The Weather
Partly cloudy, and warmer;
Saturday generally fair.
2t igm
Shrug Our Shoulders And
On; A Man's Dream Is Rea
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
VOL. XIV No. 40
F I -__-
U. S Envoy Is
Criticized By
Cuba Liberals
Ambassador Condemned
As Foreign Meddler For
Mediation Efforts
Fish Says Machado
Must Leave Office
Roosevelt Awaits A New
Deal In Republic After
His Peace Demand
Cuban Rioters Shown As They Fled Under Gunfire
Wide Rearrangement
(By Associated Press)
The political mediation efforts of
-Sumner Welles, United States am-
basador in Cuba, were condemned
Thursday by the executive commit-
tee o of the Liberal party, of which
President Gerardo Machado-whose
retirement has been suggested-is a
The c o n d e m n a ti on resolution
drafted by Oretes Ferraro, secretary
of state, not only criticized Welles'
effort, but also declared against "for-
eign intermeddling" and asserted
that mediation hioves had reached
an end.
President Roosevelt, on vacation at
Hyde' Park, N. Y., added nothing to
his formal statement of Wednesday
asking for an end' to the political
troubles, but he was represented as
confident of a new Cuban deal.
His statement followed upon a talk
with the President at the summer
White House.
State department officials at
Washington reiterated that a threat
of ,American intervention had not
been uttered as Ambassador Oscar
B. Cintas left to return to his home-
YDE PARK N. Y. Aug. 10-(A)-
President Roosevelt looked forward
confidently tonight to a new deal in
Cuba in resonse'to his demand to
end political warfare. That means the
resignation 'of President Machado,
in the opinion here.
Mr. Roosevelt received firm assur-
ance of united support in his deter-
mination. for better days on the
island Republic-including armed in-
tervention, if necessary-from Rep-
resentative Fish of New York, rank-
ing Republican on the House foreign
affairs committee.
After his talk at the summer
White House, Fish asserted that the
resignation of President Machado is
"absolutely necessary." His declara-
tion was regarded as interpreting Mr.
Roosevelt's view, but the President
said nothing beyond his formal state-
ment of last night appealing for an
end to political trouble on a patriotic
Therm is n doubt that Mr. Roose-
velt has a definite plan in mind, and
he is confident of its fulfillment. It is
obvious he expects President Mach-
ado to get out of the way as the first
step for a new order in Cuba.
Representative Fish outlined steps
which are regarded as possibly re-
flecting the views of the United
States administration.
He believes the next move would be
a withdrawal of recognition of the
Machado government and the next,
armed intervention as committed un-
der the treaty granting Cuban inde-
"I do not think armed intervention
is contemplated or is necessary," said
Fish. "If it is required I will back the
President. I can only say that I have
the greatest confidence in the lead-
ership of Presdent Roosevelt and
Ambassador Welles in their present
To all outward appearances Mr.
Roosevelt was unconcerned and con-
fident of an early settlement of the
Cuban strife. However, he kept close
contact with developments over the
telephone before motoring late in the
day to a nearby boys' camp.
America's Ambition' Is
' ~Blamed In Jap Slaying
TOKIO, Aug. 10.-(P)-Testimony
that fears of "America's ambition"
were the motive for the recent assas-
sination .of Premier Suyoshi Inukai
and other terroristic acts was given
today by Lieut. Horishi Yamagishi,
leader of 10 naval officers who are
being tried in' a naval court on
charges of responsibility for those
The court heard testimony adduced'
to nrnnn +f h+ ti o Vn nc-hi, n,' c.rnm _ 1-
This Associated Press picture, rushed from Havana by airplane, shows Cuban crowds dashing
down a street to avoid gunfire of police in the vicinity of the presidential palace during the recent riots.
Twenty-one were killed and more than 100 injured in the disorders.
U. S. Will Drop
Liquor Rulings
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(P)-,
The Roosevelt administration has de-
cided to, abandon at once the en-
forcement of the prohibition laws.
Today the economy program has,
brought about the abolition of the
Prohibition Bureau. All employees
of that agency will be carried for
a few days and then enforcement of
prohibition will be forgotten.
James A. Farley, chairman of the
Democratic National Committee,
postmaster general and the spokes-
man of President Roosevelt, said
tonight that all efforts at enfoice-
ment are jokes. He was asked as
to the machinery to be provided by
the administration to enforce the
Eighteenth Amendment, and he .said
that there i no Federal effort con-
templated for the present.
In effect, Mr. Farley said that the
Roosevelt administration will not
attempt to enforce Federal prohibi-.
tion laws and that it will not author-
ize further appointments to the pro-
hibition service.
