MJCI IGAN DAILY On Medicine, Medical Economic Planning Committee Meets In Washington L Agencies Of Michigan Drawn Up By Leading State Doctors Editor's Note: This is the first of a series of articles by Profes- sor Wesley H. Maurer of the department of journalism concerning the report of the committee on the Survey of Medical Services and Health Agencies in the State of Michigan. The report has just been finished and will be submitted July 12 to the House of Dele- gates of the Michigan State Medcal Society at the annual conven- tion in Lansing. By WESLEY H. MAURER Is the cost of medical care in the State of Michigan too high? Can the average citizen in the state afford to pay for adequate medical care? What is the average income of the practicing physician of the state? Does private practice provide sufficient income for physicians? Is the University Hospital functioning as an educational institution or is it being used by many as a means for getting cheap hospitalization? What, if anything, is wrong with the practice of medicine in the state, and what can be done to fit the profession of medicine into the new patterns of our social and economic life? These searching questions are the basis for a report now ready for submission to the House of Delegates of the Michigan State Medical Society prepared by a committee appointed by the Society in 1931 to make the study. HIGH POINTS OF ARTICLE The study is the first complete Here are a few of the outstand- state survey that has been made. ing statements made in the ac- Its significance is attested by the companying article on the survey fact that more than 40 state medical of medical services and health associations in the United States, agencies in Michigan: several leading foundations, and nu- "Medical practice can no more merous health agencies have made maintain the status quo than can inquiries regarding the statistics and any other movement in human other facts gathtred for the study, affairs." Prominent Names Included "Once medicine is seen as an Rescue Expedition Starts -earching For MILaaern NEW YORK, June 30.-(/ -The "Jimmie Mattern rescue expedition" soared away from FloyciBenn"tt field at 7:06 a. in. eastern stanmdard time today for Alaska. Chief Pilot Willian Alexander in command of the rescue planze, s; id that on reaching Nome, he and his three companions would "divide the map into squares" and scarch sys- tematically for the lost flyer. U. S. Is Own Argui On Stabili S. Rubarth -Associated Press Photo Business leaders of the nation, who are on the advisory and economic planning committee, are shown as they met in Washington. Seated at table, left to right: Alfred P. Sloan, jr., of General Motors, Gerard Swope of General Electric, Col. Edward Hurley of Chicago, Secretary Roper of the commerce department, Walter S. Gifford of American Telephone and Tellegraph company, Melvin A. Traylor, Chicago banker; E. Y. Mitchell, assistant secretary of commerce; John Dickinson, assistant secretary of commerce; Col. Robert Q. Elbert of Aeolian company, H. P. Kendall, head of Kendall company, Boston; William E. Wood- ward (behind Kendall) of New York and Fred I. Kent, New York banker. The survey was conducted by rep- resentative physicians of the state who were appointed by the president of the state society. They are Dr. W. H. Marshall, chairman, Flint; Dr. L. G. Christian, Lansing; Dr. Bert U. Estabrook, Detroit; Dr. C. S. Gorsline, Battle Creek; Dr. F. A. Baker, Pontiac; and Dr. F. C. Warn- shuis, Grand Rapids. These physi- F cians engaged as director of the study Dr. Nathan Sinai, professor of public health at the University, who has had wide experience in survey work. In addition to these, 35 phy- sicians from various parts of Michi- gan and six public health officials worked on subcommittees for the study of special problems. Every county medical society in the state co-operated in the survey. Questionnaires were sent to each of the 5,585 physicians practicing in Michigan during 1931. An effective follow-up campaign through the sec- retaries of the county societies gave the committee an unusually high percentage of returns and makes the findings all the more comprehensive. One of the key chapters to the report is its study on population in- come and costs of living prepared for the committee by Professor Morris Copeland and William Hoad of the department of economics at the University. Equally important is the chapter devoted to the, inci- dence, care, and cost of illness. Two others of the 11 chapters are de- voted to a study of the distribution and practice of physicians in the state and their incomes. University Hospital Discussed The vexing problem of the Uni- versity Hospital, which has caused heated arguments in local and state medical circles, is discussed frankly, and the various opinions of physi- clans and the grounds for these opinions regarding the Hospital's policies are cited. Another phase of the report deals with county health