THE MICHIGAN DAILY [ICHIGAN DAILY Aication of the Summer Session -,,, y "' Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Ioember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion' and the Big Ten: News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or it 9therwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assitant .Postmaster-General. .Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.04; by mail, $1. 50.uring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Ofices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives,; Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, ,New .York City; 80 poylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National.Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Plxone: 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...........FRANK B. GILBRETH ASISTANT MANAGING ,EDITOR....KARL SEIFFERT ASadITE EDTO RS: John, C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jeromne Pettit. REPORTERS: -Edgar H. Eckert, Kleene, Bruce Manley, ,Dina Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Oplce Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 #3USINESS MANAGER...............BYRON C. VEDDER ASSISTANT BUSNSS MANAGER... HARRY R. BLGLEY CIRCULATION MANAGER.. E...ROBERT L. PIERCE SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1933 price" for talent in the field of education, and that that price always has been much lower than it should be, {then the average citizen would not feel so strongly as he does .regarding the amount necessary to operate a first class educational plant. And legislators would perhaps realize that, in attempting to cope with such a problem as is, now offered with the current cut in appropriations, the administrative officials of the University are doing their dead-level-best to keep the institution up to its former high standard while at the same time judiciously attempting to balance the budget which has been forced upon them. One of the outstanding members of the depart- ment of classical languages has already proffered. his resignation to administrative officials. He was one of the men responsible for the fact that Mich- igan possesses one of, if not the, leading depart- ment of its kind in this country today. At a time when, unfortunately, most universities and col- leges have allowed the instruction of the classics to decline. Yet this man is leaving and his loss can be directly attributed to the fact that he would not, under the new budget, be allowed the remun- eration which he has'every right to expect. There have been others to leave at this time. There probably will be more. 'Those who must parcel out the funds left to the institution are powerless to stop this inroad upon the faculty. The only thing which can stop it is a wider dissemi- nation of the true facts in the case among the taxpayers and voters of the state. i Comm~on iDecency A MQNG the exceptional facilitiesof the University Summer Session is C one, the special lecture series, which provides an. opportunity for all students to make almost daily additions to their fund of general information and learning. Since attendance at the lectures, given by men of prominence from many parts of the world, is entirely optional, they indeed represent an opportunity in the best sense of the word. It is to be assumed, then,that those who make up the audience in Natural Science Auditorium at these five o'clock sessions are there because they choose to be there; that they have come to listen to the day's speaker, and not out of idleness or empty curiosity And still, young as the 1933 series is as yet, it has been all too evident that a certain portion of the audience is not genuinely interested in the lec- tures. Trivial but irritating disturbances, have been noticeable repeatedly, and on certain occasions persons have been so rude as to leave.the audito- rium during the course of the addresses. Academic and educational considerations aside, quiet and attentiveness in a voluntary audience at a public lecture is a matter of. pure, garden variety courtesy and decency. If those who hear these lec- tures were forced, even indirectly, to attend, ex- cuses might be made. But since, in this case, those who come could, had they preferred, have re- mained away, it is certainly not too much to ex- pect that they pay the speaker at least the respect diue one human being to another and submerge their own impulses to vocal expression and phys- gcal agitation tp whatever consideration of polite- ness-they recognize. ious performance in "I Cover the Waterfront," the rcmantic thriller with Claudette Colbert and Ben Lyon in the leading roles, and Ernest Torrence heading the supporting cast, which opens at the Michigan today. Cavanaugh, for years a Broadway comedian and :.tage star in the larger cities, plays a reporter pal of Ben Lyon in the picture based on Max Miller's best- selling book and directed by James Cruze. Al Hill, who plays the part of a particularly toughchar- ¢aster in the film, knows in- timately the underworlds of most of the world capitals, {and Y3, his 'own 'published ad- missions, has seen the inside of jails as guest of the au- thorities. Torrence, in the pic- ture, wins the title as Holly- wood's champion spitter, in one scene putting out Ben Lyon's cigarette with a well-aimed squirt of masticated navy plug. The story concerns the activities of a young newspaperman (Lyon) and his attempts to "get the dope" on a smuggler (Torrence.) .