THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Methods followed in the making of a dictionary were described by Prof. C. E. Fries of the English depart- anent in a recent School of Educa- tion afternoon conference. "Language scholars now regard the function of a dictionary to be the recording of facts of usuage rather than the setting up of a standard of correctness," Professor Fries said in discussing the change in attitude from the time when the books were regarded as establishing standards of language. Most cases in which dictionaries define words as being either correct or incorrect are cases of prejudice, he said. The Oxford English Dic- tionary, however, is built upon the .principle of a scientific view of the language. It does not attempt to legislate concerning the use of words but aims simply to record all ways in which the words have been used, Professor Fries said. Five million quotations gathered during the 20 years. ofnpreliminary work on this dictionary represent the effort to ascertain facts concerning the practice of users of English, he explained. Professor Fries called the Oxford English Dictionary the most import- ant document in the scientific study of any language. "The soundness of a dictionary and its value as a tool depends, there- fore, on the breadth of its survey of the language uses upon which it is based and the accuracy of its rec- ord of the facts found. "It is obvious that with such a con- ception of the function of a diction- ary that there is no end to the mak- ing of them on the present language, for our language is constantly chang-. ing and such records of usage as are now contained will soon pass out of date," Professor Fries conluded. THEY RAISED A STENCH ZIEGLER, Ill., Aug. 3.-(P)--No street lights burned in Zeigler last night, and there were prospects that they won't be relighted until a dis- pute between two garbage collectors is settled. William S. Kilgore long has had all refuse-collecting privileges. In re- turn he contributed to the street lighting fund. Lee S. Hall, however, obtained an injunction against the monopoly. Kilgore ceased his contribution be- cause his revenue was reduced. -Associated Press Photo Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and her business partner, Nancy Cook (left) hang up the sign of the "blue eagle," symbolizing adher- ence to the national recovery administration code for shorter work hours and higher wages, in their furniture shop near Hyde Park, N. Y. TarzaanTecesO Yetra eces esed A 'fAre Replaced By Intellectuals The modern school teacher no long- er needs to be a fighter, strong enough, to fling the big boys out of the build- ing, Warren R. Good, of the educa- tional psychology department, said yesterday afternoon in one of the series of afternoon conferences con- ducted by the School of Education. Our fathers tell us of many a phys- ical challenge in the old-time schools, he said. A teacher was successful if he could keep his pupils from eject- ing him and passed the crisis of his school career when he proved he could "lick" the biggest boy in the room. Mr. Good then described a number of changes which have taken place in schools, attributing them to many progressive forces. "The most power- ful of these," he said, "has been the determination of citizens of the na- tion to provide better opportunities for children, to make them happier, more comfortable, and to educate them for better places in the social scheme." Educational requirements for teach- ers have been constantly raised, he continued, and the public school sys- tem 'has been extended upward so that a high school education now l r represents the common minimum of desired scholastic accomplishment. "Enabling more people to learn more things does not require a weak- ening of education, but rather a widespread improvement of it," Mr. Good pointed out. In order to give all the people a broad education it is fundamental that, we learn to teach whatever we teach well enough to enable the stu- dent to learn it, he said. Charle- magne, 1,200 years ago, did not learn to read or write because no one knew how to teach him. Research has been responsible for a large share of the recent changes in education, Mr. Good stated. Knowl- edge of scientific 'method has spread to many teachers and there .has been an increasing distrust of mere opin- ion as final authority. Most of the research in education so far was attributed by Mr. Good to. college professors in the field. He explained, however, that it was his feeling that the studies should primarily be made by public school teachers, who are closer to the sub- ject. "Each year higher institutions ac- cept more than 3,000 graduate theses as evidence of ability to do research work in education, and most of the students return to high school teach- ing, but at this rate it would take more than 100 years to give all teach- ers such training. "The teacher who lacks training in the fundamentals is handicapped in matters of interpretation as well as performance," Mr. Good said., With such training, he concluded, increasing numbers of teachers may be expected to be able to conduct reliable investigations and to do so without radically upsetting the nor- mal course of school events in the process. J~b~e5 YouthVirginia's Governor, Pollard And bride Of Minnesota }O To Receive Aid ~~ ST. PAUL, Aug. 3.