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August 16, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-16

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a Publication of the Summer Session

p) 'F



through which he can escape. Our legal machinery,
is, cluttered with technicalities which seem to
have been devised for the purpose of providing,
jobs for shysters, that they might work free those
who have been apprehended at a great expense
to the people.:
y today there are literally thousands of criminals,
z well-known to the police, who are free to roam
the country and commit crime upon crime, only
because the police are unable to get them in a
position where they cannot slip by on some tech-
nicality of the law.
We need a system like England's. One that will
demand the respect of every man and woman in
the land. We need a police force which will beI
composed of "Bobbies," and lawyers who will beI
more like barristers than shysters. We need laws
under which a criminal can be convicted rather

HCtwtT OV TVENT X1 f 0k. Ar AvNL ,p...u rml
ished every morning except Monday during th
sity year and Summer Session by the Board i
>I of Student Publications.


Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-1
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ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
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Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
We Can Follow
EIr an4's Example.
C OLUMNISTS have facetiously re-
marked that if an American coun-
terpart to England's famous Scotland Yard is.
established it will not be successful unless we
have also a fictional Sherlock H4olmes to make
fun of it. As amusing as this observation may
be, it also contains a great moral.
A Senate sub-committee, meeting for the pur-
pose of discussing probable methods of curbing,
America's current crime wave, has had placed
before it proposals for whipping posts, an island.
to which criminals might be exiled, and the estab-
lishment of an American Scotland Yard. It was
felt that if England could have such a remark-
able success with that institution then it might be.
of service in this country, especially since the
need for some type of Federal organization to co-
ordinate the activities of the several states has
been demonstrated.
There can be no doubt that such an institution
would be effective. With the police power of the
nation relegated to the states, as it always has
been under our constitution, all state boundaries
serve in some measure or other as a blockade be-
tween the law-breakers and those who would cap-
ture them. Also, with the present scope of large
racketeering interests, which are in many in-'
stances interstate and national in character, it is
necessary to have a police body with the power
of ignoring state lines. Consequently an Amer-
ica Scotland Yard might nots be such an in-
effective weapon for the nation to,,possess at this }

than ones devised to make the world a safe place
in which he can live. We need legal machinery
which is not rusty but well-oiled and judges with
a sense of conviction and a loyalty to society.
When we get all these, Scotland Yard or' no,
we are going to have a nation that is reasonably
free from the clutches of kidnapers, racketeers,
gangsters, and barons of crime.
The Thatr
Thomas Wood Stevens' production of "The
I ippolytus," presented as a class exercise and not
precisely as a part of the Repertory series, was
an evening of many strengths and also a few
Whatever weaknesses there were were easily
outweighed by the restrained dignity of the per-
formance and the sombre beauty of the play itself.
Stevens' production appealed to the senses with
color, measured movement, distant chanting, and
poetic intonation of the lines. At times it was
more a dance and a recital than a play, going
back in spirit to the unknown festivals which gave
birth to the Greek drama. Unfortunately, certain
technical faults hampered it and kept it from at-
taining to the relentless emotional surge,, the
catharsis, which a Greek play can give.
Ruth Flood took honors for the evening with
a moving portrayal of Phaedra's woes, giving an
expert rendition of the poetry. Jay Pozz was
pleasingly sincere as Hippolytus, but a harsh gut-
tural quality in his voice and a curtness of de-,
livery interfered with the performance to some
extent. Play Production's Theseus (not the actor
listed on .the program, we believe) and Dorothy
Crane stood out for the reading of their parts.
The chief complaint last night's audience could
have made was that the play ran straight through
to the end without an intermission-a complaint
more serious than might at first be supposed.
After all, an hour and a half of drama, good or
bad, is too much for any audience. Some relief
from the intense mood of the thing (which a
comedy element would also have supplied, in an-
other play) was sorely needed. The result of the
continuous performance was that the auditor was
satiated, his interest and appetite dulled, by the
time the play was half over. Tradition may de-
mand a continuous performance-but after all,
the modern audience does not attend in a religious
or festive spirit.
On the whole, however, "The Hippolytus" is a
fitting close to one of the most successful seasons'
the Players have had.
"Whither civilization?" queries a headline writer
in a local newspaper, and straightway vouchsafes
the novel information that "Science has no reply."-
No, science hasn't, but experience has. Experience
says that whatever has a beginning must have 'a
conclusion. Civilization is traveling toward a ter-
mination /That's the reason why civilization' like
many other human institutions is at bottompa-
thetically funny. -The Detroit Free Press.

