indard$ Of lucation To e Investigated Organization To Be Move In National Says Carrothers First Plan, By JOHN C. HEALEY As the first move in organization of a national study of standards and guiding principles for the accrediting of secondary schools, Dr. George E. Carrothers, chairman of the Univer- sity department of co-operation with educational institutions and chair- man of the investigating committee appointed for the above purpose, has announced a meeting of the com- mittee Monday, July 3, at the Stev- nes Hotel in Chicago. The parent group behind the com- mittee is the secondary commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. This study was originally decided upon after having been suggested by the secondary commission, the asso- ciation authorizing the appointment of a committee of five members, headed by Dr. Carrothers, to make the investigation. Other Associations Quizzed In making plans for the study it was considered worth while to dis- cover what other regional associa- tions were doing in this field and, accordingly, correspondence was sent to other sections of the nation. Re- plies indicated that the idea was of much interest to other associations, as the southern group and the mid- dle states group. In the latter case it was learned that a similar study had been contemplated there for some time. A conference was held with Dr. George F. Zook, president of the Uni- versity of Akron and chairman of the committee making the study of standards for colleges in the North Central Association, and he ex- pressed keen interest in the idea tnd in the possibility of making it a na- tioniiide stuldy. Dir. "Zook, recently appointed national commissioner, of educiation bIy resident Roosevelt, said that he wll aid iAn furthering the work by inviting representatives of the 'regional associations to meet with him sometime after the middle of July in Washington. Reorganization -Now Is Timely Officials have stated that the pres- ent seems to be an opportune time for the beginning of such a study because: (1) Accrediting standards now being used by different associa- tions have been put together in pieces and need not only a rewriting but a thorough restudy, (2) The Na- tional Survey of Secondary Educa- tion, containing much valuable data in its reports, has just been com- pleted, (3) The present crisis in edu- cation calls for a reconsideration and restudy of standards, and (4) The committee making the study of the standards used for accrediting col- leges is just finishing its work. All of these points are said by authori- ties to. call for and to present aid toward a general reconditioning of the standards now in use for the ac- crediting of the more than 2,500 sec- ondary schools now on the member- shii list of the North Central Asso- ciation. Aiong those planning to attend the coming meeting in Chicago will be representatives from the entire area the association includes. It takes in the territory from Montana and Arizona on the west to Ohio and Michigan on the east. There will also be present delegates from the Southern Association, including all the southern states, and from the Middle States Association, which has for its members all schools in states on the Atlantic coast. Dr. Zook and other nationally-renowned educators are also expected to attend, it was added . Real Estate Bears Brunt Of Taxation In Florida ORLANDO, Fla., June 30.-()- Approximately 871/2 per cent of the total tax burden of Florida is borne by real estate, says Paul O. Meredith, executive secretary of the Florida Association of Real Estate Boards, who had just completed a survey. The total amount of taxes levied by the state, counties and cities of Florida is $65,020,920. Of this amount, says Meredith's survey re- port, the. state levies $6,554,200 on real estate and $1,302,310 on per- sonal property, while the 67 coun- ties levy $28,968,933 on real estate and $5,309,837 on personal property. TURN FARMERS TO "SLICKERS" CHICAGO, June 30.-(IP)-Prof. E. A. Ross, of the University of Wis- consin, says farm families in Amer- ica are becoming more like city fam- ilies. Speaking before the American Sociological Society, he said: "There are fewer farm children today and there will be less of a THE MICHIGAN DAxILY Aviation And National Reconstruction Lead News Of Day In Pictures Bu the Assoc aed Press On Labor Board I. .