THE MICHIG N D A. I L Y .r IC I N. fALY JJ ILY - v1 of the Summer S ;esslonk 'i})ky, 5!' ', -= : A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON-Whatever "little flower" the parents of Fiorello LaGuardia of New York had in mind when they attached to him that floral first name, certainly it was not the shrink- ing violet. n "Little Dynamite" or its Italian equivalent would far better describe Mr. LaGuardia's polit- ical life. I , CN1G 1l.4}IM1N VOIW ibO.rMlPw wt7A!A RtM/V Illonj I Published every morning except Monday during the Cniverity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use forreptiblication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. E4tere at the Post Offiee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as scond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by nail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann. Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Lc-, 40 East Thirty-Fourth 5treet, New York City;. 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St. New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925' MANAGING EDITOR...........FANK B. GILBRET' ISSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR......KARL SEIFFERT ISSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. RiEPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BU$INESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 3U INESS MANAGER.............BYRON C. VEDDER LSS2STANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY JIRCULATION MANAGER...........ROBERT L. PIERCE THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1933 And now that LaGuardia is to run as fusion candidate for mayor against Tammany a lot of political plans-Republican, Democratic and what- have-you-may be subject to revision. The spark- plug of a great deal of feverish political activity is being wired again for service. Nobody knows just how far or in what direction the arcs of its, sparking may shoot. AS AN in-and-outer in Republican ranks, the former House member from New York and victim of Jimmy Walker's one-time vast popu- larity in his own home town will be quite at home under a fusion party designation. He has been a Republican, a progressive, a socialist and a Republican again in his many and spectacular previous campaigns, most of which were success- ful. Defeat has had very little effect on this par- ticular little flower. Ready To Move yET if gossip as to what was in the LaGuardia. mind when he sensed in advance his defeat for re-election to the House last year knows what it talks about, the little flower was sadly depressed then. It was asserted that Mr. LaGuardia even thought of departing from New York City, bag and baggage, to seek a more fertile climate for his further political flowering somewhere up in the more politically congenial northwest. During campaign trips to support fellow party irregulars the New Yorker is said to have surveyed the situation in several progressively inclined utates with an eye to the possibility of moving west and trying to sprout a senatorial boom. What Lies Ahead? WHATEVER he then thought, LaGuardia's cast- ing as dragon slayer by the anti-Tammany fusion forces in New York has interesting possi- bilities. There's another governorship battle to come in New York next year. A fusion mayor of New York who managed to make himself popular might be a serious contender and upset many a confident plan "Big Jim" Farley and his Democratic asso- ciates are now hatching. The tangled struggle for Republican New York state leadership might be greatly affected also. Nor is it probable that Mr. LaGuardia himself would be willing to call it a day with a mere mayorality-even that of the imperial city of New York. HERE might be even more impressive possi- bilities. At the moment President Roosevelt looms as undisputed liberal leader. LaGuardia on the foundation of election as fusion mayor of New York and his own liberal backgrounds, might rise- to challenge the author of the "new deal" on his own home grounds. e Their Worth- W ITH THE WORD fraternity has al- ways been attached a certain stigma .at somehow or other vaguely smacks of play- ys, liquor, insincerity, and immorality in gen- al. It has long been a favorite expression of aiversity authorities here and throughout the ition, that "fraternities must do something to stify their existence or they will be doomed at rge institutions." Just why fraternities should have the stigma of, imorality attached to their name is something Lat our generation cannot understand. Why, for stance, at Michigan, where fraternity men for- ars have proven themselves better students than dependents, should they be considered as ultra- llegiate playboys. Why, also, they would like to know, should aternities justify their existence in the eyes of zthorities? Does Phi Beta Kappa justify its :istence? Is there any particular reason for the istence of the custom o awarding honorary grees? Is there any reason for the existence of rtain University and faculty clubs? Is there any ason for the existence of the American Legion, e Elks, Masons, Oddfellows, or the Women's aristian Temperance Union? We maintain that there is a reason for the istence of the above named organizations be- ,use the people who form the various member- ips want such an organization to exist. This is th ,a reason and a justification. As for fraternity and sorority members being of e playboy variety, while we do not consent to' ant this assumption, we will go so ar as to say it if they are, and still get good grades - better an the independents - more power to them. pending re-election campaign, Wagner came doubtfully to Washington. He found Senate life, to his