THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUN CHIGAN DAILY cation of the Summer Session R am i , a...: I {. H :. .a ... , °',,I ," . "-. ,. . I 'r A Wash ington B1YSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON-There is something to be said for minority membership status in Congress. True, no juicy committee chairmanships are to be had by the minority; no patronage comes their way to help prop political fences at home-yet all that has its compensations . Constituents do not hold minority members responsible for what hap- ' - or HF K M --- P b3ished every morning except Monday during the inflaty year and Summer Session by the Board in *Control of Student Publications Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and, the Big Ten News Service. . MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Te 4ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fdk repulieation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. ' i*.ed fat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as oe n classmatter. Special rate of postage granted by Tird Assistant Postmaster-General. ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mlail, $4.50. OnneStudent Publications Building, Mhaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-214 . Aprsentatives: College Publications Representatives, ':40- East Thirty-Fourth street, New Yprk City; 80 Bylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd 8t., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 MN6AGING EDITOR..... ......FRANK B;. GILBRE11 ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR. KARL SEIFFERT ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. InTERS : Edgar H Ekert, Thomas . Kleene, Bruce .Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. ~BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 912, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 RSIN 'MANAGER..........UE...BYRON C. VEDDER AiNS8TANT BUSINESS MANAGER ...HARY R. BEGLIEY IBOULATION MANAGER..........ROBERT L. PIERCE SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1935 America's War in Crime... O NE of the significant steps which has been taken by President Itposevelt's commission to investigate crime came s iortly after Professor Moley, who will retain his po4ition as undersecretary of state, was made the head of this commission. Within twnty-four hours of the time that the organization started to fiiction, it received the assurance of the nation's two manufacturers of sub-machine guns that in te future their weapons would be sold only to the Federal government. ,:properly carried out, and backed by a similar rction on the part of other manufacturers of lethal weapons, this should do much to stamp out the activities of gangsters and racketeers. The manufacturers claim that by selling only to the government or direct subsidiaries of the govern- ment, and keeping a close check on the serial numbers of the weapons, it will soon become very difficult for criminals to get possession of the more effective types of guns This is certainly one of the important steps to be taken if we are to wage a successful war against those who in the past have had their own way in leducing virtually every type of business in this ogntry to a racket. And, on. the other hand, in order to properly gombat those who have had the upper hand for s long, it would seem reasonable to make it easier for the respectable citizen to obtain a weapon for is own protection. If it were made easier for :responsible business man to obtain a gun prob- ab y the fights between legitimate business and , .,gangster would come out on the right side a bit oftener. At any rate, it is heartening to note that society " s finally taking definite steps to combat the racketeer, and that it is going about it in the right way-by taking away the dangerous tool mf the racketeer, without which he is reduced to - even, lower level of effectiveness than those th whom he is to fight. Without a gun the #vprage criminal is anything but fearless; with * his gun gone and his gangs reduced in size, Uncle Sam should soon get the upper hand on him. We Still have Heroes . . AN often mourns the fact that the gym; days of knighthood are gone for- eer and that it is no longer possible for a man +9 don armor, jump onto a fiery steed, and go +oirth to slay dragons for the love of a beautiful pens in Washington. Representative Louie Ludlow of Indiana had some remarks to make along this line as he sat among former press gallery colleagues at the White House. He will be recalled as the original press gallery graduate into the House after a quarter century of Washington news reporting. That Ludlow promotion-or demotion if. you accept the press gallery view-took place in 1928 when Democrats in any but Dixie delegations were a rarity. If memory serves Ludlow was the only new House Democrat to be elected that Hoover year north of the Mason-Dixon line. He had but two party colleagues on the Indiana delegation. Now, however,.Mr. Ludlow finds himself a sen- ior in a solidly Democratic delegation from Hoo- sier land, excepting only Senator Arthur Robin- son. There are an even dozen Democrats now in the Indiana house bloc. Full Of Cares "And now