The Weather Fair today and Sunday; somewhat warmer Sunday. Sfr4 itgan JIatij Editorials Ann Arbor Gets The Short End Official Publication Of TheSummer Session VOL. XIV No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1933 PRICE FIVE U Law Teachers Hear Talk On Disarmament Photographer Catches Johnson In Pleasant Humor Dr. George Wilson History Of War Question Traces MeansI Nations' Armament Expenses Are High First International Peace Meeting Was Called By Russian Czar By THOMAS H. KLEENE Dr. George Grafton Wilson, pro- fessor of international law at Har- vard University and a member of the teaching staff of the Summer Ses- sion on Teaching International Law now assembled here, delivered an ad- dress last night on "Disarmament." The speaker traced briefly the his- tory of the problem and discussed the numerous conferences of nations held for its discussion and solution. "The military expenditures of the United States in 1922 were nearly $850,000,000 and in 1932 the appro- priations were not much decreased. The wolrld! cost of armaments in - 1932 was about $4,500,000,000, and in 1898 the United States military ex- penditures were $150,000,000," he said. Proposed by Czar in 1898 It was in 1898 that the Russian Czar proposed the first international peace conference, which assembled at The Hague with the intention of considerig "reduction of excessive armaments which were burdening all nations," Dr. Wilson. stated. This meeting made contributions along certain lines and agreed that restrictions of military budgets would be desirable, but accomplished no such restrictions. The year 1907 saw the gathering of 47 powers for the second confer- ence at The Hague, which accomp- lished little more than an elabora- tion of the work of its predecessor. He described their work as "taking steps in the direction of limitation without any actual curtailment." Calls Versailles Effective "A very effective disarmament of the Central Powers was accomplished by the Treaty of Versailles," Dr. Wil- son' declared. This pact, formulated at a meeting following the World War, recognized "that- the reductions of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national saf- ety" was highly desirable. In 1921 the United States called the Washington Conference for the purpose of limiting naval armaments effectively in capital ships. It was here that the now famous threea power 5-5-3 treaty was accomplished and the eight represented nations concentrated on "physical, as well as moral, disarmament," the speaker stated. Little Done at Geneva He termed the work of the Geneva conference of 1927 as having little value other than determining what \should not be done. However, the meleting in London in 1930 extended the naval limitation and naval holi- day, poth of which were worked out at the Washington session. At the most recent general disarm- ament conference at Geneva in Feb- ruary, 1932, where 60 states were represented certain plans were brought forward by the preparatory commission of the League of Nations. "Here the French demanded security, the Italians sought disarmament, the Germans desirediequality, and the Russians offered abolition of all mil- itary force, aid the conference ad- journed without becoming satisfied as to any one satisfactory method," Dr. Wilson declared. He predicted that "the next gen- eral conference may be a much greater success by virtue of the work of previous sessions in gathering ma- terial on disarmament and distribut- ing knowledge of the problems of the various nations." --Associated Press Photo Even though the temperature was high in the nineties, Ggn. Hugh Johnson (left) appeared in good humor as he answered questions of newspapermen concerning new codes to shorten working hours and boosts wages. Everybody was laughing when his picture was taken at Johnson's office in Washington. I Settle Expects To Go Up Ten' Miles In Space Nearly Perfect W Ends Weeks Of For Aeronaut eather Waiting BULLETIN ' CHICAGO, Aug. 5. (Saturday) ,-Lieut. Com. Settle decided at 12:45 a. m. today (Ann Arbor time) to take off on his strato- sphere flight in one hour. Weather conditions were nearly perfect. CHICAGO, Aug. 4.-(A1)-A mam- moth balloon was ready tonight to soar up from the earth, swinging a young naval officer away toward the moon on an uncharted journey into space. Scientists hoped the flight would take him 10 miles and more abovel the earth-into the stratosphere, the layer of nothingness where they be- lieve rests the answer to the riddle1 of the cosmic ray. Nearly perfect weather conditions, for which he had delayed for weeks,' caused Lieut. Coin. T. G. W. Settle to decide before noon today that he would depart at 11:00 p. m. (Central Daylight Time) on his epic adven- ture into the skies. His decision reached, the balloont riding champion retired to rest forj the nerve-racking trip of from 20 to 30 hours., 'A ground crew of 100 men watched his craft in Soldiers Field at the World's Fair grounds, into, which poured thousands of specta- tors to see the start of the venture. A high pressure area over the mid- west was the most important factor] in the weather. Government weather: observers had charted the western hemisphere to make sure of favorable1 atmosphere conditions. Settle, advised by Auguste Piccard, pioneer explorer of the stratosphere, chose night time for his takeoff of temperature conditions. During the cool hours of darkness, the balloon, so large that a full acre of fabric was required to coverit, was expected, to float, about 15,000 feet above the earth. Sanity Commission To Study MDonald FLINT, Aug. 4.