At, the present time there is a
imarked conflict in the revenue laws
as to taxes which the Government
may collect for sale of alcoholic li-
quors. The rates in, effect up to
1929 provided for taxes of $1.10 a
gallon on alcohol, whisky, brandy;
and other distilled spirits. In the
revenue law of 1926, however, after
national prohibition had been in ef-
fect six years, a section was added
providing for a tax of $6.40 a gallon
on spirits diverted for beverage pur-
The suggestion for this is said
to have originated . with the late
Wayne B. Wheeler, then generalis-
simo of the prohibition forces.
The courts, however, have held
that this tax is not strictly an ex-1
cise levy but a penalty to be assessed"
against the possessor of contraband
liquor, and the Internal Revenue
Bureau has ceased trying to collect
Thus, should the Eighteenth1
Amendment be repealed before Con-1
gress has enacted a new revenue law,1
the Treasury Department probably3
would enforce collections on the basis1
of the 1918 rates, as amended by the1
new beer law which became effective
April 7.'
Hyde To Speak Again
Before Law Conferees,
Charles Cheney Hyde, Hamilton
Fish professor of international law
at Columbia University, will de-
liver the seventh open lecture on
the series of the International Law
Conference program at 8 p. m. to-
day in Room 1025 Angell Hall, on
"Arbitration of Boundary Dis-
Professor Hyde lectured earlier
in the summer on the same series
regarding the technique of diplo-
Johnn Farrell
Puts Dutra Out
Of NTational'Tlt
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 10. - (/P) -
Turning, back a great challenge,
Johnny Farrell, of New York today
dethroned Olin Dutra as National
Professional Champion, by defeating
the Californian, one up, in a second
round match.
Farrell swept five up by winning
the tenth hole of the afternoon
round in par. Then Dutra, smashing
out long drives and putting brilliant-
ly, staged a comeback, trimming
Johnny's lead to one up and one to
Dutra, in the rough with a long
bold tee shot on the final hole, laid
Farrell a partial stymie with a pretty
approach, but Johnny made it to
halve the hole in par four and end
the match with a one up victory.
Fire Hazard In Upper
Peninsula Has Abated
LANSING, Aug. 10.-(AP)-Reports
to the Conservation Department here
Thursday from the Upper Peninsula
indicated that the forest fire hazard
in that section of the' state has dis-
appeared, at least temporarily.
The Field Administration Division
received reports of rains throughout
the , peninsula last night which
brought all fires under control. The
reports said that the eastern por-
tion of the peninsula had a hard
rain, the western section good pre-
cipitation, and the central sector a
"fair" amount of rainfall.
NRA Legality Is
Challenged By
I .
Hosier y Men
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-()-
The question of the constiutionality
of the National Recovery Act was in-
jected formally for the first time
into the campaign of Hugh S. John-
son to blanket the country with blue
eagle insignia.
With every available official of the
NRA concentrated upon the objec-
tive of bringing industries under
modified re-employment agreements
regulating h6rs "and wages by Sept.
1-the date now set tentatively for
clamping on pressure--attorneys for
hosiery manufacturers challenged the
legality of the recovery act's labor
The question was raised by David
R. Clark, Chicago lawyer, while other
hearings were proceeding on perma-
nent codes for the bituminous coal,
legitimate theatre, underwear, and
knitting machinery industries.
Meanwhile, Johnson himself was
in the quiet of his office much of the
day preparing an address for delivery
in Baltimore tonight.
Speaking for the L. and A. Hosiery
and other companies, Clark said that
the section of the law reserving the
right to labor to organize and bar-
gain collectively was contrary to con-
stitutional rights under Supreme
Court decisions.
By the Associated Press
Of University
With Moving
Classrooms, Offices To Get
New Tenants; President Old Room
Also Will Move Soon Bec
Bureau Of Gov't. To Another C
Remain In Building
History, Journalism, Part For the past 60
State of the Uni
Of Psychology Depts. To guided through an
Get New Quarters cated in Room On
the President's Of:
With the moving of the law de- the policies which
partment of the University into the state institution e
recently-completed Hutchins Hall, in the country w
administration officials yesterday an- It is' here that
nounced that other University de- enrolled students b
partments would be transferred to President Hutchins
the building formerly occupied by theP. i. t
law classrooms and faculty offices. ni organzation tha
The history department, now situ- sible for many gif
ated on the first floor of Angell Hall, tion, that Presiden
will take residence on the first floor building program
of the south wing of the old Law physical equipment
Building. The office of Prof. Arthur iuiparalleed, that
E. Boak, head of the department, drafted his speech
will be in the room formerly used sidred trevolutionu
for meetings of the Board ofRegents.h esi
Extension Division Moves thet ofsdeRe
The Extension Division, now in ing the sails ofe
University Hall, will move to the first ress.
floor on the north side of the build- When the Univej
ing. The journalism department, now fall, Room One wil
on the fourth floor of the West Medi- One. The Presiden
cal Building, will occupy the second future, the new he
floor of the north wing. The sociol- state, will be locat
ogy department will have some offices office, Rooms 1011
on the first floor of the old Law Angell Hall.
