The Weather
Generally fair Thursday and
Friday; not much change in
sftr igan
Must We Still Have An Auto-
mobile Ban?; Paul Buckley And
The Union.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Democracy n
U. S.Is A Joke
Bates States
Economic Inequality Cited
As Flaw In The Culture
Of This Country
America Is Called
Land Of Opposites
'Colonial Complex' Exist-
ing Here Is Called Harm-
ful To Our Culture
America-a land of contradictions.
We are a democratic people but we
house the wealthy capitalist and the
starving beggar.
We are a generous people but we
cling to our war debts and by so
doing incur the hatred of all of Eu-
We are a peace loving people but
between the good shooting of gang-
sters and the bad shooting of police-
men our country is one of the most
dangerous places in the entire world
to reside.
We are and boast of being lovers of
justice but we have to our shame a
series of mistrials, such as the Sacco-
Vanzetti case and the Tom Mooney
outrage, that cannot be equalled dur-
ing the peace time of any other
These are several aspects of the
American people that must be con-
sidered when one is appraising cul-
ture in this country, according to
Prof. Ernest Sutherland Bates, of
New York City, who spoke yesterday
on the subject, "Is There an Amer-
ican Culture?"
Defining culture as "an expression
of group or national character in
permanent industrial, aesthetic, and
institutional forms," Professor Bates
said that we had developed a culture
in this country but that we ourselves
knew that we were not satisfied with
"We liav -xcelled in industrial
culture," he said. "In the period be-
fore the Civil War we developed a
definite type of literature and in the
last 25 years we have had a renais-
sance in writing. American poetry in
the past 15 years has been superior
to English. During the same period
of time we have developed more good
fiction writers than the English and-
have perfected a certain style of
biography. We have an architecture
of our own and may boast of excel-
lent painters, sculptors, and musi-
"But in spite of these characteris-
tics and developments, we have an
enduring inferiority complex in
America, particularly in regard to the
English," according to Professor
This feeling was called the "colon-
ial complex" and was compared to a
parallel condition, the "provincial
complex," which exists in this coun-
try and is shown by the superior atti-
tude assumed by city dwellers to-
ward their rural neighbors.
'These two complexes have acted
detrimentally to American culture,"
he said. "They also illustrate that we
know that something is wrong with
our culture."
Our so-called democracy was cited*
by the speaker as an example of an
aspect of American culture that
should be changed.
"As long as there is greater eco-
nomic inequality in the United States
than in any other country, it is a
farce to talk about democracy," he
Professor Bates stated that in 1927,
Henry Ford, making a salary of $1T,-'
415 per hour, was getting more money
in one day than the best man on the
University's faculty was getting in his
entire life.
"Henry Ford may be a great man,"
he said, "but I do not think that he
is worth more in one day than a
great scientist's life work."
Summer School
Directory Will
The names and telephone numbers
of all Summer Session students and
faculty members are included in the
new 1933 Summer Session Directory
which makes its appearance on the
campus this morning.
All information necessary for per-
Turner'Sets New Record In East-West Plane Dash
-Associated Press Photo
Col. Roscoe Turner is shown happily greeting congratulators uuon his arrival in Los Angeles after
setting a new east-to-west air record of 11 hours, 30 minutes in winning the transcontinental dash of the
national air races. Left to right: Jean Harlow, film star; Tom Hyson of Pasadena, Calif., the flier's backer;
Mrs. Turner and Vincent Bendix, trophy donor.
Stevens Says Modern Stage
Is Going Through Transition
The theatre today is in a transition
stage that marks the beginning of a
cycle of drama which will result in
a new school of great dramatists and
subsequently in a new period of great
actors, Thomas Wood Stevens, guest
director of the Michigan Repertory
Players, believes.
Mr. Stevens, whose career in the
theatre covers a span of 20 years and
who has been identified with the
Little Theatre movement during the
past four or five seasons, said yester-
day that in his 'opinion the present
low state of drama generally is
simply a manifestation of the pe-
riodic ebb and flow of the vitality of
the theatre which dates back to its
earliest days.
"To us who are taking part in this
upward phase of the cycle," he said,
"the Little Theatre, as well as the
A Third Party
For Dry Voters
MILWAUKEE, July 5.-W)-Dis-
satisfied with the stand taken by
both political parties, the annual
convention of the National Women's
Christian Temperance Union today
adopted a resolution proposing a
third party which would attract dry
The plea for the resolution was
made from the floor of the conven-
tion. The members of the committee
hastily assembled and later submitted
the following resolution:
"As the leaders of the major polit-
ical parties are supporting the repeal
of the 18th Amendment, we call upon
dry men and women in every state to
consider sympathetically proposals
for the formation of a new political
party which will actively support the
principles and policies of prohibition,
along with other great moral issues.
