THE MICHIGAN DAILY IIGAN DAILY n of the Summer Session 1 .7' These monumental buildings and his far-sighted endowment bespeak his great love for his Alma Mater, his profession, and his country." In the above words Mr. Cook's former secretary characterized his benefactions to the University. Al though the group of buildings which he ordered constructed are finished, Mr. Cook's serv- ice to the University has hardly begun. For years to come students of law will benefit by his huge. donations. In addition to the buildings, he has given funds for the establishment of fellowships, the purchase of books, to supplement salaries of professors that the University might attract the very leaders in the profession. So the opening of Hutchins Hall is really only one important step in the magnificent dream of the great lawyer but it is one which carries with it the extreme gratification of officials of the law school, of the University, and of students for gen- e erations to come. ) *"~~" 1K - .- - -- I every morning except Monday during th year and Summer Session by the Board ii Student Publications. ber of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla- d the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or aerwise credited in this paper and the local news ed herein.All rights of republication of special hes are reserved. -, Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; twostars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. Post flce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, " ecial rate of postage granted by ter-General. AT THE MICHIGAN "I LOVED YOU WEDNESDAY" ** during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,' Anni At~bor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. RPepr! entatives: College Publications Representatives, t-l'4b East Thirty-Fourth 'treet, New York 'City: 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd S-, 'New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 (AAGING EDITOR...........FRANK B. GILBRE'H- ASISTANT MANAGING EDITOR. KARLrSEIFFERT ASE0CIATE EDITORS : John C. Hlealey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. Ifo* ' ERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce Mnliley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12,F1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........w.....BYRON C. VEDDER AsISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY CIRCULATION MANAGER........ROBERT L. PIERCE FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1933 Shrug Our Shoulders And Go On... F OR me she has done a great service. She has been responsible for many. happy associations, for deep and lasting friend- ships, for an accumulation of knowledge and culture that cannot be measured in terms of ma- firial expressions. This tribute, or one quite similar, will be ;under- neath our minds one week from today as we saunter through the Engineering Arch and. pro- ceed down the diagonal past the medallion to State Street-for many of us, the last time. If we are walking alone we will possibly stop at the drinking fountain at the side of the library, make a pretext of drinking, wipe off our mouths with a handkerchief, mentally shrug our shoul- ders, and go on. If we are with friends we will possibly say, "Nell, this place kind of grows on you. I think; I'll sort of miss it." Aid one friend will laugh a laugh that is not quite a laugh and another friendj will say, "That's what I was thinking-kind of." And then the shoulders will be shrugged and we. will all go on and away. We know that we are. too cynical and afraid of others and ourselves to express our true feelings, and probably it is for the best. One can never tell what it is about a place. that he will miss. Many of the things he should lissshe will be glad to have done, relieved to find out of the way. It is the little things, the things that one never knew were present that will be laeking. So it is difficult for us-we who will not return-to describe the various aspects of our living here that we feel will not be filled when' we have settled elsewhere. Certainly, we will not tirss the conventional, the long-touted joys of, college life. Rather we will feel an emptiness where' the precipitation from the intangible once' If all Wednesdays were as long as this one,F pay day would never come, but, after all, we shouldn't quibble about titles, of all things. They do have to name them something. This is plot number 37 of the scenario writers. You know, first a few rapid shots of well-known scenes in Paris and then we're off. Vicki (Elissa bandi) is a dancing pupil and Ran' (Victor Jory) a wealthy American studying architecture. As we meet them they are about to leave on a vacation trip but alas, Ran's wife (yet, the wretch has one) turns up at the crucial moment and all is as it shouldn't be. Next, minus the shriek of the Lucky Strike program, we fly. to South America and there Vicki meets Phil (Warner Baxter) an engineer. Vicki had gone there to get away from Paris after the crash of romance, but now the theatre in which she. had been dancing is closed, so off she goes to New York with Phil.1 Then Paris again, and five years elapse before we see her again-now a famous dancer. We've been hearing a lot of how Elissa wanted to dance and we don't blame her, for she can do it. Next stop is New York, after some good shots of con- 'struction on Boulder Dam, where Phil is one of the, engineers. He has finished the job though and we meet them both in the big city, on the eve of the last performance of the season. Phil has chartered a yacht (this should encourage engineering stu- dents) and is trying to get Vicki to go on a cruise with him, when, lo and behold, up pops Ran again. Now we meet Ran's wife, Miriam Jordan, who! really shows up to advantage. Ran is still