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August 12, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-12

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The Weather
Somewhat warmer Saturday
and Sunday; probably scattered
rain or thunderstorms.

p- ---mmmlqv



Learning How Not7
Work; Go Suck A Lemo

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XIV No. 41
Nations Must
Arbitrate, s
Hyde's View
International Law Expert
Advocates Judicial Tri-
bunals In Lecture
Calls Courts Less
Open To Influence
Speaker Points Out British
And United States Pact
As One Of Finest
Nations as well as individuals have
a right to exist in a community
where justice prevails, Charles Che-
ney Hyde, Hamilton Fish professor
of international law at Columbia
University, said last night in the
seventh !lecture on the series of the
International Law Conference pro-
gram in Angell Hall.
- Professor Hyde advocated arbitra-
tion by judicial tribunals as the best
method to attain the ends of justice
for the people of different nations.
Arbitration, he said, is superior to
negotiations by diplomats or other
regular agents of a government in
the solution of various types of dif-
ficulties arising between one nation
and another.
Diplomats Work For Own Interests
In questions involving the possible
surrendering of parts of the sovereign
territory by one nation, Professor
Hyde said, the permanent diplomats
and administrators of the goverment
are more reluctant to act against the
interests of their own nation even
where justice and law dictate that
such a course isamandatory. "People
do not want an alien flag and do not
like officials who surrender the land
of the country," Professor Hyde ex-
Arbitral courts are less yielding to
the voice of the people, according to
Professor Hyde, and are more likely
to render decisions and awards wich
are derived by law rather than from
other considerations. He illustrated
his point with an example taken from
recent litigation before courts of ar-
bitration. In 1745 the King of Spain
commissioned the governor of Hon-
duras to exercise military adminis-
tration over Guatemala. By virtue of
this commission Honduras sought to
enlarge its boundaries to include
Guatemala. By a decision of a court
of arbitration it was decided in 1930
that claims of Guatemala were cor-
rect, and that royal order had been
merely a military commission. The
decision of the arbitrators was con-
curred in by the representatives of
Honduras as well.
Finest Treaty
Pointing to the history of the
United States, Professor Hyde said
that in his opinion one of the finest
treaties to which the United States
was ever a signatory was that nego-
tiated with Great Britain as a re-
sult of the Venezuela boundary dis-
pute precipitated by President Grover
,Cleveland in 1896. It contained a
provision for the settlement by a3
board of si arbiters. The treaty
failed in the Senate by three votes.
An arbitral commission should in-
clude, in Professor Hyde's estimation,
an historian to prevent one side tak-
ing advantage of the other's lack of
familiarity with all the events per-
taining to the question. Also of vital'

necessity, he believes, is a person
qualified to carry on exhaustic re-
search in archives who is not dis-
dainful of seeking out every possible
document which has to do with any
points involved. To obtain a really
constructive decision Professor Hyde
would include a person to check his
own nation's claims, insuring a valid
award. Completing his retinue of
subsidiary experts, Hype pointed out
that a boundary award could not be
properly made without a geographer.
Players' Last Show To
Be Presented Next Week
The two performances of Euripi-
des' "Hyppolytus" originally sched-,
uled by the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers for Monday and Tuesday nights
will be presented on Tuesday and
Wednesday nights instead, according
to an announcement by Valentine B.
Windt, director. The play will con-
clude the Players' summer season in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and is
the ninth presentation of the Sum-
mer Session.



Farmers And Deputies Prepare To Run Milk Gauntlet

Dry Agencies
Will Continue
New Department To Fight
As Long As Eighteenth
Amendment Stands
Discharge 800 Dry
Bureau Employees

Cuban Army Gives
Machado Till Noo


To Resig

Given Ultimatum

24 Hour Ultinatum Aim
At Solving Turmoil
Island Republic

Dalrymple Is No
Necessary In


-Associated Press Photo
New York's milk strike, a war of fists, clubs, and bullets, continues unabated as farmers attempt
to push their milk cargoes to market through battle lines of strike pickets. Above picture shows farmers
and deputies, armed with clubs, attempting to protect a truck load of milk at MacDougall, N. Y.