I am -held responsible by letter-writ- ing constituents for everything that happens here in Washington," Louie said, plaintively. "Also for things that don't happen, like government jobs. Life was a lot simpler as a minority member. Nobody expected you to do anything but talk." Ludlow is preparing to do a little lecture tour- ing in Indiana this summer. He is getting up data on past or present presidential humor to illustrate his tales of Washington life. If you search the House office building closely, however, you can find 'amusing sidelights which Mr. Ludlow will not mention. Quite a lot of new members who rushed off home at the close of the special session have come very quietly back to put in an appearance of being busy about their offices. Long-Distance Dealing Ten days or so of meeting face to face demands for federal jobs at home was enough for them. They plan to stay in Washington and deal with the job hunters by mail. Bertrand Snell One of the trying duties devolving upon Rep- resentative Bert Snell as Republican minority leader of the House was to sound a keynote for the regular wing of the party to which the com- ing congressional campaign could be attuned. He did it soon after what he termed the "Roose- velt honeymoon session" of Congress ended. A blacker picture of government mismanagement than he drew would be hard to find. Yet there is this to be noted. Mr. Snell was a bit careful about making a frontal attack on most of the domestic recovery measures, in themselves, launched by the White House. His main crit- icisms were directed at expenditures of tax funds, what he termed "repudiation" of the gold payment clause of outstanding federal bonds and allega- tions of an actual or planned Democratic raid on the civil service to make jobs for the faith- ful. Mr. Snell was in a difficult position. He had to make his choice of 1934 campaign issues be- fore the major recovery enactments of the spe- cial session really had got going. McNary Different Senator McNary, Republican leader in the Sen- ate, who shares with Snell the duty of helping plan for the coming campaign, had not dis- closed his ideas about 1934 issues when Snell put out. His attitude as party leader in the Senate showed marked contrast to that of Snell in the House throughout the session. He deemed it good party strategy to co-operate with the majority rather closely in the making of the emergency recovery program. May Be Ambitious Underneath the surface is the possibility that both McNary and Snell hope for personal ad- vancement in, the way of presidential or vice- presidential nominations. The opportunity is there for both. Yet they rep- resent as widely different schools of political thought and of political environment as is pos- sible within the regular wing of their party. Snell, upstate New Yorker, business man, suc- cessful banker, typifies ultra-eastern conserva- tism. McNary of Oregon, lawyer by trade, but farm legislation specialist by choice since he en- tered the Senate, has a westernized, close-to-the- soil point of view. into a probe of all doings of great private banking houses. With Glass as chairman of the banking committee-for congressional committee chairmen exercise vast powers-the course of the stock mar- ket inquiry might have been far different. Whatever was done about airing income tax law loopholes for men of great wealth would have been done by the committees having actual legis- lative jurisdiction of the subject, the finance com- mittee in the Senate, the ways and means com- mittee in the House. Or even had Glass not retained, on insistence of his Senate colleagues of both parties, control over the shaping of the new bank' bill, and had Fletcher as banking chairman inherited the job of putting through that act the stock market inquiry probably would have turned out to be a sub-com- mittee activity. All the house of Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb and Com- pany, etc., appearances might not have been asked. Editoria M p THE SOCIALIST VIEWPOINT The national executive committee of the Social- ist party, ending a three day session in Reading, Pa., July 4, declared -that the National Industrial Recovery act "constitutes an admission that cap- italism can make no recovery without govern- mental supervision." Broadly in favor of the aims and methods of the Roosevelt administration, the Socialist party feels that the control of industry contemplated by the government does not go far enough. Its ad- vantages can be permanent, they 'contend, only if labor will reinforce its advantages by organizing strong industrial unions and winning political power. Failure of labor to so organize, it was said, will make of "the new industrial set-up the framework of a Fascist state." "The industrial control arrangement of the Roosevelt administration is a far cry from the control of industry that would be established by a Socialist workers' government," a statement by the committee said. "It is not only inadequate but politically dangerous. But it does offer workers a chance to build now a fighting mass organiza- tion and to prepare for the race between Fascism and Socialism that has clearly begun." This constitutes the first clear