after Vicki and wants her to leave New York with him for a "pleasure cruise" to Paris. Does she go- we ask you? Isn't this plot number 37? However, although this picture won't carry you out of your seats, it does represent some good work on the part of Miss Landi, Baxter, ideal as the engineer, and Miss Jordan. As a matter of" fact, Miss Landi was so excellent in the first pic- ture we saw her, "The Warrior's Husband," that anything else is likely to be hurt by comparison. She's good, there's no doubt of that, but the story doesn't do her the justice that others might. The same aplies to Baxter-he should have better vehicles. -J. C. H. ever; they said that the new dialogue effects would make Hollywood imitative of Broadway,, and it is true that very few good shows have come out of the Orange and Quake belt in the last two years that didn't originate in New York suc- cesses. An exception to this trend is "The Bitter Tea of General Yen," a slow-moving, casual, superbly sensuous, and highly artistic picturization of a story which has no definite origin-except some- body's desire to upset all the conventions of the Chinese bandit story. Barbara Stanwyck (better here than usual) is torn from the arms of her missionary husband, is delivered to the summer palace of General Yen, is dressed up in oriental spangles by a sullen concubine. Does the bandit force his at- tentions on her? Is the concubine jealous? Does the young missionary. swoop down in an airplane in the last reel? No. With striking eccentricities in plot and ideology, not important, perhaps, but certainly entertain- ing, is combined a fine directorial treatment. "The Bitter Tea of General Yen"- is a strangely beau- tiful and bloody 'fairy tale, whose mood is pe- culiarly suited to the freedom of the camera and could hardly be put on a stage. Consequently, it may be considered as one of" the early steps in the development of an "art of the motion pic- ture." (NO STARS) "HER STRANGE DESIRE" "Her Strange Desire" is an English picture about a lady who lives in a slick new cubistic castle. She keeps pulling out 'the lamp cord in her boudoir so the chauffeur will come up and fix it. I'm. afraid you won't like it very much. -P. M-. A Washngo BYSTANDE WASHINGTON-Now that it's to be "Norris dam" down in the Tennessee river develop- ment, in honor of Senator George Norris of Ne- braska, a lot of people will just have to revise an old and oft-used expression. The two words, in different order and with slightly different spelling, have been frequently used with each other for the last quarter century or so in Republican old guard circles and wher- ever private power development proponents fore- gather. THE Tennessee Valley authority, however, hardly. could have hit on a more appropriate name for the new dam. If it had not been for Norris, it is a reasonable assumption that the Muscle Shoals heart of the huge project upon which the government has now embarked in the Tennessee basin would not have been available for treatment under the Roosevelt new deal. The temptation to name it Franklin Roosevelt dam or New Deal dam or something like that must have been great, nevertheless. Different With Johnson SENATOR HIRAM JOHNSON probably chortled over regular Republican discomfiture when he read about "Norris dam." He has had experience. After his knock-down-drag-out Senate fight to get the Boulder canyon development on the Colo- rado, nobody ever seemed to think about naming that Johnson dam. Instead his fellow Californian, Dr. Ray Wilbur, as secretary of the interior named it Hoover dam after President Hoover. And that certainly could not have been pleasing to John- son. THERE is perhaps a deal more significance to the selection of Norris' name for the new dam down in Tennessee than a first glance would dis- close. The fact that he stood' guard, like Horatio at the bridge, over the Muscle Shoals wartime de- velopment to keep private power interests from getting any permanent foothold there is well enough known. Two presidential vetoes, .by Mr. Coolidge and Mr. Hoover, knocked down his previous bills deal- ing with that matter. Election Influence THEY did more than that. They doubtless played a part in determining Norris to get aboard the Roosevelt-for-President bandwagon last year early in the game. It was his analysis of the Roosevelt water power policy, displayed in pro- longed tussling with a hostile legislature at Al- bany, that won Norris over. Probably the senator now would thank Presi- dents Coolidge and Hoover for those vetoes. He holds that the Tennessee Valley act is a far better solution of the Muscle Shoals matter than pro- jected in either of his previous vetoed bills. It has greater possibilities as an experiment in gov- ernment partnership with business. FROM the standpoint of folks who are strong for a largely career foreign service for the United States, the fact that William Phillips and the late Representative Stephen Porter differed over selection of the site for the American lega- tion at Ottawa bids fair to prove important. But for that, Mr. Phillips might still be min- Ater at Ottawa instead of under-secretary of state with plenty of chance to urge on President Roose- velt the special fitness of many of his old friends and colleagues of the career service for higher diplomatic preferment. Time of Examination Thursday Thursday Friday 4-6 10-12 10-12 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. mn. Saturday. ErMrollment in University Element- ary School; Membership lists in the nursery, kindergarten, and grades of the University Elementary School are now being made up for the year 1933-34. Parents interested in mak- ing application for the entrance of their children should inquire for in- formation at the Office of the Direc- tor, Room 2509, University