themselves thrown out (literally) of high school
-it was somewhat of a tradition-and soon after
took their girls over to Rangerville's best drug
store, bought them a soda and married them.
And the Van Eck's always married fine women!
I know of no current book I would recommend
more readily for summer reading. Trite as the
statement is, "You won't lay it down until you've
finished it," I'm sure there's truth in it. I haven't
had such hilarious reading since "The Revolt
of The Oyster" and "The Treasurer's Report."
And, in hot weather, that's somewhat of an event!
-H. S. S.
A Washington
W ASHINGTON-There was a lurking suspicion
in the minds of many observers that about the
time Secretary Hull was due to start home from
London, Colonel Louis Howe, chief presidential
secretary, was handed another of those odd jobs
that fall to his lot in the "new deal."
He was to find a suitable formula for straight-
ening out the Hull-Moley clash at London to the
satisfaction of both parties without losing "the
boss" the valuable services of either man.
This is the sort of job Howe is a specialist
at. He did a particularly good bit of work from
the White House point of view in tactfully han-
dling the 1933 bonus march on Washington.
When They Met -
W HAT makes it look as though Howe was the
lad who worked out the motion of drafing Dr.
Ray Moley, assistant secretary of state and lead-
ing "brain truster," for advisory service in the
projected Federal campaign against kidnapers and
racketeers is that Mr. Roosevelt first met Dr.
Moley as a specialist in crime-curbing efforts.
The idea has all the adroitness that character-
izes many a Roosevelt move. As this was written,
Secretary Hull's reaction to it was unknown. The
Roosevelt inner circle did not expect the secretary
to make a point of his personal differences with
Moley at London, however, to, the extent of caus-
ing the President embarrassment. For there was
more behind the scheme of setting Moley at his
old task of aiding 'in crime prevention moves
than appeared on the surface.
Survey of Hawaii
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has one matter left
over from the special session still to deal with.
About the only thing that session refused to do at
his request was to authorize him to name a non-
islander governor of Hawaii.
The President is as much perplexed about that
task today as when he asked Congress for this spe-
cial authority. He had not found a Democratic
resident of the islands who suited him.
What is now on the cards is a new special sur-
vey of conditions in the islands, similar to that
made by President Hoover's direction but of even
wider scope. It would go into Hawaiian political,
racial, social and governmental conditions and
personalities and include a thorough study of
island judicial procedure for-the information of
President Roosevelt.
On the basis of such a report he could deter-
mine whether to renew his request on Congress
for authority to ship a mainlander over as gov-
ernor or give up that idea and make a selection
on the ground. And it is predicted in informed
circles that Dr. Ray Moley, whatever his govern-
mental title at the time, probably will be the man
sent to Hawaii to make the survey.
That would separate Hull and Moley certainly.
Dems. May Have to Hustle
VICE-PRESIDENT GARNER'S idea that a party
majority of from 50 to 60 votes is the best
House organization made no very great impres-
sion upon Democratic first-termers when it was
voiced several months ago.
They were enjoying their first experience "on
the hill" as part of a Democratic majority of near-
ly 200 in the House. Election time seemed far
away then.
Not even when Democratic Leader Joe Byrns
substantially repeated the Garner view as a warn-

