THE MICHIGAN DAILY Physicians Report On Income Of State Families, Amount Of Money They Expend tni Iealth Editor's Note: Tihis is the second of a series of articles con- cerning the suvey made by a committee of the -Michigan State Medical Society of the medical services and-health agencic3 in the state with particular reference t:, the economics underlying .them. The committee conducting the survey is composed of Dr. W. H. Marshall, Flint; Dr. L. G. Christian, Lansing;:Dr. Bert U. :Est~a- brook, Detroit; Dr. C. S. Gorsline, Battle- Creek; Dr. F. A. Baker, Pontiac; and Dr. F. C. Warnshuls, Grand Raxids. The director of the study is Dr. Nathan Sinai, Professor of Public Health at the Uniyersity of Michigan. These articles have been prepared -by Professor Wesley 11. Matrer of the departnent of journalism at the University. By WESLEY II. MAURER After the average person in the State of Michigan has paid ,for food, clothing, housing, and other necessities of living, what, if anything, is left of his income to pay for medical care and the comforts of life? What other items compete for this surplus? Film Star And Bride To 4o On Gold Hunt All-City Tennis, Tourney Draws Many Entries Entrics for the annual All-City tennis tournament, which will start Friday, July 7, are coming in rapidly it was announced yesterday by George J. Moe, who is in charge of the event. The closing date for entries is Wednesday, July 5, and all those who plan to participate in the contest are urged to get their names in as' soon as possible, Mr. Moe stated. Competition will be held in men's singles and doubles, women's singles, mixed doubles, junior singles, and possibly younger boys' singles. No charge is to be made for entry in any of the events of the tournament. Final events -will be run off on Saturday, July 22, according to the original plans, and no play will be allowed after that date. A time limit will likewise be set for each of the qualifying rounds of the tournament and play must take place before the expiration of the time allowed. Prizes will be offered by Moe's Sport Shops, sponsors of the tourna- ment, which -will include -first-class rackets..and tennis equipment, Mr. Moe stated yesterday. The tourna- ment is open to all students and townspeople. NOSE SWELLS; SUES OKLAHOMA CITY - George T. Nitchols has filed suit for $50,000 against a store, alleging a shaving brush it sold him infected his nose and made it swell to twice its normal size. He said it was "a great humilia- ion to carry around an infected pose," and added "no one can feel frank and free with his family and [ friends under such conditions." t . L - Arrested U. OfM.Wi Havex Good Track S( (Conuni;1ued from Page high jump; Al Bluienfp Bob Gilliland, discuss: and itchek, javelin. When the has ,been completed it will that -Hoyt has a lot of p for points. Indiana is figured as the next year, inasmuch as it most of the firsts it had son, plus some reserve stre next to the Hoosiers it app Michigan again must be call. Due consideration given to the fact that so: group may not be able to school in the fall or that t astic hurdles, may be too - stacle. But, discounting tl aibilitics, Micligan prospe strong team--not a title. te -Indiana can again. trot out bostel and Fuqua and ol just the same a heavy v points. The answerato those questions as discovered in a, fact-finding study of a committee of the Michigan State Medical Society, the report of which has just been completed and will be presented to the society in its annual session July 12 at Lansing, is, in. general, that there is very little left as far as the income of the ma- jority of persons .is concerned, and that there is keen competition, aug- mented by high pressure salesman- ship and advertising, for ;the small surplus that remains. Public Income Needed These facts are basic to the study made by the committee. Obviously, the economic welfare of physicians depends upon the economic welfare S of the population: generally. If -phy- sicians. wish to maintain priivate practice, they must first have the prospect of a reasonable income. If people. do not have adequate income, or if questionable tactics are used to hinder the wise expenditure of fam- ily income, they will not be able to, pAy for. competent medical care. This' means, in addition to a gradual im- poverishing of physicians, that a good deal of the medical facilities and medical talent will remain ac- tually unused, reflecting an ineffi- ciency.with regard to services which relate to the health, comfort, happi- ness, and span of life of individuals.' The study of incomes of Michigan, the first of its kind for this state," was made with the assistance of Professor Morris Copeland and:Wil- lam Hoad of the Department of Economics at the University. Thus the findings, carefully tabulated and qualified, have upon them the stamp' of economic authority. Calculate Income Surplus In a conservative estimate of living costs, which, the committee states, is based on "that level be- low which welfare relief should be forthcoming," it was found that the average excess of income over bare necessity costs of living amounts to $357 for farm families,.