tion of the Summer Session
:~ h ....-
I r
come to mind would be representation strictly
on a population basis throughout each county, in-
cluding urban and rural districts alike. Of course
this would require a large amount of work to in-
stitute and would naturally be unfavorable to
those who now hold the whip hand on our county
boards. But it would at least be more fair than
; the present system of determining representa-
y One of the greatest problems existing in any
unit of government has been the impossibility
of making changes which would react unfavor-
ably upon those in power. But now that we have
.a legislative body that is not necessarily predom-
inantly rural in character it is to be hoped that
something might be done about the matter of
misrepresentation on county boards of super-
visors. Certainly the local situation is acute
enough for Ann Arbor residents to appreciate the
t significance of such a change.
)M. O DENT W 1 AiNt .nllK P
ed every morning except Monday during t
year and Summer Session by the Board
f Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
xo republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
ipt Qotherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; .by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ani. Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Aepresentatives: College Publications Representatives,
1r.East Thirty-Fourth street, New York City; 80
Bo6klstbn Street, Boston;' 612 North Michigan. Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
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Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Offce Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
Ann Arbor Gets
The Short End...
REPORT just issued by the Mich-
igan Municipal League explains
why Ann Arbor is so grossly under-represented
"n the Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors.
Et has long been known that such a condition
existe~1 but this report brings to light the rea-
sons for such a state of affairs and draws a com-
parison between this county and the other units
+P! ltha state.
nn ,Arbor, according to the report, though
Iepresenting forty-one per cent of the population
of tlie entire county, has only twenty-one per
cent. of the representation on the board. Thus
the rural population of 27,434 has twenty repre-
sentatives on the board while Ann Arbor, with 26,-
944 persons, has only seven members. This means
that there is one representative for every 1,372
persons living in the rural districts of the county
as compared with one representative for about
3;175 Ann Arbor residents.
Naturally this is a third-class example of mis-
representation and government by the minority.
Though working in behalf of the interests of a
large proportion of the people, the urban rep-
reentatives are handicapped whenever any prob-
lem arsises which might affect the city as opposed
to the rural interests.
Tie reasons for such a condition, as pointed out
in the report of the League, are peculiarly com-
parable to the reasons which make for many other
siilar situations in our present system of gov-
ernment. Primarily, the legislative action which
provided for such a system of. representation
has log since been out-moded and the reasons
for establishing such an unfair distribution of
power no longer exist.
,According to the report of the League, it was
originally the intent of the legislature to give
cities representation on county boards in propor-
tion to their population, but failure to apply this
ruling uniformly has resulted in anything but a
fair representation.
Each township, under the legislative ruling, is
entitled to one representative on the county
board, regardless of the population of the town-
sip. Pities were given representation according
to various formulae enacted by the legislature,
Which, peculiarly 'enough, happened to be largely
rural. When this was done Michigan was primarily
an agricultural state and thus it was not unfair
. lat the county supervisors should adequately
represent rural interests. But now the state has
become predominantly industrial in character and
the growth of cities has changed the situation
materially. Adjustments in the method of repre-
sentation have not been made rapidly enough so
that now we find that many cities have no better
representation than in the days when they were
relatively unimportant.
As a result, the taxpayers of the city largely
support the expenses of the county government
without having a proper voice in the determina-
tion of its policies. In addition to this fact, past
atterpts to increase urban representation on the
Ioards have only served to make them cumber-
s, unwieldy bodies.
since this situation exists not only in Wash-
tenaw County but also in many other counties
in .the state, what is needed now is some form
of legislation which will alleviate the situation.
Accgrdimg to the League report, there are eleven
counties in Michigan in which the situation is
acute, Washtenaw being one of them. Though the
urban population exceeds the rural in twenty-two
of the seventy counties, rural representation on
county boards exceeds the urban in fifty-eight
of the seventy counties. Thus the time has long
since arrived for action which will change these.
It is possible that a measure allowing one rep-
resantative for each township, as at present, with1
urban representation arranged on a populationa
bai comnrable to that found existing in the r..
Off The Record
J. F. T. O'CONNOR, comptroller of currency, has
demonstrated that he can live up to his name
when it comes to gallantry.
He, was talking to a movie star.
