THE MICHIGAN DAILY___ T'he News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures Mrs. James Mattern, who fol- lowed the progress of her hus- band's 'round-the-world solo flight closely at the home of her sister in Walla Walla, Wash., still re- mains supremely confident of her husband's eventual return. The navy's big new dirigible, the Macon, was housed in the former home of the 'ill-fated Akron at Lakehurst, New Jersey, after a trip from Akron, 0. The big ship is shown being pushed into the Akron's Symposium Planned For Wednesday By Socialists For Wednesday evening at :7:30 p. m. at the Michigan Union,' the Socialist Club has announced' a sym- posium on Fabians and Revisionists. Ruth Childs will give, the history of Ithese movements. Tarini Sinha, who is personally acquainted with many well-known British Fabians, will ex- plain their theoretical and political r eactions against Marxism. Wilfred Sellars will analyze the teachings and programs of German Revisionists and Social Democrats. On following Wednesday evenings, the discussion will continue through Anarchist-Syndicalism, Communism, Fascism, Rooseveltism and Tactics for Social Change in America. Fifty thousands bees were removed from the walls of a cottage in Lake- wood, 0. TYPEWRITERS lSold Reted bC~hned 1Rerayired Lax'ge choice Stock.iy1EW Oz * sD"I dRR. ' 50. S toR. rmIAbor LAUNDRY-- Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free; socks darned. 13c WASHING-And ironing wanted. Guaranteed satisfactory. Call for and deliver. 611 Hoover. Phone 2-3478. 17c STUDENT AND FAMILY LAUNDRY -Good soft water; will call for and deliver. Telephone 4863 12c NOTICE INSTRUCTION -- Stenotypy, ,short- hand, typwriting, accounting, Hamilton College, State and Wil- liams Sts. 12 FOR RENT SPEND---Your summers during the Summer Session at Whitmore. Lake. Large cool rooms, private, beach, home cooking. 512 S. Shore Drive. Tel. Whitmore 9170. 5 FOUR-ROOM-Apartment fully fur- nished. 228 S. Thayer. Opposite Bill Auditorium. 6 TYPIWRITERS - PORTIABLE Now, Second-Hated.;Rebilt, smi ooona, N oseless, Und-te rwoo4, Royal, Ei ngtoa. 34S. State St., A=n Arbor. Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace (right) visited his farm near Des Moines and discussed prospects of his corn crop with two hired men. {II -. Phone your Classified Ad vertisements mu irr-to- 1 1 in some places 100-degree heat hasp been causing heavy damage to corn that was planted late, but i III