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July 01, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-01

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ation of the Summer Session


purchases and will ask the buyer to pay only on
the larger amounts. Under this so-called bracket
system, the merchant may absorb the entire tax
if he wishes but may not advertise the fact. Thus
unfair competition is also avoided.
As a result of the plans thus made for the en-
forcement of the tax provision in Ann Arbor,
which are comparable to similar plans adopted by
Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and other Mich-
igan cities, we have high hopes of a successful col-
lection of additional revenue for the state without
the imposition of an unfair burden upon the con-
sumer or actual taxpayer.


- - -f.I
?~I Abv N! f $! T yWAT ' +C WlGAKiB~
Published every morning except Monday during the
niiversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Cotrol of Student Publications.
ber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
%iAnaid the ig Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republicationi of all news dispatches credited to it or
Litatherwise credited in this paper and the local news
bllshed herein. All rights of republication of special
tihes are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistint Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal,
$15. Iuring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
~itesentatives: College Publications Representatives,
Ic., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 40
yton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
thiagoi. Naional Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
St., Nhew Yof, N. Y.
Phone: 4925
AB0OCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E.. Jerome Pettit.
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
Aiiother Successful
Sports Session. .
A N INNOVATION in the field of
sports and physical education was
created last year when Dr. Margaret Bell estab-
lished the Sports Session, the first series of its
kind to .be carried out. The success of the session
was apparent as soon as the classes were under
day and at the end of the short course, those who
had taken part in the instruction offered were
This year Dr. Bell has repeated, having just
completed a Session which over-shadows the one
of last summer in its interest, its value, and its
alppeal to instructors of physical education.
The avowed purpose of such a course is at once
apparent. Women coaches from all parts of the
coUntry are given an opportunity to take part in
activities, under excellent supervision, to which
they subject their students during the regular ac-
ademic year. They are thus able, by active partici-
pation in a strenuous and concentrated course
of Instruction and discussion, to acquire knowledge
.which is not available from any other source.
That the series has been an unqualified success
there can be no doubt. That the major share of
credit for its helpfulness should go to Dr. Bell is
likewise unquestioned. Without wid publicity,
without elaborate planning or a great deal of so-
lieltation, she has "put her idea across."
The question then naturally arises-if such a
course of instruction for women can be so success-
ful, Why not offer a similar course for men? The
cluestion is a perfectly rational and reasonable
one. The University of Michigan possesses one of
the finest physical education plants in the coun-
try. It provides ample facilities for that type of
istruction and has a reputation which would
guarantee the success of such a venture. And such
a course would undoubtedly supply men coaches
with the same helpful material as has Dr. Bell's
course for women. It certainly isn't too much to
hope that in due time there will be a Sports Ses-
sion for men, in addition to the ever-so-successful
course for women, which has more than proven

Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
goodtwo stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
The song and dance is like this: A mug with
the moniker of "Bugs" is a big-shot in the beer
racket in Chicago. He decides to go high-class in
Santa Barbara but is took for a sucker by a swell
looking dame and played mullet by her old man to
the tune of 600 grand. The old man has been run-
ning a crooked investment company and unloads
it on Bugs. Bugs gets wise to the fact that he is
owner of a Brooklyn Bridge and calls his muscle-
men from Chicago to make the old man and his
partners buy up the crooked bonds that the com-
pany dishes out. Bugs then marries a moll that
has been inviting people to his house, sort of a
secretary, and she turns out to be the real McCoy
even if she is busted.
Edward G. Robinson, sneering racketeer, goes
back to his "Little Caesar" role and does a fine
job as "Bugs." Helen Vinson, the best of the
gold-diggers, plays the part of a young lady who
digs gold. Mary Astor, now that she has discarded
her Madonna facial expressions and make-up is
really becoming a good actress. She is the good
Robinson's gangsters, coming to Santa Barbara
from Chicago by plane to help their boss get off
the spot, are very nearly as effective as the Con-
necticut Yankee's Knights coming to save Sir Boss
and King Arthur from being hanged by Arthur's
sister on their brand new motorcycles. The show
drags in parts but taken as a whole is not half
bad. -F,. B. G.
(Playing Today)
Harry Carey, the star of "Trader Horn," opens
today in the first chapter of a "stunt" serial at the
Whitney theatre. One of the first of its kind to
appear at a leading theatre in Ann Arbor for some
time, "The Devil Horse" is expected to provide
Saturday entertainment of the type "you used to
beg your dad to let you see."
The feature picture which plays with this first
chapter of the serial is "The Western Code."
Mischa Auer, son of the noted musician, Leopold
Auer, and a prominent screen actor in his own
right, plays a principal part in this picture of "the
wide open spaces" which features Tim McCoy.
(Playing Saturday through Friday)
The annual screen song-and-dance comedy of
Eddie Cantor comes to the Majestic today for a
week's run. Succeeding his "Palmy Days" of last
year, "The Kid From Spain" is this year's offer-
ing of Cantor, who makes but one film yearly, ap-
parently in an effort to save his energy, his voice,
and his laughs for a single big effort.
"The Kid From Spain" is the story of a button-
eyed lad, who, getting kicked out of school with
his room-mate for suspicious goings-on in a girls'
dormitory, gets involved in a bank robbery and
escapes to Mexico disguised as Don Sebastian II,
the famous bull-fighter. He accepts the acclaim
of a great fete in his honor, trying desperately to
maintain his masquerade until the minute he is
forced into the arena to fight the four bulls in the
thrilling climax of the picture.
Eddie Cantor's songs get their refrain from the
effervescent, bouncing comedienne, Lyda Roberti,
who seconds his comedy through the story. Others
in the cast are Robert Young, Ruth Hall, John
Miljan, Carrol Naish and Stanley Fields. Leo Mc-
Carey directed the story and Alfred Newman was
musical director.

Governor Comstock has found it expedient to re-
appoint other holdovers from the Republican era,
notably the admittedly efficient Commissioner of
Public Safety Olander. For such reappointments
which were obviously made on the basis of proven
ability Governor Comstock is to be commended.
But surely Warden Corgan falls into the cate-
gory of public servant who merits reappointment
regardless of political reallignment. The judicious
enforcement of rules regardless of the influence of
any person subject to the rules is merely one
example of the ability of the man. He is to be
remembered for his capable handling of the
prison riot in 1931. Further proof of the high
exteem in which this prison official has been held
by his associates in his field was evidenced by the
support accorded him in the recent brush with
Lansing by Sing Sing's Warden Lawes whose abil-
ity is unquestioned. Is the Governor's action to
be interpreted as meaning that the Governor does
not reward honesty in public office when such
a course is likely to be disadvantagous to his
friends-friends who are not always accorded the
same high esteem as the warden of Marquette?
It is disillusioning to know that Michigan is to
be deprived of the services of a man whose cour-
age, integrity, and ability bids fair to being
equivalent to that of the noteworthy Warden
P. S. This is not a letter from a friend of the
warden as I have never had the pleasure of meet-
ing Mr. Corgan.
A Washington
WASHINGTON-The stay-at-home presidential
secretary, Marvin H. McIntyre, who stuck on in
Washington for a time after Mr. Roosevelt's de-
parture on his vacation trip, was supposed to
be "off duty." Having toiled continuously for just
about a year at Mr. Roosevelt's side before and
during the convention, throughout the election
campaign and since inauguration, he was held to
have earned a rest.
It did not work out that way, however. Prior
to his trip north to change places with Secretary
Steve Early as the publicity bodyguard of the
President, McIntyre was the only high-ranking
administration representative about the White
House. And while he was no news source, he was
very busy.
Dozens of folks were waiting to see him before
he got down every morning. So far as anybody
could tell, his visitors were mostly job hunters.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the omnce of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11 :30 a.. S aturday.