-Circuit Judge James S. Parker today rejected a plea of guilty offered by Balfe Mac- Donald, 111 years old, in the slaying of his mother, and said that he would appoint a commission of physicians to determine the youth's sanity. Balfe's widowed mother, Mrs. Grace B. MacDonald, was beaten to. death with a pair of book ends in her home at 1611 Crescent Drive here May 27. The plea of guilty was offered over the strenuous objections of Balfe's own attorney, Clifford A. Bishop. The court appearance had been arranged for -by Dr. David L. Treat, who a few' days ago was appointed guardian for. Ralf.who is ahei o nathirdi nter- Literary Faculty Will Consider Organization A report on the administrative organization of the literary college will be presented at a special meeting of the faculty of the col- lege which will be held at 4 p. m.,, Wednescay, in Room. 1025 Angell Hall, it was announced yesterday. President Alexander Grant Ruth- ven will preside. The report has been drawn up by the executive committee of the literary college, appointed last June by Dr. Ruthven. Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus, head of the Sum- mer Session, is the committee chairman. MoleyT Open Administration S n ri air " 'Cmle WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. - (P) - Leadership in the Federal govern- ment drive against organized crime was assumed today by Raymond Moley, assistant secretary of state, with announcement that he would not concern himself with individual cases, such as the O'Connell kidnap- ing at Albany. Moley, who moved into the justice department under special assignment from President Roosevelt, to fight racketeering, kidnaping, and gang- ster activities, will direct his efforts toward co-ordinating the law en- forcement agencies of the Federal and state governments. An emphatic "no" was Moley's re- ply to questions as to whether he would resign from the state depart- ment in the face of reported differ- ences with Secretary Hull. The assistant secretary assumed his new task with a show of eager- ness, but warned against expecting any sudden or immediate results in the drive against organized crime. CORINTH ABLAZE ATHENS, Greece, Aug. 4.-())- Damage estimated at more than $750,000 was caused today by fire which swept most of the City of Corinth. With the help of opparatus rushed the 60 miles from Athens, the fire, was brought under control after hours of fighting; About 280 temporary stores and shops, erected pending the rebuild- iig of Corinth following the' disas- trous earthquake in 1929, were com- pletely destroyed. Untruth Error x In Propaanda, Bates Contendsx Says Radicals Making A Tactical Mistake When. They Exaggerate Untruth and exaggeration are thet great sins of proletarian propaganda,t in- the opinion of Prof. Earnest ,. Bates, who spoke yesterday afternoon on "Art and Propaganda" on the Socialist Club series. "I say this not from a moral viewpoint," he stated, "but simply out of the belief that they are errors tactically'" -__- Professor Bates cited the appeal to the emotions which the British made during the War through fabricated tales of atrocity as propaganda at its worst. Upton Sinclair, noted radical writ- er, is unwise in this way, he said. "With no intent to be untruthful,1 Sinclair produces that effect by want- ing us to believe that all capitalists are evil and act with conscious mal- evolence, while we know them to bet at worst only blind or stupid." "Another weakness in proletarian literature," he said, "is that it is as- siciated with the post-ward litera- ture of rebellion - Sinclair . Lewis, Sandburg, and Dreiser in his early period - writers who are defeatists,, interested mainly in negative pro- grams. The sex problem and the hero who is a helpless victim of society are too common in America's prole- tarian writings - I should like to see more heroic figures in the stories, men who are confident of victory in the future, if not immediate victory." Dangers in the future of proletari- an writing, he said, are that authors may concentrate too much on the social order at the expense~.of the in- dividual, and that in the event of revolutionary changes in America, proletarian propagandists may try to abridge free-speech as their own has been abridged. PUBLIC POLICY NOTE FORT KNOX, Ky., Aug. 4.