"Promise to put my picture on the one dollar
bills," she coaxed.
"My dear young lady," protested O'Connor,
"would you have me become a hoarder?"
THOSE who really like. to eat delicacies here
angle for invitations to embassies.
For instance, when Don Gonzalo Zaldumbide,
minister from Ecuador, entertains there usually
are tiny biscuits slit and covered with melted
cheese served very hot. Also, halves of peaches
caramelized in brown sugar and served in a mold
of orange and mint.
At the Turkish embassy Ambassador Ahmet
Muhtar entertains his guests with a dip in the
private swimming pool. Then they climb out to sip
tea. and nibble on candied figs and rose leaves.
T HAS PROVED unwise for the plain "you-and-
I" citizenry to meet President Roosevelt with-
out warning.
Recently the President slipped away for a
quiet dinner at a nearby inn famous for its food.
The thoughtful inn-keeper did everything pos-
sible to ma it a quiet meal. He even arranged
for new waiters from another city who would be
unconscious of the President's identity.
Then the regular bus-boy happened by the
table. The elaborate plans fell through. Not only
did the boy recognize the President, but he. was
so surprised he dropped his tray of dishes-and
retired in pink-faced embarrassment.
THE capital has been entertaining A. F. Tschif-
fely, globe-trotting author.
He drew the inevitable question, "What was
your first vivid impression of America?"
"Your hotel rooms," he laughed, "with their
Bibles and their combination corkscrew-bottle-
Some time ago he started a collection of car-
toons about himself. But the cartoonists were in
doubt over sending the ones criticizing the vice-
"Send 'em all," ordered Garner.
His collection is well over 100 already. And other
collectors, hearing of his hobby, are vying with
cach other for the cartoon originals. So far only
Qne is known to have strayed from the Garner
office, and that -was not printed because the po-
litical scene has been shifting too rapidly.
R ECENTLY there was a ripple through the city
as the German embassy sent up its new flag
bearing the swastika.
The next such thrill is expected when, and if,
the Soviet government is recognized and opens the
old Russian embassy on Sixteenth street.
It probably will hoist the Russian scythe and
hammer, sign of the working classes, to fly on a
street that sees a burst of tuxedos and evening
dresses when the sun goes down.
ERHAPS that little girl at the war depart-
ment's telephone switchboard was making
mud pies when some of the rest of us were singing
"Over There."
Anyway, someone called for deneral Pershing
the other day.
"Who, please?" she chirped.
"Gen. John J. Pershing-'Black Jack' Persh-
ing," the caller repeated.
"Just a minute," chirped the girl, "I'll give you
stars of "Made on Broadway," which opens today
at the Majestic theatre.
Montgomery has the role of a debonair man-
about-town who is actually the power behind the
city's political scene. He prevents Miss Eilers from
committing suicide as a result of poverty, and
transforms her into a dazzling Broadway personal-
ity. When an unanticipated murder takes place
Montgomery is forced to strain his resources to
the limit in order to save his "synthetic mistress"
from the death penalty.
Madge Evans has an important role as Mont-
gomery's ex-wife who, still loving him, tries to
bring some reason and order into her husband's
mad Manhattan existence. Eugene Pallette is seen
as a confidential butler and C. Hefry Gordon,
who played the gangster head in "Gabriel Over
the White House," enacts the town's mayor.
Rounding out the cast are Jean Parker, Ivan
Bebedeff, David Newell, Vince Barnett and Joseph
HOLLYWOOD-Whether you like music in pic-
tures or not, you're.going to have to listen to it.
That is, if you see all the pictures.
Looking over the companies' programs for the
coming 12 months, one can't help but conclude
that Hollywood is determined we shall have musi-
cal movies. Between 30 and 35 musicals, ranging
from comedies to operas, will be produced, accord-
ing to present plans.
There also will be numerous pictures with back-
ground or incidental music, others having occa-
sional night club or chorus-in-rehearsal scenes.
A Pet Problem
For a long time Joan Blondell's two dogs,
"Stuff" and "Thing," more famous for their
strange names than for their short and somewhat
garbled pedigrees, absorbed much of the young
actress' thought and time.
Then "Stuff" died, a martyr to landscape gar-
dening, having been drowned while chasing gold-
fish in the pool. Now Joan has' a cat, which she
acquired in Washington, D. C., and named, for
geographical /reasons, "Washy."