ing in the last Democratic House conference of
the special session, that which downed the Sen-
ate's Stewer-Cutting amendment on veterans'
cuts, did many of the party first-termers give
much heed. A few votes were changed, enough to
assure an administration victory.
S INCE then a number of House Democrats have
been back home and returned to Washington.
Some of them must have discovered that getting
re-nominated and re-elected next year is going to
ze a harder job than -they used to think.
At any rate, the Democratic national committee
has begun getting a lot of inquiries as to what
help it is going to give them next year. The
answers received are described as diplomatic, not
to say vague.
Patronage Disturbs Many
iANY a sitting Democrat, whether senator or
representative, would like to know exactly
what the manner in which patronage appoint-
ments are being made portends.
It is announced on behalf of "Big Jim" Farley
that a drive to bring upstate ^New York into the'
Democratic column is being organized.
It has a distinct anti-Tammany slant. Yet, look-
ing toward the northwestern states, where Demo-
cratic majorities have always been scarce as hen's'
teeth, a surprising number of actual or alleged
Republicans seem to be getting administration
THERE is a steady and growing undercurrentt
of grumbling about that. A patronage row of 1
considerable proportions seems certain to breakf
during or before the regular session of Congress in
]Party Reorganization?

To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, August 14,
before the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books between August 14
and 18 may retain such books for
that period by applying for permis-
sion at the office of the Superintend-
ent of Circulation on or before Au-
gust 14.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at
the Library by Tuesday, August 15,
will be sent to the Recorder's Office,
where their credits will be held up
until such time as said records alre
cleared, in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
S.. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian
S e a s o n Reservations, Michigan
Repertory Players: Patrons who have
had .season reservations during the
present season are asked to phone
6300 immediately for their reserva-
tions for Hippolytus. No seats have
been set aside because of the fact
that this play does not follow the reg-
ular schedule.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: The
300 01ff(cers In
Hunt For Band
Of Kidnapr
United Forces Closing In
On Suspects As Police
Line Highways
(Continued from Page 1).
gave a description of the ambush of
the kidnap suspects.
"Officers were posted in a great
square on all sides of the place where
the money was to be paid over," he
said. "A taxi was used by police as
the payoff car. As it proceeded to the
meeting place a young Chicago offi-
cer dressed in the uniform of a tele-
graph messenger boy preceeded it up
the road."
"The cab was driven by another
detective wearing a cab driver's uni-
"As the cab met the suspects, De-
tective Frank McKennan left with a
parcel and handed it over. Federal
operatives secreted nearby were not
quite quick enough to capture the
kidnapers on the spot and the sus-
pects dodged into the woods and
abandoned their automobile.
"One of them was wounded in the
fight. The fugitives are armed and
although it seems impossible they
should escape the dragnet, they like-
ly will not submit to arrest without a
hard gun fight."
The wooded territory shrouding the
suspects is honeycombed with empty
sewers from an abandoned real estate
project. It was thought probable that
the men may have entered the sewers
in an attempt to escape underground.
Police were stationed at the mouths
of all the sewer outlets.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - () -
J. Edward Hoover, chief of the Jus-
tice Department Division of Investi-
gation, said today that the machine
gun battle between police and gang-
sters near Chicago today was the out-
come of Federal investigation into
crime activities.
Hoover said that for some time
agents of his bureau and the police
had been co-operating in investiga-
tion of "certain gangster activities"
and that the fight today was the

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Bureau has received notice of the
following Civil Service Examinations:
Assistant Director of Social Work
(Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institu-
tions: $2,600 to $3,100; Junior Direc-
tor of Social Work (Junior Warden's
Asst.) in Penal Iristitutions, $2,000 to
$2,500. For further information,
kindly call at the office, 201 Mason
The Intramural Sports Building
and swimming pool will close at 6
p. m. on Friday of this week. Lockers
must be renewed or turned in 'by that
Examination for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the Summer Session
will be required to take examinations
at the close of the Session. The ex-
amination schedule for schools and
colleges on the eight-week basis, is as

