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August 13, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1933-08-13

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The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures CLASSIFIED

Hubert Scott-Paine (inset) of Great Britain will pit his Miss England III against Gar Wood's Miss
America X in theI Iarmsworth trophy races at Detr oit, starting Sept. 2. Above picture was taken when
Scott-Paine tested his challenger at Southampten, England, recently.

Lou Brouillard, the French Canadian fighter from Worcester,
Mass., stripped Ben Jeby of his recognition by the New York state
athletic commission as middleweight champion by knocking him out
in the seventh round of a scheduled 15-round bout in New York.
Above is the closing scene of the fight.

This truck was fired on by striking farmers who are attempting
to prevent New York producers from getting their product to market.
Charles Davis, a driver, is pointing to bullet holes in his truck after he
returned to Watertown, N. Y., from New York city where he delivered

After a conference with President
Roosevelt, Oscar B. Cintas, Cuban
ambassador to Washington, said he
was in complete accord with the
President's views- in regard to the
Cuban situation.
submitted by the steel, oil and lum-
ber industries, but reports have been
delayed by the administration while
it sought an agreement among con-i
flicting factions. A hearing is now in
progress on the much disputed bitu-
minous coal code and hearings have
been set for next week on an auto-
mobile code.
The largest industry temporarily
under wage and hour agreements is
the retail group, including food and
grocers, estimated to be employing
some 5,000,000 workers.
Parker, Sheaffer, Waterrn,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up.
A large and choice assorteut
pa iSaTeSP tA L L ,
314 S. State St., Ann Aror.







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