The problem, since "Washy" has come into
Joan's life, is to introduce her to the violently
jealous "Thing." They both stare at each other
and then scoot off in opposite directions.
Life is complicated, isn't it?
A Very Old One
I saw a four-reel picture which, 15 years ago
when it was made, must have panicked audiences.
Called "The Stranger," it was a story of love,
robbery, mortgages, mystery and just about every-
thing else the director could think of.
One of the opening scenes showed a man dress-
ed in black who was described as "The Stranger."
He saw the action in nearly every scene, yet he
had no part in it. He was there when the sweet-
hearts parted and when they were reunited. He
saw the robbery and everything else.
Toward the end, the stranger was shown board-
ing a train. Said a sub-title: "The Stranger leaves
He was the comedian, the mystery element and
the running gag, all in one. It was a great way to
cut costs.
"Always Tomorrow" and "There's Always To-
morrow" are titles of forthcoming films. One, and
probably both, will be changed.
Editorial Comment
In weighing the President's announcement that
he intends to make full use of the authorization
by Congress of $3,300,00,000 for public construc-
tion, it need not be assumed that this means
wasteful expenditure. Nor can it be intended to
spend the whole sum at once. Two safeguarding
factors are at once found to be attended. One
is the general Administration policy that all of
its strategy, like the offensive plays of a football
eleven, is subject to change if developments indi-
cate that a new strategy should be tried. The
other is that $1,400,000,000 of the sum is to be
allotted to self-liquidating State and municipal
projects. These are expected to return 70 per
cent of the Government's investment and are
subject to close inspection in advance.
It is also significant and reassuring that prom-
inent in the Council of Co-ordination, which will
oversee these expenditures, is Director Douglas
of the Budget. He is the President's bulwark
against waste. His record supports the belief that
he would not remain a responsible part of the
Administration, especially that part dedicated to
prevent useless extravagance, if wasteful methods
are employed. The President's announcement,
therefore, along with other Administration moves
to use all its recovery powers, must rather be
taken as a statement that, until it seems certain
to Mr. Roosevelt that recovery has a firm founda-
tion, he will leave standing his order for full
steam ahead.
Whatever misgivings people may have had, or
still have, with reference to the recovery policy,
the country is in for it. It has an overwhelming
mandate from the Congress elected with the
President. It is in line with many of the public
utterances on the basis of which he was returned
by a huge majority. Its administration is, in most
instances, .in the hands of sensible and able men.
Unless or until the conception is proved a failure,
it should have the support of agriculture, indus-
try, the rival political groups and the public as a
-The New York Times
There are isolated cases of persons who will
complain quite bitterly of what has been popu-
larly termed "the depressipn." But many of those
who shouted the loudest abput their losses during
that time of stress are now quite optimistic again.
America and the rest of the world, while faced
by a very real depression, talked themselves into
mnh of it Whv not-- a nna s thineo r P nick-
Members of the Faculty of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: An important special meeting
of the faculty will be held at 4:00
p. in., Wednesday, August 9, 1933, in
Room 1025, Angell Hall. President
A. G. Ruthven will be present and
preside. The executive Committee of
the College will present its report.
It is highly desirable that there be
a large attendance.'
M. Gomberg, J. R. Hayden, L. C.
Karpinski, D. H. Parker, and
E. H. Kraus, Chairman
Organ Recital: Guy Filkins, Or-
ganist, will give the following grad-
uation recital, Monday afternoon, at
4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium to'
which the general public with the
exception of small children is in-
Compositions by Johann Sebastian
Bach: Choral Prelude "In dir ist
Freude"; Toccata, Adagio and Fugue
in C; Air in D; Fantasia in G minor;
Sonatina from the Cantata, "God's
Time is best"; Passacaglia and Fugue
in C minor. Charles A. Sink
The Women's Education Club will
meet on Monday evening at 7:15 p.
in. in the Alumnae Room at the
Star' Golf VPros
Are Ready For
Title Tourney
Nearly All Ryder Cup Men
To Take Part In Battle
For Dutra's Crown
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 4.(P),-
America's star golf professionals, kept
in turbulent uproar all year in their
battles for and against the Profes-
sional Golfers' Association, will say it
shortly with shots at Blue Mound
Country Club here.
