Industrial Advisory Board At W Li To urn Buying Power To $hun Corruption, raft OrFavor;Taxpayer Must Get Money's Worth By HAROLD L. ICKES (Secretary of .the Interior and Fed- eral Administrator of Public Works) (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of daily articles written by the men who are directing the far- flung recovery effort of the federal ad- ministration. In it secretary Ickes re- ports on the progress of the gigantic public works program.) We of the public works adminis- tration are engaged in a mighty ef- fort to restore purchasing power in the United States. Our part in the general recovery plan is to move menfrom relief rolls to payrolls as quickly as possible. In doing this it is our desire to make possible useful public works of social value and lasting benefit to the communities in which they are built. And while we are doing this we' are determined to administer the $3,300;000,000 public works fund with- out favor, graft or corruption. We are moving ahead rapidly, but also with great care. We are not forgetting that the taxpayers of this country are paying the bill. Every dollar spent is a hard-earned Ameri- can dollar. We will do our level best to see that the taxpayer gets his money's worth. Obviously it takes time to investi- gate thoroughly the thousands of applications that are made to the p u b l1i c works- administration for funds. But we are working day and night to speed the program. Although the law has been on the statute books only since June 16, al- ready nearly a billion dollars have been allocated. The President has appointed 10 regional advisors and 4-8 .state advisory boards in the de- centralization plan of handling non- federal projects. The headquarters organization in Washington is being perfected rapidly., The .public works act provided an appropriation of $400,000,000 for cer- tain classes .of roads. This money has been: assigned equitably, and a number of states are ready to begin actual construction operations. The President by executive order set aside $238,000,000 for naval construction, and the navy department already has awarded -contracts for new ships. Other allotments have been made for purely federal projects, and work soon will be under way throughout the country. With the appointment of state ad- visory boards interest now will cen- ter on state, -municipal and other non-federal projects which must be approved by the state boards before coming to Washington for final ap- proval. No nation in the history of the world has. ever undertaken such an ambitious program. The problems we face are many and difficult. We believe we are on the right track. With the continued support of the American people and under the in- piring leadership of the President we are bound to succeed. Youth With Stitches In Heart Likely To Survive --Associated Press Photo Members of .the industrial advisory board .of the national recovery administration are shown; as they met in Washington. Seated;,left to right: DavidR,. Coker, Hartsville,-, -C.;{ Gerard Swope of the General Electric company, president; Hugh S.. Jobnson, recovery administrator; Walter C.- Teagle,. presi- dent Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, aynd Louis E. -irstein,; Bostonmerchant. -Standing: Ed- ward Stellinius, vice president General Motors; James A. Mcffett, former Standard Oil executive; Wil- liam J. Vireen Moultrie, Ga., cotton manufacturer; Robert L. Lund, St. Louis;. Henry H. .Himann Na-, tional Association of Credit Men;, New York, and T. Austin Finch, Thomasville, S. C., manufacturer. - Comstock Will Answer Recall ACtion With New Deal Results DETROIT, Aug.7.-(AP)--Gov. Wil- liam. A. Comstock expects to answer critics of his administration-with results. Addressing a crowd estimated at 2,000 Sunday .night in an off-season, Democratic-rally arranged to combat a recall movement, the governor de- clared: "What the public wants is results from the new deal. We've started things. I'm certain they will come out all right. I'll stake my future on those accomplishments."" Nevertheless, the governor served1 'notice that he is looking for the per- son responsible for "innuendo and canards" he said were being circu- lated over the state. "It is beneath my personal dignity and the dignity of the high office It hold to answer them," he said. "I refuse to pay attention to the in- nuendo and canards circulated main- ly by disgruntled job-seekers, trouble- making. lobbyists and maliciously partisan newspapers. "I would like to find the person responsible for these charges. They have even hinted at graft and dis- honesty in my administration. But always the lying scoundrels hide be- hind someone else. The newspapers which pass it on do so in broad terms. Not one specific charge has been pre- sented. I am waiting for it and ready to meet it." Democrats, he said, have "consti- tuted the party of criticism so long that we don't know what it is to be criticized." "We've got to learn to take criticism,' he continued. ,I welcome constructive c r i t i-c i.s m," whether it be from Democrats or Republicans. But in. the old days when I led the minority, I waited for the campaign before offering; criti- cism. There are ethics to be observed in politics just as in business and in private life. The party that doesn't respect them soon comes to grief." "You can't make a superman and statesman out of an ordinary human being, who is justhas broke' as you are, by tacking the title of governor before his name. He's just ths same man he always was,. The only dif- ference between you and him is that