THE MICHIGAN DAILY ]HIGAN DAILY. tion of the -Summer Session, *. , x: , ti trial and domestic purposes, as presented by the chemist, are of a novel enough nature to bear ton- siderable thought even during these progressive and surprising times. According to Mr. Potter:- "Our grandchildren may live in houses into which the construction of bricks scarcely enter. The society hostess of the future will have her drawing room paneled with sheets of laminated materials of any color which she chooses. It will a be possible, when a housewife desires to redec- orate her home, simply to replace the panels with those of another color." spoken by Sparks, and their screen fate was sealed. Audiences seemed to like them as screen sweet- hearts, wholly discounting the fact that Ruby is happily married to Al Jolson and that Dick pe- riodically is reported engaged to Mary Brian. The Gaynor-Farrell combination continued suc- cessfully, even after both Janet and Charlie had married others. Seen together, and admired, three times already are Sally Eilers and James Dunn, although Sally is Mrs. Hoot Gibson. Appearances Count These things never interfere when the public really takes a pair of screen romancers to its heart. Most of the members of the other screen teams in the past have been married-to other people. All that really matters is that they are people who "seem" to be suited to each other-charming young people who might be very much in love. Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell answer these re- quirements, so they're "a knockout for the mush interest." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Germany Cool To French And ritish Notes Examination for University Credit: All students who desire credit for work done in the Summer Session will be required to take examinations at the close of the Session. The ex- amination schedule for schools and colleges on the eight-week basis is as follows: Hour of Recitation 8 9 10 11 Time of Examination Thursday Friday Thursday Friday 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 Hour of Recitation 1 2 3 All other hours Musical Events *- 'i-, r O'7P""AKNAJ8 , * Published every morning except Monday during the Upver'sity year and Summer Session by the Board in qVntroldof Student Publications. *Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- 1s and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, ,e Asca i Pres isa exclusively entitled to the use 4wi epliction of all news dispatches credited to it or ot ot erwise credited in this paper and the local news lished herein. All rights of republication of special cahes are reserved. * itered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seiOnd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by grd~ Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, Dring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by F$41, 450. Oice.: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, nimr Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. tatives: College Publications Representatives, Zc,4'Et Thirty-Fourth street, New Yor City; 80 Aolton Street, Bostod.; 12 North Michgan Avenue, cAgo National Advertising ervice, Inc., 1 Wet 42nd ;., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 MA'A3INGDTOS: EDITOR..... ......FRANK B. GILBETH ~ ~AN MAAGIN EDITO .KAR SEIFET MAATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton yld ,Jerome Pettit. 1U'RTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce 'Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Ofce Hours; 912, 1-5 Phone: 2-114 MANAGER................BYRON C. VEDDER T BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY .. .,. ATION MANAGER........ROBERT L. PIERCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1933 A Selfish Official C'uses Bloodshed-.. ^ T WENTY dead; twenty more dying. So read the headlines of yester- br 's papers in reference to the results of the horrible massacre at Havana. A slaughter by Cuban soldiers, prompted by the raso ve of Gerardo Machado, President of Cuba, that he would resort to war before relinquishing 4s high post, was the direct cause of the situa- Whatever the facts concerned in the intricate political maze which provide a background for the rpent uprisings, those which led to the immediate r96olution place President Machado in a very un- pReasing light. Press reports which preceded actual news of tl uprising in front of the presidential palace by twenty-four hours carried official statements to the effect that only a resignation by President Machado could prevent bloodshed. The American ambassador to Cuba, Sumner Welles, viewing the situation of tragic gravity, after conferring with leaders representing various factions, pro- posed a solution which included the president's resignation. The president's answer to this pro- psal was a statement to the effect that he would find out from Washington just how much au- tority Welles possessed in regard to presenting