It is too early to estimate probable 1933 political values in those respects. But President Roosevelt and his political strategy inner circle cannot doubt that the actual administration of powers over vet- erans' compensation is one of the most delicate political tasks ahead of them. Editorial Comment HITLER DECREES By a simple proclamation, Adolf Hitler the other day erased the last great political party that re- mained in opposition to his policies of the New Germany. The Social Democrats, who polled 7,000,000 votes at the last election, were charged with trea- sonable activities and it was decreed that Ger- many shall henceforth be nothing but National Socialist. In addition, all youth .organizations were brought together under the direction of the central commissioner responsible to Hitler himself. So stupendous is the momentum of the Nazi movement in Germany and many other sections of Europe that Hitler will probably succeed. Op- position already has dwindled almost to nothing- ness and probably will fade altogether. But in the end this very lack of opposition is likely to prove the cause of the Nazi downfall. No man and no government is omniscient. A sturdy opposition, ever alert and free to point out DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Niagara Falls Excursion: Will all persons who expect to take the Ni- agara Falls Excursion and who did not make specific room reservations in the Summer Session Office please see me between 9 and 11 or between1 3 and 4 in room 3054 Natural Science Bldg., Thursday? Attention is called to the schedule of rates given on the special mimeographed sheet of in- struction available in the Summer Session Office. If two or more persons wish to oc- cupy the same room as indicated in the schedule of rates, that fact to- gether with names should be handed me at that reservations can be telegraphed ahead to the hotel. This will avoid delay in being assign- ed to rooms when the party arrives. The Special Motor bus will leave from the east entrance of the Natural Science Building at 1 p. m. Friday the 7th. L. M. Gould. Excursion No. 4-Niagara Falls, July 7, 8, and 9-- For Sunmer Ses- .. i Attend Cool I Matinees MICHIGAN Washed She was too much of a woman to lead a One-Man life .. . RUTH cH ATTERT1N with GEORGE BRENT FRANK McHUGH GUY KIBBEE Yes-A - Mickey Mouse Cartoon, too. sion Students, their friends, and citi- zens of Ann Arbor-Cost approxi- mately $15. Round trip bus fare, $8. Tickets must be purchased from the Summer Session's Office. The party meets at Natural Science Building and will leave for Niagara Falls promptly at 1 o'clock Friday after- noon, July 7. Arriving at the Falls Friday evening, the party will have the opportunity to see the spectacu- lar play of vari-colored searchlights upon .both the American and Cana- dian Falls. On Saturday a tour will be made of the Gorge Route in the chartered General Motors Parlor Car Bus in company with Professor Law- rence Gould, geologist, explorer, and famous for his antarctic expedition. The party will leave Niagara Falls Sunday morning for Ann Arbor by way of a different Canadian Route, arriving here early Sunday after- noon. For details not here explained call the Summer Session's office. Wesley H. Maurer English 232: Studies in Elizabeth- MAJESTIC Attend Cool Matinees EDDIE CANTOR Wednesday from 2-4 in Room 3212 A.H. instead of Tuesday and Thurs- day from 2-4 in Room 221 A.H. School of Education Students: All students now in residence having courses recorded as incomplete (I), or absent from Examination (X) must complete th'eir work in these courses by July 26..if, because of extenuating circumstances, a student is unable to complete his work by this time, a request for an extension of time, with the written approval of the instructor, must be presented at the Recorder's Office of the School of Education. In cases where neither a supple- mentary grade nor a petition for an extension of time is received, the courses will be recorded with grades of E. Juniors Concentrating in English: The qualifying examinations in for - (Co,ntinued on Page 4) MATS 15c - - NIGHTS 25c Last Times Today Una:Merkel - Zasu Pitts William Coilier, Jr. "SECRET WITNESS" Added Feature PRIDE OF THE LEGION" Barbara Kent - Sally Biane Rin Tin Tin, Jr. Extra A NOVELTY REEL "SUNNY SPLENDOR" Friday & Saturday TOM TYLER in "DEADWOOD PASS" And Chapter 2 "THE DEVIL HORSE" Harry Carey - Noah Beery Mickey Mouse Comedy "THE KDFROM SPAIN" SATURDAY "THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK"--FREDERICK MARCH ____________.___--= _ Say Lau- Sm e our indry This., -through the now Popular I [JN Li,- I MINIMUM POUNDS Men's Shirts are laundered for 6c with ADDITIONAL POUNDS .................16 cEXTRA EACH SHIRT .......................cEXTRA EACH HANDKERCHIEFe................. le EXTRA This offer makes possible a Saving from 40% to 60% over old prices. This bundle may include all ordinary laundry. Everything is subject to the same care and fine workmanship that has been characteristic of our service. Button replacement and mending done free of charge. Phone 2j3123 THE ,0 al Buckley, d The Union... P AUL BUCKLEY, general manager of the Michigan Union and at or e e assistant secretary of the University, is dead. th his passing the University loses an efficient f valued business administrator. In apprecia- i of his abilities and his usefulness to the in- ution, his duties were enlarged only a short