The times call for citizens to return
to the standards of justice and hon-
esty set by the framers of the Con-
NEW YORK, July 5.(OP)-Because
of 'bad weather off the New England
coast,.Maurice Rqssi ,aild Paul Codos,
French fliers who had hoped to start
tomorrow on a flight to Europe, de-
cided today to postpone their take-
university theatre, are of utmost im-
portance. They present an oppor-
tunity for studying the new plays
which the professional theatre is
producing and of evaluating them
and comparing them with the
classics. Furthermore, they offer an
excellent training school for the de-
velopment of young actors and ac-
tresses, without whom, regardless of
the state of the drama itself, the
theatre cannot exist."
Several little theatres are also
making a major part of their work
the trying out of new plays, Mr.
Stevens pointed out, although in gen-
eral, since the Little Theatre move-
ment is essentially non-commercial,
largely plays that have been tried out
geJsevwhere are used.
"Broadway, generally considered
mercenary rather than constructive,"
he said, "does perform one valuable
service for the drama in that it uses
almost exclusively new plays and of-
fers the experimental theatre an op-
portunity to observe them and their
effect on the public."
Mr. Stevens, who last year pub-
lished a book entitled "The Theatre
From Athens to Broadway," places
major importance on playwriting and
relegates acting and producing to a
comparatively minor place in the
theatre. "There has never been a
great school of actors who did not
depend on the works of a great
school of writers for their success,"
he said.
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, July 5.-(P)
-The Italian aerial squadron of 24
seaplanes arrived here late today
from Londonderry, Northern Ireland,
completing the third leg of a pro-
jected seven-stop flight from Orbe-
tello, Italy, to Chicago.
The planes came down on the fjord
here at 12:55 p. in., Eastern Stand-
ard Time, six hours and 15 minutes
after their takeoff started at the
northern tip of Ireland, 930 miles
Complete sell-outs for the
Thursday and Saturday night
performances of G. Martinez-
Sierra's "The Romantic Young
Lady" are likely, according to
Repertory Players officials.
Holders of season tickets have
been asked to make their reserva-
tions for the play at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box-office as soon as
Urban Scenery' To Be
Subject Of Talk Today
Harlow O. Whittemore, assist-
ant professor of landscape design,
will speak on "The Appreciation
of Urban Scenery" at 5 p. m. to-
day in Natural Science Audito-
rium. The talk, presented on the
Summer Session special lecture
series, will be illustrated with
No other' lectures have been
scheduled for the series this week.
Talks will be given next week by
Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry, Prof.
S. V. Jones, Prof. John S. Worley,
and Prof. Arthur S. Aiton.
First Open-Air
Concert To Be
The season of weekly open-air con-
certs planned this year for the Uni-
versity Summer Band will get under
way tonight when the band, already
numbering 34 pieces, presents its first
program of the summer at 7:15 p. m.
in front of the General Library.
Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone, director
of the band, said yesterday that he
hopes to build the number of stu-
dents participating with the organi-
zation up to 50. The ability of those
already enrolled, he said, will make it
possible to present better music at
the concerts this year than has been
the case in previous Summer Ses-
Facilities available this year will
also make it possible to furnish in-
struments to a number of students
who play and would like to become
affiliated with the band but who at
present do not have equipment at
their disposal.
Openings are still available in
every section of the band for students
who wish to try out, Professor Fal-
cone said yesterday.
The program for tonight's concert
is as follows:
March Hostrausers' ......Chambers
Overture to Rosamunde ... Schubert
Waltz Selection on Strauss Melodies
Three Dances from Henry
VIII .................... German
Maytime Selections ........ Romberg
Finlandia .................. Sibelius
The Yellow and Blue ........Balfe
By the Associated Press
Smith Reports
Rise Likely In
Registrar Receives Large
Number Of Applications
For Next Year
Business Pick-Up Is
Cause Of Increase
Says High School Seniors
Have Been Doing Post-
Graduate Work
A decided increase in enrollment
at the University for the scholastic
year 1933-34 was seen as a possibil-
ity yesterday when it was learned
that the number of applications from
prospective freshmen was well above
the number on file in the registrar's
office at the same time last year.
The secretary to the dean of the
Literary College also said that the
number of applications from students
who wished to enter with advanced
credit was also greater than those
received last year at this time.
Although no figures have been re-
leased as yet and although it is too
early to make any definite state-
ments in regard to next year's en-
rollment, Ira M. Smith, registrar,
has predicted an increase in the
number of students registered, at
least in the freshman class, for the
year 1933-34.
