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August 12, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1933-08-12

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Dry Chieftain
Dalrymple Out
Of Second Job
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.--OP)--A.
V. Darymple for the second time to-
day had left a job in which he help-
ed the Federal government enforce
the prohibition laws.
His last retirement-Thursday, be-
cause the prohibition bureau was re-
organized-was accompanied, by a
public statement that as director he
had been a victim of "duplicity,
double-dealing and double-crossing."
In 1920, he was prohibition ad-
ministrator for Illinois, Michigan,
Indiana and Wisconsin. He then re-
ported a "rum rebellion" in Iron
County, Michigan, and led a group of
his agents to the scene. But no dras-
tic action follow' d. Nine months
later his resignation was announced
from Washington.
Then, last April 1, he was made
chief of the bureau here. In office
less than three weeks he became
involved in a dispute aver beer man-
ufacturing permits granted to New
Jersey gangsters. In that case, he
said then, there was a "misunder-
His statement Thursday remarked
that the controverted permits had
been granted' without his knowledge.
Three, he said, were approved be-
fore he took office, one the second
day after he was sworn in and the
fifth the same day that he sent out
instructions as to how they should
be granted..
He charged, also, that he was not
responsible for telegrams telling 1,-
800 employed under the prohibition
b u r e a u that the reorganization
would, automatically, remove them
from the payroll. They knew that
already, he asserted, and further-
more they knew which of them
would be immediately re-employed.
"It is duplicity, double-crossing and
double-dealing such as was indulged
in this matter that has been prac-
ticed on numerous occasions in this
bureau by subordinates since I be-
came the director," he said.
He also wrote to Attorney General
Cummings, under whose justice de-
partment the prohibition bureau now
functions, that the telegram incident
was "another one of the multifarious
acts of disloyalty to me while direc-
tor of prohibition.",

High Wave Siveeps Seven Orphans To Death

-Associated Press Photo
Seven children from a group of orphan youngsters enjoying an annual visit to the seashore were
carried down by the undertow when a high wave swept them from a sandbar at Rockway Beach, Long
Island. Some. of their companions, suffering from submersion, were revived by lifeguards. Picture
shows a crowd gathered on the beach as guards worked over some-of the victims.
Conservation Force Expected Fairbanks Will Remain
In England, Is Rumor
To Reduce Forest Fire Loss HOLLYWOOD. Calif. AUg 11 -P)

NRA Threatens
Cheaters With
Business Death
(Continued from Page 1)
take one of these Blue Eagles off of
some one's window in a clearcut case.
"And that is going to be a sentence
of economic death."
Closely following a remark by
Johnson that "it would be curious"
if the Government dealt with firms
not coming in under the recovery
program, President Roosevelt, at the
summer White House, issued an ex-
ecutive order that all Government
contracts would be cancelled if the
contractor did not comply with the
recovery code. Government contracts
eventually will include a big part of
the $3,300,000,000 public works
At almost the hour the presidential
order was issued, Johnson, in an ad-
dress in Baltimore, said that "the
public must buy now, it must buy
under the Blue Eagle and it must
buy to the full of its reasonable and
prudent needs." This, said the ad-
ministrator, was "nothing less than
the point of success of failure" in the
entire recovery program.
The campaign, Johnson predicted,
would intensify during the next three
weeks toward "complete saturation
of the country" with the spirit of the
recovery program.
To 'Supervise Oil Production
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.--(P)-An
intimation that the Federal Govern-
ment would provide for rigid control
over oil production in the petroleum
trade practice plan now nearing com-
pletion came today from Hugh S.
Johnson, the industrial administra-
tor, whose aids are writing it.
Pending completion of the revised'
code, which is a successor to a ten-
tative draft submitted to the oil in-
dustry about two weeks ago, and until
the nevi draft has been seen by
theni, Johnson would not comment
on details.
His intimation that rigid produc-
tion control would be included came
about when he said the recovery pro-
gram did not recognize state lines.
He was asked if the Blue Eagle
would go inside a state in fixing
hours of labor and rates of pay in
the oil industry but would stop at
the state line on production con-
"Let's see if he does," Johnson
It was expected in authoritative
sources that the revised code would
provide for allocating national pro-
duction t4 meet national demand
among the oil states and that to pre-
vent shipment out of a state of more
than its allowed share the Federal

. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
and last of a series of reports written
by the men directing President 'Roose-
velt's recovery program.)
Director Emergency Conservation
(Copyright, 1933, By The Associated Press)
The President's nationwide refor-
estation program is now operating
at top. speed in all sections of the
At the present time approximately
300,000 men, located in emergency
conservation work camps established
in national forests, national parks,
state parks and on state and private-
ly owned timbered lands are carry-
ltg out work .programs designed to
reduce enormously the annual losses
caused (by forest fires and the at-
tacks of tree diseases and insects.
The principal kinds of work being
done include construction of trails
which will make fire fighting more
effective, removal of fire hazards,
clearing the forests of brush which
spread destructive diseases, fighting
insects which destroy trees, building
telephone lines, thinning and clear-
ing forest areas and general cleanup
Later in the year the work pro-
gram will be broadened to include a
larger amount of tree planting in
cut-over and burned-over areas and
re-vegetation of over-grazed lands.
Work to prevent soil erosion also is
being carried on at several camps.
The emergency conservation work
organization was authorized by the
Act of March 31, 1933, entitled an
Act "For the Relief of Unemploy-
ment Through the Performance of
Useful Public Work, and for Othe'
The progress made in this work
can be summarized briefly as fol-
7 We have taken 300,000 persons,
1 including young men, war veter-
ans, Indians, and experienced woods-
men, from the ranks of the unem-
ployed and given them jobs at whole-
some, useful, worthwhile, healthful
work in the forests. The great bulk