surprise, even more agreeable than the bench once his bent for hard work set him on the road toward making over national policy to stabilize employment. He discovered in the pre-1929 boom years that an unemployment crisis was indicated on the sta- tistical horizon. His first trio of bills was laughed to scorn. Letters published in this column should not be constued as expressmn the editorial opinion of Thed-aily. Anonymous communications will be dis- regarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded. as confidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu- tors must be as brief as possible, confining themselves to not more than 400 words. -The Editors. IS CHINA TO BE BLAMED IN THE MANCHURIA DISPUTE It is repeatedly reported that the tremendous increase in the expense for the propaganda work in the Japanese National budget is due to the fact that Japan has been, and still is, spending a huge sum to employ some people to speak for her on the Manchuria dispute. The American people are not so easily, we believe, to be, bribed to speak for Japan who has notoriously disre- garded all treaties of which the United States is a co-signer and sometimes the real promoter. We do not, however, believe that even the most impar- tial of Americans may not be misled and mis- informed, if they do not get the right information from the reliable authorities. With these points in view, we venture to make a few remarks on Mr. Finch's lecture on "Man- churia." (1) Is not Manchuria a part of the Chinese territory? At one time Mr. Finch told us that the Chinese migration into Manchuria started after the overthrow of the Manchu dy- nasty in 1912. At another time he said that the population in Manchruria before 1912 was 18 mil- lion. We would like to know who they were. Were they all, or-a majority of them, Manchus? The fact is that, as pointed out by the Lytton Report, Manchuria has been populated by the Chinese for almost 2,000 years. There has never been such a thing as the prohibition of the Chi- nese from immigration to Manchuria. Manchuria belongs to China and, therefore, a part of the Chinese territory. All civilized countries have rec- ognized it. So has Japan, as mentioned in the provisions of the Russo-Japanese Treaty of 1905. In regard tJ the leased territory, Mr. Flinch seemed to have emphasized that it was once ceded by China to Japan and the latter was to be entitled to it. He forgot, intentionally or otherwise to put his finger on the point that China paid 30,000,000 tales for the retrocession. (2) Is the "21 Demands" valid? Granted that Mr. Finch, in the capacity of a teacher in Inter- national Law, maintained that a treaty, made under "duress" (no matter whether having the effect of destroying the independence of a con- tracting party or not) is valid; according to the then Chinese Constitution, a treaty, though signed by the Administration, must be ratified by the Parliament. The so-called "21 Demandt bas never been ratified by the Parliament. Would a treaty have been valid, if it should have been signed by the Roosevelt Administration without the ratification of the Senate? (3) Is Chinese Nationalism offensive? We were surprised to learn from so learned a lecturer that the fundamental cause of the Sinb-Japanese dis- pute which culminated in Sept'- 18, 1931, is due to the development of Chinese Nationalism, rather than the consequence of Japanese imperialism, as the unanimous world opinion says. May we frank- ly tell Mr. Finch that most of all Chinese are growing impatient with the present Nationalist Governmen whose policies, with the exception of the two-year period, 1925-1927, have been so weak, and negative, that it has not accomplished anything in respect to the regaining of the rights the Chinese people as a nation inherently ought to have. There is not such a thing as a "secret protocol," as pointed out by the Lytton Commis- sion, prohibiting China to build railways in Man- churia. Is it aggressive for an independent nation to exercise her sovereignty for internal economic development which is the "life line" of her people? Is Japan's action a matter of self-defense? The Lytton report definitely said that Japan's action could not be justified as "self-defense" and "self- defense" is best defined by Mr. Roosevelt as not using military force across one's own boundary. The burning of hundreds of buildings, the killing of thousands of innocent people, and the throw- ing of millions of bombs and bullets on foreign lands-are they "peaceful means?" Are they legal to be called "self-defense?" Mr. Finch tried to enumerate all possible explanations for Japan's action, such as China's unpaid loans to Japan, the Nakamura case, etc. Is it justified to open fire on a debtor country, granted that the Japanese loans made to irresponsible Chinese militarists to instigate civil warfare is legal? France has de- faulted her war debt payments once in a while. Why is there no authority on international law advising Mr. Roosevelt to take some "necessary neasures," in =the Japanese phrase, against her? NTakumura met his death by carrying an illegal ;assport and going to some place against the warning of the Chinese officials. Why was there never a single soul of the American .and the Eu- ropean people killed that way? We sincerely appreciate Mr. Finch's introduc- tory remarks, telling the audience that the motion >icture was taken by the South Manchuria Rail- way Company-the official organ for the Japanese mperialistic exploitation of Manchuria-and hence indirectly pointing to the audience the in- ,vitability of the propagandist element, such as videnced by the unreasonable picking up of the worst of the old Chinese social institutions in omparison with the best of the Japanese under- akings to make an ill-intended contrast. But we annot see why Mr. Finch should have made uch misleading conclusions as pointed above. If /r. Finch considers might as right, well and good, e agree one hundred per cent with whatever ,ction Japan has taken. But . if we are to speak To All Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Uni- versity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, August 14, before the impending examinations. 