THE MICHIGAN DAILY [GAN DAILY of the Summer Session -.,. ,7y,, "" : leagues who talk dry and drink wet, Oscar is one who practices not what he preaches. This former B.M.O.C. is known on several occasions to have himself clandestinely ridden a bicycle on the campus and even roller-skated, the old devil. Hypocrisy such as this, which we all too fre- quently find in those men who should be our spiritual leaders, is to be deplored. If Oscar would come out from behind his verbose rhetoric and state his position plainly and simply as a reformed and penitent sinner, his communication might be worthy considering. But coming as it does with all t of the sincerity usually shown by politicians in their public statements it is not worth considering. Let us therefore disregard that letter and con- sider the problem from a utilitarian standpoint. ,;" Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. eiber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated PressTis exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or .not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Allrights of republication of special dptches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. epresenitatives: College Publications Representatives, In.,' 40 East Thirty-Fourth12treet, New York City; 80 bylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, lcgo. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...........FRANK B. GILBRETH ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR..KARL SEI2.!RT~ ASSOCIATErEDITORS; John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce' Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...............BYRON C. VEDDER AISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY CIZRCULATION MANAGER ...... .... ROBERT L. PIERCE Granted, to begin with, that bicycles are a nuis- ance on the campus sidewalks, there immediately arise several problems. The depression has re- duced student incomes so that busses and taxis, not to speak of automobiles, are out of the ques- tion, so that the student who lives a mile away from the campus must find some means of trans- portation thereto in order to be on time for an eight o'clock. Having ridden down to the campus there then arises the problem of where to leave the bike. It is obviously impossible to simply drop it on State Street, or North, South or East Uni- versity Avenues as Oscar suggests and if the stu- dent is to be fairly sure that it won't be stolen he must take it someplace near where his class is to be, necessitating riding on the sidewalk. Now that the powers that be have decreed that there shall be "No Bicycle Riding on the Side- walks," it looks as though the University were extending the old paternalistic attitude to pre- venting the students from having bicycles as well as cars. If the administration would care to take it from one who knows, it is extremely difficult to have a date on a bicycle and manipulating one in any condition but of strict sobriety is utterly out of the question. Lest, then, paternalism again raise its ugly head in this connection, let the authorities set aside a space similar to the numerous car parking plots on the campus for the cyclist to leave his bike in comparative safety. Across the Street night together in a show-room of the store, they are married, and the rest of the tale follows their attempts to get away from the mother. She fol- lows them to Niagara and, in general, proceeds to make life miserable for them. Finally, friends of the bride arrange a "set-up" whereby Slim will have an opportunity to prove his prowess and thus be weaned from his mother. Of course the trick is successful. The T-heatre- SOURCES FOR "ALL'S WELL." Notes on the play given this week by the Michigan Repertory Players By DAVID MOTT It is nothing new to say that Shakespeare got his plots as best he could find them -from what- ever source came into his ken. His habit of mull- ing contemporary works for the materials of his plays is well known, and he did the same thing for "All's Well That Ends Well" that he did for most of his other works. But as usual the finished play had the inimitable character of his own genius. 