-(AP--A project........ ..... ,....... was under way today to improve the lot of 225,000 youthful Minnesotans, many of whom have hunted work in s vain, by furthering their education.* State officials believe it is the first undertaking of its kind. Terming the young people "guar- dians of the destinies of the Ameri- can people," Gov. Floyd B. Olson has appointed a committee of 31 state leaders to study methods of solving the problem of jobless youth. He suggested that in the absence of opportunity for jobs, some means be found to send them to school. Lotus D. CoiTman, president of University of Minnesota, has estimat- ed $50,000 would cover the cost of sending the unemployed young peo- ple to public or private educational rstitutions during the coming winter. "There are about 225,000 young people in Minnesota between the ages of 17 and 24," Gov. Olson said -Associated Press hoto in announcing appointment of the Gov. John G. Pollard of Virginia and his bride, the formerViolet committee. "These young people in Elizabeth McDougall, shown after their wedding in Winnipeg, Cana- a few years should be ready to take da. Mrs. Pollard is a native of Canada. The wedding took place while theirnplaces asdcitizens of our state Mr.'Pollard was returning from the governors' conference in Califor- and nation and as guardians of the la destinies of the American people. The great majority of them are unem-- ployed. yStudents To Have Steak BODE STILL DOESN'T SLEEP "In the absence of opportunity for BARNHART, Tex., Aug. 3.-(P)- employment, means should be fur- Roast At Church House Bode Owen's sleep was made restless nished to enable them to'supplement by the "Who-o-oot" of an owl out- their ductio.e hmt p mn Presbyterian and Methodist stu- side his ido. The governor said he would attempt dents in the Summer Session will The boys downtown told him a to obtain federal funds for this pur- gather at 6 p. m. today at the Pres- guinea fowl was what he needed to pose on avisit to Washington. He byterian Church House on Washte- keep the owls away. He bought a was in Chicago today en route to naw Ave. for a steak roast, accord- lonesome guinea hen. Washington. ing to an announcement made yes- The next night he found the hen n toayn annodead. The owl continued to "whoo- Eastern Tennis The group will go to Whitmore -Bode gt two steel trs set the Lake later in the-evening to swim, near the spot the hen was killed and Tourney Enters or, in case of rain, will dance at the went to bed. The next morning he church house. Host and hostess will found an owl in one trap, a rattle- Qr r i s be Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee Klaer. snake in the other. . uarter-Fas SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y., Aug. 3.- (RP)-The annual Southampton invi- tation tennis tournament moved into its quarter-final round today with a Frank'Shields of New York and Wil- liam T. Tilden, 3rd, of Philadelphia holding most of the honors so far. Just as Shields gained an outstand- ing position in the singles division, young Tilden dominated the first two rounds of the doubles play yesterday. Playing with B. G. Calvert as his partner, Tilden, a nephew of the fa- mous "Big Bill," displayed a deadly Saturday - overhead game and a will to winh that carried him to one of the day's big- STORE HOuRs gest upsets.wilb The Philadelphia pair defeated Henry Culley ' of Santa Barbara, 8:30 A. M. to Calif., and Joseph tOughlir of Los Angeles, who have won the doubles:- crowns of the Agawam Hunt 6dub, the Longwood Cricket club and the Crescent-Hamilton Athletic club tour- neys in the past month, in a first round match. The scores were 6-1, 3-6, 9-7. They were well on their way to another' victory when rain stopped play. The quarter-final singles matches today sent Parker, the brilliant Mil- waukee youngster, against Dick Murphy of Utica, N. Y., Wood against the intercollegiate singles champion, Jack Tidbad; Mhilds agcaion , M Diarmid and Mangin against the diminutive Grant. you a $2 bill" ou these regular 0 You'll wvelcome the nw Satins that PARIS is put- $ting over with enthusiasm! Lovely Summer Styles They're refreshingly dif- fe rent, sleeker, and more H OSworldly in style than any- at these thing yot've seen for ages. REDUCED PRICES They're the forerunners of the most important Fall inode that you'll look ultra sunart in right no'w! -feeatared in the Smart, New A We're putting money intt) your pockettin this sale!DRE"SU ITS A N D rmagine Connie shoes, brm- Here 's Your' -~ NATURAL ENERGY FOOD I i TLike handing when we offer y c'' v-.- '. '4. N'y t . "V $ 000 y P IRS