$661 for non- farm families, and $332 for indi- viduals without families. "The items included among the costs," the re- port explains, "do not represent all the things that a family must have in order to prevent physical, mental, or moral deterioration over a period of years. No allowance is included for medical services, for insurance, for contingencies such as loss of a job and delay in finding a new one, or for the cost of moving, for street car or bus fare, or automobile, for any entertainment, pleasure, or toys which involve money outlay." "In addition," the report continues,; "there are many comforts and pleas- ures of life, such as telephones, to- bacco and sweets, movies or other entertainments, and automobiles up- on which a substantial amount of, mony actually is spent.each year by; people in the lower income bracket, ... A great many people whose in- comes are not sufficient to cover both necessities and moderate comforts will slight the necessities in favor of. some of the comforts."1 i. i 't. li Y C I " ; HIGI POINTS OF ARTICLE About 12.3 per cent of the pop-' ulation in Wayne County re- ceived 41.7 per cent of the 1929 income of the county, a survey of incomes in the state of Michigan made for the Michigan State. Medical Society reveals. Other significant statemnts made in the survey, discussed in the accom- panying article, show: That 8 per cent of , the .popula-. tion in Michigan received 35 per cent of the total 1929 state in-" come; 92 per cent of the popula- tion received 65 per cent of the income. That the average excess of in- cop ~e, over bare. necessity costs of living for -families in Michigan, excluding medical costs, amounts to $357 for farm families,-$661 for non-farm families; and $332 for individuals without families. These figures, however, include the great number of very poor families who have little or nothing left with which to buy adequate medical services. The survey committee concludes that a great many families have an inadequate income to pay for medical care, especially in view of the fact that there is keen competition for the small average surplus , which re- mains. "If the study (of the committee) had gone no farther," states the accompanying article, "it would be evident to any careful reader that some change is imperative in the process of buying and selling . . . medical services and care. But the study reveals even more sig- nificant factors which . . . will un- doubtedly lay the basis for - changes which should be mutual- ly beneficial to consumer and physician alike and protect both from encroachment of outside commercial . interests which cquld not possibly have 'their welfare paramount." Mrs., Vincent Coll, whose slain gangster husband was acquitted of the Harlem -baby killing, was held in New York on $35,000 bail on a charge of possessing a re- volver. ,. Alexander.P.Gray, jr., 38, stage and screen actor, and his bride, the former Peggy Jane McCray, 19-year-old oil heiress of Tulsa, Okla., who were married at Crown Point, Ind., recently, are going prospecting for gold in Canada on their:honeymoon. They are pic- tured in the home off Gray's parents in Philadelphia. Farmers who want to keep the pheasant on 'their. farms are ad- vised by the University of Michigan to attach a device . on the front of their mowing machines to scare the ,birds away from the sickle. 'If you Ceetr 00.Ds present certain impressive as well as h tepressing facts of -family income. To the extent that families of more than average size exist, .,and to the extent -that individuals with no de- pendents are included, the estimates are overly sanguine, the committee -explains, citing result: of studies of sizes of families in New Haven, Rochester, and Chicago -in which it was found that -about two-thirds of the families are either average size' or below. Five or more members, it was found, .-make up the remaining third of the families studied. Incomes Decreased The report further -points out that the. changes in income between 1929 and. 1931.have not painted the. pic- ture any more attractively. The av- erage income, it is estimated, of the family in the state as .a-whole de- clined in that period 38 per cent from the average .for 1929. At the same time the included costs -of liv- ing -declined only 27 per cent. Among the non-farm families in the state, the income for 1931 shows an aver- age deduction of 46 per cent while the included costs of living decreased 17 per cent. If the study had gone no further than this, it would be evident to any careful reader of the report that some change is imperative in the process of buying and selling, to put' it realistically, medical services and care. But the study reveals even more significant factors which, if- carefully studied by medical consum- ers and practicing physicians, will undoubtedly lay the basis for changes which should be mutually beneilcial to to consumer and phy- -sician alike and protect both from the encroachment -of outside com- mercial interests which could not possibly have their welfare para- mount. The results of -the study into the costs of medical care and :the distribution of physicians in the state and their incomes will be dis- cussed in the following articles of this series. (The .remaining seven articles in this series will-be printed in succeed- ing issues of The Daily.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2), All Campus Golf: All students in- terested in.-participating -in an all" campus golf tournament should turn in qualifying score at the Club' House, University Golf Course bye July .10. Wesley Hall: Student Guild at 6 p. i. Dr. T.. P. Sinha will speak op "The Religious Import of the League. of Nations." Fellowship hour at "7 p. m. Sunday. Class for Summer Session Students at 9:30 a. m.- . First Methodist Church: Dr. Fish- er will preach at 10:45 a..m. on "The Deep Drives of One's Nature." To All Members of the University Staff: Any items of. -interest that you wish publicized in the news col- umns of The Michigan Daily may be delivered or telephoned to The Daily office. The telephone number is 4925. tdward H. Kraus Dean Of The Summer Session Mr. Walton E. Nl Will speak Sun- day morning in the Unitarian Church on the subject: America's Debt to Thomas Paine. Mr. Edward B. Greene of the Psychology depart- ment will speak, to the Liberal Stu- dents Union Sunday evening at 7:30. Dr. F. Twyman, of London, will de- liver a lecture. on "The Construction and Uses of Reflection Echelon" at 2 p. i., Monday, in Room i1041, East Physics -Building. He will also lec ture at Room 319 West Medi- cal Bldg., on "Various Instruments of Interest to Medical Men Including a Blood Count Apparatus and a New 'Type -Nephelonmeter." ;O. S. Duffendack Baptist Students: A cordial invi- tation to the Student Class, meeting at 9:45 .a. im. at the Guild.House, 503 E. Huron street, and to the Discus- sion Group, meeting at 6:00 p. in.