The Weather Generally Fair Saturday; local showers and thunder- storms by night. L A61F AV A IAIL .d A(\ 2utr4 t 9-%pewn A00000 Diti Editorials Another Successful S p o Session; Michigan's Sales Z 1, Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XIV No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1933 PRICE FIVE CEI E S Rubarth Lectures On Hitler Regime Says German Jews Not Subjected To Physical Torture By Chancellor Tells Of Formation Of Socialist Group Blames Poor Constitution For Failure Of Post-War German Government By FRANK B. GILBRETH Jews in Germany have not been subjected to any physical cruelties by the Hitler government, according to E. Stern Rubarth, noted German editor, who spoke yesterday in Nat- ural Science Auditorium on "Mis- takes About Germany." "If there has been any cruelty to- ward these pople," he said, "it was not ordered by the government but was the result of over-enthusiastic crowd action." Admitting that he could not be too outspoken because of the fear of dismissal from his official editorial post and a possible jail sentence, Dr. Rubarth outlined in detail the general policy and the reasons for the birth of Hitler's National So- cialist party. "In the first place," he said, "the government of Germany following the war was not successful because it was based on a constitution drawn up from ideals and theory which did not take human nature into account. Furthermore the people could not vote' for the men they liked but were forced to ote for one of several men nm inated by the party." "The National Socialist party," he explained, "was formed and is com- posed of those who believe that they have a right to something that they iuld not get under former condi- wtions." tat'thiitn'r Grtnarly -since the war there has been a vast class of discontented people. These criti- cized but had no constructive sug- gestions to offer. Their disapproval of the old regime voicd itself for the most part in the waving of banners, loud oratory, and semi-military pa- trades. ''The middle classes in particular were suffering," Dr. Rubarth said. "They were suffering because mone- (Continued on Page 3) Federal Pension Rolls To Be Cut Alnost Half WASHINGTON , June 30.-()- The pension rolls will be lightened by almost one-half tomorrow by the Roosevelt economy program. The beginning of the new fiscal year brought veterans' expenditures down from 1933 appropriations that aggregated $927,949,000 to estimates totaling $581,988,000 for the new year, a reduction of $345,961,000. However, not all this amount came out of benefits 'previously paid for- mer soldiers. Fifty million dollars of the reduction was obtained by a -decrease in the 1933 appropriation of $100,000,000 for the fund that is being set aside yearly to pay the bonus in 1945. The appropriation for the fiscal year, 1934, was halved. Benefit payments to between 400,- 000 and 500,000 men who served in the World and Spanish-American wars will stop at midnight. Esti- mates of these savings aggregated $185,000,000. Compensation to thou- sands of other former service men will be less than last year. MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS By the Associated Press Carnera Drops Sharkey With Uppercut In Sixth Round 0 -Associated Press Photo This photo shows Primo Camera, Italian Giant, standing over Jack Sharkey after the former had won the heavyweight championship of the world with a surprise knockout in the sixth round of their fight Thursday night in Madison Square Garden. Molnar's Play Prese nted To Paeked House The cast for the Michigan Reper- tory Players'' production of "The Play's The Thing" played last night o a sellout house at Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Season tickets are still being sold, and there are still nany good seats in the house for the fast performance of the play tonight, according to Carl G. Brandt, busi- ness manager for the Players. Performances in Molnar's contin- antal comedy, "The Play's The rhing," are given by Frederic O. Crandall in the part of Turai, Vivian Cohen as Ilona, Sam A. Maddin as Adam, Paul Williams as Mansky, Lauren Gilber as Almady, and Don- ald Brackett as Dwornitscheck. The third play of the Players' sea- son, G. Martinez-Sierra's "The Ro- mantic Ytoung Lady." will open Wed- nesday, July 5, and will play for three performances only. The play will be directed by Thomas Wood Stevens, of the Artists' Guild Thea- tre of St. Louis, who is the visiting lirector for the Players this summer. Moody Wins; Sutter Is Beaten At Wimbledon -WIMBLEDON, Eng., June 30.-(/P) -Mrs. Helen Wills Moody continued her serene way toward; her sixth Wimbledon tennis title today with a 3-3, 6-0 victory over the experienced F'rench woman player, Mme. Sylvia Henrotin, in the fourth round of the women's singles. George Patrick Hughes, fourth ranking English player, today re- moved Cliff Sutter, third ranking American star, from the Wimbledon tennis championships with a straight set victory, 9-7, 7-5, 6-3. Wilhelm Lost To Next. Year's Varsity Eleven ANN ARBOR, June 30.