THE MICHMAN O TI:Y JL JLJL J" LFJL AL THEMTCTTT(V C-3 1 1. XXA. The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures if CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY After more than a week of political and economic revolts Cuba returned to work under the new government headed by Dr. Carlos Manuel de Cespe dies. Members of the new Cuban cabinet are shown after their installation with President de Cespedes (at head of table). Paul Maxim, 25 (left), Ohio youth who "went straight" under an assumed name and won a responsible job with a Chicago advertising concern in the six years after he escaped from the Ohio reformatory, was pardoned by Gov. George White (right) of Ohio-after his ident- ity was discovered in Chicago and he had been returned to Ohio to finish his reform school sentence. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephone rate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month. ........................8c 4 lines E. O. D., 2 months.........3c 2 lines daily, college year.......7c 4 lines E. O. D,., college year......7o 100 lines used as desired.........9c 300 lines used as desired.........8c 1,000 lines used as desired.........7c 2,000 lines used as desired.........6c The above rates aire per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add c per line to aboverates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face Capital letters. The above rates are for 71 point type. TYPING TYPING Seven Cents a Page PHONE 2-1636 Leave Name and Address Quick Service 15 WANTED WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND new suits and overcoats. Will pay 3, 4, 5 and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306 Chicago Buyer. 34c GRADUATE-Students or instructors to rent furnished an exceptionally attractive suite of two rooms, large and airy, fireplace, private toilet and lavatory, steam heat with oil burner-also one or two single rooms. 26 NOTICE CAPY'S BEAUTY -SHOP. Shampoo and fingerwave, 75c. Phone 9025 for appointment. FOR RENT THREE - Attractively furnished rooms for housekeeping; private bath, pric,; reasonable. Phone 2-2829. - NICE-Single and double rooms for graduate or employed women. 1328 Washtenaw. 8327. 28 Tulane will dedicate a new gym- nasium during the coming football season. TYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE Neer, Seoon&-Hand Rebil t, anitboCorona, NoIs.elss, Underwood, Royal, Pemington 0. ta A .314 S. Stte t Sc.Am Arb'or~. Members of a secret Cuban revolutionary society raided the Cuban consulate in New York, assaulted the acting consul general and carried off a bust of Gerardo Machado. The bust was made a target for mud and soft fruit. The Cubans also had framed portraits of the former Cuban president which were torn to bits. Above picture shows the end of a Machado portrait. Albert L. Bates, 39 (above), five- time convict, was arrested in Den- ver where; a warrant was issued charging him with the kidnaping of Charles F. Urschel, wealthy Ok- lahoma City oil man. Purdue Expecting A Backfield With Four Triple-Threat Men Start Nude Colony On A 'Shoe String SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 17.-(R)- A two-boy nudist colony is flour- ishing here, and if city authorities attitudes are unchanged, it may not be suppressed until snow flies. Inspector A. C. White of the health department found the young- sters, aged 7 and 8, had been play- ing undraped all summer. He passed the case to Public Safety Commis- sioner A. C. Colburn, who said: "I've got more important busi- ness than running after naked kids. Looks to me like its a job for the health department." Health Commissioner Ralph Hend- ricks investigated. Said he: "I've never seen a healthier pair. It's out of my jurisdiction." ASK SMOKING ROOMS EVANSTON, Ill., Aug. 17.-()-In a student mass meeting here last night, co-eds of Northwestern Uni- versity requested that smoking rooms be set aside for their use. Wilson W. Mills (right), former chairman of the First National Bank-Detroit, testified regarding forme-. President Hoover's efforts to aid the Michigan banking situation. Shown with him are Circuit Judge Harry B. Keidann(left), conducting the grand inquiry, and Harry S. Toy, prosecuting attorney. Killer Escapes 'From Jackson; Car IsMissing JACKSON, Aug. 17-()-A widen- ing search was in progress today for Byron Paul Somerville, who escaped Wednesday afternoon from Michigan State prison, where he was serving a life term for the slaying of two men in a gun fight in Detroit three years ago. Somerville, who was transferred to the prison from the Ionia reforma- tory last year, asked permission to visit the prison physician while in- mates were being moved from the old prison to the new. Then he secreted himself in the deserted old prison and apparently made his way to freedom. Theft of an automobile parked near the old prison was accepted by offi- cials as an indication Somerville fled in it, probably to, Detroit. SHARK SCORES STRIKE SANTA CRUZ, Cal., Aug. 17-P)- Jim Baird was angling for rock cod off the Santa Cruz coast. He got three bites and two six-foot blue sharks. The third bite occurred when he was taking the hook from the mouth of one. It bit his finger. I THE AN S WER THEANSWE ~~to thIqeIIo "Does it cost more to cook with . Electricity?" 1 ~ D ancingWith thqs Muketeers Dan cin Radio Orchestra Nightly Except Monday i .I NANKIN MILLS" On Ann-Arbor Trail, 5 miles east of Plymouth between Wayne and Middle Belt Roads BEER- DINNERS - OTHER REFRESHMENTS 0 Atend Cool RAE OI MatineesMSEASON He bent the law into a pretzel-but a woman srtaightened him out. ' r ^, . MANY PEOPLE ask us -"Does it cost more to cook with electricity?" In general we can say: "YES, cooking with an electric range costs more in most homes-BUT WITH CARE IN USE NOT GREATLY MORE." Some families find it CHEAPER TO COOK ELECTRICALLY. We cannot say --"An Electric range will in- crease your bill by so many cents a month," because no two families cook alike, and families vary in size from two to ten people. But we can say-"Electric cooking costs less than a cent a meal a person," because we studied several thousand electric bills before and after an electric range was installed and found that it averaged less than that. Thus, in a family of four, a meal should cost less than four cents to cook with an electric range. Once you have enjoyed electric cooking, we believe you will never again go back to any other kind. Its many advantages-its cleanliness, coolness, convenience, healthfulness, and the delicious flavor of the electrically cooked food "THE NUISANCE" with LEE TRACY - MADGE EVANS SUNDAY BARBARA STANWYCK in "BABY FACE" * Double * FPeature- - Program AAI .J' I C T ENDS t. m