Excursion No. 3: FORD PLANT- day at 1 p. m. It will arrive at Niag-
A visit to the Ford industries at ara Falls Friday night at 10 o'clock.
River Rouge will be made the after- The day Saturday will be spent at
noon of Wednesday, July 5, leaving the Falls and vicinity. The party
at 12:45 p. m. and returning to Ann will leave Niagara Falls Sunday
Arbor at 5:30 p. m. The inspection morning for Ann Arbor where it will
tour will include the motor assembly arrive sometime early Sunday after-
plant, the final assembly line, the noon.
open hearth steel mill, and the roll- The total expenses of the trip
ing mill, and a motorbus tour of cer- should not exceed $15. Further in-
tain other portions of this great in- formation concerning the itinerary,
dustrial area. Special buses will take expenses for individual items of the
the party directly to the several trip, and other details are available
places visited. Round trip tickets, -at the Summer Session office, Room
$1.00, may be secured before Mon- 9, University Hall. Round trip
day, July 3, 5:00 p. m. in the Sum- tickets must be obtained before 5
mer Session office, Room 9, Univer- p. m. Thursday, July 6.
sity Hall.



in any circumstances be elected for
credit after the close of the second
week of the Summer Session; and
no course may, except in extraordi-
nary circumstances, be dropped
without E grade after the close of
the fourth week.
During the Summer Session, the
Registrar's office is authorized to ac-
cept allowable changes in election,
requiring only" the written approval
of the instructors concerned.
Reading Requirements in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
(Continued on Page 4)
Parker, Sheaffer, Vratemn,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 an~d up e
,large an.d co ice assortiheut
314 S. State St., A=n Arbor.
1:30 to 11:00 P.M.
15c to 6 P.M. - 25c after 6

Excursion No. 4: Niagara Falls and
Vicinity-this excursion will be in
charge of Professor Lawrence Gould,
who was second in command of the
Byrd Antarctic Expedition. The trip
is open to all Summer Session stu-
dents and their friends.-
The party will leave from in front,
of the Natural Science Building Fri-

Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
DANCE Jack Nelson's Band
Free adm. Park plan
OCEAN or 50c couple
BEAC H Via Saline, Clinton, v
PIER androoklyn, to
RClark's Lake

4ttend Cool


Furious Fun!


1. Paramount News 4. Paul Tomkins at the Organ
2. Wings Over the Andes , 5. Four Acts of Vaudeville
Thrills and beauty 6. Zazu Pitts & Slim Summerville
3. Edw. G. Robinson in "They Just Had To Get
"The Little Giant" Married"


First Chapter

_Sunday- Monday
1st Ann Aibor Showing

Yes - A
Mickey Mouse
Cartoon, too.


Attend Cool



"'Secre ts of WuSin1"
"Washington Merry-Go-Round"



President's Buffer
Probably nobody in Washington except Post-
master General Farley has been quite so much
under the guns on patronage demands as Mc-
Intyre. Since inauguration he has been watchdog
of presidential appointments-the buffer between
his busy chief and the political and other great
or near-great clamoring to see him.
The tales he could tell of those House Demo-
crats who, said Representative McClintic, of Okla-
homa, were "afraid to go home" at the end of the
special session due to.-the- meagre output of pat-
ronage jobs would fill a mighty book.
Possibly the intimation of a real revolt among
House Democrats over Farley's patronage han-
dling implied in McClintic's statement and activ-
ities is to be viewed with caution.
It so happened that Mr: Farley was talking to
the feminine Democrats of New York state as
state chairman, with the First Lady as guest of
honor and Presidential Secretary Howe also pres-
ent, on the night McClintic got out his piece about
jobs, or the lack of 'em, in Washington. There
may be a clue to the administration patronage
strategy in what Farley said.
Spurring Cooperation
Speaking both as state and national chairman,
he stressed the view of an offensive, not a defen-
sive, campaign in the coming New York state
campaign. Capture of the New York assembly ur-
gently was required in order that the empire state
might lead the way in cooperation with Washing-
ton on the Roosevelt depression recovery program,
Farley told the Democratic women. And he prom-
ised more federal jobs for deserving women Dem-
Observers believe there may be meat in the Far-
ley talk, since it suggests that federal patronage
may have been reserved in the mass for use in
stimulating state cooperation with the federal re-
covery program.
Editorial Comment











Will Be On Sale



les Tax.