organizations with special reference to their costs to the taxpayers and to their effectiveness in organization. In the chapter on miscellaneous re- ports there are discussed such prob- lems as the free and part-pay clinics in Detroit, the cancer problem, lab- oratories, medical care of negroes, the problem of tuberculosis,: care of indigents, industrial relations, and medical education and licensure. In discussing the objectives of the survey the committee writes in the foreword to the report that it "does not conceive the end of this study to be concerned with the means of making more money for physicians ... nor should the objective be mere- ly a struggle for power; rather it should be an- attempt to assume in- telligent leadership, aiming at a hap-: pier, healthier, and more secure so- cial order." The committee writes that the policy of laissez-faire, which assumes that change will come of itself and in spite of the profession's efforts, is short-sighted, and adds that the profession must concentrate on a study of what seems to be wrong and "then try to work out a program of relief." integrated part of the whole so- cial and economic order, changes will not only be expected but planned for according to circum- stances." "Medical practice in Michigan, operating on circumstances ob- taining in the period about 1900 cannot possibly be aware of the factors which have brought slow but revolutionary chages in the profession as ell as in the society ini which it practices." "As medicine became more effi- cient in its treatment of illnesses, requirements of medical services decreased-a condition which par- . allels technological unemployment in the field of industry. "The decrease in sickness and in death is one of the amazing arid probably the most gratifying of all the results obtained by Smodern medical practices. It perits medicine to survey the field and ask: What new forms of employment are to be de- veloped?" rial advancement and its social prog- ress." One of the healthiest signs of adaptability in our social institutions is the rare characteristic of self- criticism. Public criticism of our professions is always valuable, for not infrequently public pressure is required to make them more socially responsive. But criticism of the pro- fession by its members is very likely to be more pointed and more effec- tive; in addition to this it has the quality of being farsighted in that it anticipates public pressure and prepares to meet it before the pro- fession's prestige vanishes in the in- evitable conflict. An example of this frankness and self-criticism is to be found in the conclusion of the first chapter of the report, entitled "The Evolution of Medical Care;" which traces the progress of medicine in parallel with the economic history of the United States. "Medical practice," the conclusion sets forth, "can no more riiaintain the status quo than can any other movement in human affairs. To at- tempt such maintenance is a symp- tom of rigidity which soon leads to the advocacy of the status quo ante, a sign of decadence." Deploring the unequal rate of progress in the three aspects of med- ical care, namely, research, educa- tion and practice, the. committee indicts the profession for allowing habit to rule its outlook. "The in- dividual (practitioner) who attempts innovations," writes the committee, "meets with little of that healthy 9kepticism displayed toward re- search," and it adds that judgment concerning these innovations have been unusually emotional. With regad t medical education, the committee feels that the "forces of creation and of habit" are more equally balanced, yet, the committee adds, while the "trend is toward the inclusion of the new, any move to discard,' re-evaluate, or change the old is bitterly opp osed." In iesearch alone, the committee -believes, is the conflict between creative imagination and established habit about at an end, and the prevailing attitude, it is held, is one of supprt and healthy skepticism. The rate of progress of Be sure to dance and dine at the DANCERS' PARADISE formerly the Eclipse on Ecorse Road OPENING NIGHT SATURDAY, JULY 1 the three, the committee holds, is too uneven, and the distance between them, it is maintained, should be shortened. "While it would be ab- surd," the report reads, "to ever ex- pect (them) to march abreast," it would not be unreasonable to ex- pect a much shorter interval between them. Three Theories Brought Out The committee prefaces its dis- cussion of the economic progress of medicine in the United States by pointing to the three different theories pertaining to social charge. One theory holds, the committee states, that change is inevitable through the operation of natural law -a point of view which leads, in the committee's opinion, to inaction. The opposing theory is, the report reads, that social changes lend themselves to the guidance of man-a concept which lays the basis for action on knowledge and its