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July 04, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-04

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The Weather


Fair Tuesday and Wednes-
day; warmer.

Official Publcation Of The Summer Session

VOL. XIV No. 8


End Of Dope
Habits Seen
By Edmunds,

Volstead Fired


Says League's
May Put Drugs

46 Countries Will
Restrict Narcotics
Agreement Made In 1931
Limits Production Of
In the agreement made by 46 coun-
tries at the Geneva conference of the
League of Nations in 1931-an inter-
national pact which becomes effec-
tive next Monday, July 10-is seen
great promise for the control and
eventual elimination of the drug
habit, according to Prof. Charles W.
Edmunds of the medical school.
Speaking on "Drug Addiction-A
World Problem" yesterday afternoon
on the Summer Session special lec-
ture series, Prof. Edmunds outlined
the provisions of the agreement
whereby the several nations will at
last have a grasp on the tremendous
illicit trade in drugs which menaces
their citizens..
Will Not Flood Market
"In the agreement, the nations
promised to produce no more drugs
than were necessary for their own
legitimate medical purposes, to re-
port to a central agency the amount
needed and the amount used, to ex-
port drugs only at the request of an-
other government, and not to re-ship
drugs once received within their bor-
ders," he said. "For Persia, Turkey,
and India this means a great reduc-
tion in revenue, and the effectiveness
of the agreement was not assured
until Turkey accepted the stipula-
tions on.December 10 of last year."
Another important step toward the
eradication of the habit was taken in
1926, when India's great annual auc-
tion of opium was banned, Professor
Edmunds stated.
Professor Edmunds discussed dope
conditions throughout the world.
"China was making progress in the
control of the habit," he said, "until
unsettled political conditions caused
a severe relapse. At present the Jap-
anese are encouraging poppy-growing
in the provinces they control in order
to increase tax revenues.
India Has Large Number
India, he said, has improved con-
ditions considerably, although the
problem is still great. Egypt leads the
world with 450,000 dope addicts, in
spite of all efforts to keep out French
and Italian smugglers. Germany has
only 5,000 addicts and has passed
very strict laws which even limit
medical use of drugs. Sweden has
only 34 known addicts, the Nether-
lands only 30, and England and other
northern countries have virtually no
narcotics problem.
The French government, according
to Professor Edmunds, refuses to give
out information on the subject, but
Paris is known to have 15 dope fac-
tories. The United States, although
one of the most progressive countries
in its efforts at control, has approxi-
mately 120,000 addicts, a large per-
centage of them being of the criminal
class. Heroin is considered the most
dangerous of drugs in the country,
since it is largely used by criminals
and increases their anti-social in-
stincts. The wide employment of ver-
onal here is believed by some author-
ities, he said, to be a worse menace
than that of any other drug.
20 Engineers
Given Perfect
Grade Records
Twenty students in the College of
Engineering received the grade of
"A" in all their subjects during the

past semester, it was announced by
the secretary of the College yester-
day. Only two of them were carry-
ing part-time work, the balance
earning from 13 to 20 hours credit
Three-fourths of the students
maintaining a perfect record are
residents of Michigan, three are from
Ohio, and Wisconsin and Missouri
are represented by one student each.
The list of students follows:
John C. Ainslie, Clarence A. G.