ill illeYl YII AI(i W 4

* *

Blue Shirts In"
Fre e State To


Parade Sunday
Opposition Leader States
His Forces Will March
With Uniforms
DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Aug. 11.
-(P)--Gen. Owen O'Duffy, leader of
the blue-shirted National Guard,.
made it clear today that his pro-
jected parade next Sunday would be
in .uniform. President Eamon de
Valera has announced'his opposition
to any procession of uniformed men.
O'Duffy's intention to disregard
the view'of the chief of the Govern-
ment was disclosed in order which
he issued to his Blue Shirts' for the
parade, which is announced to be in
honor of Arthur Griffith, president
of the Dail Eireann, who died Aug.
12, 1922; of Michael Collins, chief of
the Provisional Government, who was
shot dead 10 days later, and Kevin
O'Higgins, Free State minister, who
was the victim of an assassin July
10, 1927.I
Fears have been expressed that
disorders might occur if the parade
took place.
A denial of reports that the oppo-
sition to President de Valera is plan-
ning a coup d'etat was issued today
by William T. Cosgrave, former pres-
ident of the Council.
Mr. Cosgrave, however, attacked
Mr. de Valera in his newspaper, the
United Irishman, saying:
"The man who sits in the seat of
the Government, elected by the sac-
rifices of Griffith, Collins and O'Hig-
gins, threatens to suppress any
attempt to commemorate them fit-
tingly in the capital city for which
they gave their lives.
"We may leave the National Guard
to deal. with this. threat. For our-
selves we can rest serenely that the
names of Griffith, Collins,. and
O'Higgins will be known and honored
in Irish history when the name of
de Valera is but an evil memory and
his story a tale to frighten children."

ALBANY, Aug. 11.-WI)--Gov. Her-
bert'H. Lehman today declared that
the crisis in the milk strike situation
has passed as the milk holiday went
through its eleventh day without an,,
instance of violence.
At Newport, at almost the same
time, Stanley Piseck, militant strike
leader, characterized as "damnable
lies" the reports received by him ear-
lier that the strike was over. "The
holiday will continue," he asserted,
"until the producers' demands are
Albert Woodhead, president of the
Empire Dairymen's Protective Asso-
ciation, original backer of the move-
ment, at Rochester said that the
day's lull was due more to his re-
quest that strikers stay off the high-
ways and keep their milk at home,
than to a desire 'to give up the milk
"I don't think the strike will ever
cease until the Governor or the State
Milk Board meets with the farmers
and settles the whole thing to their
satisfaction," he said.
Independent surveys, made by
newspapers, revealed more milk plants
opening and larger receipts at those
which have not closed.
By the Associated Press

New York............... 63
Detroit.................. 52
Cleveland ................ 52
St. Louis............. ... 42 1
Friday's Results
Ohicago 2, Detroit 0.
Washington 8, Boston 4.
New York-Philadelphia, rain.
Only games scheduled .
Saturday's Games
Detroit at Chicago.
St. Louis at Cleveland.
New York at Philadelphia (2).-
Washington at Boston.
New York...............62
Chicago. ... . 60
Boston .................. 56
St. Louis................56
Brooklyn............ 42
Cincinnati.... 44 +
Friday's Results
Chicago 8, Pittsburg 2.
St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 5 .
Only games scheduled.
Saturday's Games
Chicago at Pittsburgh (2).
Boston at Brooklyn.
Philadelpia at New York.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.



Workers Aided
As Blue Eale
Drive Goes On
Thousands Of Employees
In State Get Higher
Wages, Shorter Hours
(By Associated Press)
The blue eagle of the N.R.A. spread
its wings over several thousands more
Michigan employers to bring the total
thus far pledged in the state to the
campaign to create more jobs and
raise wages to 39,363.
The number of wage-earners gm-
ployed by these firms now aggre-
gates 317,496 in Detroit and Mich-
igan, most of whom would benefit by
the reduced- hours -provided in the
code to the end that more employ-
ment and greater purchasing power
may be created.
In Detroit the largest employer
signing up today was the American
Brass Company with an employment
roll of 1,100 workers.
The City of Detroit's various de-
partments, other than the police and
fire services, are to be brought under
the N.R.A. blanket code, following
approval by the City Council of a
recommendation to that effect by
Acting Mayor Frank Couzens.
W. B. Peppler, head of the Detroit
branch of a new contracting com-
pany, announced Friday that a new
wage scale, in keeping with the
N.R.A. code had been placed in ef-
fect retroactive to Aug. 1. He said
it would mean an annual payroll in-
crease of approximately $50,000.
The Hudson Motor Car Company,
which recently announced a wage
increase and was one of the signers
of the code submitted by the auto-
mobile industry to General Hugh
S. Johnson, national recovery act ad-
ministrator, has reclled 500 former
workers and reports that it had to
increase the August production
schedule by 1,000 units.
Some of the things capital and
labor must do in furthering the ob-
jective of the N.R.A. were outlined
in Detroit Friday by William E.
Sweet, former governor of Colorado,
who came from Washington to ex-
plain some of the intricacies of the
recovery act.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-()-
Prediction that a case of revocation
of the Blue Eagle, emblematic of co-
operation with the National Recovery
Administration, will arise and that it
will mean "economic death" to the
offender, was made today by Gen.
Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administra-
At his press conference, Johnson
promised that signers of presidential
re-employment agreements would be
disciplined if it were found that they
were not complying with their pledge
to raise wages and increase employ-
ment by shortening work hours.
He added, however, that he in-
tended to let the situation rest for
a brief period in, the hands of local
"But the time is coming," Johnson
said, "when somebody is going to
(Continued on Page 3)
Workman Dies Testing
I Stratosphere Gondola