he has a whale of a lot more respon- sibility. Certainly you owe him sup- port from the time you put him in office to represent the principles of democracy." Gov. Comstock complimented the Legislature which he said had passed. "more constructive remedial acts than any ten former legislatures." "They blundered around some and the ford only knows how they got so much done," he continued. "They did it because their hearts were, right, and their intentions were right. Some of them showed a tendency to listen more attentively to selfish, interested lobbyists. than to_ their own party cloth" upon that veto and upon the "popular clamor created by lobbyists who filled legislative galleries." Of his patronage problems, the governor said that many persons "seem to have regarded the gover- nor's office as just a glorified unem- ployment relief agency," adding that there have been 3,000- applicants for 75 jobs as tales tax inspectors. "I'm sorry the state didn't have enough jobs for all the, deserving Democrats," he said, "but it just couldn't be done, especially with the people demanding economy and effi- ciency in government." He told of -plans for a "fact pre- senting" accounting of -his adminis- tration this fall in frequent addresses. First Director Of Dormitory Lectures Here Summer residents of Betsy Barbour Dormitory and their guests enjoyed a varied program Sunday afternoon in the house parlors. Of special interest to those present was the talk given by Miss Myers, first social director pf the dormitory, who spoke of Mr. Barbour's interest in and contributions to the higher education of women. Brief histories of some of the out- standing art pieces and articles of furniture found in the dormitory were given. Miss Myers told of in- timate situations connected with the early history of the building and by this meansrevealed the affection and idealism Mr. Barboux himself felt for the dormitory. Two groups of vocal selections were given by Miss Helen McClaphin and violin numbers were played by Mr. Robert Carson. Miss Lila Day, a resi- dent of the house, accompanied both musicians. The musical program included "Wild Geese" by Vaughndeneath, "The Robin Woman" from Shan- weis, sung by Miss. McClaphin, "Chanson Triste" and Iljinski's "Ser- enade," specially arranged by -Bese- kirsky, were played by Mr. Carson. Miss McClaphin sang Manning's group of Chinese songs: "Nang Poo," "Chinois," and "Hop Li, the Rikisha Man." This was the last of a group of similar Sunday programs aranged by the house social committee. Mary Elizabeth Johnson, house president, introduced the guest entertainers. LOCAL FIRM JOINSsNRA Mr. F. E. Bradley, local sales man- ager of Hammond Beef Company, yesterday announced that his com- pany had signed a labor code under the National Recovery Act. Youth Group Will Study Entertainment Effects At a recent meeting of the Ann Arbor Youth Commission it was de- cided that the time had come for the appointment of a committee to consider the, -negative and. positive effects of radio, magazine, an4 mo- tion picture influence in Ann ,Arbor. The committee as appointed con- sists of L:-L. Forsythe, principal; Dr. L. J. Carr, research director of youth commission; Mrs. Joseph Hay- den, women's organizations; Mrs. Ar-. thur Crippen, member- of a similar committee last year; Gerald Hoag, Michigan Theatre; Principal George Alder, chairman of Saturday Movie Committee; Reverend John Shilling, boys work secretary of Y. M. C. A. and member of ministerial associa- tion; G. Claude Drake, druggist; and Mrs. John Raaf, parent-teachers as- sociation. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER (By University Observatory) Temperature at 7 a. m., 63.7 Maximum -temperature for 24 hours ending 7 p. m., 82.7 at 3:30. p.M. Minimum temperature for 24 hours ending 7 p. in., 62,2 at 6:30 a. m. Temperature at 7 p. n., 75.0. Precipation for 24 hours end- ing 7 p. M., 0.03. Arizona Voters Pass On Repeal Question Today Drys Concede Defeat As They Lose Court Battle To Prevent Voting PHOENIX, Aug. 7.-(P)-Arizona voters will decide today whether this state is to become the twenty-first in the union to sanction repeal of the eighteenth amendment. Having lost, five says before the date of election, a court battle to restrain the casting of ballots, an- ti-repeal forces conceded that the popular vote of the state likely would be overwhelming in favor of ratifi- cation. In a contest at -the polls, "dry" forces are confronted not only with a.record of a 2 to 1 vote by which the state prohibition enforcement laws were repealed last November, but with the fact that their's must be a .write-in campaign for conven- tion.delegates. Under an enactment of a recent special session.-of the eleventh Ari- zona legislature, 14 delegates-one from each county-were to be nom- inated by counties and elected by a vote of the state-at-large, en bloc. No anti-repeal candidate was nom- inated in any county. Official ballots, started on their way to polling places as soon as the smoke of an injunc- tion battle had cleared, contained the names of 14 delegates only, all pledg- ed to repeal. Blank spaces are there, however, for the use of voters desir- ing to write in-"drys" names.