T HE MICHIGA N XDAILY SATURDAY, AUG The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures CLASSIF As each mail brought in more signers to the National Recovery Act, workers in the Federal Build- ing in Chicago were kept busy sending NRA banners to firms complying with provisions of the recovery administration. Hugh S.Johnson (left) and Postmaster General James A. Farley inspect the original drawing of Uncle Sam's new three-cent NRA stamp, 400,000,000 of which are being printed to publicize the Nation- al Recovery Administration. Vlichigan Football Team May Be Aided By Sophs (Continued from Page 1) 3as put on weight this summer he nay prove to be a leading contender. )ick James, Dave Hunn and George 3olasare three other sophomore !andidates for the quarterback posi- "ion. Howard Triplehorn, a fast back Nith rubber hips, will probably see ervice at half. Howard gained plenty of ground against the varsity last season when working on thel yearling squad demonstrating oppon- ents' plays. Winfred Nelson is an- ether sophomore halfback possibil- ity. Fullback contenders from t h e sophomore ranks are Steve Remias and Art Patchin, the latter a star varsity baseball pitcher. This fall is Patchin's fourth semester on the campus and his first opportunity to have a try at varsity football. At guard, Bob Wells has a fair chance of getting inquite a few games. He weighs only 170, pounds and should put on a little more weight before he will be able to hold down a regular berth. John Viergever, giant tackle will add brawn to the Michigan line when needed. Viergever, weighs 230 pounds and did outstanding work for the yearlings last season. So things look pretty good down at Ferry Field and Kipke isn't worry- ing. Willie Googin (above), brawny Salada Beach, Calif., shotmaker, provided one of the sensations of the P. G. A. tourney at Milwaukee when he defeated Leo Diegel, two- time champion, 4 and 3. Five hundred shooters are expect- ed to take part in the National small bore rifle tournament at Camp Per- ry, O., Aug. 28-Sept. 4. ill 1 Charles M. Moderwell (above) of Evanston, Ill., is regional advisor for the Federal public works ad- ministration for Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan, taking the post originally tender- ed to Daniel J. Tobin, of Indian- apolis. Three former Purdue athletes have become assistant coaches at Lehigh university under Nelson A. Kellogg, former Purdue athletic director. They are Alex Yunevich, Eb Caraway and Paul Calvert, all footballers. * A! dI h 3A CONTINUOUS TODAY 15cTO 6P.M. THRILLING THATCHER COLT STORY ADOLPH E "'The Night Club Lady" in With SKEETS GALLAGHER JESSE CRAWFORD - UNIVERSAL NEWS Aliso! SPORTLIGHT - FUTTERS CURIOSITY Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre THE CURRENT BROADWAY SUCCESS rumn Crocus 1111 I'll I liii I [III