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.(P)--
From the justice department's reor-
ganized prohibition bureau and from
Postmaster General Farley came as-
sertions today that enforcement of
the dry law would continue un-
abated as long as it is on the statute
While the radically shaken up en-
forcement unit was readjusting it-
self under the bureau of investigation
of the justice department, Farley, an
administration leader in the repeal
movement, told newspaper men:
"The prohibition law is in the stat-
utes of the United States and will be
there unless and until the Eighteenth
Amendment is repealed. And as long
as it is there the law will be and
should be enforced."
800 Lose Jobs
In the meantime, Attorney General
Cummings, from his home at Green-
wich, Conn., revealed that 800 em-
ployees of the enforcement bureau
had been dropped in the reorgani-
zation. Officials here had estimated
only 600 had lost 'their jobs.
As Cummings described the reor-
ganization, President Roosevelt's ex-
ecutive order had abolished the func-
tions of both the bureau of investi-
gation and the prohibition bureau. In
their place was created immediately
a "division of investigation."
Virtually all of the old bureau of
investigation employees hadbeen re-
hired, Cummings explained, and the
head of the bureau, J. Edgar Hoover,
became chief of the new division.
John S. Hurley, assistant director of
prohibition enforcement, was made
his assistant.
Two Agencies Consolidated
"The net result of the foregoing
steps," the attorney general said in
a statement, "is a consolidation of
the powers of the two abolished bu-
reaus and the re-employment of the
personnel of both, except about 800
employees in the bureau of prohibi-
tion whose services, in view of the
economies effected, will be no longer
Cummings had only this to say
of the retirement of A. V. Dalrymple
as director of the old prohibition bu-
reau who charged "double-crossing"
on the part of some of his associates:
"The new setup automatically
eliminated the position formerly held
by Major Dalrymple who for that
reason will be no longer connected
with the department of justice."
Last Dance Of Summer
Is To Be Held Tonight
The last dance of the Summer Ses-
sion on the League's Friday and Sat-
urday night series will be held to-
night, it was announced yesterday by
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-
tor of women.
Jean Seeley, University sopho-
more who sang last night with the
orchestra, will be present again to-
night, according to Miss McCormick,
who added that plans for this party
were made with the idea of making it
the best of all that have been given
this summer.

-Associated Press Photo
* *.*
Machado Must
Leave If.Cuba
Gets New Deal
Roosevelt Plans To Settle
Difficulties If Liberals
Will Co-Operate
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 11.--(P)
-President Roosevelt turned toward
Washington tonight to speed a new
order for troubled Cuba, which was
disclosed through State Department
A four-fold plan to bring better
times for the war-torn island Re-
public is ready, centering about a
complete reorganization of the Gov-
ernment's debts to put them on a'
lower scale and a sugar production
allotment to stabilize this key in-
dustry. f
Apparently all that is wanted by
the Administration is to bring this to
fulfillment is the resignation of Pres-
ident Machado and the restroation
of political tranquility.
There were increasing indications,
that the President did some plain
talking Wednesday to Ambassador
Cintas, who, was .to see President
Reports that Mr. Roosevelt had in-
vited the Cuban President to come
and confer with him received no con-
firmation here. Such a move, how-
ever, was regarded unofficially as a
logical ppening step for the restora-
tion of quiet by this Administration.
The Cuban new deal program pro-
1-A return of small planters to
the land. It is felt by the State De-
partment and Cuban negotiators that
there has been too much of a cen-
tralization of land in the hands of
a few and consequent crowding of
the-towns and villages. It is the feel-
ing that if -people are -back to the
land at least they have an assur-
ance of a complacency and a guar-
antee against starvation.
2-A complete downward revision
(Continued on Page 2)