-(P)- Adjt. Gen. H. H. Denhardt, of the Kentucky National Guard, said here tonight that approximately 150 State Troops from outside Harlan County would be sent to Harlan tonight to serve at tomorrow's primary election. The Harlan local unit of the National Guard is already on duty., Johnson Has New Solution For Strikers Confers With Roosevelt On Creating Agency To Deal With Troubles Action Said To Be J Caused By Miners Intelligent Treatment' For Labor Problems Is Aim Of Administrationl WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-V(P)- plan for a new agency within the industrial recovery administration, designed- to prevent labor troubles such as the Pennsylvania bituminous] coal strike, was reported to have been carried to Hyde Park by General Hugh S. Johnson tonight for President Roosevelt's approval. The agency, it was said, was planned to give what one labor leader described as "intelligent treat- ment" to labor problems arising as the President's industrial recoivery . program went forward. Better co-operation between the1 administration, employers, and em- ployees was said to be another ob- jective. The coal strike was understood to have prompted the new proposal. i Already the recovery administra- tion has taken one such step towards industrial peace by writing into the cotton textile code a provision for a national industrial relations board,1 with subsidiary state boards linked to committees in individual' mills, through which all labor disputes in the industry are to be handled. L. L. Hubbard, Former Regent, s.Dead At 84 . Was Active On Board Up Until Jan. 8; Succumbs Suddenly HOUGHTON, Aug.. 4.-(P)-Dr.1 Lucius L. Hubbard, Ph.D., a regent, of University of Michigan from 1910i until this year, died late Thursday night at the summer home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry S. Goodall, at Eagle Harbor. He was 84 years old. Appointed to the board of regents, by Gov. Chase S. Osborn, Dr: Hub- bard resigned' last Jan. 8 because of ill-health. His condition had not been considered serious, however, and death came unexpectedly. Born in Cincinnati in 1849, he was graduated from Harvard university in 1872 and was state geologist for Michigan from 1895 to 1899. Then he resigned to become general man- ager of the Champion Copper Co., on Michigan's copper range. He was the author of several books on mineralojogy anc geology and from 1905 until 1917 was a member of the board of control of t' Mich- igan School of Mining and Technol- ogy here. His home was in Hough- ton. Europe In Advance Of United States In Big Housing Work By KARL SEIFFERT The United States, as far as mass housing for factory workers is con- cerned, lags far behind the countries of Europe, according to Prof. Wells I. Bennett and the pictorial evidence he used to illustrate his lecture on the subject in the . Architectural Building yesterday. "In England, where large scale housing has been carried on for 40 years," he said, "entire cities have been laid out on the park plan with winding roadways and landscaped grounds. Many of these 'gardene cities' are extremely picturesque."t Professor Bennett described andr exhibited slides of several of these municipalities, including those at Port Sunlight, near Liverpool; Wel- don, and Watling. Since the war, her said, England has built 1,000,000 houses, and while Germany has doubled this figure, it is to be attrib- uted chiefly to the fact that the post-war *Overnment of Germany was strongly socialistic. War Promises Give Impetus In England, a great impetus to the building program was given by thes fact that the government had prom- ised the soldiers homes after the war, and also by the factpthat the greatly increased poorer populationt felt a severe need for better housing, he said. English builders have tried brick, steel, and 'concrete. in their mass7 housing projects, according to Pro- fessor Bennett, but found brick cheapest and most satisfactory. Steelf plate houses were found to be un- satisfactory because of the resonant qualities, while concrete required in-~ ordinate maintenance costs. Germans Very Active "Germany," Professor Bennett said,f "is the mecca of students of housing. Particularly at Frankfort - on - the - Main have many forward stridesy beeen made. The Germans have been very active in developing ventilationE in housing projects and have done more than the English in the way of modern design and sientific plan- ning of their housing layouts." Collective housing establishments; on the outskirts of Vienna and those in Amsterdam were also pointed out as noteworthy. Holland, said Profes- sor Bennett, is especially progressive n the thoroughness with which it has worked out concentrated housing for the Coorer classes Central Unit Used "The slum-clearance schemes em- ployed at The Hague," he said, "have { been very carefully worked out' to prevent the intermingling of unsocial families with others. The Dutch in this case used the central control unit plan, by which the entire block of residences radiates from a single cen- tral hub." France Professor Bennett called the last of the great nations to under- take planned large scale housing. The French, he said, were under the necessity after the war of spending so much money on rehabilitating the battlefields that little in this line could be done. Now, however, they have begun several outstanding proj- ects, mostly undertaken b6y corpora- tions acting for municipalities. Advanced Studies Will Be Arranged In Cities With Proper Facilities Only One Definitely Set Is For Detroit Huber Says Grad School Faculty Will Supervise Students' Work By FRANK B. GILBRETH In response' to requests from stu- dents in certain populated areas of the state, the executive board of the Graduate School has approved the establishment of centers for grad- uate study in cities which have the necessary facilities for advanced work, it was learned yesterday. At present, the only graduate study center which has been def- nitely established is in Detroit. Regular residence credit in the rather limited field of courses offered will be given to those who take work in the centers