- In nine counties no candidates ap- peared' to contest for . seats at the convention. In five others, candi- dates did circulate petitions, but in no: case were they able to obtain sufficient signatures to certify their names to the ballot. . The court fight to prevent a pop- ular vote on repeal started shortly after the regular session of the leg- islature had enacted a statute setting up machinery for an election. Women Students To Hold Last Picnic -Swim Soon. The last picnic swim of. the Sum- mer-Session sponsored by the de- partment of-physical education for women will- be held this Friday. The party will leave Barbour Gymnasium at "5:30 p. mn. and return about 8 p. . Women students wishing to make. reservations for this event are asked to do so at Barbour Gymnasium, Room 15, by Friday noon. A fee of 25 cents will be charged to cover the costs of food and transportation, offi- cials said. -Associated Press Photo Federal state and labor representatives meeting in Washington agreed to terms for settlement of the Pennsylvania bituminous coal strike. Three-of the leaders in the peace move are shown discussing the situation in the offices of Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, recovery admin- istrator. Left to right: John L. Lewis, president United Mine Workers of America; Dr. Leo Wolman, chairman of the labor advisory com- mittee of the recovery administration, and Gov. Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania. Cuban Government, Opposition Agree On Machado Resignation Labor-Leaders Meet With Got rnor (Continued from Page 1) had vetoed his proposal to use the military to end the strike forcibly. The House went first into secret session at 3 o'clock, but opened its doors an hour later and, waiving the rules, heard read a bill signed by Carmelo Urquiaga, leader of the ma- jority, authorizing the President to suspend guarantees for 30 days. The Senate meeting did not begin until 5 o'clock. Ambassador Welles described the political situation as most grave after his conference with political chiefs of various groups. - His formula for settlement, Mr. Welles said, was acceptable to the entire opposition, and to the heads of conservative groups whom he had been able to see. The leaders of the Popular Party were unanimous for it, he said. President Machado received all im- portant Liberal .leaders for a consul- tation this morning, but the results were not announced. Seeks Washington's Advice It was reported this evening that the Liberal group informed the Pres- ident that his retirement was neces- sary and Senor Machado replied that he would seek to obtain information from Washington as to the extent' of Ambassador Welles' powers in his mediation efforts here. Several clashes between. strikers and police occurred at Santiago to- day, one striker being killed and six wounded by gunfire. At Camaguey the railrogd syndi- cate declared its solidarity with the national railways strike and voted to walk out tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock. The workers are asking for an agreement providing restora- tion of their former salaries and an eight-hour day. Hotel4, restaurants, drug stores and theatres were closed. Newspapers did not publish. The army was controlling the towns of Regia and Guanabacoa, near Havana. A station of the ABC political group announced late today that Ma- chado was resigning within 24 hours, and thousands of persons thronging the streets thereupon cheered wildly. '.. ..r..r.,.... P E RMA NE NTS NATURAL AND STEAM World's Fastest Dryers DI MATTIA, e will be closed for one week Starting August 20 r Over the Parrot w S8878 ---.%= 'I NlRrc calls for increased purchasiii -t CHICAGO, Aug. 7.-(R)--A 16- year-old youth with a sewed up heart was alive today and his physician said the delicate operation performed after the victim was mysteriously stabbed by an unidentified assailant probably would be successful. The boy, .Elihu Garmissa, was rushed to Lutheran Deaconess hos- pital late Saturday night by police immediately after the attack, and with not a moment to waste, Dr. J. D. Koucky, assistant professor of surg- ery in the University of Illinois school of medicine, operated. "The heart had stopped beating when the boy was placed on the op- erating table," Dr. Boucky said., Thirty seconds later the opera- tion would have been futile, he said. As to the number of stitches, he said, he knew he took four to close the inch-long wound, but that in his haste he may have taken five. - Following the operation theheart was massaged until it resumed" its normal beating. In giving Garmissa a 75 per cent chance to recover Dr. Koucky said the greatest danger now lay in the possibility of an infection developing. The attack occurred as the youth was walking home. His assailant fled. G ood- Judgment calls for buying from the merchn who advertises I I leaders. But in spite of that the Leg- islture did a good job." He explained that he had vetoed the chain store tax because "either the chain store tax or the sales tax is unconstitutional-maybe both," and a veto was necessary to remove from jeopardy the sales tax upon which the state is dependent for its principal revenue. He blamed much of the "back state gossip that is made out of whole The Business Establishment That Broadcasts the Merits of Its Prod- jicts Has Goods That. Will Stand Pubic Inspection. Only Tested Materials Can Be Advertised By Reliable Merchants. To Advertise Inferior Products Would Be Folly. You Can Be Assured of a Sincere , Attempt To Deal Honestly When You Read Advertising Placed in The Mlihigan DpOly UluzO GRAP H ING Pa ng the first month of the new ndle-Plains museum at Can- 'ex., more than 8,000 visitors red. ~ty and.nea g dne i our: ou sho 'dby co etent eratorseai modera~te rates. & . P.ORRI LL, 14so. StS.anAb. Bargains in Stationery Additions to our BARGAIN TABLE of FINE STATIONERY have made it more attractive than ever. 50c the Box. fll - - III II ii II