'With "All's Well" he stole his plot from the "Decameron" of Boccaccio. William Painter, a contemporary, in his widely read book, "The Palace of Pleasure" had translated the story which is to be found in the ninth novel of the third day in the "Decameron." The novels of the third day tell of those lovers who have-overcome insuperable obstacles; they are stories of "Love's Labours Won" - which was the original title for "All's Well." Boccaccio's story narrates how "Giletta, a phy- sician's daughter of Narbon healed the French king of a fistula, for reward of which she demand- ed Beltramo, Count of Rossigilione, for her hus- band. TheCount being married against his will, for spite fled to Florence and loved another. Giletta, his wife, by policy found means to be with her husband in place of his lover, and was begotten with child; which known to her husband, he rfeived her again, and afterwards he lived in great honor and felicity." ,The most significant features that Shakespeare altered in Boccaccio's story are important. Helena (Giletta) is not rich, as was the original, and rests for all our sympathy upon the truth and intensity of her affections. She is not the foster-sister of Bertram, though was brought up with him. The moral character of Bertram, the Beltramo of the novel, is darkened --his personal beauty and valour is emphasized. The King of France is not present as a deus ex machina in the final recon- ciliation. Boccaccio's tale is related chiefly for the sake of plot, and so far as the character-portraits of Helena, Bertram, and the King are concerned Shakespeare's debt to his original is negligible. There are no counterparts in the novel for the Countess, Lafeu, Lavache or any of the persons in the sub-plot which recounts the adventures and downfall of Parolles. °All's Well" is now associated with what was assumed to be a lost play of Shakespeare's - "Love's Labours Won." It was written early in Shakespeare's career, and was a companion play to "Love's Labours Lost." The title was probably changed when it was Iripted in the Folio Edition of 1623.bBk About Books FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1933 It Won't Be Long Now... A FTER today, only two weeks remain of the 193,3 Summer Session. The activities of this short session, including the class- Work, the lectures, the dances and the shows are rapidly approaching a close. The 1933 Summer Session has had more to offer to visiting students than any other similar session, of the past. It has gone out of its way to provide extra-curricular activities to interest those who are not year-round residents of the city -or regular students of the University. Elaborate tours have been arranged, prominent lecturers have been procured, parties have been planned, and athletic facilities have been provided. University authorities have gone to every extreme to see that the summer student's stay here is as pleasant as it is profitable. From all appearances and reports the program has been exceptionally well received. The faculty concerts, the lectures, the dances, and the many' other affairs have been well attended. Many have already expressed their extreme satisfaction with the manner in which the program has been car- ried out. The plays presented by the Summer Repertory; Group have been declared successful and proven so by box office receipts. The summer band has played to a large audie'nce each Wednesday night.; The men who have come here from other institu- tions to speak before summer gatherings have I expressed themselves as being well pleased with the receptivity of their remarks. The officials in' chiarge of the University tours have pronounced their satisfaction at the success of those excur- sions which they have arranged. We have ample reason to believe that the sum- mer can be counted an unusual faIccess. Despite existing economic conditions, many improvements over past seasons have been made. and we feel that they have not been accepted without notice. AGAIN THE PEOPLE HAVE A. CHAMPION To the Editor: We, the following men and women voters who sign and circulate this petition until one hundre or more signatures are here, for delivery to news papers, hereby make the following public demand of our public servants: President Roosevelt, al Congressmen, Senators, State Governor and legis lature, mayors and city councils: That the Roosevelt administration shall imme diately help the total "Twenty-eight million un employed" directly and completely by placing al unemployed on farms in Southern states. Tha unemployment is daily increasing from the immi- gration legal quota, daily smuggling in of 2,000 aliens, and daily bankruptcy of business men an college graduates unfit for honest labor. That th public works program will wreck America as i has England without benefiting the unemployed and disabled veterans who this winter again wil co4centrate in cities, the same charity and crime problem. That stuffed ballot-box government is the daddy-racket of all rackets and racketeers where- by judges, police departments and governors ex- change criminal protection to those persons who have put them in office by stuffing ballot boxes; or business men racketeers who pay the price o1 ballot box stuffing for their political "elected' friends to keep them out of jail. That any person who says voters, elect public officials is a damn lunatic. Wherefore we demand that our State Legislature shall abolish precinct voting either for consolidated voting in central voting stations of plate glass (the election voting system of Holland Columbia, and Carolina) or voting ballots thru United States mail delivery and collection to be delivered and counted in a plate glass building, the Ballot Counting and Protection Arsenal. Failure to circulate this petition and fight this program to victory, means goodbye responsible government and welcome revolution. Your gov- ernment is what you make it. What ARE YOU? Hume Hays a' d s El - -t Q -. 