-(P)- Coach Harry Kipke announced to- day that Leonard G. Wilhelm, of Toledo, who was regarded as one of the most promising freshman can- didates for quarterback on the Uni- versity of Michigan football team, will be ineligible because of scholas- tic difficulties. William McClintick, of Detroit, and Donald McGuire, of South Haven, linemen on the 1932 squad, will be ineligible for the same reason. Tour Of Automobile City To Be Made By StudentsE The second tour on the Summer Session Excursion program will get under way this morning when a group of students in company with Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour- nalism department, director of the tours, leaves for Detroit at 8 a. mn. The party, traveling in chartered buses, will visit the Detroit News, the Fisher Building, the Institute of Arts, the Public Library, and Belle Isle Park, as well as other points of interest. Aesop, It Seems, Was Right About It After All BALTIMORE, June 30.-(AP)-The newspaper today were hailing as a contribution to scientific research the corroboration given Aesop at Johns Hopkins Hospital yesterday. Following the annual turtle race on the hospital grounds, the winner, Panic II, was pitted against a hare, described as being from the Whit- ney Stables. True to the fable, the turtle plug- ged along and, accompanied by shouts from the throng, crossed the finish line well ahead of the erratic rabbit. Dr Bell's Ten Day Athletics Session Closes Instruction In Coaching And Physical Training Offered For Women After a successful ten-day series of classes which eclipsed in popular- ity the similar events of last summer, the University Sports Session, spon- sored by the Summer Session and held'unler'the iretion of Dr.Mar- garet Bell, closed yesterday. The classes in physical education and coaching, offered only to wo- men, included golf, tennis, swimming, diving, badminton, basketball offici- ating, field hockey, and other wo- men's sports. The course was first started in the Summer Session of last year, with the purpose of offering to women coaches the rudiments of instruction which would be beneficial in the type of work involved. Though fewer attended this year's classes, because of the impossibility of accepting script from Detroit and Chicago teachers, the series was nevertheless declared an outstanding success, both by those participating and by the instructors. The courses included an hour lec- ture each day in addition to field work in the various sports. Picnics were held in the afternoon in order that those interested might meet for a discussion of the problems common to physical education work. Assisting Dr. Bell were members of the University coaching staff as well as instructors recruited from other institutions. R. . Courtright, of the University staff, was assisted by Mrs. Stewart Hanley, of Detroit, in golf instruction; the Varsity tennis coach, John Johnstone, directed the ac- tivities in his field; and swimming courses were led by Mrs. Lillian W. Reilly and Mrs. Katherine Curtis, of the Illinois Athletic Club. The other sports included in the pro- gram were offered by members of the University Physical Education fac- ulty, including Miss Laurie Camp- bell. Trophies tolen From Michigan Quarterback DETROIT, June 30.-Harry New- man's numerous gold and silver tro- phies which were awarded to him last fall, after he had been picked All- American quarterback, wer stolen from his home at 831 Clair- mount avenue Thursday night b burglars. Newman, who piloted the Univer- sity of Michigan to a Conferenc championship by his forward pass- ing and accurate field-goal kicking collected a huge display of cups statues, plaques and medals afte he had been picked on practically every all-star selection of the year While the intrinsic value of th collection is not great, Newma places considerable sentimental valu Roosevelt Is Standing Pat On rrency Desires to Wait Until All Nations' Monies Reach Their Positive Levels Abandoning Of Gold Values Is Solution Says Banks, Not Nations, Should Be Controllers Of MoneyStability CAMPOBELLO ISLAND, N. B., June 30.--(A)-President Roosevelt is standing pat against immediate at- tempts by the World Economic Con- ference to stabilize currency until he is sure that the true levels of money of the various nations have been reached. Unconcerned about the reported crisis in the London parley, Mr. Roosevelt is enjoying his vacation and waiting for the conference to get down to business on other things. An authoritative analysis of the American viewpoint on the ruckus over currency stabilization at Lon- don revealed here today that Mr. Roosevelt doesn't think it concerns the internal economic situation and believes that until governments which are running far behind their budgets fix up their own currencies the question can stew. The conclusion drawn from this is that the few remaining gold stand- ard nations, headed by France, are going to have to go off the standard, put their currency to sea with the United States and Great Britain and let the levels be found. However, Mr. Roosevelt is issuing no ultimatums. In fact, he said to- day, he had not been in touch with the struggling economic parley by direct appeal for three days. As Mr. Roosevelt sees it, the ques- tion of temporary stabilization of "u'trdicy"to prevent wicespread fluc- tuations is a problem of banks and not of governments. So involved are the factors that he thinks it totally impossible for a conference to settle the issue within 48 hours or even a week. Relaxing after his 12-day sail at sea at his boyhood summer home here today, Mr. Roosevelt slept late and then joined a beach party given by Mrs. Roosevelt to the newspaper men and Naval officers. Indulging in hot dogs warmed by Mrs. Roosevelt over a fire on the beach and some potato salad, the President talked with the newspaper men. He appeared surprised at reports from London of a new crisis on cur- rency stabilization. Very obviously he is centering primary attention on domestic recovery. He wants success at London, but he is going to stand by his position. Gazing at the cloudy sky, Mr. Roosevelt said he would start back tomorrow in accordance with his or- iginal schedule, "God permitting." Deficiency Tax Clains Against Dodges Affirmed CINCINNATI, June 30.