statement by the Socialist party as to its attitude toward the new program of industrial control instituted by the Roosevelt administration. It is valuable as a meas- uring stick of the trend of tomorrow's thinking. The Socialist committee, likening the American program to Fascism-as it has been compared with Socialism by more conservative elements- seems to be based on the assumption that the situation in this country and abroad are similar, whereas they are in reality widely different. The rise of Fascism in Germany and Italy has been marked by a subordination of the individual to the interests of the state and to the retention of the worst principles of capitalistic extortion. It has meant the complete si. bjection of the prin- ciples of democracy to the( will of a single self- confident dictator.- The tendency in the United States, on the other hand, evidences a movement toward increased recognition of. the democratic principles, if not the adoption of a mild degree of Socialism itself. Here the state has not been elevated to a position of prime importance as in Fascist nations and the individual has retained his place as the object of first concern. Contrary to the Fascist doctrine of a glorified capitalism, the American movement seems to be toward a growing recognition of the socialistic theory of government control of industry. The worker, at least, is given a larger place in the new American scheme of things than he enjoys either in Germany or Italy. It remains for him to take his advantage. -The Daily Iowan. FUTURE PROBLEMS IN POPULAR EDUCATION A recent decision of the Bulgarian government arouses a number of problems which are far- reaching in their social implications, not oly for- this country, but for the entire civilized world. The question concerns the limiting of students in high schools and universities - a question that many other nations may soon have to face. Bulgarian officials were troubled by the rise of an educated proletariat and farming class-young men who left their fathers' farms to go to school, and then disdained to come back to their jobs of tilling the soil. Such a problem can be met in two ways. Stu- dents may be educated and trained without limit, to be weeded out by the natural laws of supply and demand, and survival of the fittest in the learned occupations. The ,second manner of meeting this problem is that which the Bulgarian government has con- sidered best -restriction on the number of stu- dents, and certain agrarian laws in regard to the use of farm land by the owners. From now on each high school in Bulgaria will be operated on the quota basis, with tests to determine the entrance qualifications of the appli- cants. To make certain that a proper number will return to their lands after their school days are over, it has been decreed that all land must be tilled by the owner, and if the owner does not make use of his property, it will revert to the government, to be given to other farmers. Though this would seem to be a definite solu- tion to the difficulty, it is by no means sound in all respects. First of all comes the question of whether the trouble lies in over-education, or whether the fault lies in the system of education. Perhaps what is needed is education which shall stress liv- ing, rather than occupation. The second by-problem is the difficulty, almost impossibility of devising an infallible test to deter- mine the fitness of a student for higher education. Though great strides have been taken in this direction, no educator claims infallibility for his Lests. A third problem is one of human psvcholoav. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Examination for University Credit: i All students who desire credit fori work done in the Summer Session1 will be required to take examinations at the close of the Session. The ex- amination schedule for schools and colleges on the eight-week basis is as follows:. Hour of Recitation1 8 9 10 11 Time of Examinationc Thursday Friday Thursday Fridaya 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 Hour of Recitation 1 2 3 All other hours1 Time of Examination Thursday Thursday Friday Friday 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6 Enrollment in tiniversity Element- ary School: Membership lists in the nursery, kindergarten, and grades of the University Elementary School are now being made up for the year 1933-34. Parents interested in mak- ing application for the entrance of their children should inquire for i- formation at the Offiee of the Direc- tor, Room 2509 University Element- ary School, or should telephone the University, station 326. The General Library will be closed September 4-7 inclusive to permit the making of necessary repairs. Per- sons desiring the use of library books Salacc Sacked As Regime Of Machado Ends (Continued from Page 1) chief executive's post must not be a military man. Prominent in Washington Cespedes, successor to President Machado, is well known to Wash- ington officialdom as wartime min- ister from Cuba. It was De Cespedes who planned and built the beautiful Cuban em- bassy on Sixteenth St. during his service here from 1914 to 1922. Also, as secretary of state in 1923 he rea t e d the ambassadorship