2. Students who have special need for certain books between August 14 and 18 may retain such books for that period by applying for permis- sion at the office of the Superintend- ent of Circulation on or before Au- gust 14. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Tuesday, August 15, will be sent to the Recorder's Office, where their credits will be held up until such time as said records are M1 any Entries Are Reported In Intramu rals (Continued from Page' 1) day and Thursday afternoon on Ferry Field. The teams that made up the. summer league were: Chem- istry, Educational Research, Super- intendents and Teachers. The Chem- istry team won the league by the vir- tue on only one defeat and eight wins. The Educational Research team came in second with four los- ses and five wins- The Teachere were third and Superintendents fourth. Champions in other sports are: H. Wiggers in horseshoes, who de- feated Ruby, 21r20; 21-10; Ketz in handball singles, defeated Gajda i n the finals, 21-10; 21-0; Ketz-Jack- son in handball doubles, who defeat- ed Gajda-Redniss; Hardy in bad- minton who defeated Honhart in the finals. Yankee Player In 1,30.7 Game~s To Tie Record ST. LOUIS, Aug. 16.-In his ninth season as a regular with the Yankees, Lou Gehrig, New York's own, today equalled Everett Scott's record of playing in 1,307 consecutive games in the American League. Figuring 19 world series contests, about 300"spring training affairs and some 60 seasonal exhibitions, Gehrig has been in more than 1,600 straight engagements of the New York Club. Gehrig started his string of games in New York on June 1, 1925, when he went in as a pinch hitter. The next afternoon he displaced Wallie Pipp as the regular first baseman of the Yankees. And he has been on the job ever since. cleared, in compliance with the regu- lations of the Regents. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations: Assistant Director of Social Work (Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institu- tions: $2,600 to $3,100; Junior Direc- tor of Social Work (Junior Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institutions, $2,000 to $2,500. For further information, kindly call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. The Intramural Sports Building and swimming pool will close at 6 p. m. on Friday of this week. Lockers must be renewed or turned in by that time. Examination for University Credit: All students who desire credit for work done in the Summer Session will be required to take examinations at the close of the Session. The ex- amination 'schedule for schools and colleges on the eight-week basis is as follows: Hour of Recitation 8 9 10 11a Time of Examination Thursday Friday Thursday Friday 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 Hour of Recitation 1 2 3 All other hours Time of Examination Thursday Thursday Friday Friday 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6 Enrollment in University Element- Vary School: Membership lists in the, nursery, kindergarten, and grades of the University Elementary School are now being made up for the year 1933-34. Parents interested in mak- ing application for the entrance of their children should inquire for in- formation at the Office of the Direc- tor, Room 2509, University Element- ary School, or should telephone the University, station 326. The General Library will be closed September 4-7 inclusive to permit the making of necessary repairs. Per- sons desiring the use of library books during this period should consult in advance with the Chief of Circu- lation or the Librarian's office. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all rhembers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Favored Few Hold Positions In Tennis Race FOREST HILLS, N. Y., Aug. 16.- (?)-The field of competitors for the Women's National Tennis Champion- ship was well narrowed down today to those who "belong," the select 16 /stars of this country and Great Brit- ain who gained the aright to battle on in tomorrow's third round. As was to be anticipated, mem- bers of the net game's upper crust were not unduly exerted except in a few rare instances. There are not enough really; high ranking women players, as a matter of fact, to sus- tain anything like close competition through six days of play. Tomorrow things should begin getting warm. Up to this point the seeded list had sustained only one slight- casualty. That came today when Joan Ridley, of England, seeded No.t5 on the for- eign list, succumbed to the steady game of Mrs. A. J. Lamme, Jr., of Rye, N. Y., by scores of 8-6, 4-6, 6-4. Miss Ridley's defeat caused little sur- prise as the British girl has been playing only fair tennis this season. Mrs. Lamme is ranked No. 20 in this country. As usual, the day's most exuberant crowd trooped over to an obscure court to watch Mrs. Helen Wills Moody, the seven-time champion, score an easy victory over Grace Sur- ber, champion of Jackson Heights, N. Y., 6-2, 6-1. It was just another waltz for the peerless Helen, despite the stout-hearted opposition put up by her opponent. Confident as ever and sure of every stroke, Mrs. Moody seldom advanced farther than the service line and fre- quently conceded