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August 09, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-09

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session

A Selfish Official Causes
Bloodshed; We're Coming To
The Plastic Age.

AUGUST 9, 1933


Hull Reports On London Economic Parley
U.S. Ambassador University s Forest
Tells Machado He Sault Is Swept By F
Must lesian Post Hundreds Of Acres I


Northern Michigan's Head
Of Fire Control Forces
Calls Conditions Better
Lack Of Rain Still
Hazard In Woods

Wisconsin Village
From Destruction
Firefighters Stick


Must Ask Leave
That thereafter Machado must ask'
Congress for an indefinite leave of
absence. With that request granted,,
the new secretary of state would
succeed to the presidency and would
immediately appoint a national cabi-
net representative of all political fac-
tions in the island.
Constitutional reforms worked out
by opposition delegates and the three
political parties in collaboration with
Welles, which provided for the re-
storation of the office of vice-presi-
dent abolished by 1928 constitutional'
reforms, then would be submitted to
OnceCongress had voted the re-
forms they would be submitted to a
constitutional convention which, un-
der the constitution, must follow the
action of Congress within six months.
Delegates to the tonvention would
be chosen at elections supervised by
the acting president.
The vice-pesidential office then
would be filled either by Congress
or by the Supreme Court.
Smith Will Talk In
Conference Today
How freshmen are admitted to the
University and some things to be
considered in choosing a college will
be discussed at 4:10 p. m. today in
Room 1022 University High School
by Ira M. Smith, University regis-
In additioni to outlining methods
of admission, he will speak shortly
on the assigning of students to indi-
vidual advisers during orientation
week. Under he heading of choosing
a college Mr. Smith will discuss the
choice of a vocation, what persons
should attend college, and service to
the State.
Officials announced that all inter-
ested are invited to attend.
Eoy Drowned As Wave
Washes Sand Bar Away
NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-(A')-A huge
wave tore away 'part of a sand bar
where about-100 orphans were hold-
ing a picnic today, dragged many
of them into the sea off Edgemere,
L. I.,. and drowned a 10-year-old
boy. Six others were missing.
The children were frnm the Pride

MARQUETTE, Aug. 8.--(P)-For-
est fire conditions in the Upper Pen-
insula were reported by Col. William
A. Bergin, chief of the State Conser-
vation forces in Northern Michigan
as improved today, with the velocity
of the wind less than on Sunday and
Monday and shifted to the north.
Fire conditions in the woods, how-
ever, still remain hazardous because
of the lack of rain in the last few
weeks. Fire fighters are hoping for
many showers to extinguish fires in
the western section of the peninsula.
Conservation officers report few or
no fires in the eastern end of the
All available labor in the Upper
Peninsula was being enlisted by the
Conservation Department in fighting
Reports from Field Administrator
Howard R. Sayre said that the situa-
tion continues acute. Fifty fires were
reported in the Escanaba district and
30 in the Crystal Falls area. Forest
fires are reported .spreding also in
the western part of the peninsula.
The fires were fanned Monday by
a twenty-mile-an-hour wind but to-
day the wind had abated to a breeze
of only four miles an hour.
Rain in the northern part of the
Lower Peninsula helped to remove
that section from any immediate
IRON RIVER, Aug. 8.-(AP)-A Wis-
consin village was saved from de-
struction Tuesday because nine men
flatly refused to leave their forest
fire fighting posts, but dozens of fires
continued to menace property in
widely scattered sections of North-
ern Wisconsin and the Upper Penin-
sula of Michigan.
When a fire swept through the
village of Nelma on the Wisconsin-
Michigan State line in Forest County
yesterday, 100 persons were forced
to evacuate, but nine men remained.
Robert Adams, Earl Buchanan,
Henry Gibbs, Jacob, Paul and Strau-
ter Spencer and Henry Pueschner,
with two civilian conservation corps
recruits, disregarded orders to leave.
They hauled a pump to the Brule
River and for two hours played
streams of water on houses and bus-
iness structures as the flames swept
up to the edge of the village, then
with a roar sped over lawns and
across balsam thickets to the other
Balbo's Ships Land In
Azores After Long Hop
HORTA, Azores, Aug. 8.--(P)-Gen
Italo Balbo's Italian air armada of
24 seaplanes completed today the
longest hop of its journey from
Rome to Chicago and back again.
At Horta, where nine of the squad-
ron alighted, thousands of persons
were out to see the sight. They
greeted the Italians with rockets and
sirens. The breakwater and the quay
were massed with blue hydrangeas.
The other 15 ships of the armada
were provided with landing places at
Ponta Delgada on San Miguel Island.