in -Washington and made the legation an embassy. Through his wartime service here, De Cespedes became personally ac- quainted with President Roosevelt, then assistant secretary of the Navy, and with Ambassador Sumner Welles,- at that time chief of the division of Latin American affairs of the State Department. De Cespedes is-also widely ac- quainted in Latin American diplo- matic circles. Machado presented his request for a leave of absence to the Cuban Con- gress this morning and left immedi- ately for his country estate under a heavy guard. Whole Cabinet Goes Until the Army announced that a military man was not wanted for the presidency, Col. Horacio Ferrer, famous Army surgeon and leader of the Army revolt against Machado, was regarded as the likely successor to the dictator. The Army previously had refused to allow Secretary of State Orestes Ferrara, Machado's choice and cabinet aide, to take the helm. Col. Ferrer, however, refused to accept the provisional presidency. "Delegations of students and from the ABb Society are continually call- ing on me, and the soldiers have in- sisted, but I have refused because I feared that the people might inter- pret our movement as a setup for a pre-selected leader," he said. "I have been retired from the Army since 1928 and have been busy with my profession. I never have been affiliated with any political party and never have so much as voted. Nor do I intend to until- Cu- ba's electoral processes are less shameful. "I left private life and joined our movement solely to avoid the shame of American intervention, and I hope pow to return to my profession." Machado's downfall was brought about by the revolution of the Army at noon yesterday. Fearing United States intervention, Army leaders decided that Machado, against whom every industry on the island had struck, had better resign, according ro the terms of the plan offered Cubans by Ambassador Welles. Revolt Spreads Rapidly The revolt spread rapidly, despite pleas from Machado, and by late afternoon every fort in the city was seized, without firing a single shot. Today even the police, Machado's last support, reported for duty at Army headquarters, where an ulti- matum that Machado resign by noon had been issued . The ultimatum was issued at 1:30 yesterday. At the same hour today, cannon on the Havana forts were booming out a salute to the new President and the city was celebrat- during this period should consult in advance with the Chief of Circu- lation or the Librarian's office. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian Exhibition of Recent Housing: A collection of views and charts illus- trating European Housing projects is now hung in the ground floor corri- dor of the Architecture Building. The exhibition will continue through Tuesday, August 15. To All Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Uni- versity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, August 14, before the impending examinations. 2. Students who have special need for certain books between August 14 and 18 may retain such books for that period by applying for permis- sion at the office'bf the Superintend- ent of Circulation on or before Au- gust 14. 3. The names of all students who have not - cleared their records at the Library by Tuesday, August 15, will be sent to the Recorder's Office. where their credits will be held up until such time as said records are cleared, in compliance with the regu- lati ns of the Regents. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations: Assistant Director of Social Work (Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institu- tions: $2,600 to $3,100; Junior Direc r for of Social Work (Junior Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institutions, $2,000 to $2,500. For further information. kindly call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Michigan Repertory Players: Hip- polytus will be presented on 2 nights, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 15 and 16. Tickets are now available. Baptist Students: 10:00 a. m. to- day at Guild 'House. Miss Lyda McHenry will lead a discussion on "Religion as it affects the success or failure of individuals." 10:45, Church worship. Mr. Norman B. Johnson will speak on "The Quest of Assur- ance." 6:00 Students hour at Guild House. First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher will preach on "The Wonder of Reli- gious Experience." This is the last sermon in the series on "Studies in Successful Living." Wesley Hall: Prof. George E. Car- rothers will speak at the Student Guild at 6 p. m. Class for students at 9:30 a.m. International Law Lecture: George A. Finch, managing editor of the "American Journal of International Law," will give a lecture on "Man- churia" at 8 p. in., Monday, in Na- tural Science Auditorium. Motion pictures will be shown. The public is invited. Governmeit Tb Start Hirhway Program Soon Construction Will Begin In A Few Days; Thousands To Get Jobs WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-UP)-Ac- tual road work in the $400,000,000 highway construction program, cal- culated to give a healthy life to con- sumers purchasing power, is slated to begin in some states within a few