-Claudette Colbert plays the part of Torrence's daughter, with whom Lyon falls in love. As the story unravels, the smuggler is finally killed in his attempts to get away from govern- ment agents, the newspaper reporter is wounded, and returns from the hospital to find that the girl is waiting for him. I I .I a l 1 l 1 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 'Unlver'sit.Copy reccived at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30(.} .Study Excursion No. 3, Ford Plant: Wed- 1 p. m. Wednesday, July 5. The party nesday, July 5-A visit to the Ford meets at Natural Science Building industries at River Rouge will be and will leave for Niagara Falls made the afternoon of Wednesday, promptly at 1 o'clock Friday after- July 5, leaving Ann Arbor for River noon, July 7. Arriving at the Falls Rouge at,12:45 o'clock and returning Friday evening, the party will have to Ann Arbor at 5:30 o'clock. The the opportunity to see the spectacu- inspection tour will include the mo- lar play of vari-colored searchlights tor assembly plant, thelfinal assemb- upon both the American and Cana- ly line, the open hearth steel mill, dian Falls. On Saturday a tour will and the rolling mill, and a motorbus be made of the Gorge Route in the tour of certain, other portions of this chartered: General Motors Parlor Car great industrial area. Chartered Bus in company with Professor Law- buses will take the party directly to rence Gould, geologist, explorer, and the several places visited. Round famous for his antarctic expedition. trip tickets, $1, may be obtained be- The party will leave Niagara Falls fore Monday afternoon at 5 p. m. in Sunday morning for Ann Arbor by the Summer Session Office, Room 9, way of a difTerent Canadian Route, University Hall. arriving here early Sunday after- noon. For details not here explained call the Summer Session's office. Excursion No. 4-Niagara Falls, Wesley H. Maurer July 7, 8, and 9- For Summer Ses- .__arer sion Students, their friends, and citi- vens of Ann Ar bor-Co st approxi- English 232: Studies in Elizabeth- tens $of AnnAror s aan Drama will meet on Monday and -mately $15. Round trip bus fare, $8. Wednesday from' 2-4 in 'Room 3212 ;Tckets must be purch ased fro, theo- Tke mste ' prcsed fome A.H. instead of Tuesday and Thurs- Summer Session's Office before 5' day from 2-4 ini Room "u21 A.H. University Symphony -Orehestra: Rehearsals every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 2:00 in the School of Music Auditorium. All students in the University are eligible to try out for orchestra. University Summer Session Mixed Chorus will meet Wednesday, 'July 5th at 7 p. m. instead of the regular rehearsal at Morris Hall on Tues- day. Open to all students of the Uni- versity. University Men's Glee Club: Meet at 7 p. m. Wednesday instead of reg- Sular Tuesdoay rehearsal at Morris Hall. Open to any one who' cares to sing. Entries for Intramural sports in handball, tennis, squash, horseshoes, and swimming should be made at the Intramural Sports Building by July 10. (Continued on Page 8) SFOUNTAIIN P13 Parker, Sheaffer, aternwA, Conkixt, etc., $1.00 andA up. A large ad chic 8asso00 tafm 314 S. State St., Avi Arbor. ' it : . i W I, The University Fac-uly 1egins To Suffer ...4 AN EDITORIAL By E. TEROM1E .PETTIT ' FEW MONTHS AGO, when the . State Legislature was seriously considering just what might be done in the way of r.dueing ,appropriations to the University, the ad- ministrative officers of this institution invited the members of both houses at Lansing to come t Ann-Arbor and "talk things over." Those members of the Legislature who were in- terested enough and- open-minded enough to ap- ,preciate the opportunity to get first-hand infor- imaion in this manner accepted the invitation and ,thered at the Michigan Union one afternoon. They were met by officers of the University iyho carried with them all available information rgarding the expenses incurred in operating this great educational plant.