Natarajan, Wood Will
Close Lecture Series
Two talks this afternoon in Na-
tural Science Auditorium will
bring the Summer Session special
lecture series to a close.
Professor Arthur E. Wood will
speak on "Social Welfare in a
Changing Society" in the regular
5 p. m. lecture. Mr. Wood is pro-
fessor of sociology in the Univer-
sity and director of the curricu-
lum in social work.
Preceding this lecture, K. Natar-
ajan, noted Bombay editor and'
perconal friend of the Mahatma
Gandhi, will speak in the same
auditorium at 3:30 p. m. The
talk was originally scheduled for
4 p.m.
Socs gJump
I From O e T
Three Points
NEW YORK, Aug. 8-(P)-Throw-
ing off some of its recent somnolence,
the stock market roused itself today
to get up and take a look at the
The experience proved to be toni-
cal, for prices advanced one to
around three points. Volume rose,
too, as compared with the desultory
behavior of yesterday's colorless ses-
sion, although there was no partic-
ularly cogent reason advanced by
Wall Street to account for the some-
what livelier tune tapped off by the
ticker. Trading was largely profes-
At the- sound of the closing gong,
transfers stood at 1,240,124 shares.
The Associated Press-Standard Sta-
tistics composite covering 90 selected
stocks showed an advance of 2.7.
Purchasers looked with particular
favor today on shares of gold, motor,
and alcohol companies, although
prime names in the industrial list
had their innings, too.
In the commodity markets, grains
generally lost fractionally. Cotton,
which had displayed a firm tone up
to -publication of the crop report,
closed $1.35 to $1.50 a bale lower.
The dollar held to a narrow range in
foreign exchange markets. Bonds
were steady throughout the day.
Virtually all the other commodi-
ties showed a steady to firm tone
with the exception ofsugar, which
sagged a bit in late trading due to
the uncertainties of the Cuban situa-

Square Mile Is Burned As
Fire On Sugar' Island Is
Whipped By Wind
Land Was Given By
Ex-Gov. C..S. Osborn
Preserve Contains About
3,000 Acres; Used For
Botany, Other Research
-A forest fire was raging today in
the rich hardwood timber land of
the University of Michigan forest pre-
serve on Sugar Island in the lower
Saint Mary's River and had burned
over an area a square mile in extent
in spite of the efforts of 44 boy
scouts and two fire crews of 10 men
A northwest wind tonight was driv-
ing the flames toward the summer
home of former 'governor Chase S.
Osborn on Duck Island in Lake
George, just off Sugar Island. It was
former governor Osborn who gave
the forest preserve to the University
some years ago.
Fifty citizens conservation corps
men from the camp at Munuscong
were pressed into service today by
Fred Sanderson, fire warden, to help
bring the fire under control by in-
closing it within fire lines.
Contains About 3,000 Acres
The University's forest preserve
contains about 3,000 acres. It has
been used for botanical and other
research purposes.
Elswhere in the upper peninsula,
subsidence of a high wind enabled
fire fighters to bring most of the
several score forest and: brush Iires
under control.
The Chase S. Osborne Preserve was
given to the University in October,
1929, by the former governor. It is
composed of 3,035 acres of land on
Sugar and Dutch Islands in the St.
Mary's River.
On Sugar Island there are two
structures that are endangered by
the flames, a large lodge and a small
At the time that the gift was ac-
cepted by the Board of Regents here
it was, decided that the tract should
be used "principally for research and
instruction in the natural sciences
and forestry."
Already Serious Yesterday
The fire, it was understood, was
discovered at 11 a. m. yesterday
morning by coastguards and was de-
scribed at that time as being ser-
Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell of the
forestry school, who is the custodian
of the Osborne Preserve, left theBio-
logical Station of the University at
Douglas Lake yesterday when in-
formed of the fire to go at once to
Sugar Island.
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the fores-
try school is also expected to arrive
at the island today.

International Golf Title '
Tournament Proposed
AUGUSTA, Ga., Aug. 8.-(;P)-A
$10,000 appropriation for an Inter-
national golf tournament is sought{
of the City Council here by Fielding
Wallace, president of the Augusta
Country Club, who said Bobby Jones
had promised to re-enter competi-
tive golf for this one event, if called
The proposal was referred to the
Council Finance Committee. The
tournament would be played this
winter at the Augusta National Golf
Club at which Jones is president.
Competitors would be chosen by
sports writers, with the field limited
to 30 of the world's leading golfers.
Wallace said the cost would be about
$40,000. Winners of the United States
Open and Amateur and the British
Open and Amateur would be included
in the invited list.