After one last tiff over the Aug. 8
to 13 dates, virtually every pro shot-
maker of note will battle it out for
the national professional champion-
ship held by Olin Dutra when the
divots start flying in the annual tour-
Nearly all of the Ryder Cup play-
ers will be in the struggle.
Play Displaces Talk
Not in years has there been so
much shouting among the nation's
pros as this season, and as a result
every one of the outstanding stars is
anxious to grab the title away from
the big senior from California.
First there was a big uproar be-
cause of the Ryder Cup selections,
then a shout over the scarcity of
winter tournaments promoted by the
P. G. A., and finally a big squawk
over the movement of the big show
from September to August.
With Craig Wood's probable ab-
sence, Gene Sarazen ranks as the
outstanding favorite to win the title
over the fairly short but treacherous
Blue Mound course.
Gene Back In Form
Paul Runyan, Johnny Farrell, Du-
tra, Ed Dudley, Leo Diegel, Horton
Smith, and young Johnny Revolta
stand out as the biggest threats, but
Ralph Guldahl of St. Louis, runner-
up to Johnny Goodman in the na-
tional open at Glenview, isanother.
Sarazen, shorn of his two major
titles, demonstrated he was back on
his game during the British open,
despite that disastrous eight on the
14th that blasted his hopes abroad.
Tommy Armour, who attacked
Sarazen, Hagen and other Ryder Cup
players when they threatened to pass
up the championship, won't have a
chance to meet his erstwhile pals. He
failed toqualify in the Chicago dis-
trict trials.
Al Watrous of Detroit and Al Col-
lins of Kansas City, hero of the 1932
championship at St. Paul, also missed
in the district tests.
Many Slips Afore Cup
Of all golf championships the na-
tional professional probably is the
most illusive. First the field must
qualify in district trials - the Ryder
Cup team was exempted from that
peril this year after the controversy
over the August dates - and then it
must qualify for match play with 36
Publication in the Bulletin is constri
University. Copy received at the office
11:30 a. mn. Saturday.
uctive notice to all members of the
e of the Summer Session until 3:30;
League. Dean James B. Edmonson,
of the School of Education, will speak
on "Professional Problems of the
Teachers." All women on the Cam-
pus are welcome.
Student's Recital: The following
program of Chamber music present-
ed by the Chamber music class un-
der the direction of Professor Hanns
Pick of the School of Music, will be
given Tuesday, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill
Auditorium to which the general
public with the exception of small
children is invited: Dohnanyi: Alle-
gro (first movement) from the Quin-
tet in C Minor for Piano andStrings;
Hugo Wolf: Italian Serenade for two
Violins, Viola and Violoncello; Ravel:
Introduction and Allegro for Harp,
Flute, Clarinet and String Quart'et;
Brahms: .Andante (second move-.
ment) from the Quintet in F minor
for Piano, Two Violins Viola and
Cello; Saint-Saens: The Carnival of
Animals Suite'for two Pianos, Flute,
Clarinet, Strings and Percussion (Re-
edited and partly re-orchestrated by
H. Pick) 1. Introduction and Royal
March of the Lion; 2. Cocks and
Hens; 3. The Elephant; 4. Kanga-
r o o s; 5. Aquarium; 6. Creatures
with Long Ears; 7. Aviary; 8. Fos-
sils; 9. The Swan; 10. Finale. The
members of the Chamber Music Class
participating in this program are:
Walter Bloch, Lynn Bogart, Floyd
Burt, Grace Cushman, Wilfred Ed-
monds, Elsa Eppstein, Frederick Er-
nst, Albert Fillmore, Mary Fishburne,
Clinton Ford, Alice Higbee, Charles
Law, Luther Leavengood, Margaret
Martindale, N a t h a n Rosenbluth,
Clyde Severance, Laura Shields, Earl
Slocum, Lynn Thayer. Assisted by:
Nicholas Falcone, Ruth Pfohl, and
James Pfohl. Charles A. Sink
Michigan Repertory Players: The
last two performances of Shakes-
peare's "All's Well That Ends Well"
will be presented this afternoon and
tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. The special fifty-cents mat-
inee performance will begin at 3
o'clock, and the evening performance
will begin at 8:30.