- -ose S-l'neide{.tan,:a union or- g eo0 serc i ... ...,. Seispcurda erds i aschuet tt rio tBso t tr evngatr}f2 Cf ' s{.S ",e-.'r4n, a uni:}iir ~~~. ~~~~ ~ ~ W~~asnon. yeas.Heye nrcstdyofxeptyrheiffWider,(ef) o Brn T r A( n F( aean tetMw(theewimanrwtrkertmnitraSe shown at loyd Benett fiel, NewrYok, befor theyrtok offhfo Alaskantohsearch(forteimy Mattcrn, around-the-world flierglost between rcoSirberiaisarndonAlaskha. HThwcy areMas.,ownshwithn WargdheKnisleyhe whoe scharted hr es i MsscusMtasattersna'Bst cousrse.rin atem f 4 .:s;.gTh.... yia ssys) show at loy Benett iel, NewY Yorbk rhousyeo Kafhnr Thek Dasarh steamsip Jelliegmwilut ao-thershrp for lh no an MsChrlsA idbrg' arilsuvygfanarnoterzert toright OttoH. KanesniornartnwlSirWi>}a::Wieman:::the$50,00,00"Tennssee:alle eto Eoe Afr Atakin Tn acrgo st hiaWa e sip abeainybttie Kn B(carefor Gren'snd.rsg - nain l rc vr d iitain c ah a a wih ot a s ss o n e trn h ae o h :; ;F fr l:f S e i itre t hr dsk nM sac uet -aepiona .tn osat evn tr f2 :F J'"Y- tf k: ': lJr~ !. Z Wahint~ri yers.lfeis i cutod ofDepuy Serif Wndso (lft)of arn who charted Mattern's course -1 .. .-:': '. .. . . ::... ,...:. ....::....n:::: ~r..r rrJ. t^: Jl}.A t ;) 2Yf.,".!:iio."} 1'. -. . . . . . . . ..,..._................ ..._.:.. _:. :T.r...........vsiii:}}h. :N:w:Y::rk banking:?::{?set:<"i}ah}:, L.:b:.F:::cv.s.".... r.,. ,,esident ... .... n~w;:w::. ::::y :::::::C::::ay,}4}h^ch4}s";ed}}'y}::e:ice:;%i}bank;{:4C:.y;r "v:ers Ins ... .. ...A..r.c.. T h ::::v:D a..:.s ....s.......s..............:.....: iil :-a .....:-s.... ,m:::nhership ,..A : :.r ...... m t e , a e s o n i o f r n e d r n ne o t he,been appoin td ' co m p rt,,.r. ...... r.Y:.::,l e:: A.L::": - i:ns;;i::Jv:::erg .....:.'......ria",."sur :::::y o f a f ..n...,rn, ...h n, sen. ._ar..., r W. } n :::::$:,' :.t..:::,".:.xT en nessee v..:alley - r ........ h E ur.. . A......... k...g.............. .............. ...:. .... ,s.......n..B........t. J ..B u1." 5,ineser- .iia u :"::.ty . r cleared f..i.i'..'::';::{::t:oYr LJGreenJ::::.": .:. : . .. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY WANTED HOME COOKING-For Jewish boys. 611 Hoover St. Phone 2-3478. 18c BICYCLES RENT A BIKE-Russell Reed. Ray- ment Radio. Next to Witham's, South University. Phone 2-1335. LOST LOST-Diamond from lady's ring, in rest room, Angell Hall, between 9 and 9:30 Thursday; reward. Phone 4121, Ext. 381. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free; socks darned. 13c WASHING-And ironing wanted. Guaranteed satisfactory. Call for and deliver. 611 Hoover. Phone 2-3478. 17c STUDENT AND FAMILY LAUNDRY -Good soft water; will call for and deliver. Telephone 4863 12c NOTICE INSTRUCTION ; Stenotypy, short- hand, typwriting, accounting, Hamilton College, State and Wil- liams Sts. 12 HAVE COTTAGE at Whitmore Lake, Want one, two or three persons to occupy with me for the season. Box No. C7 or come to third cot- tage on Todd's Point. FOR RENT SPEND-Your summers during the Summer Session at Whitmore Lake. Large cool rooms, private beach, home cooking. 512 S. Shore Drive. Tel. Whitmore 9170. 5 FOUR-ROOM-Apartment fully fur- nished. 228 S. Thayer. Opposite Hill Auditorium. 6 GIRL CROSSES OCEAN 19 TIMES SAN FRANCISCO, June 30.-HA.)- At. 17, Miss Wilna Splivalo has crossed the Atlantic ocean 19 times and sculptured statuary which was accepted for exhibit in the 1933 ex- hibit at a Paris salon. General Charles H. Grosvenor, of Ohio; became known as "Old Fig- gers"'in the presidential campaign of 1896 as a result of his regular issu- ance of tabulated reports on the progress of the campaign compiled by a newspaper man. TYPERIT E R S All Makes - Iarge and Portabl Sold Rented Ecanged Repaired Lwrge choice stock.&syteens. DD"lMORRILL, 1 - 'UA S, S ae St. f Ann Ar~bor'. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by taking a written examina- tion given by the German depart- ment. Students who intend to take the examination are requested to register their names at least one week before the date of the exami- nation with Mr. Reichart in Room 300, University Hall, where detailed information with regard to examina- tion requirements will be given. The next examination will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 2 p. m. in Room 203, U. H. Mathematics 3 is being offered this summer from 3-5 on Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday, and Friday, in 202 Mason Hall by Professor Churchill. English 153s (Creative Writing) meets Monday, 7-9, in Room 3227, Angell Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments & Occupational Information: The bureau has received announce- ments of U. S. Civil Service exami- nations for the following positions: Junior Park Naturalist, $2,000; Emergency Agricultural Assistant, $2,000 to $2,600; Senior Highway Construction Supervisor, $4,600 to $5,400; Senior Highway Design En- gineers, $4,600 to. $5,400; Cost and Production Supt. for Shoe Factory, $2,000.; Anyone interested may call at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, for further information. "The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars" has