"For at least t'o years many high
school graduates have been taking
post-graduate work in the public
schools because they could not afford
to go to college," according to Regis-
trar Smith. "The general pick up
in money matters will probably re-
sult in many of these coming to the
In Michigan alone during the past
year there have been approximately
5,000 boys and girls taking post-
graduate work, according to records
in the education school.
The freshman class here at the
beginning of last year numbered be.
tween 1,100 and 1,200. All advance
information points to an increase of
this number.
Prof. Keeler To Speak
On Teaching At Prisons
Explanation of the work carried on
by the University in reference to spe-
cial equipment for the instruction of
prison inmates will be covered by
Prof. Louis W. Keeler, Assistant Di-
rector of Educational Reference and
Research, when he speaks at 4:10
p. m. today in room 1022, University
High School.
Professor Keeler, who'is in the De-
partment of Educational Psychology
and also Director of Instruction of
the University Hospital School, will
tell of the difficulties experienced in
the attempts of the Reference and
Research bureau to provide textbooks
and studies for illiterate persons and
those of criminal classes.
ASUNCION, Paraguay, July 5.-
(P)-A communique of the Minister
of War, issued-today, said that the
Bolivians ilost 1,000 soldiers when
Paraguayans repulsed an attack in
the Nanawa sector yesterday.
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 5.-()-
Ellsworth Vines, Jr., and Henri Co-
chet met today for the third time
and for the third time Vines won,
smashing through the once invincible
French ace to a 6-2, 8-6, 3-6, 6-1
triumph in the semifinals, of the
Wimbledon tennis championships.
Buckley, Manager
Of Union, Dies At
Age Of Fifty-One
Blood Poisoning Develops
After Cancer Operation
To Cause Death
Came To Michigan
Thirteen Years Ago
Recently Named To Post
Of Purchasing Manager
For Dormitories
, * *
Professor Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
of Students: "In the death of Paul
Buckley the Union and the University
have suffered an inestimable loss. My
associations with him while he was
Assistant Secretary of the University,
then Financial Secretary of the
Union and finally Manager of the
Union have extended over so many
years and have been so close that it
is difficult to imagine carrying on
without him. He was a splendid ex-
ecutive, who combined with his ad-
ministrative ability, a friendly, hu-
man touch in his contacts with stu-
dents and alumni."
Professor H. C. Anderson of the
College of Engineering: "I have
known him ever since he has been
connected with the University. He
has been one of the very valuable
men on the campus. His death is a
great loss to the University as a
whole and to the Union in particu-
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law.
School: "He was a student in one of
my first classes, and I have known
him ever since. In his work at the
Union, he was extremely successful;
he seemed to work without effort, yet
nothing escaped him. Mr. Buckley
had a rare gift which fitted him for
this particular job, as well as being
a capable manager, he made con-
tacts with University people success-
fully. It will be very hard to replace
Professor Paul Leidy, Secretary of
the Law School: "Mr. Buckley's pass-
ing is, of course, a tremendous loss
both to the University and to the
Michigan Union. I doubt that we can,
as yet, realize how great this loss is.
Since he assumed the management
of the Union his every effort has been
directed toward but one goal-that
the Union might accomplish the
hopes of those alumni (of whom he
was one) whose faith and foresight
made the Michigan Union possible."
T. Hawley Tapping, General Sec-
retary of the Alumni Association:
"Above all else Paul Buckley was in-
tensely loyal to Michigan. He did his
work with a greater zest because it
all was for his University. He was
proud of the position of supremacy
of the Michigan Union among the
college and university unions of the
country and was unselfishness itself,
in giving advice and assistance to
other college men who came to him
for help in their own enterprises.
Friends were dear to him and I
counted Paul Buckley's friendship as
one of my most cherished possessions.
His death is truly a tragedy for the
University, the Michigan Union and
for us who loved him.":______
Paul Buckley, for thirteen years a
leading figure in the affairs of the
University, died yesterday in the Uni-
versity hospital at 12:53 p. m. His
death was attributed to the develop-
ment of blood poisoning following a
critical operation for the removal of
a cancer. He was 51 years old.
Buckley stopped his work as Gen-
eral Manager of the Union early in
June to enter the hospital, and at
this time it was hoped that he might,
in due time, completely recover from
the operation. These hopes were
borne out when he rallied imme-
diately after the operation, and his
condition seemed to be almost nor-
mal. However, after this rally, he be-
came seriously ill again and for a
time physicians held little hope for
his life.