1 t d e i e f 1 State Awards Contracts For NineBridges LANSING, Aug. 3-(AP)-Nine bridge construction contracts approximating $55,000 were awarded Wednesday by the Highway Committee of the State Administrative Board. The awards included the crossing on M-114 over the Grand Trunk Rail- road tracks 2% miles east of Grand R~apids. The award was for $13,644 and was madeto the R. C. Mahon Co., Detroit. Other awards follow: Branch County - Structural steel bridge crossing Prairie River five miles southwest of Bronson on US-12 to Elkhart Bridge and Iron C., Elk- hart, Ind., $1,089; complete structure award on the same bridge to E. C. Nolan & Son, Detroit, $9,884; struc- tural steel award on bridge crossing Hog Creek three miles east of Quincy, to Whitehead & Kales Co., Detroit, $1,256; complete structure award on same bridge to E. C. Nolan & Son, $8,459. Crawford County -Bridge cross- ing the Au Sable River in the Village of Grayling, structural award on the same -bridge to F. C. Atletwed, De- troit, $7,135. Ingham County -Bridge crossing Doan Creek two miles east of Wil- liamston on US-16 complete struc- tural award to Don Vander 'Veen, Grand Rapids, $4,044; bridge cross- ing Wolf Creek one-half mile west of Webberville, on US-16, to Reniger Construction Cs., Lansing, $1,108. American Writer Is Not Allowed In Manchukuo TOKIO, Aug. 3.-U)-Rengo News Agency' reported from Dairen, Man- churia, today that the American writer, Josef Washington Hall, whose pen name is Upton Close, had been barred from Manchukuo and Japan's Southern Manchuria Railway zone as an undesirable alien. The American arrived at Dairen from Tientsin in charge of a tourist party when he was told that a ruling of the Manchukuo Government and the Japanese Embassy at Changchun forbade him from entering the terri- tory.; He left Dairen by airplane for Shingishu on the Korean frontier. Members of the group were admitted to Manchukuo. IermanGets in Trouble Driving Home Quickly MILWAUKEE, Aug. 3.(P)-W - Her- man Tettin wanted to get home- quickly. Testimony in police court reveal- ed that traffic laws didn't prevent him from ignoi'ing a traffic officer's signal, running over a fire hose, go-' ing through a stop light, striking a coaster wagon and side-swiping three automobiles. A screaming siren on a squad car and three shots fired at his tires didn't stop him. In addition, he missed the driveway to his garage and struck the front porch of his home. He was fined $100. WILD LIFE NOTE GREELEY, Neb., Aug. 3.-()- Somewhere in Wheeler County there's a jackrabbit that's alive be- cause of the help of an automobile. T. H. Murphy, of Greeley, was driving along a highway and came+ upon a hound in pursuit of the rab- bit. As he drove alongside the rabbit he slowed down momentarily and the rabbit hopped upon the running board of the car. The rabbit rodje there about ,a quarter of a mile, until the hound had given up the chase, and theni jumped off and went his way. Excursion No. 11, to the Michigan State Prison, Saturday morning, Au- gust 5. Students on this trip will have an opportunity to see and have explained for them the various ac- tivities of one of the 'country's larg- est penal institutions. The Michigan State Prison at Jackson covers 57 acres and has a housing capacity of 5,000 men. The chartered bus leaves from in front of Angell Hall at 7:45 o'clock Saturday morning, and re- turns to Ann Arbor soon after 12:00 o'clock. Bus fare, the only expense, is $1.00. Reservations must be made before 5:00 p. in. today. Wesley H. Maurer Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect to com- plete'their work for a degree at the close of the present Summer Ses- sion should call at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in pay- ing the diploma fee. The fee should be paid not later than Saturday, August 5. G. Carl luber Graduation Recital: Lynn B. Bo- gart, Violinist, accompanied by Jack Conklin, will give the following graduation recital Monday, August 7, at 8:15 o'clock in} the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited: Lazzari: Sonata Op. 24, Lento- Allegro. ma non troppo, Lento; Bach: Sonata in E major, Prelude, Gavotte en Rondeu; Tschaikowsky: Concerto Op. 35, Alegro Moderato; Scott- Kreisler: Lotus Land; Wieniawski- Kreisler: Novacek: Perpetual Mo- tion. Charles A. Sink University High Shol Demon- stration Assembly: The fifth demon- stration assembly of the University High School Summer Session will be held in the high school auditor- ium this morning at 9 o'clock. The