Building and the greater portion of Exactly what use
the third floor. The department is Room One is not
now located in the Economics Build- building of Angell
ing, near the center of the campus. One was doomed. I
The Bureau of Government, which ter of time, then.
for some time has been in the Law pleasantly sunnye
Building, will retain the same offices -with shrubs and g
on the first floor. The economics to a brick wall. TI
department will move into the space fice was dark and
in the Economics Building which is It was only a matte
vacated by the department of socio- With the comple
ogy Hall and the cons
New Study Room . all law classes fri
A portion of the psyhology depart- Building, it was p
ment will go into the space vacated several departme
by the journalism department on the buildings into the n
fourth floor of the West Medical The time had com
Building. Although no library facil- to be moved.
ities are yet provided there, the large The new Preside
library room, on the second floor of composed of a pri
the Law Building, will be made into gents' room, a re
a study room. room for the bud
The offices of the president, which room for the assist
are now situated on the first floor of dent. It will be s
University Hall, are to be moved to look out on green
the first floor of Angell Hall, in the In 60 years, perhap
space now occupied by the history dignity of its pred
department, to the right side of the perhaps it will ag
main entrance. keeping with the pr
versity's ship of s
Chain Gang Fugitive Is Literar Col
Nabbed Again In Detroit Is Accepte
Is A ccepte
DETROIT, Aug. 10. - (P) The
sovereign State of Georgia was pre- A plan to reo
sented with an opportunity to gloat ministration of th
Thursday when Jesse Crawford was was passed yeste
arrested in Detroit on a charge of lege faculty and t
grand larceny. to be approved b
Last February, Crawford, a nine- Regents at its ne
teen-year-old fugitive from a chain Although no p
gang, painted such a harrowing por- plan were releas
trait of his sufferings in the Georgia Alexander G. Ru
prison camp from which he escaped sided at the mee
that Gov. Comstock refused to ex- derstood that a
tradite him. This resulted in strain- up by the execut
ed relations between law enforcement the literary colle
officers in Georgia and Michigan. June by Dr. Rut
Thursday Detective Hugh Turney, unanimously.
of the Automobile Recovery Bureau, 1Teplan was
arrested Crawford after a stolen au- Wednesday at a
tomobile was discovered, stripped of college faculty bu
all movable parts, in the rear of taken at that tim
his home at 1022 Frederick Ave.
h2 One Will
ome Just
Old Room
years, the ship of
versity has been
official helm lo-
e, University Hall,
fice. At this place
made Michigan a
qual to any other
re drafted.
President Angell
back in 1873, that
built up an alum-
t has been respon-
ts to the institu-
t Burton drafted a
that made the
of the University
residnt Little
es that were con-
apy1 in education
the world, and
uthven weathered
asion without reef-
educational prog-
rsity opens in the
1 be merely Room
it's office in the
im of the ship of
ed in the history
, 1017, and 1021
will be found for
known. With the
all in 1923, Room
t was only a mat-
What; was once a
exterior, bordered
rass, was changed
he President's of-
poorly ventilated.
r of time.
tion of Hutchins
equent moving of
om the old Law
possible to move
nts from . other
ewly vacated one.
e. The helm was
nt's Office will be
vate office, a Re-
ception room, a
get clerk, and a
ant to the Presi-
unny and it will
bushes and grass.
s, it will gain the
ecessor and then
ain be moved in
ogress of the Uni-
ege Plan
d By Faculty
rganize the ad-
e literary college
rday by the col-
oday stood ready
by the Board of
xt meeting.
articulars of the
ed by President
thven, who pre-
ting, it was un-
proposal drawn
ive committee of
ge, appointed in
hven, was passed
first PrOiosed
meeting of the
at no action was
Entire Group Grew Out 01
Bequests Of Late W. W
Cook, Philanthropist'
Plans for moving the law depa-t-
ment of the University to Hutchim
Hall, the newly-constructed unit of
the Law Quadrangle, were announced
yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the President.
Work was begun on the new ad-
ministration and recitation building
in March, 1931, and was delayed
while the estate of the late William
W. Cook was being settled. Its com-
pletion marks the full realization of
the philanthropic lawyer's "dream1
for a law department unique in the
annals of education.
The Law Quadrangle, which has
been built from bequests of Mr. Cook
which totaled more than eight mil-
lion dollars, conssts of theLawyers
Club, the John P. Cook Dormitoy,
the Legal Research Library and
Hutchins Hall. The latter building,
constructed of Vermont marble and
Indiana limestone, in the English
Gothic style characteristic :of the
other buildings of the group, is four
stories high and is situated on the
southwest corner of the quadrangle.