The University Summer Band will
appear for, the last time this season
when it presents its sixth concert for
the summer at 7 p. m. today on the
steps of the General Library,, accord-
ing to an announcement made yes-
terday by Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone,
director of the band.
Tok ight's§ concert will again. be
conducted by students in the School
of Music. The program follows:
The Victors' March, Elbel, con-
ducted . by Cecil Ellis; Overture to
Rosamunde, Schubert, conducted by
Margaret Martindale; The Morning,
from PeerGynt Suite, Grieg, con-
ducted by John Wannemaker; Hun-
garian Fantasia, Tobain, conducted
by Theodore Lee; Minuet in E Flat
from the Symphony in E Flat, Mo-
zart, conducted by Gladys Mohler;
March Slav, Tschaikowsky, con-
ducted by William Champion; Over-
ture to Zampa, Herold; YelloV and
Blue, Balfe.
DENVER, Aug. 8.-(IP)-A code of
fair competition, adhering to the.
NRA blanket code, was drawn here
by the National Bean Dealers Asso-
ciation. Representatives from eight
bean-growing states-Colorado, Cali-
fornia, New York, Michigan, Wyom-
ing, New Mexico, Utah and Idaho
-were present.

21st To Ratify
PHOENIX, Ariz., Aug. 8.-
With the Drys coming out only
weakly to oppose the ratification
of the Twenty-first Amendment
to the Constitution, partial re-
turns in the state election to-
night showed conclusively that
Arizona would be the twenty-
first state to vote for the abolition
of the Eighteenth Amendment.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Aug. 8.-()-
Governor B. B. Moeur joined thous-
ands of other Arizonians today in
voicing opposition to the 18th
Amendment, voting to make this
state the twenty-fist to ratify repeal.
"I am personally dry," the gover-
nor said after he cast his ballot in
the statewide election, "but I sup-
ported the mandate of President
Roosevelt and the government."
Prohibition leaders conceded there
was no chance for Arizona to be-
come the first state to register its
opposition to the twenty-first or re-
peal amendment. The, state's pro-
hibition enforcement laws were re-
moved from the statutes by a vote
of more than two to one last Novem-
ber. In today's election there was
no slate of prohibitionists delegates
on the ballot, and citizens favoring
retention of the 18th Amendment
were forced to. write in the nanes
of their choices.
Totalling of the ballots was ex-
pected to show that 50 per cent or
fewer of the state's 153,000 registered
electors had visited the polls before
their closing at 6. p. m. Mountain
Standard Time.

Roosevelt's Plea
Miners Back

To Work

UNIONTOWN, Pa., Aug. 8.-()-
An appeal from President Roosevelt,
carried to the turbulent strike area,
today swung Pennsylvania's soft coal
workers into the back-to-the-mines
Stirred to enthusiasm as Edward F.
McGardy, labor advisor of the NRA,
delivered the President's message,
more than 100 leaders of union locals
decided by a unanimous vote to re-
turn to work.

MOSCOW, Aug. 8.-(IP)-The Brit-
ish Government has appointed Vis-
count Chilston as its Ambassador at
Moscow, succeeding the recalled Sir
Esmond Ovey, it was learned today.
The Soviet Government has found
Lord Chilston acceptable.

Jean Seeley Is, To Sing Again.
At League's Dances This Week

Taking a tip from the commotion
caused last Saturday night at the
League dance when Jean Seeley, Uni-
versity sophomore, sang with the or-
chestra several times during the eve-
ning, officials have announced that
she will again be present Friday and
Saturday nights of this week.
Also, as another result of last
week's experience, they are consid-
ering putting up fire lines around
the orchestra stage, when she sings,
hil+:,- c n1V .+thrla +l

ship in the annual city tournament,
but she has stated that the only
thing she will pitch into the League
ballroom this week-end will be her
Last Saturday she sang "Learn to
Croon," "Lazy Bones," "Under a
Blanket of Blue," and a number of
other late hits. As yet she has not
decided upon'her program for the
two dances this week-end but they
will also be among the newer airs
of the season.


Windt Calls 'Autumn Crocus'
Sincere, Sentimental Comedy

Although, according to latest re-
ports, the fire has not as yet spread
to Dutch Island, the possibility
was seen last night that tihis
might happen. At Dutch Island there
are two cottages, a fire-proof library
and a boathouse.
Government To
Ask Boycott -Of
NRA Holdouts
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-()-
Strong indications that government
contracts in the future would favor
only those businesses displaying the
blue eagle of the NRA were given to-
day by Hugh S. Johnson, the recov-
ery administrator.
Repeating to newspapermen that
"at the proper time" a campaign
would be started asking the public
to purchase goods only from firms
which were complying with President
Roosevelt's agreement to raise wages
and shorten hours, the administra-
tor said:
"I -don't believe the government

It started with an exceptionally
painful silence during which I
nibbled inquiringly on the end of al
pencil and Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tor of the Repertory Players, watched
me nibble.
"You might," he finally suggested,.
"ask me some questions. That's the
usual procedure, you know."
T cTnvafA nm+ rd me npi

Crocus' by C. L. Anthony which will
open Wednesday night of this week
and run until Saturday?"
Mr. Windt beamed. "That's an
easy one. Because it is a nice light
way to end the season. Because it
brings our program balance by fin-
ishing up with a play that is right
up to the moment. Because it had
the longest run of any play in New
Vm.1,- mi~na +he a nst vear. Because

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