program, which is under the direc- tion of the Latin and Industrial Arts departments, will show through a series of episodes what contributions the Romans made to the industrial arts. All Summer Session students Movie Code Is NeXt Move On Official Agenda WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-The three major branches of the motion picture industry have been told by the Recovery Administration that they must get together and submit as early as possible a wage-increasing, hour-regulating agreement. The word was sent to eight organ- izations in a telegram from Sol A. Rosenblatt, deputy administrator. Rosenblatt invited( represntatives of therproducers, distributors and ex- hibitors to a meeting in New York Aug. 8 "to formulate a compact rep- resentative authorized group for code formulation purposes." BEWARE OF TURTLE SOUP RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug.3.-()- A cheerful individual known only as Manoel lost his job as a porter, but put his pet turtle to work, and every- thing's fine. The turtle, Manoel explained, is rented to cheap restaurants, which decoy customers with the sign "tur- tle soup" and Manoel's pet as a win- dow display. Manoel has a customer for each day of the week. Every telephone subscriber in the United States, says the department of commerce, is in contact with some 32,750,000 other telephone users. . l ,j _; ' , , , X Summer Session Students: A tea will be given today at the Betsy Bar- bour House from 4:00 p. m. to 5:30 P. M. Art and Propaganda is the topic of a lecture to be given by Dr. Ernest Sutherland Bates at 5 p. m. today, Naturgl Science Auditd-ium, for the Socialist Club Public Lecture Ser- l l' i c ie. Michigan Repertory Players: To- night and for the remainder of the week, Shakespeare's "All's Well That Ends Well' is being presented at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Seats are now on sale for all performances, -the telephone number is 6300. Special Matinee: There will be a special matinee performance off "All's Well That Ends Well' on Sat- urday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. All seats are reserved. Lecture on "Disamament." Profes- sor George Grafton Wilson, Professor of International Law at Harvard University, will lecture on disarma- ment in 1025 Angel Hall tonight at 8:00 p. m. The public is invited. Hitch-Hikes 1,300 Miles To Answer Court Charge NASHUA, N. H., Aug. 3-P)--Ray- mond C. Cross, of Manchester, proved yesterday that he was a man of his word when he surrendered at police headquarters after hitch-hik- ing 1,300 miles from St. Louis to save Nashua the expense of sending offi- cers for him. Tomorrow Cross will be arraigned on a charge of embezzling $1,000 from the Holbrook-Marshall Co., wholesale grocers. Chief Irving Goodwin, of the local force, decided reluctantly that it would be too expensive to send of- ficers to bring him back. Goodwin suggested that they re- lease Cross if the fugitive promised to return to Nashua. Cross assented. Practically penniless, Cross hitch- hiked'hisaway back, thumbing rides, boarding freight trains and walking when everything else failed. i i t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubicatom in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11;30 a. mn. Saturday. who are interested are invited to at- tend the assembly. Mr. Frederick L. Redefer, Executive Secretary of the Progressive Educa- tion Association will speak on "Prog- ressive Education" Friday afternoon at 4:10 in University High School. This speech on the series of educa- tional conferences kas originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 9. This topic will be timely to everyone interested in education. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good, two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. Kidnapers Try A New Trick. . HE New York kidnapers who freed h .Nathan Baskowitz yesterday with' the agreement that he pay them "on time" have, started a "payment-plan" system that is, to say the least, unique in the history of crime. Of course it is to be taken for granted that such demands will not be considered seriously and that the sum asked for in this case will not be paid. And at the same time the case demonstrates that racketeers will stop at nothing in their efforts; to intimidate the public. In this instance the abducted individual was said to have had no funds with which to meet aniy demands, however modest. Which fact fur- ther demonstrates that the kidnapers are not limiting their activities to thxe field, of, those reputed to be wealthy but are actually attempting to clean up all-round. However ridiculous this recent case may seem, it should appear as the "last straw" tossed in the face of a public which has long since stood more than enough. And it should add to the incentive' of the government officials who are now hard at. work in their