Has 9 Lecture Halls
Hutchins Hall contins nine lecture
halls, five rooms designed for seifi-
inar purposes and a large study hall.
It will also provide a score of offices
for faculty members and ropms for
The Michigan Law Review, the State
Bar Association and the Michigan
Judicature Society.
During his lifetime, William W.
Cook, who graduated from the Uni-
versity in 1880 and from the Law
School in 1882, donated to. the °Ui-
versity the Martha Cook Dormitory,
as a memorial to his mother, the
Lawyers Club, and the Legal Re-
search Library. His death came be-
fore the completion of the Library
and in his will Mr. Cook left ample
funds for the completion of both
buildings, a dormitory addition on
the southeast corner of the quad-
rangle, and funds for research, schol-
arships, and to supplement the sal-
aries of professors in order that the
Law School would continue to attract
leading members of the profession.
Club opened in 1924
The Lawyers Club, the first of the
structures to be completed, was
opened in 1924. This provided rooms
for one hundred and sixty students,
a dining hall large enough to accom-
modate three hundred men, a spa-
cious lounge, and a large recreation
room. There are also guest rooms in
which visiting lawyers and disting-
uished guests of the University may
be lodged. In 1930 a large addition
was completed adjoining the east end
of the Lawyers Club which furnishes
rooms for one hundred and seventeen
more students. This section of the
club was named in honor of the
donor's father, the late John P. Cook.
The William W. Cook Legal Re-
search Building was completedin
1931. This massive building, the dom-
inent structure of the entire group,
faces north across the inner court
and is directly opposite the main
tower of the Lawyers Club. This
building contains a huge reading
room, research rooms, conference
rooms and space for 275,000 volumes
Of Law Schoo
Law Division Will Occupy
Hutchins Hall, Last Uni
Of Law Quadrangle
Construction Began
In 1931, But Halted
New York ................ 63
Detroit.................. 52
Cleveland ................. 52
Chicago................. 49
Boston.............. ....46
St. Louis................42
Thursday's Results
Chicago 6, Detroit 3.
Washington 5, Boston 3.
New York-Philadelphia, rain.
Only games scheduled.
Friday's Games
Detroit at Chicago.
Washington at Boston.
New York at Philadelphia.
Only games scheduled.
New York...............62
Chicago .................. 59
St. Louis ................ 55
Brooklyn. ..........42
Thursday's Results
New York 4, Philadelphia 0.
Chicago-Pittsburgh. rain.
Only games scheduled.
Friday's Games
Cincinnati at St. Louis.
Only game scheduled.'
Courtis Concludes Series Of
Education Conferences Here
All's Well With '33 Prospects_
For The Wolverine Grid Team.
In true discipline the basic element
is the association of the consequences
of action with the choice of the ac-
tion. Then one is free to choose only
those actions which lead to pleasur-
able results, said Prof. S. A. Courtis
of the School of Education in the
concluding afternoon conference on
the Summer Session series yesterday.
ciency by practice. He quoted Dewey
as having said that the test of the
quality of discipline is the achieve-.
ment through self-control and self-
In conventional thinking discipline
is the antithesis of liberty, he stated.
"Many object to the hedonistic
conception of the purpose of life," he
continued, "It is true that selfish
Talk By Halstead Will
Close Socialist Series
"Gandhism and Socialism," a lec-
ture by Gordon Halstead at 5 p. m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium
will end the Socialist Club's series
of talks for the summer.
Halstead is a former member of
the faculty of Luchnow University,
in India, and has been deported from
This is the first of a series of three ]
articles on the prospects of the Michi-
gan football team. Another will ap-
pear tomorrow.
If Harry Kipke has anything to
worry about right now it must be
how the family Hudson is behaving
or the leak in the roof over the kit-'
chen sink. As far as the coming
football season is concerned Harry
kickoff against Michigan State on
October 7 will be composed entirely
of veterans. Pete Petoskey and Willis'
Ward will probably be at the ends;
Whitey Wistert iand Tom Austin,
tackles; John Kowalik and Carl Sav-
age, guards; Chuck Bernard at cen-
ter; Stan Fay, Johnny Regeczi, Herm
Everhardus, and Jack Heston, backs.
Just where Kipke will place his
va.rmvhnlrn , mnrnr.n lc~c
Prof. Bailey Exhibiting
Work In Detroit Galle
An exhibit of about 30 drawi
and paintings by Prof. Roger Ba
of the College of Architecture
now in progress in the fine arts
lery of the J. L. Hudson Co. in
troit, it was learned yesterday.
As winner of the Paris Prize
Architecture, Professor Bailey
cently spent three years in Eur
where he gave considerable time
sketching and painting. The w
on exhibition in the Hudson gal
is mainly of architectural subje