oposed solutions to Cuba's difficulties. This an- swer was a direct affront and thrust at Welles and American interference in Cuban affairs. Possibly Machado should not be forced to re- sign. Perhaps he merits retention of the office wich he holds. But the fact remains that he iight have made some sort of temporary agree- zent with his opponents that would have pre- vented the bloodshed which has already occurred. Sven the leaders of the army which Machado con- trols have made public statements in which they insisted that Machado's resignation was the one aqlution to, the difficulty. Leaders of all the fac- tins concerned were agreed on that one common point before the actual uprising took place. Yet it eman remained steadfast in the face of all Qpposition, protecting his position at the cost of a score of lives. The actual shooting occurred when many Cu- 1YnS, having heard erroneous reports to the effect tist Machado had already resigned, jammed the streets shouting approval. As the crowds swept t &ward the presidential palace they were met by machine gun and rifle fire. The cheers soon turned into screams as the people fled toward the American Embassy seeking safety. Whatever the factors underlying the original strike which precipitated the action, whatever the politicaL'background making up the present Cuban situation, nevertheless it appears that bloodshed has occurred when an official was able to pre- vent it. And for that he can hardly: be forgiven, when all evidence points to personal selfishness on. the part of a man who wouldn't give up his ,position which he will be unable to retain now, anyway. CHAMBER MUSIC RECITAL The quality of the chamber music concert on the whole was good, with only an occasional let- down. It started well with the Allegro movement from Dohnanyi's Quintet in C minor. The attack, the phrasing, the spirit of it was well handled; the unusual number of strings moving as a unit. The piano work balanced the strings in tone and consistency. After a somewhat uncertain start, the Italian Serenade of Hugo Wolf picked up, crystallized into its cross-rhythms and melodies, the tonal quality emerged. This is of a more conversational type of ensemble work than the Dohnanyi, and set off the solo violin to advantage. The perform- ance was more than adequate. The most professional performance occurred in the Ravel Septet for harp, flute, clarinet, and .string quartet. Its tempos were more plastic, its essence brought out. The harp, an ever romantic instrument in its tone, its appearance, was used in all its graciousness, but without becoming gush- ing or sentimental. The body of the flute and clarinet tone came into clear contrast with the flowing of the harp and the lightness of the strings. It was built up into a climax rhythmic and harmonic, such as the Bolero is, but with- out the automatic routine. Miss Ruth Pfohl, Mr. Nicholas Falcone and Mr. Earl Slocum assisted in the parts added to the string quartet. After the colorful Ravel, the Brahms Quintet for piano and string seemed pale and perfunc- tory, the piano having the predominating tune- fulness and depth. Saint-Saens revived the spirit of the evening by its completely-understood humour and, musical illustrativeness. The Aquarium, the Aviary, the Swan were captivating in their charm, the others made their appeal through the caricature of the nature of the beast. The two pianos vied with each other in expressing characteristics, the sec- ond making a better lion than the first, the first piano making a better kangaroo. Professor Pick directed the larger groups, con- tributing a decided factor of experience and tried approach to the interpretation. -Sally Place. Screen Reflections SCREEN LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD-This is the story of the un- happy case of a cameraman who was too good an audience. Gar Clarke is his name. Clarke's emotions are easily aroused, and he is unable to control them as others do. Scenes that are only fairly sad make him cry. Gar Clarke is an equally good laugher. A funny situation will make him howl. It wasn't so bad -in the silent days; laughter or tears on the sidelines didn't interrupt the actors. Actually, this one-man audience encour- aged them, even flattered them. Then came the talkies, spelling the doom of many stars, upsetting the even flow of things in movieland and, of course, costing Gar Clarke his job. Directors didn't want a fellow who either was laughing or crying all the time. Jobless, having laughed and cried himself out of the studios, ex-Camerman Clarke opened a radio shop which prospered for awhile. Not lng ago he filed a petition in bankruptcy. He's Back The other day I saw a strange sight: a man on a movie set, who was not acting, wearing ear muffs. Inquiry revealed he was a third assistant cameraman. Then I heard the story of Gar Clarke from a sympathetic friend who had put him back to work. Just before a scene that is likely to