attempts to cope with this greatest of all crime waves. AT THE MICHIGAN 7[ "I LOVE THAT MAN" The plot of "I Love That Man" takes some of the queerest quirks and turns which it has been our pleasure to see in a 'movie for some time. And not such a great pleasure at that. Starting out as a reasonably decent story, the thing soon works itself up into a state of affairs that is unusual, to say the very least. Nancy Carroll, as the social service worker who falls in love with a confidence man (Edmund, Lowe) and follows him through thick and thin - most of it is very thick - does much better than has been her wont in the past. At times she is almost convincing but hardly enough to overcome the defects in the scenario. Edmund Lowe is pretty good. He- has a juicy part, that of the "con" man with the glib tongue and the ever-so-smooth manner with ladies, and he fills it pleasingly. It is extremely hard to believe, however, as the story goes along, that so smooth an individual could be "turned straight" over-night without being aware of the fact. Especially by such an unassuming young person as Miss Carroll. Lew Cody is in the film for a brief period and Warren Hymer, as "Mousie," is given a fair role. The other characters are all incidental in the tale of the gal who said "whither thou goest, I goest; thy people shall be my people" and the man who answered her, "I shall never say any- thing to you unless it be the truth." The song about "gawd, how I love that man of mine," which Helen Morgan made famous, per- vades the picture and ,strangely enough, it is parobably the nicest thing about the film. IN THE DARK OF THE MOON "South Moon Under" by Majorie Kinnan Rawlings (Slaster's and Wahr's. $2.50) Mrs. Rawlings has drawn a vivid picture of the Florida scrub country, of its tawny, unfertile sands that sloped back to the dense, inpenetrable scrub that repelled human living. Beneath the scrawny oaks and pines grew gallberry bushes and mag- nolia, brierberries and - hammock and all sorts of ferns in great profusion. Here and there tortuous, shallow creeks wound their 'way through the undergrowths. The lean piney-woods country was desolate place for a man to try to grow a living - but it was a fine place for a man driven by fear to hide! Against this sinister background Mrs. Rawlings lays the story of Old Lantry who had killed a Revenue Officer in the Carolina mountains and fled to the piney-woods because they were remote, and it would be impossible to find a man once he had disappeared into their formidable depths. Here Old Lant's family, born of a querulous wife, takes root in the infertile soil. They grow, court, wed and die with the same strained slow- ness of the scrub. Piety, Old Lant's daughter, marries and her son, Young Lant, takes to 'shinin' in order to support himself and his widowed mother. Then Young Lant is driven deeper into, the low-growing scrub, the haven of a hunted man, by the same fear that brought Old Lant there. The author has drawn with slow, deliberate strokes, three generations of Lantrys. They are as unusual and exotic as their background. First, red-headed Old Lant, to whom the scrub was sanctuary, then Piety, his favorite daughter, who" loved the strange wilderness and last, Young Lant, "the true child and man of the scrub." This completes the cycle. Only one other person is of prime importance. Kezzy, as indomitable as the scrub itself, who proved herself a true woman of the piney-woods when she married the man sher loved, though he had killed her husband. Like their more northern brothers, the hill- billies of Kentucky and Virginia and the Carolinas, there is no primness or nicety in the language of the Lantrys and the Jacklins. Names and insinu- ations that would call. for reckonings elsewhere are handed out here with the kindest of meanings. The whole language is filled with terse, masculine humor. The dialect, which sounds authentic, is not sluggish but colorful and readable. The situ- ations and incidents that make up the lives of these simple people are as often humorous as tragic. The story of the outlander who fenced off his cow pasture is grand folk humor. Minor characters, woven through the fabric of the I. i Special Advance Group New Fal I Pumps S and Oxfords of B r a S d 1 and $233 i whneeytigesefie.. . Dial' CLASSIFIED I 1 Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be onstrued as expressing the editorial opinion of he Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis- egarded. The names of communicants will, however, p regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu- ors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible rticles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu- ars must be as brief as possible. confining themselves Block and Brown Downzstairs Store DIRECTORY Tfi l._ Michigan 1. 1 I A.A- ,L. "OUIT ALL. N.TT1T"I Al I/- ' OOL"~ # i