Radio Message Brings
Doctor To Rescue Boy
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 4.-(Al)-A
boy's life was saved today bye wireless
messages that traveled 2,000 miles to
send a seaplane, carrying a doctor,
dashing through an Arctic storm to
lonely Dodiak Island.
Amateur wireless advices from Ali-
tak, Alaska, said that Pilot Harry
Blunt flew Dr. A. S. Walkowsky, of
Anchorage, 400 miles through a
storm to Lazy Bay, Kodiak Island,
where the five-year-old son of Henry
Loof lay near death with appendi-
Early Thursday Ed Stevens, Se-
attle amateur operator, heard the
operator at Alitak, more than 1,000
miles away, message for help for the
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Aug. 4.-
(R)-Some Indiana boys in the refor-
estation camp of San Marcos, near
here, are curious and eager to learn.
Having heard a lot about a water-
shed, they asked California boys in
a nearby camp where they could find
Then they hiked over the moun-'
tain to see it. They returned foot-
sore, weary and disgusted; there
wasn't, they reported, any shed any-
where. Someone explained that a
watershed and a woodshed are alto-
gether different.
ALLIANCE, 0., Aug. 4.-(P)-Santa
Claus is helping business recovery,
A lumber company here that be-
gan the manufacture of toys during
the lean years when there was not
much other business has 40 men at
work preparing for Christmas. This
is more men than have been em-
ployed by the company in four years.
more holes at the tournament battle-
After that, the contest continues
with match play at 36 holes each
round through to the championship
final on Sunday, Aug. 31.
Ragweed, Not
Goldenrod, Is
Hayfever Pest
campaign to strike at hay fever by
eradicating ragweed, cause of 90 per
cent of the cases of this affliction,
has been inaugurated by the depart-
ment of agriculture.
Goldenrod, once believed to be the
cause of hay fever, has been absolved
by the department. Its pollen is so
sticky and heavy that it does not
blow about as does ragweed pollen.
There is little chance of getting gol-
denrod hay fever unless one comes in
very close contact with the plant, the
department says.
Ragweed, found in every state, is
of two types--the common ragweed,
which grows about two feet high,
and the big ragweed, which may at-
tain a height of eight to 10 feet.
Instead of fleeing to the mountains
or elsewhere for relief, the depart-
ment urges hay fever suffers to con-
centrate on cutting down ragweed
plants. This will reduce the amount
of pollen in the air so that severe
cases will be less virulent and those
only mildly subject to infection may
escape entirely.
Cutting ragweed twice a year is
suggested: first, just before the flow-
ers form, and second, before the
flowers develop on the low-growing
branches which shoot out after the
first cutting.
If cutting is delayed until flower
buds form, the pollen may develop
after the weeds are cut, and burning
the plants may be necessary.
Screen Refections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very,
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
(Showing Saturday through Tuesday)
C. Aubrey Smith plays the part of a stern
grandfather to Carole Lombard in "No More Or-
chids," the feature which' opens today at the
Whitney theatre for a four-day run.
Smith is the man you perhaps remember as the
father of Jeanette MacDonald in "Love Me To-
night," as the parent of Maureen O'Sullivan in
"Tarzan" or of Robert Montgomery in "The Flesh
Is Weak." He is favored for the typical "grand
old man" roles and has just this kind of a part
in "No More Orchids."
With Carole Lombard, Smith plays with Walter
Connolly, the late Louise Closser Hale, Lyle Tal-
bot, Ruthelma Stevens, Allen Vincent, Ed J. Le-
Saint, Arthur Houseman and Sidney Bracy.
Waiter directed the nictur from a screen
Religious Activities
East Huron, below State
Rea'. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Rev. Howard R. Chapman,
Minister of Students.
9:30 A.M.-The Church School. Dr.
Albert J. Logan, Sperintendent
10:00 A.M. - Students will meet at
Guild House. "Historical BacJ,-
ground of Bible." Discussion led
by Mr. Chapman.
10 .44 A b TM.rnriv-cr ,,,,. Sp ,rnon
State and Washington
10:45-Morning worship
"Tasting Deeply Of
II 11