lays. By September, road building is expected to be under way in virt- ually all of the states. Government experts have estimat- ad that the building of approximately 25,000 miles of highway under this emergency program will require some 25,000,000 man weeks of work, in- cluding construction itself and the labor provided for associated indus- tries. Varied Factors Involved Of course, the number of men who will be put back on the payrolls can- not be exactly determined, highway officials point out. The maximum aumber of road builders at work at my given time and the duration of their employment depends on vari- able factors such as the kind of high- way project and the influence of the weather on construction. Highway construction records dur- ing the past three years show that 30,000 man-hours o work, direct and indirect, are required for the con- struction of one mile of average high- way: On the basis of a 30-hour week that would be 1,000 man-weels of work for each mile. For the con- struction of 25,000 miles, ,the total nan-weeks of work would tbe25,000,- 000. That would be the equivalent of about 835,000 men working 30 weeks. Since the primary economic goal of President Roosevelt and his in- dustrial recovery administrators is an increase in mass purchasing pow- er, public works officials stress as the most promising phase of the project the fact that from 80 to 90 per cent of road building dollar goes to labor. Large Indirect Wages They assert that indirect but as- sured wages totaling more than $00,- 000,000, over and above payrolls to road builders on the construction jobs, will accrue from the emergency highway program. Production and transportation of materials a n d equipment comprise the backbone of the indirect work. In addition to the $400,000,000 Federal appropriation, the states themselves have an estimated total of $100,000,000 available for highway construction while county and local road funds are said to amount to about $65,000,000. The industrial recovery act stip- ulates that not more than 50 per cent of the emergency highway funds apportioned to any state shall be ap- plied to projects on the Federal Aid system outside of the corporate limits of municipalities. This assurance of a larger than usual allotment to the cities is count- ed on to be of value in relieving un- employment in cities where the job- less problem is most acute. [~HQAll0 ES~rudAthe _I~ Every now and then however we are brought e to face with the fact-that the days of knight- >d, chivalry and heroism will never be dead. It probably true, in fact, that the more compli-- ed our civilization becomes, the greater are the portunities for the real display of heroism. Vny times the hero is unsung. A large majority the noble deeds accomplished go unrecorded. netimes they are brought to our attention. It pens tha, a recent case of note did receive blicity, for which it is nonetheless noteworthy. Sine heroes, whose names were not mentioned most of the press reports, are credited with ring saved a little Wisconsin town when a forest threatened to destroy it. Against the orders their superiors, they remained on duty while flames swept about the village. Surrendering y a few structures, the fire-fighters managed, keeping the buildings soaked with water, to e practically all of the little town, while the swept around them and passed on its way. 'heir superiors were not to blame for having ered them away. Their lives were endangered their heroic efforts. Yet these nine men did nage to save the village and themselves. heir successful fight against a fire which de- Carter Glass Remote and seemingly unrelated circumstances have proved before now to have a profound bear- ing on political history. Had the late Theodore Burton of Ohio not dropped out of the Senate, declining to run for popular election in 1912, Warren Harding perhaps never would have been President. Or had it not happened that Herbert Hoover in 1914 was in London, preparing to conclude his active business career and retire, which made him available to administer American war relief in Belgium, the whole Hoover decade in American politics might have been quite different. Suppose that when the Democrats captured the Senate in 1932 Senator Carter Glass of Virginia had sought chairmanship of the banking commit- tee instead of taking over Senate leadership on appropriations. Despite the fact that Fletcher of Florida ranked him on the banking committee, it is hardly con- ceivable that Glass, Democratic master-mind of banking legislation, could not have become bank- ing chairman if he so desired. But for personal or nm-ty resnse Virginian tnnk van-,nrari -- - - --- "THE CACKLING OF GEESE SAVED ROME" THE HUMBLE GOOSE rose to heights of immortal fame by the concerted cackles of the startled flock that warned the Roman popu- lace of invasion! TODAY THE TELEPHONE, tele- graph and radio are signal stations for the swift transmission of warn- ings and reports in times of both danger and peace. News of every event of moment is dispatched from every part of the civilized world through theoffices of The Associat- ed Press. Its ever vigilant army of 80,000 reporters gather the news that come to you in the L71 ~rrit r jrw1i