intelligent appli- cation. Another point of view is one which, while holding basically to the first theory, assumes a militant at- titude toward the forces which would bring about a change and commits itself to a program of obstructionism, the committee asserts, adding that this notion is not consistent in view of the fact that support of a move- ment or obstruction of it only means its guidance in one direction or in another. All three theories are well represented in the field of medicine, the committee states. Once medi- cine is seen as an integrated part of the whole social and economic order, changes, the committee believes, will not only be expected but planned for according to circumstances. The committee thus lays the basis for its contention that medical practice in Michigan, operating on circum- stances obtaining in the period about 1900 cannot possibly be aware of the factors which have brought slow but revolutionary changes in the profession as well as in the so- ciety in which it practices. Physician Was Supreme Individualist The physician, the report states, was probably supreme among the individualists ii the early period of economic development in this coun- try during the time while nine- tenths of the population were en- gaged in agriculture, when wood was the common fuel, when steel was a semi-precious metal, when the fam- ily was the unit of production, and when it was easy to go into business for oneself. After serving a short apprenticeship to a practitioner, during which time he "assisted," read books on anatomy, physiology, and the philosophy of medicine- learning a bit of science and a great deal of art-he was ready to practice for himself. With nothing but human energy as his investment and with very simple and crude equipment, he was ready for the profession. "His day might begin," the report reads, "with the ushering-in of a new human be- ing, include the performance of rough and dangerous surgery, and end with spiritual guidance, since the professions of clergymen and physicians were often combined." The relationships between his pa- tients and himself were, the report points out, like the relationships of all economic and professional activi- ties, direct and simple. Became More Complex But in the second period, follow- ing the Industrial Revolution, the practice of medicine became exceed- ingly complex. It was during this period when families who were not lured by the machines into the fac- tories pushed the frontiers westward. The tempo of factories increased, farms began to supply food for dis- tant markets, machinery was intro- duced on the farm to harvest larger f crops, transportation was effected to carry goods to the cities and manu- factured goods throughout the coun- try. Then capital outlay for private enterprise increased, individual op- portunity.subsequently decreased, and the spectre of insecurity entered American life. The evolution of med- ical practice, the committee declares, paralleled this. As mechanical horse- power provided the moving impulse for industry, so research provided the great driving power for medicine, the committee points out, showing that this "systematic study by the experi- mental method 'developed into- a huge tidal wave of production in science." Medical schools increased from 5 in 1800 to 160 in 1900, de- creasing, under stricter supervision and higher standards, to 76 in 1929. Formal education for the physician lengthened to 6, 7, 8 years or longer. Then the division of science brought about specializations until today there are 22 specialties listed by the American Medical Association. Even within these specialties there are small divisions of specialization. Then came specialized care with costly hospitals, trained nurses, un- known a century ago, and laboratory technicians. The capital investment of physicians increased and the med- ical dollar becamedivided into many parts. Equipment became more costly, the relationship between phy- sician and patient became more complex, and above it all hovered also the spectre of insecurity. Need For Services Decreased Then as medicine became more efficient in its treatment of illnesses, requirement of medical services de- creased-a condition, the committee believes, which parallels technologi- cal unemployment in the field of in- dustry. Thus if the 1900 rate of deaths in Michigan from typhoid, diphtheria, tuberculosis, diarrhoea, and enteritis (under 2 years), and mortality of infants under 1 year had continued, there would have been 27,069 deaths in 1931; instead there were only 8,586 deaths. The typhoid fever, diphtheria, and tuber- culosis cases based on the 1900 rate in Michigan should have been in 1931 approximately 45,460 instead of the 8,387 cases. When all diseases are taken into consideration, the number of deaths in 1931, after an adjustment is made for population differences of two years, shows a decrease of approximately 20,000 from the figures of 1901. "The decrease," states the report, "is one of the amazing and probably the most gratifying of all the results attained by modern medicine. It permits medicine to survey the field of its endeavors and ask: What new forms of employment are to be de- veloped? It is obvious that future needs cannot be -projected upon the basis of those types of service fitted to the demand of 1900." Sell 'flatiron' Structure For $100,000 Cash NEW YORK, June 30.