-Deans and other officials representing the various departments of the Uni- versity were on hand to answer any questions which might arise as to the opeiation of thei re- spective units. President Ruthven addressed this grOup of leg- islators, explaining, as well as possible in the shor time he was given, the workings of the adminis- trative forces of the institution. He told of the check that was being kept upon the numbers of instructors in certain departments, as compared With the relative number of students who attended sasses in those departments. He told of the aver- age salary paid to instructors, professors, and other members of the faculty. He compared these fj ures with those of other similar institutions *Qswing how Michigan had become one of the Mrst rank universities of the nation. And, finally ,he explained to the interested law-makers that there existed a "market-price" which had to be paid for a highly-educated man of rank in any particular field, in order to hold him to an insti- it-tion of learning. It was the final statement of the President's which should have had the most marked effect upon his listeners. For it was the elucidation of a matter which has never had much publicity and concerning which the average citizen knows little. Where do college professors come from? Are they men who have entered the teaching profes- sin after receiving an academic degree, later ,working up gradually to positions of higher rank? In -most instances, they are. Often they receive their promotion at the same institution which gave them their collegiate training. But' the fact which must be remembered is that, aside from a feeling of what might be termed "patriotism," there is nothing which binds them to the institu- tion which gave them their higher education. 'So soon as a college professor becomes promi- nent in his field, he acquires a "commercial" value in the eyes of similar educational institutions. He receives .offers-often quite flattering and desir- able as compared with his former earning capa- city. In a profession that is and always has been ptably underpaid, there is only one alternative for such a man who finds himself wanted by an- other school. He can look to his future and the welfare of his family or he can disregard all offers and remain where he is, whatever the cost. Strangely enough, most highly educated indivi- dyals, with a different sense of values than the ayerage person, prefer a position which offers op- poxtunity for research, etc., in preference to one which offers immediate financial remuneration. As a consequence, flattering offers have often failed to change. the residence of a campus pro- fessor. The time comes, however, when he can no longer afford to turn deaf ears to outside pleas, and if his home institution cannot meet him at least half way, he is forced to leave. The situation which exists at 'the University of Michigan today is one which is conducive to a "change of address" for many prominent men. Not .only are the administrative officials of the AT THE WHITNEY "THE SECRETS OF WU SIN" (Playing Sunday through Tuesday) Lois Wilson, long recognized as one of filmdom's most capable actresses, heads the cast of "The Secrets of Wu Sin," which opens today at the Whitney. This film casts Lois as the daring girl reporter, who invades the mysterious haunts of Chinatown to help her editor smoke out the head of a coolie smuggling racket. Grant Withers is seen opposite her in the role of editor, who loves-her. Blonde Dorothy Revier, who recently scored in "Beauty Parlor" and "The King Murder," plays Grant's jealous fiancee and the veteran Robert Warwick is cast as her father. A particularly interesting member of the cast is Toshia Mori, the little Japanese beauty, recently honored bythe Wampas in their annual selection of the season's twelve baby stars, young players for whom early stardom is predicted. Toshia plays an important role in the sensational "Bitter Tea of General Yen.- Eddie Boland, whose current films include "Hard to Handle" and "Child of Manhattan;" Tetsu Komai, importantly cast in "Island of Lost Souls," Richard Loo and Luke Chan, both seen in "Bitter Tea of General Yen," and Jimmie Wang complete the cast. "The Secrets of Wu Sin's was directed by Richard Thorpe. Editorial Comment CONTINUOUS TODAY 15c to 6 P.M. - 2.c after 6 TODAY & MONDAY DOUBLE FEATURE A OtOoEk BATCH ELLER LOIS WiLSON QRANT WITHER, DOOTHY 'REVIEf RQPBERI WAItWiCK- TOSCHIA MODJ Attend Cool Matinees «I know things they don't dare to print. :I knpw the drama ... and comedy .. the loves . . . the hates . . . the fine things and the stinking things . : . of life . .. .nd ,wonen ... .own there on the Waterfront." with CLAUDETTE COLBE RT - BEN LYON -,ERNEST TORRENCE OUR GANG COMJ$DY SILLY SYMPHONY CAPTO60N PARAMOUNT NEWS Washed Air Monday Night Guest Feature "Lady Surrenders"-Genevieve TQhin Yes - A Mickey Mouse Cartoon, too. MAJESTIC EDDIE CANTOR in Continuous On Sunday 1I EXTRA LEE TRACY in ]1 "Washington Merry,Go-Round" - and ORGA NLOGUE "SINGIVG WITH SINGING SAM" THE KID FROM SPAIN" On Mqn Daily'Mats i5c Street VVc n W U. F ..EH Evenings . . 25c SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY STATE FAR WILL :ROGERS -.