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August 08, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1933-08-08

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'lough Season
Predicted For
Big Ten Teams
When the thermometer is playing
tag with the 90's and Old Sol is
conducting an endurance run, it's
hardly the time to be talking about
football, but the gridiron bug, dor-
mant since the close of spring prac-
tice, is biting again, and specula-
tion has already started on just
where some of our Western Confer-
ence teams are going to finish.
From a long-shot perspective it
appears as though the championship
will go to the team best equipped
with athletes able to endure the tough
grind of "suicide" schedules or else
with reserve capable of stepping in
when the regulars falteri
The Conference as a whole has
seldom lined up a tougher group of
games than it has for this fall and
most of the teams are heavily loaded
up with important engagements
early in the season.
Tough For Buckeyes
Ohio State, for instance, will be
asked to face Michigan and North-
western on successive Saturdays in
October, a task which has brought
grief to Buckeye coaches on more
than one occasion.
Northwestern, on the other hand,
starts right off with Iowa, and then
meets Stanford, Indiana, Ohio State,
Minnesota, Illinois, Notre Dame and
Michigan on successive week-ends.
All Indians will attempt in Octo-
ber is to take on Minnesota, Notre
Dame and Northwestern on suc-
cessive week-ends. However, and
this is bad for Ohio State, the Hoo-
siers will then have an off day be-
fore they come to Columbus to meet
the Buckeyes, Nov. 4.
Chicago, launching its new deal
program under the direction of Clark
Shaughnessy, also goes to bat with
a strenuous early Season card, bat-
ling Purdue, Michigan and Wiscon-
sin in a row in early October.
Among the hot championship con-
tenders consider the case of Minnes-
ota. All the Gophers will be asked
to do is to handle Purdue, Pittsburgh,
Iowa and Northwestern in order.
Purdue Has it Easy
Michigan and Purdue have the best
schedules among the leading title
aspirants. Michigan will be able to
taper off on Chicago, Illinois and
Iowa after playing Ohio State but
will need to be at its best in Novem-
ber to handle Minnesota and North-
western in the windup.
Purdue has a comparatively light
schedule insofar as the Conference
is ,concerned. The Boilermakers'
toughest Big Ten test will come on
Oct. 14, when they meet Minnesota.
Then comes Chicago and Wisconsin,
both of which figure as potential vic-
tims before the Lafayette crew
smashes into Carnegie Tech and No-
tre Dame.
If Noble Kizer's gang can get
through this much of its schedule
unbeaten, Iowa and Indiana hardly
figure to stop them on the home
The Conference will be crowded
to the guards with potential cham-
pions this year. Michigan as usual
will have g, strong team although
filling the shoes of Harry Newman
will be a task which may prove too
tough for even the Ann Arbor sys-
Ohio State, with its veteran line
returning virtually intact, will be in
the picture all the way, especially
if Carl Cramer, the slippery Day-
tonian regains his 1931 skill.
Northwestern has another power-
ful team coming along is the tip from
Evyanston. Dickn Hanley is keen to
make up for the slump his Wildcats
took last fall and it is said that his
sophomore crop is a beauty.

Up at Winconsin, "Doc" Spears
has had time enough to get in some
heavy- licks and the Badgers prom-
ise to be nobody's pushovers while
such hardy perennials as Purdue and
Minnesota are always bad boys to
play with.
It's about time for Bob Zuppke
to burst forth with something over
at Champaign. The Illini wound
up the 1932 campaign with a rush
climaxing their play by holding Ohio'
to a 3-0 game at Champaign. This
year they'll miss Gill Berry but in
all-around strength, the Zuppke-
men promise to be stronger than has
been the cast in years.
Chicago, Indiana and Iowa will
not doubt continue in the lower
bracket, even though they'll prob-
ably grow increasingly troublesome.
PARIS, Aug. 7.--(A')-Unemploy-
inent is slowly but steadily dwindling
in France. There are now only 246,-
198 persons receiving the dole, official
statistics show, as compared with
331,826 in March, 1933, the peak fig-
ure, representing a decrease of 24.9