-()- With a single drop of an auction- eer's hammer, the famous old Flatiron building was sold today for $100,000 to the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. - NEW YORK, June 30.-(')-The Flatiron building-that "stingy piece of pie" that made some critics of 1902 moan as if they had eaten it and got stomachache-went on the block today.. 1hirty-one years ago, the famous building was erected to knife the breezes at 23rd St., Broadway and Fifth Ave. Now the mortgage has been foreclosed, the auctioneer called in. . The news summoned back long- forgotten geography lessons 'to peo- ple throughout the land. For years school books carried pictures of the sliver structure, captioning it one of the sights of New York. When it was erected, New York's mushroom growth already had a good start so that the building- rearing its 20 stories above pygmy structures around it-never was the city's highest. The discussion it aroused, how- ever, put all the others in the shade. Some likened its shape to a battle- ship; others to a flatiron. The flat- iron moniker struck, although the official name was "Fuller building." Some, criticizing its design, could see it only as a "stingy piece of pie." "The monstrosity," said the artist, William Ordway Partridge, "is a dis- grace, an outrage to one sense of the artistic and a menace to our life." T. P. Sinha To Speak On League Of Nations Dr. T. P. Sinha, special student in political science, will deliver an ad- dress on "The Religious Import of the League of Nations" at 6 p. m. Sunday to the Student Guild at Wes- ley Hall, it was announced yester- day. Dr. Sinha, who has been a student of the University for the past semes- ter, received his academic degree in India. After two years of political science at the University of London, followed by a similar course at the University of Washington, he served in Mahatma Gandhi's ambulance corps during the war. Dr. Sinha has had extensive jour- nalistic experience, serving on the paper which was later changed to "Young India.' He was also a re- porter for two years on the Manches- ter Guardian, of London, and assist- ed Dr: Howard B. Calderwood in the Secretariat of the League of Nations. Lectures On Hiler Regime (Continued from Page 1) tary inflation had wiped out their savings and because those that were working were being taxed heavily to aid the 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 unem- ployed." This is a higher percentage of men out of work than in this country, ac- cording to the speaker, and condi- tions in Geriany are more serious than here because the unemployed cannot fall back on the soil to eke out a living.. After Hitler was made dictator of Germany, his party faced the job of finding jobs for the 25 to 30 per cent of the working men who were un- employed. To put them to work it was necessary to oust members of other parties from all available posi- tions. Hitler has been anti-Jew partly because of the fact that, being born in Austria in a section of the coun- try which has a large Jewish popu- lation that is rather unpopular, he cannot conceive of any nationalistic movement that is not also anti- Semetic," Dr. Rubarth said. In regard to Hitler's army, he said that, although the dictator's troops are thought by many foreigners to be dangerous and to be forbidden by the army limitation clause in the Versailles treaty, the group is not militaristic and is in no way con- nected with the official army. "Germans have been trained to like the psychological security of marching ranks," he said. "Many discouraged young men have joined the Hitler forces because they enjoy being ordered and like the military discipline that they get when they are put in the ranks." The uniforms of the army, Dr. Rubarth stated, were important items in winning votes for Hitler. The men consider the wearing of them an honor and the women are partial to young men who dress in the simple brown shirt. Citing Hitler's honesty, he con- cluded, "I don't fear any interna- tional trouble being caused by Ger- many." New Highways In Ozarks Put Thousands To Work SPRINGFIELD, Mo., June 30.