-(P)-Defi- ciency income tax assessments of more than $7,700,000 against the trus- tees of the estates of the late Horace E. and John F. Dodge, Detroit auto- mobile manufacturers, were affirmed by the United States Court of Ap- peals today. The assessments were made for the year 1925 by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue against The Secur- ity Trust Co., now The Detroit Trust Co., of Detroit, and Anna Dodge Dill- man, trustees of the Horace E. Dodge estate, and The Detroit Trust Co. and Matilda R. Wilson, trustees of the John F. Dodge estate. Two Players Left In Intercollegiate Tennis Match Play HAVERFORD, Pa., June 30.-(IP)- Two brilliant men-one from the sunny shores of California, the other from New York's rugged hills-bat- tled today into the final fight for the 49th National Intercollegiate Tennis Championship.' Matched for collegedom's highest honors, they meet tomorrow-Dick Murphy, of Hamilton, and Jack Tid- ball, ace of the University of Califor- nia at Los Angeles-to decide the championship in the best three out of five sets, at Merion Cricket Club. The diminutive New Yorker scored the most surpirsing upset of the week-long play today in eliminat- ing Texas' ranking star, tall Karl K a m r a t h, Southwest Conference doubles champion and second seeded player of the tournament, 6-4, 6-1, 6-3. Tidball, southern California singles titlist and top-rated player in uie tourney, fought his hardest battle to down the southern stylist, Wilmer Hines, of North Carolina, 10-8, 7-5. 6-2. Democrats To Take Office At Lansing Today LANSING, June 30. - (AP) -The Democratic broom started sweeping again today as two members of the Republican administration ended their terms. Dr. Paul F. Voelker, of Battle Creek, who will be sworn in as Su- perintendent of Public Instruction Saturday announced his staff of as- sistants. Republicans of many years standing will be replaced. Divisional heads and scores of em- ployees in the state highway depart- ment were clearing their desks. They will be succeeded tomorrow by Dem- ocrats brought in by Murray D. Van Wagoner, who will become state highway commissioner in place of Grover C. Dillman. Paul Thompson, of Detroit, will be assistant -superintendenttnder Vdel- ker in charge of rural and element- ary work. Dr. D. J. Henry, of Bat- tle Creek College, will be an assist- ant superintendent in charge of pub- lic relations and higher education. The supervisor or rural agricul- tural schools will be Dorr Stack, of Manton, and Scarth, of Inglis, of Galesburg, will be supervisor of rural schools. Eugene B. Elliott, research director of the Michigan Education Association and affiliated with the University Education Department, was appointed director of research, statistics, and personnel. Voelker announced he has reduced tie staff about 20 per cent and the b dget about 40 per cent. The pres- ent employees will be retained. United States Now Faces Own Arguments For Gold Standard Proposed Plan Provides For Substantial Boost In Workers' Wages Sachs Advocates Forty-Hour Week Industry Shows 'Patriotic Spirit' In Leading Way To Industrial Recovery WASHINGTON, June 30.-(/)-In- dications came tonight that the trade agreement devised by the cot- ton textile industry, with its newly- heightened wage scale would be given quick approval by Hugh S. Johnson, the national recovery ad- ministrator. After an all-night session, the spokesman of the manufacturers came forward late today with a plan to boost its proposed minimum wage to $12 in the south and $13 in the north. Originally the figures were $10 and $11. Johnson quickly congratulated the industry upon the "patriotic spirit" he said it had shown in leading the way under the industrial recovery act and inferentially gave his indors- ment to the wage and hour figures. President Roosevelt is the final au- thority upon the codes and Johnson said the chief executive intended giv- ing more than perfunctory examina- tion to their agreement. Asking corroboration by the re- covery administration chief econom- ist, Doctor Alexander Sachs, John- son said theminimum wages pro- posed would return the purchasing power of the workers to the pre- depression level, and'allow for an in- crease in the cost of living. Although spokesmen for organized laber- had alsoopposed the 40-hour maximum work week, contending it should be much lower, Sachs said any scaling down of this figure would be impractical. He calculated that the spread of employment under a 40-hour week would give employment for 100,000 additional persons and said shorten- ed hours would mean a shortage of trained textile workers which would drive small mills from the field of operation. Textile Treat Will Probabl Be Approve Baseball Bat Proves To Be Undoing Of Burglar EVANSTON, Ill., June 30.