The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures

Two weeks' leeway was decreed
by Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, recovery
administrator, before sanctioning
pressure cn business and industry
to cmply with the President's
blanket wage and employment
Kane Exposes
Bare Facts Of
Progress Fair
(Continued from Page 1)
cussion of the lewd-nudes first went
to the Chicago courts, one judge
said, "Some people would want to put
pants on a horse." In Fifi's case
they have done very nearly precisely
that - and a coat, too.
And then there is the nudist colony
to see which one also steps right this
way and for'tthe small sum of 15 cents
"you meet them face to face, folks,
face to face." Naturally one -steps.
One walks into a dimly lighted
chamber, puts his head through a
hole in the wall, and there, sure
enough, are the cult members, re-
clining comfortably on the grass, eat-
ing a dainty supper. But one is
considerably embarrassed. It seems
that among the nudists is one's self
lying mother-naked on the grass as
unconcerned and as comfortable as
you please. Frankly, one is amazed.
One is also no little bit astounded
to discover that one's body is not
one's own but that of a very beautiful
and very curved female.
It is all done by mirrors. The bodies
are dummies.
But if you must have them, you
can find your semi-nudes and even
nudes. One general finds them hid-
den behind the rather non-committal
term, "art." You may view living
models of famous nude paintings, or
you may see Miss America of 1933
exhibit her 1933 chasis, or you may
sketch a living model in the semi-
nude. (Most onlookers just let the
sketching part go) and if you want
to see a real fan dance, Rosalie at
"Old Mexico" is still doing a very
charming one and she closes the fans.
But probably the wrong impression
of the Century of Progress is being
created. By all means a visitor should
see the television demonstration in
the Electrical Building, the Chevrolet
assembly plant in the General Motors
Building, the display of automobile
parts in the Chrysler Building, the
marvelous electric eyes and robots
that are scattered here and there-
and ride in the scariest roller-coaster
in the world where, "There they are
now, folks, going down the incline,
they're laughing, they're happy,
they're gay. One ride and you'll be
happy for a week, folks, two rides
and you're happy for a month, three
rides and -It's only 25 cents, folks,
just two-bits, the fourth part of a
It's Long Time Between
Thinks In The Carolinas
ATLANTA, Aug. 7.-(R)--The
Carolinas are at it again. This
time they are calling each other
It all started when the North
Carolina Legislature almost named
the tomtit as the State bird, under
the higher - sounding name of
chickadee. Quickly South Carolina
paragraphers began referring to
the northern state as "Tomtitia."
Tar Heel wits stuck out their
tongues and said "Iodinia," on ac-
count of South Carolina's bragging
about iodine. One of them said,
"We wouldn't turn a hand for the
difference between the atrocious

sobriquet "Tarheelia' and the as-
sinine nickname 'Tomtitia'."I

Following a meeting of the anti-
Tammany factions, Fiorello H. La-
Guardia, former congressman, was
chosen as the fusion candidate for
mayor of New York. He will op-
pose Mayor O'Brien.

Here is a striking view of the setting at Soldier field, Chicago, just before the huge balloon bear-
ing Lieut.-Comm. T. G. W. Settle took off in an ill-faited attempt to soar to the stratosphere. A mishap
caused the balloon to crash in a railroad yard a few minutes after the- flight was begun.