-() -The Ozark country this summer is supporting thousands of families through labor on highway projects. At least 5,000 men are now at work on road developments in the Missouri hills, a survey of contractors' weekly reports and state highway depart- ment pay-roll figures revealed. High- way officials estimated 10,000 fam- ilies, or 50,000 persons, were depen- dlent upon this construction work for the necessities of life. The minimum wage for common labor is 35 cents an hour for 30 hours a week, with higher pay for skilled workmen and machine operators. PAPA SOCKS-MAMA PAYS WHEELING, W. Va., June 30-(1) -Gregory Vaslokis was fined $10 for wife-beating. Mrs. Vaslakis told the court it didn't hurt very much, and paid the fine. Thirteeen cities and towns in the United States bear the name of Mansfield. If7= i~.itewe' bay it. Correspondence Sttioneiy Foditmin P s, Ink, eta. :T Oi iters all rrAes9 o D. M Q R -R 17, -31~ I. $tto!S*, A A rlkr. Nation Shares England's Boat lin Eyes Of Go 1 Standard Couniitries (continued fron Page 1) ures, countries have become less un- willing than formerly to adopt trade policies which are likely to distrub the world market, Professor Reame said, and to align themselves, osten- sibly at least, with isolationism. Planned economy for any country, according to Professor Remer, Is like- ly to bring about a policy of appar- ent isolation. The planers, for rea- sons' of domestic iplomiacy,' argue! in terms of isolation although in ae- tual practice they take international trade into account as eagerly as ever. As an unfavorable precedent for a nation prematurely returning to the gold standard, Professor R e m ev pointed to England, which stabilized its currency on gold in 1925 with undesirable consequences. F r a n ce now has a real fear of currency ma- nipulation, said Professor Remer, but is more concerned over the prospet of inflation in the United States than over the situation in England becau, it considers England more vulnerale and more dependent on world trade than America. Professor Remer doubts that Prei- dent Roosevelt will do any very radi- cal manipulating of the currency. but declares that the United States cannot permit the impression to exist among the population that its hands have been tied by other countries. He asserted yesterday that the political situation in the Wold F o- nomic Conference would- have been better if something had been done about international debts before the conferees met. He particularly re- mai'ked on the fact tat the Un ited States permitted June15, the day Onl which wai' debt payments were due, to pass without any internation- al conclusion having been reached Wedding Ceremon Is Held In League Chapel Miss Marjorie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson, 512 ;Hill Street, was married to Paul Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. D Smith of Lockport, N. Y;, at 8 p. iii, Thursday in the chapel of te 1I -h igan League building. Dr. Edward Blakeman of the First Methodist church read the service. The bride wore an attractive model of egg shell crepe trimmed with vel- vet gardenias and carried a shower bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and baby's breath. Her only attendant was Miss Ruth Sessions of North- ville, who wore yellow net over yel- low satin and had a shoulder cor- sage of tea roses and baby's breath. The groom was attended by Francis Bennett of Ann Arbor as best man. Mrs. Johnson, mother of the bride, was attired in flowered chiffon and had a small corsage of roses. Mr Smith, father of the groom, played the organ, A reception in the Russian tea room followed the service, with Kap- pi Phi sorority sisters of the bride assisting. Among the out-of-town guests -were Mi and Mr. Oliver Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charls Allgiers from the east. DR. FREDERICK B. FISHER in a series of Studies in Successful Living Sunday Mornings at 10:45 July. 2 -- The eep Drives of tOne's Nature July 9 -- Getting Into Har- mony With Oneself July 10 - -Learning to Manage Trifles July 23-- Living Above F0rictiovg i a-1 111er m mI e s August 0 - Tasting Deeply of Au.,list 13 - 'The Worider Of RulwiiuS EMerience ltclF-IoST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH State & Washington (The remaining eight this series will be printed ing issues of The Daily.) articles in in succeed- Scientific Approach Essential "If medical economics is to be studied at all," the committee states, "this must be done in a scientific manner, and, if possible, without prejudice. Fallowing approved so- ciological methods, the committee has endeavored to prepare certain statistics which seemed essential to an understanding of the situation.. "There are those who fear the dis- integration of our civilization; there are alarmists who believe that we are on the verge of a violent revolu- tion; there are those who fear that the future of the private physician is uncertain. Such catastrophes need not happen if the profession aban- dons its policy of drifting and uses TYP-EWRITING -4IMEOGRAPRING Frm-t Y ad neaty nei our' om shop by cpetent &D.os tmorateIates LYDIA MENDELSSOHN T179 II4ATRE pp ~1 £ ~I4S~Stae$t.,Akbo6 I 8:30 P.M. E ,. ____" ion CORM Now Wl The Michigan Repertory Players present FRANZ MOLNAR'S CONTINENTAL FARCE THE PLAY'S THE THING" SPEND A QUIET EVENING a- ,A -M --m Al III II' II E ,. r