and who have met the usual admission requirements! of the Graduate School. They must also be or become matriculants of the Uni- versity and must be' registered as, students in the Graduate' School.. According to Dean G. Carl Huber of the Graduate School,' it will be arranged to have' a representative of thegteaching staff of the school visit the centers at certain specified times to confer with the stuets concerning credentials, programs of work, and other pertinent matters. The details of class organization, an- nouncement of courses, collection of fees, and payment of instructors will be handled by the Extension Divi- sion, he said. The work presented will be offered by members of the faculty here. Un- der certain conditions, members of other college faculties may also teach at the centers. Among the subjects of courses to be offered in Detroit for which grad- uate credit will be given are business administration, decorative design, economics, education, electrical engi- neering, mechanical engineering, en- gineering mechanics, Eng'Ish, fine arts, history, landscape design, mathematics, philosophy, political science, sociology, and zoology. Educators Will Go Picnicking Monday Concluding the activities for the Summer Session of the Men's Edu- cation Club, members of the group and their friends will hold a picnic Monday afternoon at Manny's Inn' on Pleasant Lake. Plans have been made for numer- ous games, 'to include volley ball, quoits, and boseball4 according to Prof. Thomas Diamond of the voca- tional education department. Trans- portation .to the lake, which is 13 miles from Ann Arbor, will be pro- vided for those who do not wish to drive, he said. A representative of the club will be in front of the Union between 4 and 5 p. m. Monday to supervise the load- ing of cars, Professor Diamond said, and those who have cars will stop there in order to pick up others wish- ing rides. University To Give Graduate Courses In Michiigan'Citlies Dr. Hubbard daughters. is survived by three Shakespeare Is Packing Them In At The Mendelssohn Theatre' Kraus, Huber To Leave For Douglas Lake Summer Session Dean Edward H. Kraus and Dr. G. Carl Huber, dean of the Graduate School, will leave Ann Arbor this morning to take part in the Annual Visitors' Day tomorrow at the University Biological Station at Douglas Lake, it was learned yes- terday. Both are to speak to students and guests of the station, Dean Kraus' talk being scheduled for tonight, while Dean Huber will speak tomor- row afternoon on "The Growth --i Biological Research in Michigan.' They will return here late Monda3 afternoon. The Visitors' Day celebratior marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the statior and will include a reunion of Mich- igan alumni from the northern sec- tion of the State. Kellum Reported To Be Safe, But From What? University officials and members of the geology department faculty were baffled yesterday in attempting to explain the meaning of a telegram received from Prof. Lewis B. Kellum, head. of a geological expedition in northern Mexico. The message, addressed to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the T t 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE washington..............63 New York...............60 Philadelphia .......".-...49 Cleveland ................ 51 Detroit................. 43 Chicago................47 Boston.................. 44 St. Louis . ....39. Friday's Results L 35 38 49 53 53 53 53 67 Pct. .643 .612 .500 .490 .475 .470 .454 .368 MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS By the Associated Press Turnout For Jackson Trip Sets New Recor All records for attendance on t Summer Session Excursions this ye were shattered yesterday when n reservations for tomorrow's trip the Michigan State Prison in Ja son brought the total up to 125, was learned from. Prof. Wesley Maurer, director of the tours. Today's trip, for which two bu and numerous private cars will used, is the last of the season. 'I previous record for the year was when 115 participated in the fi of the two trips to Ford's Greenfi Village, July 19. By DAVID MOTT The last two performances of "All's Well That Ends Well" are scheduled for today with the presentation of the evening and special matinee per- formances. This rarely-done Shake- spearean comedy has been attracting near-record crowds, according to Carl G. Brandt, business manager for the ltepertory Players. "Our houses have been jammed," he said, "Civon ha npnior i nnrifhp pening and what is going to -happen rather than comparing notes as to previous productions, harking back as to how such and such a star read this line or that." "All's Well" was discovered by Thomas Wood Stevens for the Amer- ican theatre last spring, when he gave the first comllete production of it ever recorded in this country at the Littel Theatre of St. Louis. The Ann Arbor production is the sec- Detoi 3 Cicgo2 (11innings).' Only game scheduled. Saturday's Games Cleveland at Detroit (2). Chicago at St. Louis. Philadelphia at New York. Boston at washington. NATIONAL LEAGUE w L New York...............59 39 Pittsburgh............... 58 45 Chicago................. 56 46 .- - - - 4 47? Pct. .602 .563 .549 IT'S MORE THE HUMIDITY SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 4.-(, Police charge that H. P. R6xbrou while watering his lawn, pointed