Element- aiy School, or should telephone the University, station 326. Teacher's Certificate: All candi- dates for the Teacher's Certificate in August (except graduate students who will take a degree. at that time) are required to pass a Comprehensive Professional Examination in Educa- tion. This examination will be held on Saturday morning, August 12th at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. All students planning to take this examination on August 12th should leave word with the Recorder of the School of Education, Room 1437 U.E.S., at once. C.O. Davis, Seeretary University High School Demon- stration Assembly: The sixth and last demonstration assembly of the University High School Summer Ses- sion will be presented this morn- ing, at 11 o'clock in the high school auditorium. Pupils t a k- ing instrumental music lessons will be responsible for half the program, while members of the stage crew have prepared the other half. All Summer Session students who are interested are welcome to attend. International Lecture: Professor Charles Cheney Hyde, Hamilton Fish Professor of Intramural Law at Co- lumbia University, will deliver a lec- ture on "Arbitration of Boundary Disputes" in 1025 Angell Hall tonight at eight o'clock. The public is in- vited. The General Library will be closed September 4-7 inclusive to permit the making of necessary repairs. Per- sons desiring the use of library books during this period should consult in advance with the Chief of Circu- lation or the Librarian's office. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian Closing the Socialist Club's Public Lecture Series, Gordon Halstead avil speak this afternoon on "Gandhism and Socialism." The meeting will be at 5 p. m. in Natural Science Audi- torium. After graduating from Syracuse University ,where he was well known for his part in athletics, Halstead spent several years on the adminis- strative staff of Luckow University in India. He made acquaintance with leaders of the Indian Nationalise Movement, until he was ordered out of the country by the British Author- ities, who also deported him from Hongkong. His chief interest, how- ever, is not the Freedom of India, but rather the possibilities of iNon- Violent Coercion as a substitute for armed warfare in compelling politi- cal and social change. His particular study has been concerned with the influence of Thoreau and others upon the Gandhi movement; he is like- wise interested in the subject of strikes, boycotts, war-resistance and the various forms of non-violent coercion used to force social change in western countries. Ekhibition of Recent Housing: A collection of views and charts illus- trating European Housing projects is now hung in the ground floor corri- dor of the Architecture Building. The exhibition will continue through Tuesday, August 15. To All Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Uni- versity Library are notified that such Examination for University Credit: All students who desire credit for work done in the Summer Session will be required to take examinations at the close of the Session. The ex- amination schedule for schools and colleges on the eight-week basis is as follows: Hour of Recitation 8 9 10 11 Time of Examination Thursday Friday Thursday Friday 8-,10 8-10 2-4 2-4 Hour of Recitation 1 2 3 All other 0 hours Fridayl 4-6 books are due Monday, August 14, before the impending examinations. 2. Students who have special need for certain books between August 14 and 18 may retain such books for that period by applying for permis- sion at the office of the Superintend- ent of Circulation on or before Au- gust 14. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Tuesday, August 15, will be sent to the Recorder's Office, where their credits will be held up until such time as said records are cleared, in compliance with the regu- lations of the Regents. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian Michigan Repertory Players: "Au- tumn Crocus," C. L. Anthony's recent Broadway success continues tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Tickets are available for all perfor- mances. The telephone number is 6300. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: The Bureau' has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations: Assistant Director of Social Work (Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institu- tions: $2,600 to $3,100; Junior Direc- tor of Social'Work (Junior Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institutions, $2,000 to $2,500. For further information, kindly call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Beginning Tuesday, August 15, the Michigan Repertory Players will pre- sent Euripides' "Hyppolytus." This Music Question At State Is Settled EAST LANSING. Aug. 10.-()-A six year controversy over music edu- cation at Michigan State College was virtually ended tonight when the State Board of Agriculture, govern- ing body of the institution, voted to divorce completely the college music department from the Michigan State Institute of Music and Allied Arts. The Board placed the administra- tion of music at the college on the same basis as any other department. Music was made a department under the liberal -arts division. Salaries to instructors will be based on actual teaching hours for classroom instruc- tion, eliminating the controversial see-splitting system which has pre- vailed since 1927. NICE HOURS ANYHOW PITTSBURGH, Aug. 10.-(?)