Hour of Recitation
$ 9 10,n
Time of Examination
Thursday Friday ThursdayF
8-10 8-10 ' 2-4
Hour of Recitation
1 2 3 All


St. Clair River
Course Likely
For Boat Meet
DETROIT, Aug. 15.-A stretch of
the St. Clair River between Roberts
Landing and Marine City was in-
dicated today by Harmsworth race
officials as a probable course for the
approaching international motor boat
races after they explained to the
common council the shortcomings of
Detroit River courses.
Options have been obtained on 2,-
410 feet of land facing the proposed
course, officials stated, with a view,
-of erecting grandstands there in the
event the St. Clair River course is
definitely selected.
Commodore Otto E. Barthel, of
Detroit, American representative on
the International Commission; W. D.
Edenburn, chairman of the race com-
mittee; J. Lee Barrett, and Dr. A. R.
Hackett, race supporters, conferred
with the council and obtained a
promise of co-operation on the part
of the city in Harmsworth arrange-
ments as well as the Gold Cup race
"The Belle Isle course was ideal for
motor boats of up to 80 miles an
hour speed,' declareda Commodore
Barthel. "But in 1931 Kaye Don
made a turn at 93 and nearly skidded
into a dock. Later his boat upset. At
a subsequent meeting of the rules
committee in London, it was ruled
that the entries had achieved such
high speeds that the winding Belle
Isle course was no longer suitable. A
rule was adopted which requires at
least two straightaways of at least
two nautical miles in distance. Fur-
thermore, there must ber a straight-
away of at least one nautical mile
as an approach to the starting point.
A 100-mile an hour course is needed.
SHEERNESS, England, Aug. 15.--
(P)-One of the strangest tragedies
in British military annals occurred
today when a London girl, Jean
Chesterton, 17, who was rowing in
a boat with her sister off Leysdown
Beach, was shot deal by a machine
gunner in a Royal Air Force plane.
The gunner mistook her boat for a



Time of Examination
Thursday Thursday Friday Friday
4-6 1A-12 10-12 4-6
Enrollment in University Element-
ary School: Membership lists in the
nursery, kindergarten, and grades of
the University Elementary School
are now being made up for the year
1933-34. Parents interested in mak-
ing application for the entrance of
their children should inquire for in-
formation at the Office of the Direc-
tor, Room 2509, University Element-
ary School, or should telephone the
University, station 326.
The General Library will be closed
September 4-7 inclusive to permit
the making of necessary repairs. Per-
sons desiring the use of library books
during this period should consult
in advance with the Cpief of Circu-
lation or the Librarian's office.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian

I . .

But there is something which is of much more
portance to the United States, if this country
to wipe out the underworld character for good.
Id that something can also be found by. exam-
ing the institutions of England. It is a complete:
ange in our legal order, from the higher courts
i cown through the justice courts and even to
e enforcement officers themselves.
Why is it that England is free from the crim-
dl uprising which is a big problem in this na-.
n today? Why is it that there are fewer ar-
ts per capita 'on that crowded island than in
r large cities? Why is it that England has been
le to build up a successful law-enforcing or-
niization such as Scotland Yard? Only because
England law in its entirety is on a much higher
ne than it is in this country.
the English lawyer, or barrister as he is known,
resents the highest type of individual. Englandr
not over-run with ambulance-chasing shysters;
legal profession there will not put up 'with
It is a profession possessing ethics, which are:
The English policeman, or "Bobby," does note
ry a gun. He doesn't have to. He is a respected,1
ite, efficient individual who upholds the law.
e average man and woman in England looks
>n him as such, and his billy is a sufficientt
Vrhen a criminal is arrested in England he isn't
ased1 five minutes later -on a bond furnishedt
a professional, quasi-legal racketeer who has
ni retained by a professional criminal attorneyc
manles his living as the "mouthpiece" of aI
>. To be a barrister in England means to ber
entleman, with all that the term implies.
lut in this country our police organizations arec
ally of such a nature that, instead of attract-
the highest type of individual they often at-
t those who are unfitted to make a much
er living 'at something else. And on the -sal-h
s which they are often paid, bribery is an
pted commission.
ur lawyers are men who, in an overcrowdedF
fession, will often stoop to most anything in A
r to earn a living. The most money in the b
rican legal field today is made by those who r
nd habitual violators of the law.z
, what we need in this country is not only s