of these men are from 18 to 25 years ias r ainc, now i nLonaon, wou.
of age. stay in England for good.
2. The month cash allowances There was no confirmation. Gos
" paid these men and by them sipers cited the prospect that th
allotted to their dependents has actor planned to make a talkir
brought direct relief to not less than picture version of "Robin Hoot
a million persons. Most of the men near London. No =one here would I
allot from-$20 to $25 of their month- surprised, it seemed, if Fairbani
ly cash allowances to their -families. decided to become a subject of th
The Millions that have been king.
spent for supplies, such as work- Fairbanks is separated from hi
ing equipment and :food, have stimu- wife, Mary Pickforca Their plai
lated business in every section of for a divorce, if any, have not. bee
the country. disclosed.
4 A work program for the for-
' ests has been launched which COCK AND BULL STORY
calls for the completion of such ma- COMSTOCK, Neb., Aug. .1l.-UP)-
jor projects as the construction of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coakley, farn
40,000 miles of trails through the ers near .here, have combatted lo
forests, . the building .of 12,00 miles farm prices with. 600 hens.
of telephone lines, the improvement Since the first :of ,the year week]
of several millionacres through thin- receipts from sale of eggs average
ning and the conducting of cam- $20 and they estimate their chicker
paigns against tree-attacking dis- and a few cows have netted mor
eases and insects on 10,000,000 acres. than $100 a month.t
It is hoped and believed that this "They are the best assets we have
new enterprise will become an es- had," Mrs. Coakley says.
tablished part of our national policy
and within a reasonable time will
correct the almost criminal careless-
ness with which such a large part of l SATURDAY
our once vast forest resources were CLEARANCE
The forestation, soil erosion, and
flood control work that the men of
the Civilian Conservation Corps is WHITE HATS
performing will pay dividends to the
present and every succeeding gen-
eration. The fire prevention and fire
control work will undoubtedly greatly
reduce the losses that have occurred JACOBSON'S
in our remaining standing timber
due to forest fires.


Senator Asks
Scrapping -Of
Monroe Pact
NEW YORK, Aug. 11-(R)-Scrap-
ping of the Monroe Doctrine in the
interest of amity between the United
States and Latin American nations
is advocated by Senator Key Pitt-
man, of Nevada, chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
and a delegate to the World Eco-
nomic Conference.
"I think that for the purpose of
assuring the Latin American people
that we are sincere in our announced
policy that we will not interfere,'we
should make a declaration that there
is no longer necessity for the Monroe
Doctrine," said Pittman on his arrival
from London.
"We should say that the Monroe
Doctrine is an outworn policy. The
purpose of the doctrine was to pre-
vent certain European countries from
extending their power to Latin Amer-
ica. At present the danger of Euro-
pean powers attempting to extend
their governments to Latin America
is negligible."
Renunciation of the doctrine, the
Senator -said,, would assure Latin-
American nations that the United
States found no further obligation
to interfere in their domestic affairs.
Senator Pittman, last of the Amer-
ican delegation to return home, spoke
as he prepared to hasten to Wash-
ington to study the Cuban situation.
Although declining to suggest any
particular course of procedure, he

0 90
Wh+at are the
0 -S
Fashion Headlines
I for Fall?
ov You'll find the answers at
JACOBSON's. New fabrics:
'i slipper satins, rabbit's hair
woolen. New styles: high
nn ~necklnes, tray shoulders
epaulets broadened with
"fin points" and Gibson
pleats. New colors: eel
grey, Schiaparell's rustic
c browns, and more black
than ever. Out of many
fall modes- JACOBSON'S
fashions for their fresh-
ness and wearability.
Our Introductory Values May Not Be Possible Later
Others at $22.50 and $2975
0 SATURDAY - An Advance Showing of
Fall's Smartest Frocks
Featured in Our Famous Fashion Annex

AN ELECTRIC range is the cleanest cooking
method yet devised. The reason is obvious. A
glowing wire furnishes all the heat-pure heat -
without smoke or soot or fumes. There is no
burning of fuel to leave a black deposit on pots
and pans, or to darken kitchenwalls and curtains.
Electric heat is actually as clean as sunlight.
Here is a stove that you can really keep clean.
Your electric range will continue to look new,

Many thousand 'electric range owners in Detroit
and ,;vicinity will tell you how clean electric
cooking is. And once YOU have enjoyed the
deliciousness and healthfulness of electric cook-
ing, youwillnever again go back toanyotherkind.
Even the cheaper cuts of' meats cook to melting
tenderness, and there is little shrinkage of
weight. This adds to economy and preserves
the precious natural minerals of foods instead
of losing them io steam. Vegetables cook in
their-,own juices. ,And best of all you can cook
your dinner while you're out for the afternoon!'

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