-Associated Press Photo
Andrew Volstead of St. Paul, called
the "father" of the Volstead act,
at the present time one of the most
unpopular laws in the entire his-
tory of the United States, was "in-
definitely furloughed" as legal ad-
visor to the dry law administrator
in the St. Paul district.
EnrollmenAt Is
'Down Ten Per
Cent For Year
Total Is Smallest It Has
Been In Past Six Years;
1,569 Decrease
The enrollment of the University
of Michigan dropped 10.5 per cent
for the fiscal year which closed June
30, total registration figures covering
all sessions being 13,257 or 1,569 less
than the total of the year 1931-32.
The regular session which came to a
close only a few weeks .ago, suffered
the smallest loss, showing a drop of
only 7 per cent, but inability of
teachers to finance courses offered
during the year resulted in heavier
losses in those divisions.
The total is the smallest it has
been in six years, the figures for the
year closing June 30, 1927 being 13,-
257, exactly the same as this year's
Michigan students numbered 8,-
656 or 65.26 per cent of the total
while students form of the state were
4,606 in number or 34.74 per cent of
the whole group. The percentage
of Michigan students is slightly less
than it has been in recent years,
bing 2.3 per cent below the record
percentage for students from within
the state, 67.6 per cent reached two
years ago. The drop is due mainly
to the fact that counties in south-
eastern M i c h i g a n, particularly
Wayne, have lost heavily in their
representation here and eastern
states, notably New York, New Jersey
and Massachusetts, have continued
to send larger delegations from year
to year.
Some idea of where the losses are
occurring may be found in a compar-
ison of enrollments in the various
sessions during the last two years.
The total during the regular session
this year was 8,968 as against 9,707
in 1931-33. In the Summer Session
of 1932 it was 3,757 as against 4,-
328 the preceding year. The exten-
sion had 2,155 this year and 2,608
the previous year. The losses were
divided almost equally between men
and women in the regular and Sum-
mer Session, but the total men drop-
ped off most heavily in the exten-
sion classes. Men enrolled in exten-
(Continued on Page 4)

U. S.'s Future
Says Nation's Institutions
Should Not Be Impaired
By Drastic Budget Cutsl
System Threatened
With Emasculation
Wisconsin President Calls
Schools Most Important
Government Function
CHICAGO, July 3.-UP')-Upon the
nation's education system has fallen
chief responsibility for guiding the
way along new political, social and
economic paths, President Glenn
Frank of the University of Wiscon-
sin said today.
Addressing the 71st Annual Con-
vention of the National Educational
Association, Dr. Frank said the old
order had changed, that America
stood at the crossroads and that it
fell upon public schools to determine
which course should be taken.
He said it was imperative that
educational facilities not be impaired
through drastically reduced budgets.
Threatened With Emasculation
He charged that the country's
schools were threatened with emas-
culation at the hands of "dishonest
reductionists," determined to "shift
blame for the depression to the sol-
diers of government and stopped by
the starvation, the extensions of
governmental activities, "c o m p e 1
government to return to the simp-
ler role of a simpler day."
Education, Dr. Frank said, was,
after a provision of relief and pro-
tection of life and property, the
"most important simple obligation
resting upon government."
Old Concepts Failed
Old political, social and economic
concepts had failed, he said, and
must be replaced by new patterns
demanded by an age of science and.
What he described as " inflexible
traditions" was waging a battle with
"flexible intelligence," a quality that
only proper education could give
Exercises of this intelligence, Dr.
Frank said, could alone determine
whether youth in the future would
be able to resist the pressures of
Alarmists, cadvocates of ultra-reac-
tionary doctrines and radicals.
He urged that more emphasis be
placed on education for the public
than ever, that institutions of learn-
ing be attuned to the demands of a
more complete order of things.