affect him emotionally, he puts cotton in his ears and then covers them with muffs. I don't know what he does when the scene is visually funny. I didn't see any blinders. Safe The First Time If George O'Brien ever breaks a leg or neck doing a stunt for screen purposes he is confident it will be on the second or fhird "take." He says he is all set for the first time a thrill scene is taken. He figures out the physical re- quirements, how long a run it will be if it's some stunt with a horse, or long a fall it will be if it's a fight on a cliff edge. "But if we have to do it over again I frankly admit I can't attain the same edge of nervous en- ergy," says George, "or the same balance of mind and body that is so necessary, for nearly all these feats are a matter of timing." Mush Interest In a recent picture, Ned Sparks, playing the part of a theatrical producer, is made to say to Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell: "You ,kids would be a knockout for the mush interest." Truer words were never spoken on or off the screen. Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell as a team are a knockout for the mush interest. Their cinematic love affairs have thrilled thousands. Time of Examination Thursday Thursday Friday 4-6 10-12 10-12 Friday 4-6 A Washington BYSTANDER By KIR(E SIMPSON WASHINGTON-The. most definite develop- ment having to do with the three-way or four- way struggle going. on already beneath the sur- face for the Republican presidential nomination in 1936 is the report from New York that Repre- sentative James Wadsworth will see re-election to the House, not the Senate, next year. In ex- planation it was stated by Wadsworth's friends that he was "saving himself for 1936." Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York, Demo- crat, is up for re-election next year. At least, his present term expires and if his activities are any guide to his hopes and plans, he confidently expects to be renominated. Since the Roosevelt administration came in, Copeland has been an important figure in the making of Federal appointments in up-state New York. The doctor and Postmaster General "Big Jim" Farley, national and New York state Democratic chairman as well as administration patronage dis- penser-in-chief, seem to be getting along very amicaby by all accounts. Defeat Would Hurt In view of that fact, Wadsworth might have viewed with suspicion urgent advice that he seek another Senatorial nomination to run against Copeland. The doctor has proved himself repeat- edly a formidable vote getter. With at least two other New York Republican 1936 presidential nomination lightning rods in sight, those of former Secretary Ogden Mills of the treasury and House Minority Leader Bert Snell, nothing could be happier from the view- point of Wadsworth's potential rivals than that he should get licked again for the Senate. That would detract greatly from his 1936 presidential availability. The Mills and Snell booms are as yet strictly under cover. It would be hard to prove that Mr. Mills is working in his own interest, not that of a renomination for Herbert Hoover. Yet Washing- ton political onlookers believe Mills to be for Mills. Farley For Governor? Incidentally, the Farley-Copeland situation has produced speculation among some New York Dem- ocrats as to what it might foreshadow as to "Big Jim's" own political ambitions. Suspecting that he may be thinking in terms of Farley-for-Governor-in-1936, these New York- ers said that the Farley-Copeland relationship gave "Big Jim" an opportunity to keep his organi- zation on edge, since that Senatorship is apt to be the chief bone of contention, assuming that Governor Lehman seeks. another term. And Far- ley, in his early forties, could well wait until 1936 to seek realization of gubernatorial hopes, if such he has. Editorial Comment GERMANY REMEMBERS YOUTH Whatever might be said of the Germans they are still one of the most progressive peoples in the world. Oppressed and tramupled, they have managed to lead the world in the adoption of .so- cial legislation to which other nations are just beginning to awaken. With unemployment insurance, old age pen- sions, maternity and sick benefits long since uni- versally accepted as parts of the social scheme, they have set out on a program of national phys- ical education that makes the efforts of other countries insignificant in contrast. Years ago Germany began the systematic build- ing of playgrounds in every city to provide the inestimable advantages of supervised play to every German child. Only recently all activities in the nation pertaining to physical education have been centralized under the direction of a Reichscom- missioner. The notion of sport for the sake of competition only has been discarded and a defi- nite program is being worked out for the efficient physical development of young Germany. The importance of the movement is demon- strated by the fact that sport, according