Jack Muihall
Into Trouble
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Aug. 7.-(A)
-Jack Mulhall, actor, and Charles
E. Frederick, aviator, sauntered into
an apartment in nearby Santa Mon-
ica canyon early Sunday. It was the
right apartment house but they got
into the wrong fiat and, police said,
"Hello, sweetheart," said the ac-
tor, or at least so went the police
report of the incident.
Mrs. Morris Fine sat up in bed
and screamed. Mr. Morris Fine an-
swered the summons. Mrs. N. Mar-
tin, Mrs. Fine's sister, also answered
the summons. Mulhall was unper-
turbed. As related by Fine, the story
"Sh-sh," the actor cautioned, fing-
er to his lips. "S'all right, s'll right."
Mr. Morris Fine exploded. "What
Mulhall came directly to the point.
"Are you a Russian" he asked.
Fine ~Was indignant. "No.'s
The actor shook his head sadly.
"I don't like Russians."
Whereupon he swung on Fine's
Within the ensuing four minutes
m a n y things happened. Several
neighbors came in, and other things
happened, part of them to Mulhall's
nose. Presently the police came in.
The actor and Frederick pleaded
innocent to a charge of suspicion of
battery and asked for a jury trial
when their case comes up Aug. 31.
Frederick said he and Mulhall had
imbibed a bit before they made the
1,000-year-old boat was found in a
bog at the hamlet of Loknevi. It was
12- feet long, built of pine and con-
tained some primitive fishing tackle.
Seven Cents a Page
PHONE 2-1636
Leave Name and Address
Quick Service
ice. Phone 2-1988.
A RIDE-to Traverse City for two-
share expenses. After summer
school. Call 5254. 26
RIDE TO-Pittsburgh or - vicinity
after summer school. Share ex-
penses. Call 2-1988.
Philadelphia or vicinity. Aug. 18.
Share expenses, Call Lorhan, 3209.
WILL-Pay cash for used ladies' bi-
cycle. Write Box 5, Michigan Daily.
new suits and overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5 and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306 Chicago Buyer. 34c
Kenwood Hotel on Higgins Lake.
Boating, Fishing, Golf Course near-
by. Rate $2 includes meals. Ros-

common P.,O.
LEARN TO PLAY-Popular music.
Max Gail. University Music House.
Tuesday afternoons, or phone 4917.

Chaplain J a m e s A. Ording
(above) of Leavenworth Peniten-
tiary and two other members of
the prison staff were "summarily
suspended," it was announced by
the justice department in Wash-
ington, for granting privileges to
Terrence Druggan, Chicago beer
baron serving a sentence at

Here are the tangled remains of the gondola of the balloon which crashed in a Chicago railroad
yard shortly after Lieut.-Comm. T. G. W. Settle started aloft in an attempt to soar to the stratos-
phere. Settle was uninjured by the fall. A faulty valve was blamed for the mishap.

Making three trips into their
blazing home at Gloversville, N. Y.,
Edward Flansburg, 10, rescued his
two small brothers and infant sis-
ter. He was painfully burned.
Townsmen are seeking a Carnegie
hero medal for the boy.
SYDNEY, Australia, Aug. 7.-()-
Stockings believed to have been a
gift from Queen Anne to the Count-
ess of. Dartmouth were shown here,
at an exhibition of antiques. They
bore the royal initial and crown, were
nut-brown in shade and were with-
out "runs."

Charlotte Lamberton, 16-year-
old Hollywood girl, who has been
deaf from birth, scored a success
in her recent debut as a featured
dancer although she didn't hear
the music which accompanied her.
She said she "felt" the rhythm.

BUDAPEST, Aug. 7-(A)-The first
Telephone call between the Philip-
pines and Hungary was made when
Pabla Gada, general secretary of the
Philippine Boy Scouts, called Count
Paul Teleki, government commission-
er for the world jamboree opening
here Aug. 1, to announce that 20
scouts were en route from Manilla.

GOLFSIDE Riding Academy Coupon
Book. $12 of coupons for $9.60.
Phone. 2-2340. 25
DANCE Jack Nelson's Band.,
Free adm. Park plan
SOCEAN or 50c couple
BEAC H Via Saline, Clinton, f
PIER CanCrk' k o
Q-->o. o=><=o=><=o--A

Two of the more prominent participants in the Wightman cup
series at Forest Hills, Long Island, are shown here. Helen Jacobs
(right) of Berkeley, Cal., won the opening match from Dorothy
Round (left) of England, 6-4, 6-2.

CALCUTTA, Aug. 7.-(,A)-Banshi
Mukherji, a young Bengali villager in
the district ofBankura, is the hero
of this addition to the lore of the
Villagers had gone out to corner a
nman-eater which had been terroriz-

ing the district and forced it to take
refuge in a tree.
Banshi hurled a lance, the tiger
leaped, Banshi thrust his hand down
its throat and grasping its tongue
held on until the villagers killed it I
with cudgels.


Genuine Old Town
For Rent 9 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Foot of Cedar'Street W


Attend Coat
Matinees M C I A
by Phil Strong, Author of "State:




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