Leading Shares
$1-$10 During
Buying Before

Roosevelt Message
Given Much Credit
Wheat Up To Best Price
In Three Years; Dollar
Value Decreases
NEW YORK, July 3.-U(P)-Uncle
Sam's explosion of fireworks at Lon-
don today ignited his markets at
home and prices flared up spectacu-
Stocks and commodity exchanges,
inflamed by what they regard as the
inflationary tone of President Roose-
velt's message to the World Economic
Conference, handled huge volumes
of business as traders read "higher
prices" in the pointed statement of
the executive.
Leading shares climbed $1 to more
than $10 under a momentum of buy-
ing that reached its peak as the
market was closing and the final As-
sociated Press-Standard Statistics
composite, $92.30, was the highest
since September, 1931. The day's av-
erage gain was $3.40. Sales totaled
Wheat Highest In 3 Years
Wheat swarmed up to the best
prices of the last three years, and
other grains were strong. Cotton
touched the best levels since the
spring of 1931, but its extreme ap-
preciation of around $2 a bale was
not fully maintained.
By the same tokens, dollar ex-
change flopped badly, United States
currency going to fresh lows in terms
of European monetary units. Ster-
ling lifted to $4.48%, up 14% cents,
compared with its old gold standard
parity of .$4R6%.
While markets left no doubt as to
how they viewed the President's
statement, quieter corners of the
financial community privately ex-
pressed their approval of his mes-
sage. High banking quarters pointed
out that the position of the United
States had been made clear and that
the fog of confusion which had clung
to the currency question had been
Some bankers privately character-
ized Mr. Roosevelt's remarks as a
"rebuke' to the foreign gold bloc.
His assertions should, they said, re-
mind London delgations that the
future fortunes on the dollar were
primarily a matter for internal de-
cision and that stabilization talk at
this juncture in the domestic price-
raising program was dead.
Dr. Niels Bohr
Will Speak On
Light And Life'
Dr. Niels Bohr, professor of theo-
retical physics at the University of
Copenhagen, Denmark, will speak on
"Light and Life" in a public lecture
on the Physics Symposium series at
10 a. m. -tomorrow in the west lec-
ture room of West Physics Building.
Known as the founder of the mod-
ern theory of atomic structure and
one of the most brilliant living
physicists, Dr. Bohr speaks in a
manner which is described by physics
department authorities as "far from
technical." Recent developments in
physics have made it necessary to
go back to the fundamental problems
concerning the properties of matter
and consequently Dr. Bohr deals in
his lectures with the elementary con-
cepts of physics in a highly theoreti-
cal form.
Doug And Mary Silent
On Plans For Divorce

LOS ANGELES, July 3.-OP)-Sep-
arated by thousands of miles, Mary
Pickford, "somewhere in southern
California," and Douglas Fairbanks
in London, were equally silent to-
night after the actress' announce-
ment that they contemplated living
apart and possibly being divorced.
Miss Pickford was not at the pala-
tial estate "Pickfair," which has been
the residence - of the famous film

Stocks Leap
Hig'h Record

Wave Of



Secret Wedding of
Prominent Junior
Catherine Moule, '35, who attended
the University for the past two years,
will not return to school in the fall.
According to a recent announcement
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Day Moule, of Detroit, she was se-
cretly married a year and a half ago
to Winthrop Jones Spence, of the
same city.
The couple plan to make their
home in the automobile city and it is
definitely understood that Mrs.
Spence will not return to school, at
least in the near future. She is a
member of Apha Chi Omega sorority
and was prominent in women's activ-
ities while on the campus.


Two Excursions On Calendar
For Outing Series This Week

A total of 58 students have already
indicated that they will participate in
the tour of the Ford plant at River
Rouge on the Summer Session Excur-
sions series tomorrow, 33 having re-
served places in the special bus and
25 having made arrangements to go
by private car, it was learned last
night. Some reservations are still
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, director of
the tours, said that those who go in
private cars will be transported about
the factory grounds in a Ford Motor
Company bus furnished for the occa-
The party, which will leave Ann
Arbor at 12:45 n. m. will inspect the

under the personal supervision of
Prof. Laurence M. Gould, prominent
polar explorer and a member of the
geology department faculty this sum-
mer, who will lecture during the tour
on the geology of the region.
Professor Gould, who was a mem-
ber of the faculty here before he
gained fame as the second in com-
mand of the Byrd Antarctic expedi-
tion in 1928, lectured on the subject
of the Falls here last week.
Members of the Niagara party will
take the 14-mile gorge trip Saturday
afternoon. This trip begins near the
International Bridge, crosses into
Canada, and passes the Whirlpool

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