to de- crees of the national government will be raised to a major position in the educational curriculum. The central object of the whole program, ac- cording to official announcements, will be to de- velop the powers of moral and physical defense. This, it must be admitted, is a worthy cause. There are nany things wrong with Germany today, as there are many things wrong with every other nation. But America might well emulate the German recognition of youth. There is a certain amount of irony in the situa- tion, too, that cannot be overlooked. Most of the money which has gone in the last few years for the construction of playgrounds and the develop- mast: f r' prmn~vmaf'.rith rompfrm Amarc~ipav Enrollment in University Element- ary School: Membership lists in the nursery, kindergarten, and grades of the University Elementary School are now being made up for the year 1933-34. Parents interested in mak- ing application for the entrance of their children should inquire for in- formation at the Office of the Direc- tor, Room 2509, University Element- ary School, or should telephone the University, station 326. Teacher's Certificate: All candi- dates for the Teacher's Certificate in August (except graduate students who will take a degree at that time) are required to pass a Comprehensive Professional Examination in Educa- tion. This examination will be held on Saturday morning, August 12th at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. All students planning to take this examination on August 12th should leave word with the Recorder df the School of Education, Room 1437 U.E.S., at bnce. C. 0. Davis, Secretary The sixth and last band concert of the summer season will be given at seven o'clock this evening on the steps of the University Library. This Vines Is Under Investigation In 'Tennis Dispute NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-(A)-The amateur status of Ellsworth Vines, national tennis champion, is under investigation as a result of wide- spread published reports linking his name withprofessional offers, Louis J. Carruthers, chairman of the ama- teur rule committee of the United States Lawn Tennis association, told The Associated .Press today. Carruthers made it plain that no action had yet been taken by his committee and that none would be taken until he ascertained "all the facts" in connection with-the much- discussed intention of Vines to for- sake amateur ranks after the close of the 1933 season. He explained the situation as fol- lows: "We have the situation with re- spect to Vnies under very serious consideration. I have read all the newspaper comment about profes- sional proposals and so-called offers. I also have obtained other infor-' mation on the subject and the aa- teur rule committee will make a thorough investigation. "So far as I,know, Vines is the only American player whose name has been associated with these stories and offers. Naturally we are not con- cerned with what Henri Cochet or any other foreign players do. Until we have all the facts and a clear picture of just what the situation is, I cannot venture any statement as to what action, if any, may be justified." concert will also be conducted by advanced students of the School of Music. The program follows: 1. "The Victors' March".......Elbel1 Conducted Cecil Ellis 2. Overture to "Rosamunde"t sS-u 1 ................. Schubertl Conducte by Margaret Martin-i dalec 3. The Morning from "Peer Gynt Suite" .............. Griegl Conducted by John Wannemaker 4. "Hungarian Fantasia" .... TobainK Conducted by Theodore Lee 5. Minuet in E Flat from the, "Symphony in E Flat" . .Mozart Conducted by Gladys Mohler 6. "March Slav" ...... Tschaikowsky Conducted by William Champion 7. Overture to "Zampa". ..... Herold 8. Yellow and Blue..........Balfe Students' Recital: The final pro- gram on the Summer Session Con- cert Series, which will be presented, in Hill Auditorium, August 10, at 4:15 o'clock, brings together the Summer Session Mixed Chorus, the, Summer Session Orchestra, several vocal soloists and the class in con- ducting. Professor David Mattern, director of the department of music education has designed a program full of musical interest, and yet suf- ficiently varied to provide opportun- ities for the presentation of a num- ber of soloists and conductors. The soloists are: Genevieve Dunne Smith, Soprano; Edgar Headley, Tenor; Mark Bills, Baritone; Allen Callahan, Organist. The program in full is as follows: Gounod: St. Cecilia Mass-Kyrie,. Conducted by Lois Mackey; Gloria, Conducted by William Miller; Credo, Conducted by C. B. Kendall; Sanc- tus, Conducted by James Young; Benedictus,, Conducted by Chester Channon. Gretry: Ballet Suite; (Conducted by Eugene Edmonds); Busch: Omaha Indian Love Song (Conducted by Marguerite Henry); Purcell: In these Delightful Pleasant Groves (Conducted by Ione Ward); Hahn: If my Sorngs had Wings (Con- ducted by Chester Channon); Gla- zounov: W a 1t z (Conducted by N a t h a n Rosenbluth); Jarnefelt: Praeludium (Conducted by Guy Joy); L i s z t: Second Hungarian Rhapsody (Conducted by Gilbert Waller). Charles A. Sink Exhibition of Recent Housing. A collection of views and charts illus- trating European Housing projects is now hung in the ground floor corri- dor of the Architecture Building. The exhibition will continue through Monday, August 14. Michigan Socialist Club "Political Tactics" -is the discussion topic for this evening, 7:30 at the Michigan Union. Wayne Erickson will review the history of American political parties; Wilfred Sellars will criticize the tactics of the Second and Third Internationales. All opinions are in- vited. A meeting of the Mathematical Club will be held at 4 p. m. Thursday, Au- gust 10th, in Room 3017 Angell Hall. BERLIN, Aug. 8.--P)-Germany has told France and Britain that .their interest in the German-Aus- trian impasse is not welcome. French and British ambassadors handed the German foreign office identical notes saying German prop- aganda activities in Austrian politics violated the spirit of the four-power peace treaty, and were advised that meddling in the situation was "in- admissable." The Berlin government, the en- voys were told, fails to see any rea- son for applying provisions of the pact the three nations and Italy re- cently signed in Rome and why they should interfere in the present situ- ation. An official communique did not mention the Italian stand, but mere- ly said the Italian ambassador was not on the Wilhelmstrasse and point- ed out that Germany had not violat- ed provisions of the accord. "Germany considers the incident closed," the statement asserted. The representatives arose from the. circulation of pamphlets by Nazi aviators attacking the Austrian gov- ernment under Chancellor Elbert Dollfuss and broadcast speeches in Germany of a like character.' These moves, the British and French gov- ernments hold, are not compatible with Germany's obligations under the Versailles treaty, in which Ger- many agreed to respect Austria's in- dependence, nor with the four-power agreement for European peace. Professor L. A. Hopkins will speak on, "Keeping Track of the Asteroids." All interested are invited.- Mr. K. Matarajan, Editor of the Indian Social Reformer and Editor of the Bombay Daily Mail, will speak at 3:30 p. m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Note change of time from 4:00 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. This lecture has been added to the series being given under the aus- pices of the Summer Session. Mr. Ira M. Smith, Registrar of the University will be the speaker at the educational conference t o d a y in Room 1022 University High School. His subject will be "How 'We Admit Freshmen." The meeting starts at 4:10. Pi Lambda Theta: Pi Lambda Theta business meeting today at 7:30 p. m. in the Elementary School Li- brary. Important that all members attend. Summer School Chorus: Import- ant rehearsal with orchestra at 4:30 p. m. today, Hill Auditorium. Every- one is requested to be present. Michigan Repertory Players: "Au- tumn Crocus," C. L. Anthony's re- cent Broadway success opens tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre and will continue for the remainder of the week. Tickets are now avail- able for all performances. The tele- phone number is 6300. 'I LdIMMANPROGRSSttkrou4A theAGES*1] jhs, 't l t . - NOM LT~ e1~RI~ ~ry A1ro OC 1,9Z EO2 F . special today NEWS IN 450 B C. e're Coming To -e Plastic Age... ACCORDING to H. B.. rotter, chair- man of the plastics group of the Lety of Chpemical Industrief, in London, Eng- 1, the end of the so-called steel age is in v. He predicts that reinforced plastic mate- s will replace the steel and other metals now I in the construction of automobile bodies, lane, fuselages, yacht hulls, and buildings. r. Potter makes several important claims for snythetic materials. Not only will one-piece ding: be possible, giving fireproof properties greater strength, but, he says, the new widely i material will be much lighter and more eco- ical. hp - i~c' nnp t-44'lina to hF mar rp,. *Ai'rr ' ,e Chinese chop suey with steamed rice 15 THE POPULAR ASSEMBLY was the source of news dissemination about 450 B. C. Notice that these meet- ings were to be held was inscribed on a stone tablet, which was posted where the populace might read it. From a stone platform, known as the Bema, orators addressed the peo-, pwon governmental business. QUAINT METHODS in those leisurely times more than 200 decades ago! Today the public is informed of world-wide events within a few hours after their occurrence through the news gathering and distributing facilities of special tonight grilled small sirloin steak I 5c the nickelodeon cafeteria I' A Team Is Best Experience has shown .that the mush interest in pictures is best capitalized by a team of players. Garbo and Gilbert make up one such team a few (1je A uuw ttdr~i 31rr ;, ,i