compiled a list of these from various sources. Departments -interested in I, the possibility of secuirng the serv- ices of men in their field as lecturers may use the list as a check on their own lists. This list may be seen in Dr. Robbins' office, University Hall. School of Education--Changes in Elections: Changes of election may be made this week in the Recorder's Office, Room 1437 U. Elementary School. All changes must be made in this office in order to be official. Michigan Repertory Players: The final perforance of Franz Molnar's "The Play's The Thing" will be pre- sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre tonight. English 232: Studies in Elizabeth- an Drama will meet on Monday and Wednesday from 2-4 in Room 3212 A.H. instead of Tuesday and Thurs- day from 2-4 in Room 221 A.H. University Symphony Orchestra: Rehearsals every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,. and Thursday at 2:00 in the' School of Music Auditorium. All students in the University are eligible to try out for orchestra. University Summer Session Mixed Chorus will meeteWednesday, July 5th at 7 p. in. instead of the regular rehearsal at Morris Hall on Tues- day. Open to all studentsaof the Uni- versity. University Men's Glee Club: Meet at 7 p. m. Wednesday instead of reg- ular Tuescay rehearsal at Morris Hall. Open to any one who cares to sing. Entries for intramural sports in handball, tennis, squash, horseshoes, and swimming should be made at the Intramural Sports Building by July 10. All Camnpus Golf: All students in- terested in participating in an all campus golf tournament should turn in . qualifying score at the Club House, University Golf Course by July 10. Wesley Hall: Student Guild at 6 p. m. Dr. T. P. Sinha will speak on "The Religious Import of the League of Nations." Fellowship .hour at 7 p. m. Sunday. Class for Summer Session Students at 9:30 a. m. First Methodist Church: Dr. Fish- er will preach at 10:45 a. m. on "The Deep Drives of One's Nature." To All Members of the University Staff: Any items of interest that you wish publicized in the news col- umns of The Michigan Daily may be delivered or telephoned to The Daily office. The telephone number is 4925. Edward H. Kraus Dean Of The Summer Session Mr. Walton E. Cole will speak Sun- day morning in the Unitarian Church on the subject: America's Debt to Thomas Paine. Mr. Edward B. Greene of the Psychology depart- ment will speak to the Liberal Stu- dents Union Sunday evening at 7:30. Dr. F. Twyman, of London, will de- liver a lecture on "The Construction and .Uses of Reflection Echelon" at 2 p. m., Monday, in Room 1041, East Physics Building. He will also lec- ture at 4:30 in Room 319 West Medi- cal Bldg., on "Various Instruments of Interest to Medical Men Including a Blood Count Apparatus and a New Type Nephelometer." O. S. Duffendack LIGHTHOUSE CLOSED TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., June 30. --A)-Old Mission lighthouse, after more than a half century of service, is being closed and the keeper and his family are being moved else- where. A gas buoy will be used in place of the lighthouse. The old Mission light is distinguished be- cause it stood directly on the 45th parallel, exactly half way between the equator and the north pole. Four-fifths of the area in Queens- land, Australia, which was overrun by the prickly-pear pest, has been reclaimed by a tiny parasite insect. DANCE Michigan's Most Beautiful Summer Resort Ballroom BLUE LANTERN ISLAND LAKE Take M-23 to Brighton Just 18 Miles in 'automat ic - electric irons All Michigan Students Dance Here DANCING EVERY NIGHT Gentlemen 40c Ladies 35c Dancing Sunday 8:30 - 12:30 Special Dance Monday, July 3rd Dance afternoon and night July 4 bring new ironing comfort . . . Added Attractions Every Friday Night If you haven't seen the changes in electric irons during the past few years, you've a surprise in store for you! The new models boast so many improve- ments and refinements that you will find them a revelation. Changes in appearance, in design, in bal- ance, in ironing surface, and--best of all-in comfort and efficiency. The new irons are lighter and easier to handle, speedier to work with, and they produce better results. Equipped with automatic heat control, they eliminate all danger of scorching. With beveled edges, they glide over finest linens, light dresses, delicate fabrics ...and make them marvelously smooth and dainty. Their ease of operation will delight you. Turn in your old iron NOW for one of these new advanced nodels!. r BUY AMERICAN AND FROM A UNIVERSITY STUDENT child is not so cial angle as it valuable from used to be on farm," II SI NC LAIR I ~arm" U A tnmatp l '. cptri Trnie.i $650 gncl fill~ I I, I