- Morning Worship 10:45, at Church 512.E. Huron street. ( Formic acid is left in bee sting and enough body circulation. the skin by a of it checks 7 TrYPE W MIMEOGR ou imshop , o ertor. a mo . . M9'0 T. IN G C ;,4 I SPEND A QUIET EVENING ON TIE HU'I0N RVER Safe, Sound, Easy Paddlitg OLD TOWN CANOES FOR RENT SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY Huron River at Foot of Cedar St.Phone 9313 The l J/' permit of other than the most ele- mentary social necessities." -Distribution Unequal With regard to income and its dis- tribution, the study discloses that eight per cent of the population re- ceived 35 per cent of the total state' income. Their share of the total in- come of $3,140,000,000 was in 1929, 1,107,000,000. This left for 92 per cent of the population only 65 per cent of the income. This 92 per cent, it is explained, included in the lower income group, cover both the poorest inhabitant and those who are next in size of income to the richest eight per cent. The study was carried a step fur- ther in view of the probable inequal- ity of income concealed by the use, of averages by a more detailed an- alysis of incomes in Wayne County. Of the $1,678,000,000, approximate income of Wayne .County in 1929, 12.3 per cent of- the population out- side of tax-supported institutions, representing those who fild -income tax returns, received 41.7 per cent of the income. -The remainder of 87.7. per cent of the population, supported by incomes below the:Federalincome tax limits, received about $978-,000,- 000. It is estimated that 4/4 per cent of the population in Wayne County, comprising about 80,000 per- sons, receive less than $300; 11%V per cent, or 216,000, receive less than $350; 171/4 per cent, or 324,000 re-" ceive less than $400; 25% per cent, or about 479,000, receive less than $450; and 45 per cent, or 658,000, re- ceive less than $500. On a per family basis, it is esti- mated that 5% /:per cent of the popu- lation, comprising 24,000 families, re- ceive an income per family of 4.17 of $1,200; 8 per cent of the popula- tion, 36,000 families, receive per fam- ily $1,300; 31 per cent, 140,000 fam- ilies, receive per family $2,000. These figures, the report states, V- ry Will Be On Sale Ann Arbor Churches Open During Session (Continued from Page 1) NEXT WEEK Logical Spending Difficult The committee- explains .that the study of expenditures assumes that families will live under a budget sys- tem and that the expenditures are based upon full knowledge of costs and family needs. Actually, the re- port asserts, "such conditions are comparatively rare, and for this it is unfair to place the entire blame upon the family ... It will be readily recognized that the modern methods of advertising and employer-man- agement make logical spending al- most impossible for the average family. The buyer has little resist- ance against the almost constant im- pact of psychological urgings. The methods of the medicine show have been adapted to the national scale. Against lies and half-truths which are not made less so by printer's ink and kilocycles the buyer today needs the armament of at least the phy- sician, the engineer, the chemist and the physicist. Such a need as medi- cal care cannot hope to compete with commerce, and by the methods of commerce, for the consumer's dollar. Other ways more appropriate, dig- nified, and honest must be found." In a study made for Henry Ford by the United States Department of Labor, cited by the committee, it is shown that the average family of one bread-winner, his mate, and two t s> t 1 { 3 t :t I 2 Holy Communion will also be offered at 8 a. m., as is customary on the first Sunday of the month, Rev. Lewis stated yesterday. At 6.p.. m. at.Wesley Hall, the Stu- dent Guild will join in a discussion of "The Religious Significance of The League of Nations," the leader be- ing Dr. Tarini Prasad Sinha, from Benares, India. Coming recently to the University from work with the Secretariat; at Geneva, Dr. Sinha brings specific data sand fresh im- pressions of the international work of the various commissions. At 9:30 a. m. at Wesley Hall, the Bible Class will consider the "Mo- STENOTYPY (Machine Shorthand) HAMILTON COLLEGE State & William Sts. Southern Club: There will be a meeting of the- Southern Club on the steps of Angell.Hall at '7:30 p. m. Wednesday, July 6. After the Busi- ness -,meeting there will be a water- melon cutting. There will be a couple of short talks by distinguished fac- ulty , members. Every southerner urged to come. D. L. Smith, President tives and the Social Significance of The Early Christian Leadership." All students of the Summer Ses- sion are invited to these various re- ligious exercises or to personal con- ference with the ministres of the city or the campus, it was announced - by Dr. Chapman, head-of the Cam- pus Council of Religion. h I. .q ---l- -.11----.---.. 1-111.- I - - .-I 1-11 11 - - 10 Noirs, Ioq Jrs'ses 0k114, ttio' ~iu.ves. wod a oonw 41'resses ii THEfIffFTH AVE t Quality Cosmetic for Every -r NEW-LOW PRICES 300,,OUTH STATE STREET ., ;'~ -4 e NOW ON HAND - A New Supply of the TEXTBOOKS WHICH WERE ;OUT-OF-STOCK LAST WEEK ", 4, (re ' gpd hO 0u hers fAll qinlejper , il the sums mnei f aculty. c 4 4 5.