Once more he rallied, and hopes
for his recovery were renewed. Just
as the doctors felt that his return to
normal was assured, a relapse with
complications occurred. This proved
to be too great a strain on his system,
and Tuesday night he slipped into
a coma.
Mr. Buckley came here in 1920 to
assume the position of assistant sec-
retary of the University. In 1926, he
was made General Manager of the
Union, a position of great responsi-
bility, particularly so because at -that
time the men's organization was fac-
ing a deficit. He soon corrected this
situation. In fact, he is largely re-
sponsible for its present position.
His death terminates what un-
doubtedly would have been a much
longer career of service to the Uni-
versity, for .only last spring he was
named for the post of General Pur-
-hasing Manager of Michigan dormi-
tories. The regents had planned to
centralize the financial control of all
the dormitories in his hands.
He obtained his early education at
Petoskey, where he was- born Sep-
tember 18, 1881. He came to Ann Ar-
)or for his college education, and was
graduated from the law school in
1905. Upon receiving his degree, he
returned to his native city and went
into business. Buckley later was a
hotel manager, and for a short time,
;efore coming back to Ann Arbor
again, he served as Deputy Clerk of
'-he Supreme Court. ;
He was also very prominent so-
.ially in Ann Arbor. His wife was the
former Miss Tanchito Mejia of San
Salvador, Central America. The only
other member of his immediate fam-
ily is a two-year-old daughter, Paul-
Private services will be held at the
residence this morning, following
which the body will be taken to New
York for burial.
World Parley
Closes After
Night Session
Summer Season Will Open With
Reception At League Tomorrow
The social season of the 1933 Sum-
mer Session will be ushered in to-
morrow night with the annual recep-
tion of the University deans held at
the League, this popular affair was
attended, last year by more than
3,000 students and faculty members.
It is anticipated that attendance at
this year's function will be propor-
tionately as large, those in charge
stated last night.
viding the students an opportunity
of becoming acquainted. Introduc-
tions among students are arranged
by hosts and hostesses at the affair,]
and, since summer school students
spend such a short time in Ann Ar-
bor, the function is held as early as
possible during the Session in order
to provide a background for follow-
ing events.
The receiving line will begin at
8:30 p. m. and dancing in the main
W. I.
Washington...............47 25
New York................. 45 28
Philadelphia............... 37 36
Chicago...................36 38
Cleveland..................37 40
Detroit................... 36 39
Boston...................31 42
St. Louis ....29 50
Wednesday's Results
Detroit 9, St. Louis 4.
Chicago 10. Cleveland 6.
Philadelphia 4, Boston 2.
Only games scheduled.
Thursday's Games
Game between National League
American League Stars at Chicago.
W. L.
New York.................44 27
St. Louis ................. 40 34
Pittsburgh................39 35
Chicago...................39 38
Boston .................... 37 38
Brooklyn..................33 38
Cincinnati. ............33 43
Philadelphias..............31 43
Wednesday's Results
.507 ,
Reservations for 10 are still open
for the Summer Session Excursion to
Niagara Falls this week-end, it was
learned yesterday. Twenty-two stu-
dents have already arranged to take
part in the tour, which begins at 1
p. m. tomorrow under the direction
of Prof. Laurence M. Gould of Carle-
ton College and the geology depart-
ment here.
The excursion to the Ford factory
at River Rouge yesterday was at-
tended by 50, Piiof. Wesley H.
Maurer, director of the season, said
last night. A total of 37 students
went by special bus while the re-
Reservations Fo r 10 Still Open
For Excursion Trip To Falls
Professor Gould has already given
an address this summer on the ge-
ology of Niagara Falls. June 29 he
spoke on the subject on the Summer
Session special lecture series in Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
During the all-day tour of inspec-
tion which the party will make at the
Falls Saturday, occasional stops will
be made during which Professor
Gould will explain the geological for-
mation of the region. The itinerary
includes the 14-mile Gorge Route
trip, a ride on the "Maid of the
Mist," and a tour of the "Cave of the
Winds," in addition to other points of
LONDON, July 6 (Thursday)-()
-Great powers of the old and new
world agreed early today to suspend
the World Economic Conference un-
til a more propitious time.
Thus, this historic assemblage,
called together in an effort to im-
prove economic conditions through-
out the world, admitted itself de-
feated by violent collision of the
monetary policies of the gold coun-
tries, led by France, and the non-
gold countries headed by the United
The final decision came in a mid-
night meeting of the gold bloc na-
tions where it was decided the Amer-
ican stand, as reiterated by the
United States delegation last evening
after cable and telephone communi-
cations with President Roosevelt,