About Books
MRS. EGG And Other Barbarians
By Thomas Beer
(Slater's and Wahr's. $2.50)
About once in all-too-seldom there appears a
book of rich red humor; of lusty earthy humor
shot through with irony and dry urbanity. One
can pick up, almost without turning about, books
with a streak of this calibre, but they are spotty,
jerky and invariably fall a little short of the,
reader's expectations (to say nothing of the au-
thor's.) In the midst of an apparent drought
Thomas Beer's "Mrs. Egg And Other Barbarians"
makes a very' welcome appearance. This is Mr.
Beer's first book of fiction in five years (The
Mauve Decade, 1926) and I am almost tempted
to say that it was a good idea: good things are
always worth waiting for-even five years.
The book is made up of eight short stories cen-
tering around two genuine, hearty, American-
grained perennials;. Mrs. Egg, with her triple chin
and amazing capacity for peppermints and Mr.
Van Eck, with his not-to-be-mentioned peg-leg
and startling insight into the nature of men,
women and horses. These two hearty perennials
are remnants of a highly civilized race-so.com-
pletely unafraid of living that I begin to wonder
about The March of Civilization that the so-
called Heavy Thinkers apostolize-that is disap-
pearing. Their knowledge was deep-rooted and
perhaps fierce, but they didn't let it upset them.
As Mrs. Egg pointedly remarked to her great hulk,
of a son-referred to as the 'Marvel'-when he
told her, "There's stuff goes on you don't know
nothin' like. Crazy stuff!"
"Sweetheart, after your grandpa run off with
his Swede hussy mamma and I lived in Mrs. Tul-
ver's boardin' house . . . I know you was in the
Navy four years and down to Bewnos Airs and.
Paris. I just bet you can't tell me much, baby!"
And, I'm positive, truer words were never spoken,
but her accumulated knowledge never rippled the
serenity of Mrs. Egg's life. She ,was one of those
rare, wise old persons who upon encountering a
sudden upheavan can gather up the shreds and

Want A'Ride? 1
ant A Passenger?
If you are driving at
the end of Summer
Session~ and want
paissengers, or if you
are passenger and
want transportation
in the
the MiechigaiDaIy

DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 15.-(P)-The
gallows loomed tonight for Harvey
Bailey, one of the chief "public ene-
mies" of the nation, as Federal and
state officials moved to bring to jus-
tice the perpetrators'of the Union
Station massacre in Kansas City and
the kidnaping of Charles F. Urschel,
Oklahoma City oil man.
Department of Justice agents said
the captured desperado had been
identified by eyewitnesses as one of
the machine gunners who killed four
officers and Convict Frank Nash in
Kansas City, June 17.
Murder charges were filed late to-
day against Bailey in connection with
the slaughter.
Federal authorities indicated that
Bailey would be turned over to Kan-
sas City authorities instead of being
held with four other prisoners for
arraignment on Federal charges of
kidnaping in the Urschel case.
Meanwhile a widespread hunt was
being pressed throughout the Coun-
try for Verne C. Miller, former South
Dakota sheriff; Wilbur '"Underhill,
escaped Kansas convict, and others -
sought in the Kansas City killings,
and for George Kelly, named with
Albert L. Bates, arrested at Denver,
as the actual abductors of Urschel,

'I I

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