- JANE'TCgAYNQR- LEW AYRES A SAD BLOW Science will profit. ably be bettered, but angle to the recent o Campus Oino Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis- regarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as conidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to send in only ,typewritten or legibly articles, "using one side of 'the paper only. Contribu- tors must be as brief as possible, confinjng themselves to not more than 400 words. -The Editors. ONE MAN'S OPINIONS ON HOW TO CUT THE BUDGET -To The Editor: It is well known, in spite of the fact that no newspaper has printed the story, that many in- structors and assistants have already been dis- missed, not to return next fall. Many more have been given only part-time work at less than half of their former salaries. In view of the fact that many of the dismissed instructors have wives and families, the situation assumes a pathetic aspect. To replace the assistants and instructors, assis- tant professors and in many cases full professors are going to teach elementary courses; the same courses taught, only with salaries three and four times as great, as those of the former instruc- tors. This is a new way of saving money known as "economy a la administration." Previous to the closing of the spring term, fig- ures had been placed in the hands of the adminis- tration, which showed that the University could be operated within the limits of its income without dismissing a single employe, without reducing anyone's salary below a decent living wage, and" without raising tuition. - Some of the more humane professors suggested that every one take a 25 per gent cut and lay off no one. This would have solved the problem. But instead of taking this advice, because they were afraid to establish a precedent, the administration made the instructors bear the burden; sent many of them to swell the ranks of the 18,000,000 un- employed and reduced the salaries of the rest be- low the minimum standard required for decent living. Besides the untold hardship which their dis- missal will cause the instructors and their fam- ilies, this will mean a lowering of the educational standards at Michigan; 'it puts another blot on the record of this administration. No one need be surprised if they see men wear- ing black veils on the campus. These men will be departmental heads and the members of the ad- ministration who are ashamed of their complicity in this crime and if their hands are red, it is only the blood of the children, wives, and dependents of those instructors who have been turned out that has stained them. Erwin Van Doren (Grad.) we0 the. general weal will prob- ah-there's one mighty sad assertion that accuracy in ,l. weather forecasts will be stepped up about 30 per! cent by a new plan of weather forecasting. What will some of our conversationalists find to talk about? Perhaps they'll have to change their tone and cease to speculate on the accuracy of meteorolo- gists' predictions. Perhaps they'll have to be con- tent with the fact that aviation will be made safer, lives will be in much less danger, and thousands of dollars will be saved annually. Irving Krick, who is considered the man behind the plan, worked with the Western Air express and under the sponsorship of Prof. Robert A. Mil- likan to perfect the plan. Aided by data supplied by weather bureau stations from all parts of the country and taking into consideration the move- ments of air masses and speeds at which they travel, Mr. Krick can compile through mathe- matics a chart showing what weather may be an- ticipated over certain areas. We see in the system a greatly brightened fu- ture for aviation, a saving, perhaps for those who rely on weather in their business, and a far more intelligent outlook on the part of the average per- son regarding that universally discussed topic- the weather. -The Daily Ilni. ' 11 With the Aid of the r mer '4 I1 -67 ;ory 11 CHEAPER SPORTS Continued reduction in the admission price to Iowa athletic events as announced recently is in accordance with the times. It is a welcome move to students who have been wondering how they can loyally support their teams without over- stretching their pocket books. The new price range for football games is the lowest in history for Big Ten competition at Iowa. The two major contests will cost patrons only $1.50 each, while for the season's opener with Bradley Tech the general admission is set at $1. Coupon books for admittance to all home football and basketball games, formerly priced at $8.50, will be available for $5 this fall. The economic stress of the times is, of course, the principal reason for the price reduction. The action, however, is 'also evidence of a determina- tion on the part of the athletic administration to go more than half way in making Iowa's greatest sporting events available to those who wish to enjoy them. There is little doubt that the drastic price re- duction will go far toward bringing the crowds to which the Iowa stadium and the Iowa team are entitled. They should prove popular with old friends of the university and should do much to- ward the enlistment of new ones. -The Dailiy Iowan. Prosecutor Toy says there is no such legal term as "racket." He's right, it's an illegal term. -The. Detroit Free Press You wiIbe able to locate all per'SOUS enrolled in Summer Session, Like. wi se the namnes5 addresses :and tele- pbone num bers of faiulty mem: bers will appear. 11 a t Campus Sa-le -w1~ I III