M ICHIGAN'S sales tax, adopted by
the last session of the Legislature,
goes into effect this morning. Under the provisions
of the measure, the consumer must pay an aver-
age of three per cent additional upon all pur-
chases in order to increase the revenue of the
Such a tax, whether known as a sales tax or by
some other name, is probably a justifiable means
of increasing the public income. Though it has a
disadvantage in being a more direct form of col-
lection than the usual manner of taxation, it is,
nevertheless becoming more and more popular all
the time.
The difficulties which might arise under such
a system of raising revenue however have to dc
with the detailed manner of actual collection
rather than with the spirit of the tax. In this case
for instance, the consumer will not mind so great-
ly at having to pay the tax if he can feel at the
same time that the money thus expended will ac-
tually find its way into the coffers of the state and
not become a "racket" for the retailer.
The local merchants who met Thursday under
the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce are to
be complimented upon the method which they
adopted for handling the tax. Under the agree-
ment which received universal approval at :that
eieting, the merchant does his share to meet the
consumer in the matter of collection. He agrees not
to attempt to collect the tax upon small purchases
under a certain amount and to regulate the tax
collected, in general, so as to bring in only the
sum required- by law, leaving no residue for his
own pockets.

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
regardied. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legibly
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors must be as brief as possible, confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. -The Editors.
To The Editor :
One more victim has been added to the list
of political casualties in the person of Warden
Corgan of Marquette branch prison. Yesterday's
papers carried the announcement that the state
board of prison control had dismissed the ward-
ens of all the state prisons, but a note of futility
of trying to be an honest public administrator
was contained in the inclusion of the name of the
man who has so courageously directed the des-
tinies of Marquette prison in the face of the re-
cently exposed attempts of New York gangster
lawyers to break prison rules in order to eventu-
ally "spring" the incarcerated members of the
Detroit Purple Gang.
Not only did Corgan defy Isaiah Leebove, the
mystery man from Clare, and one of the Gover-
nor's "dearest" friends, but he went to Lansing
to testify at the recent hearing conducted by the
legislatures' investigating committee. At the
hearing Corgan, seemingly against better poli-
tical judgment, gave an account of the visit to
Marquette and the consequent meeting of Lee-
bove and his friend, the New York attorney whose
name has figured prominently as counsel for fa-



- ________S

An aerial dream came true the other day when
an airplane rose from the Grand Central airport
at Glendale, Calif., with three gliders in tow.
After a brief excursion above the Hollywood
hills, the motorless "train" cut loose from the
"locomotive" and slid safely back to earth.
This spectacular experiment is looked upon in
aviation circles as a foreshadow of the day when
aerial trains will ply regular courses through the
world's airways, with individual units dropping off
at airports of their cargo's destination.
The possibilities appear to be endless. But there
is no reason for letting one's imagination run
loose. The railroads are -still operating, after a
Whether it wants to or not, it looks as though
the present administration is going to be forced
into the spoils system when it comes to filling jobs
created by emergency relief legislation.
After Secretary of Agriculture Wallace started
to give these positions to civil service men, Repre-
sentative Duncan, a Missouri Democrat, threw a
bomb into this intelligent method of selection.
Duncan found an ancient law which stipulates

Names., local addresses and phone
nunibers, and alsoh ome addresses

of all stuents

Names, addresses and phone num-
bers of allmembers of the sun

iner faculty.

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