points that were out of immediate reach.t'She ad- mitted she still was taking it easy, favoring her injured back, but prom- ised she would be ready to step around when it becomes necessary. That's bad news for the other girls. Helen Jacobs, who still is the de- fending champion, despite the inclin- ation of many observers to attach her crown without a struggle, didn't draw a long breath in eliminating Katheryn Pearson, of Houston, Tex., 6-2, 6-1. From. the set of Helen's jaw and the sparkle of her game, it seems likely she had heard the rumors of her abdication and is determined to make somebody prove it. Alice Marble, Sarah Palfrey, and Carolin Babcock, the trio who com- prise the "top crop" of American stars, all came through with brilliant victories today. f N Exhibition: S u m m e r studen work in architectural design and drawing and painting is hung in t ground floor corridor of the Archite ture Building. Open through the e of this week, daily from 9 to 5. T public is cordially invited. TYPEWRI TERI All Makes - L e a1: P& rtab Sold Rented ed Repair Large choice stopk 4Thterms S. State St., Ann Arbor. dunapers Win tother Round... M ORE than 300 officers of the law were gathered together in a small to surround kidnapers who were to collect ional money from John Factor in Chicago. ,d cars, airplanes, machine guns - every con- ble piece of machinery which might aid in attempts to capture the racketeers were. ed by the police. e trap was carefully laid. Signals and codes agreed upon. By having "tapped" phone the officers were in complete possession of formation which might aid them in catching :idnapers. Plain clothes men 'drove out in abs. Shrubbery and trees hid officers who lying in wait for the signal which would- the closing-in process. I then, when the suspects fiially appeared laimed the package which was to contain the onal ransom money, what happened? Noth- yond the fact that a lot of firing took place the two suspects managed to get safely gh the police cordon to freedom. Again the f law and order had failed. s true that police officials claim that the s were not entirely wasted, since information leaned which might eventually lead to the re and conviction of those who are guilty. evertheless the wanted men did get away- e one of the greatest police traps in' history.- s difficult to tell just what lesson might be !d from this ridiculous gesture. Perhaps it that our police forces are not capable of nting those organized groups who violate* ws. Maybe it demonstrates that, whatever; ation the police possess or however they go; it, the criminals are just naturally smarter. it least an ironical nose-thumbing by the eers to the effect that, if they hope to be sful in restoring law and order in this coun- e police can't bungle as they did Tuesday a Senator Bob Wagner IT MUST have been a big moment for Senator Bob Wagner of New York when a presidential summons reached him to hurry home and take charge of the national conciliation board. Having had a big hand in putting through the NRA-public works act out of application of which' grew the industrial truce project, the senator had set off for an uncharted motor trip in Europe. He was supremely confident of the success of the NRA plan; but contemplated no hand in its administration. Quite the contrary. Senator Wagner expected after his vacation to bend his energies to a study of how the thing was working with a view to helping shape permanent laws stabilizing employ- ment to replace the emergency recovery measures of which the NRA and its public works comple- ment are the main stem. _, 1, [L#UHAI ROGRSSiA 04 h e AE I rl WHEN THE CITIZENS OF BOSTON GOT "NEWER NEWS" 'New Deal' Changes ACTUALLY, the Roosevelt "new deal" envisaged by the President at the time he first used that expression in his campaign is a totally dif- ferent thing from the emergency recovery set-up. The underlying political philosophy may be the saine, but not the details. What has happened is that out of the banking. crisis of last February-March grew the urgent need to extemporize an emergency program. What is now in progress is a heroic-size laboratory test of the "new deal" theories Mr. Roosevelt pro- claimed in his campaign. Upon results of that test will hinge the admin- istration's permanent legislative program which will begin to take shape next winter. It was in that connection that Senator Wagner was shap- ing his plans when the call for emergency service on the President's national mediation board reached him. Ideas Accepted' YET he has lived to see all his projects, matters of far-seeing theory when he launched them, become vital cogs in the recovery program of the Roosevelt administration, developed on a far grander scale than Wagner'had first proposed. Another thing noteworthy about the Wagner appointment as about many another Roosevelt as- signment is that it is virtuaally non-political. Being German-born the New York senator can have no personal presidential ambitions to cast suspicion upon the motive of his judgments as a mediator. - N PICKING Wagner, Mr. Roosevelt turned to a ts' in he c- rnd he ed Br i THE ORIGIN of "news when it is news" may be traced to the year 1719, when John Campbell, in- spired postmaster of Boston and proprietor of the Boston News Let- ter, enlarged his paper and brought to the readers of America more timely topics than had ever been published in this country before. The Associated Press today brings you up-to-the-minute news, accu- rate and unbiased. This greatest of news-gathering organizations brings to you every day the news gathered by 80,000 individuals at a cost of marny million dollars a year. I dispatches are published together with the local Igo. 11 I