-(P)- Virginia Michaud, twenty-year-old Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y co-ed, knows what to do when burglars call. One started climbing through a. window of her bedroom today. Clad only in pajamas, Virginia leaped from bed, grabbed her bro- 'ther's baseball bat and galloped out the back door. She descended on the prowler, still busy at a catch on the window. He saw her waving bat and ran. So did Virginia. For two blocks she chased him, through puddles of rainwater and across lawns. She might have 'caught him, too, if cinders and pebbles hadn't made her bare feet sore. Regarded as one of the univer- sity's most beautiful co-eds, Miss Michaud is a friend of Virginia Dawes, daughter of former Vice President Charles G. Dawes. "I'm studying archery," she said today. "If I only had had an arrow and my long bow when I saw that burglar. ,1 Sink Confident Of, Success Of '33'34 Seasor Negotiations now open with sor of the world's leading soloists an ensemble organizations will, if cor cluded satisfactorily, assure a Un versity Choral Union Series fc 1933-34 that will equal or surpa that of last season, Dr. Charles i Sink, president of the Schoolc Music, declared yesterday. While the names of the individu stars and organizations under cor sideration for next year's progra were not available, Dr. Sink ind cated that they would easily mail tain the standard set by the Chor Union in past years. Some of the headliners on tJ series in former seasons have be( John McCormick, tenor; Igna Paderewski, pianist; Feodor Chali; pin, baritone; the Chicago Syr phony Orchestra, the Lener Strii Quartet, and the Detroit Symphoi Orchestra. The School of Music faculty co cert program for the summer w open Tuesday, July 11, with Arth Hackett, tenor, and the School Music trio, Wassily Besekirsky, vi linist; Hanns Pick, cellist; a Joseph Brinkman, pianist; headi the list of musicians who will a pear, Dr. - Sink said. Other conce will be presented at 8:15 p. m. Hill Auditorium each Tuesday di: ing the summer. Prof. David Mattern has alres organized the University Sumir Orchestra and the University Su mer Glee Club, both of which ' present programs later in the seas it was learned yesterday. The c chestr, according to Dr. Sink, v appear for the first time Sund _Tii1ly 0_ when anorrnpn-nir nrnramT, AMERICAN LEAGUE W Washington.............44 NeW York............. Philadelph'ia.............34 Chicago.................34 Cleveland..............3 Detroit ..............33 Boston.........28 St. Louis ..... 26 Friday's Results Washington 2, Detroit 1 Cleveland 13, New York 12 Boston 4, Chicago 2 St. Louis 12. Philadelphia 11 (f Saturday's Games Washington at Detroit. Philadelphia at St. Louis New York at Cleveland Boston at Chicago NATIONAL LEAGUE W New York..... ........40 L 25 26 32 35 36 37 41 45 Pct. .638 .623 .515 '.493 .493 .471 .406 .366 By KARL SEIFFERT The tables of the World Economic Conference have been turned. The United States, operating on an unimpaired gold standard at the time that preliminary meetings for the 'onference were conducted and in- sistent that England be admitted only on a basis of stabilization, now finds itself the object of the identical arguments at that time used against Britain. Nevertheless, although internation- al pressure brought to bear upon America by the gold nations, France, Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland, will be great, the threat of domestic difficulties is greater, and there is little likelihood that the United States will make any drastic attempt to check the fall of the dollar until conditions within the country war- rant it, in the opinion of Prof. Charles F. Remer of the economics department. cline in world trade since the de- pression, a condition which resulted in a staggering total of unpaid debts between countries and in the erec- tion of further trade barriers to pro- tect the nations from inflation abroad. These new tariff walls, Professor Remer indicated, led to a further de- crease in international trade and a continuation of the vicious circle. The entire cycle, he said, dates back to the beginning of the World War, when the nations were first forced bff the gold standard and currency troubles of all kinds arose. In illustration of the trade plight which nations of the world now share, Professor Remer quoted com- parative figures for 1929 and 1932. Prices in 1932 were 53 per cent of the 1929 level, the quantity of in- ternational trade had dropped to 73 per cent, and the value of goods ex- ported and imported stood at 39 per cent. League's Social Dancing Class Includes Sixty-Six First Night irst game).I Sixty-six students turned o u t Thursday evening for the first social dancing class of the Summer Ses- sion, it was announced yesterdjy by Miss Ethel McCormick, social di- rector of women. Roland Fulton, well-known on the campus for his dancing instruction, is teaching the classes. Of the 66, about half were men and half women, Miss McCor- eral floor appearance of all persons who, though they may be expert dancers, often appear to a disadvant- age on the ballroom floor without being conscious of it. Students have evinced their en- thusiasm for the classes and also several have already signed up for private lessons, which are also given by Fulton. The classes next week will L 25 Pct. .615