Presidential Guard
Of Cavalry Calle
Palace Garrison Rusht
To Man Machine Gui
In Building
HAVANA, Aug. 11.--(P)-'T
Cuban army today demanded 1
resignation within 24 hours of Pre
dent Gerardo Machado, a move si
gested recently by mediators
tempting to solve the political tt
moil in this island republic.
The time limit set expires at no
tomorrow, figured by the army n
from the time the movement sta
An explanation of the movemE
and its purpose was revealed by Ca
tain Mario Torres Menier choice
the aviation corps and one of 1
leaders . All other high officers a
proached confirmed the captain's
While the present Liberal Pa
was preparing counter-demands
the proposal of United States Amb:
sador Sumner Welles that Macha
resign, the army, navy and aviat
corps acted swiftly and smoothly
parry out the program without fin
a single shot.
No. One Leads Way
Artillery Battalion No. 1, station
Ln Cabana fortress under the co:
mand of Claptain Patricio Deca
:enas, led the way. It demanded t
resignation of the president with
24 hours. All other battalions w
,nvited to join in the movement a:
iroadcasts to this effect went o
addressed to the interior.
The response was unanimous.
Detachments stationed at Cabal
uastillo, Delafuerza-the location
a.rmy headquarters-Camp Columi:
Dragones Barracks, and throughc
she island announced their assenti
to the movement.
Artillery at Cabana fortress v
moved in position to bear on t
presidential palace.
General Alberto Herrera, secrete
3f war, was called and informed tl
:he army demanded abdication
Machado as the price of politi
peace in Cuba and to avoid a
Threat of intervention by the Uni
States. America is so empowered t
der the Platt Amendment, which i
part of the Cuban constitution.
Guard Mans Guns
The palace guard was rushed
man machine guns which were ha
.ly mounted around the presider
residence. The presidential guard
cavalry was brought up for re
Machado, accompanied by Herr
and others of his intimates, dr
at high speed in automobiles to Ca
Columbia, where they were met
:lelegates from each of the vari
army units .
Torres Menir spoke for the aviat
corps, telling the president he n
quit and turn over his office by n



Sarazen Farrell, 2 Unknowns
Reach Semi-Finals In Tourney

MILWAUKEE, Aug. 11.-Three
professionals. from the New York
District, among them two former Na-
tional Open champions, Gene Sara-
zen and Johnny Farrell, and a sur-
prise player from the Pacific Coast
survived today's play and moved to
tomorrow's semi-finals of the Na-
tional Professional Golfers' Associa-
tion Tournament at Blue Mound.
Surviving with Farrell and Sara-
zen, two of the closest friends in
professional golf, who will forget
their friendship as they clash tomor-
row, are the two persistent dark
horses, Willie Goggin, of Salada
Beach, Calif., and big Jimmy Hines,
of New York, co-medalists in the
qualifying rounds' with Mortie Dutra,
of Detroit, and conqueror of the lat-

Farrell won a place alongside Sar-
azen in the semi-finals by defeating
John Golden, veteran of Norotonr
Conn., and a dangerous contender
at match play, 5 and 4. Farrell, who
won the National Open at Olympia
Fields in 1928 by defeating Bobby
Jones in their stirring playoff which
went to the thirty-sixth green, con-
tinued his accurate play with the
irons to gain his victory over Golden.
Goggin, a long driver, provided a
big upset by defeating Paul Run-
yan, of New York, a. Ryder Cup
player and one of the big money win-
ners of the last winter campaign, 6
and 5. Goggin's long game and his
consistent play around the greens
were too much for the smaller Run-

Newcomers May Get Places In
ipke's 1933 Football Machine

Asks For Time
Orestes Ferrara, secretary of s
a member of the presidential 1:
asked for time to determine hov
dication of the executive coul
legally arranged.- That matter
being discussed tonight at a r
ing of all high offices of the m
Captain Patricio Decardenas
command at the .Cabana for
with Captain Alonso Gramag
command at the old treasury 1:
ing. Torres menier moved to the
at the aviation field, while Cc
Fanguily took charge at Cam:
lumbia. Colonel Erasmo Delgad
sumed leadership at Castillo D
Extension Division To
Give 8 Special Cou
Eight home study courses to
the requests of persons wishin
learn the fundamental subjec
general interest, without workir
University credit, are announce
the Extension Division of the

This is the second of a series of
articles on the prospects of the Michi-
gan football team for the coming sea-
son. The concluding article of the
series will appear tomorrow.
Just where the graduates from the
freshman squad will fit into Harry
Kipke's 1933 football machine is a
question that is very nearly impos-
sible to answer at this stage of the
game. With a wealth of letterman
material, one of the major problems
of the gridiron mentor this fall will
be give the youngsters enough exper-

Petoskey and Willis Ward have the
two flanking posts safely stowed
away in the burlap sack. But Mike
Malashevich, a tall rangy sophomore,
may make even these two All-Amer-
ican candidates step to keep their
jobs. -
Mike was awarded the Chicago
Alumni Trophy for the freshman
showing the most improvement in
spring practice and, besides being
wide awake on the defense, can re-
ceive passes in a way that will re-
mind Michigan fans of Ivan William-

I 1

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