--For the first time in more than a half century, a county surveyor will be elected this year. It is one of those fee jobs. But in case the word "fee" gives anybody visions of that $10,000 yearly plum that goes to the delinquent tax col- lector, he had better investigate be- fore he files a candidacy. The job is worth about $8 a year. will be presented only the two nights, August 15 and 16. Women Students: There will be a picnic swim and entertainment given by the Women's Physical Education Department today. The party will leave Barbour Gymnasium at 5:30 p. i. Please make reservations in Room 15, 'Barbour Gymnasium by noon. Bring, swimming suits and thirty cents. specials a for today 0 ..all d y. fried fillet of sole . . . .. fried fried fried deep sea scallops........ fillet of haddock ...... . frog legs - roadhouse... . complete dinners "strictly fresh with the tang of the .40c .4C .50c .40C .50C open sea" "for dinner" grilled lean pork chops .-............... 40C grilled small sirloin steak......... . ...50C grilled club sirloin steak............... C fingerle operated leads with quality food, well cooked and efficiently served ... . the hut fingerle operated the hut AT THE MAJESTIC "GIRL MISSING" ** ie elevation caused by the tenseness of silence re the band starts to play on its parade down he stadium before a football game; the led odor peculiar to books and classrooms e mixture that gives a building a dignity and before its time and causes a drowsy content- ss in the individual preceding, sometimes dur- a recitation period; the sensation of unreal- and non-existence that comes late at night ig various questionable discussion periods; sharp echoes of heels pounding the cement .e bottom of the darkened Engineering Arch, will be lacking and we will know that some- is gone. $ut we 'will not know what it is and ise we are cynical and afraid that people will, 1 at us or that we will laugh at ourselves, ill shrug our shoulders-and go on. Tan's Dream Realized.. W ITH THE OPENING of Hutchins Hall the latter part of this month reat dream of a great philanthropist is vir- realized. A member of the University's law of 1882, William W. Cook was the dreamer,. he lived in it from its inception until the of his death in 1930. uis dream was to develop a. great law school, *d in the most inspiring of buildings aid ed to the ideal of creating leaders of men. ften said, 'Intellectual leadership is the est problem which faces America today; ut leaders we perish.' This he placed above se. ith these ideals in mind he proceeded with ork. Architects and artists were dispatched nters of learning both here and abroad in that the law school buildings would become ending monuments of American architecture, lit to himself, to the University, and to the a l ;. Two old timers and a comparative newcomer team up to furnish the youth appeal in "Girl Missing," which, though the story has been used in pictures since Marie Dressler was a toe-dancer, is 'genuine entertainment. Ben Lyon is the millionaire victim of conniving chisellers. They have their hooks on his money- bags when Glenda Farrell and Mary Brian, a couple of Broadway' gold diggers on the level for once, come along and save the mint for a $25,- 000 reward. Good casting and some classy dialogue, in their turn, save the show from the dullness of its plot. Glenda Farrell is a wise-cracker from way back, and she, with able help from Lyon and Brian and the playwright's snappy lines, makes "Girl Miss- ing" well worth the trouble. And the fact that Lyle Talbot's name appears in the cast reminds us that he's a boy who is going to be extremely well known in pictures before much longer, even if he has little of anything to do in this show. He did a part with Carole Lombard in "No More Orchids" not so long ago that was first rate, no less. t T ~V, * "STRANGE JUSTICE" The rest of the double bill at the Majestic this half of the week is pretty junky, but we'll give it a star on the strength of the fact that good old' Reginald Denny and equally g. o. Richard Ben- nett are in the .cast. And we'll promise not to say a word about Marian Marsh. She is in it too. There seems to be no reason under the sun why Denny shouldn't stage a full-fledged come-back. He still has all the personal charm and appear- ance that made "The Leather Pushers," and to go back still farther, "Skinner's Dress Suit," long- run hits. Furthermore, he has overcome his spdech difficulty to a great extent,, but even RKO Radio won't do any better by him than an embezzling banker who repents just in time to save the boy from the electric chair. Nor does Bennett, not so long ago a star of the first rank among Broadway players, draw anything more disting- uished than the big-hearted old Irish criminal lawyer who keeps faith in the boy through it all. "Strange Justice" is pretty bad, but we'd go to see it on the same principle that we'd go to see Charles Ray again. -K. S. AT THE WHITNEY "THE BITTER TEA OF THE ACTA DIURNA IN ANCIENT RoM' people of fht provinces, and especially the military officials of that early period, relied upon the Acta Diurna, the scroll of Daily Occurrences, for information about achievements on the battlo fields, elections, sacrifices, miracles etc. It was a crude medium of news. distribution, which was a handicap: to advancement;,a TODAY political, relfgious and eco nomic events of national and interi national importance are flashed fron every newspoint in the world with4 in a few hours. The Associated Press, keenly alert to every develops" ment in scientific news distribution, has helped gake this posjible Yo, Nvill find :. REPRESENTATIVE PORTER, who was chair- man of the House foreign affairs committee and headed the joint board in charge of the pro- ject launched in Secretary Hughes' time for re- housing American embassies and legations, won the support of the state.department in his differ- ence with Minister Phillips. Phillips resigned only to reappear under Presi- dent Roosevelt in the job he first held a in Re- publican administration. Important Official America's Finest Dance Band HENRY BIAGINI and his orchestra I. of 12 artists Featuring- AL it