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August 04, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-04

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The Weather
Fair, slightly warmer extreme
southeast portion Friday; Sat-
urday fair increasing cloudiness.


Official Publication Of "The Summer Session


VOL. XIV No. 34,



City Not Fully
In Washtenaw
Ann Arbor Is 41 Per Cent
Of'Population; Has Only
21 Per Cent Of Board

New York Police Clash With Farmers In Milk Strike

Municipal League
Surveys Counties
Report Shows 11 Counties
In State Are 'Grossly
Ann Arbor is listed as one of the
Michigan cities "grossly under-rep-
resented" on its county board of su-
pervisors in a report released today
by the Michigan Municipal League.
The city, with a 26,944 population
out of Washtenaw County's total of
65,530, is allowed to elect only seven
of the 32 supervisors. In other words,
with 41 per cent of the population,
Ann Arbor has only 21 per cent of
the representation.
Washtenaw is one of the 11 coun-
ties in which the League finds this
condition acute. The total urban rep-
resentation, including Saline, Ypsi-
lanti, and Ann Arbor, is only 12
against 20 rural supervisors, while
the total urban population is 38,-
096 against a rural population of
only 27,434. The rural districts are
therefore allowed one representa-
tive for 1,372 people and the cities
one for 3,175.
Say Legislature Failed
"While it was apparently the legis-
lative intent to give cities representa-
tion on county boards of supervisors
in proportion to population, the Leg-
islature has obviously failed to apply
this p r i n c i p 1 e uniformly," the
League's report states.
Michigan .is one of four sates
with large boards of county supervi-
sors selected on a township-city basis.
Each township, regardless of its pop-
ulation, is entitled to one representa-
tive on the county board, by Con-
stitutional grant. Cities are given
representation on the county govern-
ing board according to various legis-
lative formulae enacted by a rurally
controlled legislature, according to
the League.
Was Agricultural Plan
When Michigan was predominantly
an agricultural state, the selection
of county supervisors by townships
was not inconsistent with the prin-
ciples of representative government.
But as the state became industrial-
ized and cities grew from a position
of relative unimportance to one of
pre-eminence, adjustments were not
made to give cities a voice in county
government in proportion to their
relative populations in the'county.
As a result, city taxpayers, with
but few exceptions, pay the greater
part of the cost of county govern-
ment, but play' a minor role in the
determination of its policy. Further-
more, the successful attempts that
have been made to increase city rep-
resentation on the county boards of
supervisors have mainly served to
make these bodies more cumbersome
and unwieldy.
The state constitution is the foun-
dation upon which representation on
county boards is built. Section 7 of
Article VIII reads as follows:
"A board of supervisors, con-'
sisting of one from each organ-
ized township, shall be establish-
ed in each county, with such
powers as shall be prescribed by
law. Cities shall have such rep-
resentation on the boards of su-
pervisors of the counties in which
they are situated as may be pro-
vided by law."
A confusion of statutes relating to
city representation on county boards
has followed this constitutional pro-
vision, the report says.
The tabulation shows that the ur-
ban population exceeds the rural in
22 of the 70 counties having both
rural and urban populations. Rural
representation on the board exceeds
the urban representation in 58 of the

70 counties. Excluding the one county
withan equal urban-rural represen-
tation, 11 counties, with a population
predominantly urban, are grossly mis-
represented on the board of super-
Lansing, Traverse LOw
Other outstanding examples are
Lansing, in Inghain County, with 67
per cent of the county's population,
and 33 per cent of the representation
on the county board: Traverse City.

-Associated Press Photo
This unusual action picture shows New York state police as they clash with a group of farmers
near Zoonville, N. Y., during a bit of disorder in a milk strike. Milk was dumped as farmers sought
to keep it away from market in their .campaign for higher prices.

Prof. Bennett
Will Speak On
Housing Plans
Has Made Study Of Work
Being Done In Nations
Of Europe
Extensive large scale housing pro-
jects under way in various European
countries will furnish material for
a lecture at 5 p. m. today in the au-
ditorium of the Architecture Build-
ing by Prof. Wells I. Bennett, who
return recently from a 10 months
trip abroad.
Professor Bennett, who has been
absent from the University on leave
during the past year, made a study
of the work being done in England,
Holland, Germany, and in other
countries while he was in Europe,
and will illustrate his talk with
scenes of the projects being under-
According to Professor Bennett,
similar works will be started in the
United States in the near future,
to be partially financed' by Federal
appropriations under the $3,300,000,-
000 public works fund. Of this
amount $25,000,000 has already- been
ear-marked for use in subsistence
housing projects throughout the na-
tion, he said.
Federal funds, Professor Bennett
said, will be available for two classes
of undertakings. The first is the lim-
ited dividend corporation, which may
realize a maximum of five or six
per cent on its investment and may
borrow up to 70 per cent of the total
cost from the government, while the
other . class includes outright grants
to municipalities. The entire building
program will be under the direction
of Robert D. Kohn, United States
housing director.
2nd Round Of
Golf Tourney
Is Postponed
A heavy rainfall, which left the
Barton Hills Country Club course
soggy and the sand traps partially
filled with water necessitated the
postponement of the second round
of the women's city golf tourna-
ment originally scheduled for yester-
day morning to this morning.
Eight competitors are left in both
the championship and championship
consolation flights, while all but
four women have been eliminated
from play in the other four brackets.
In today's championship battles,
the match between Miss 'Jean Kyer,
medalist and finalist in the state
tournament, and Mrs. Harold Scarth
is expected to furnish the fireworks.
The other three tilts are almost fore-
gone conclusions. Mrs. James Cissel
should have little difficulty in dis-
posing of Mrs. John Bergelin, while
her daughter, Miss Jane Cissel, Uni-
versity senior, will piobably win
handily over Ms. Harvey Emery. The

Special Lecture Series
To Conclude Next Week
A talk by Prof. Albert C. Jacobs
of Columbia University on "A
Changing Conception of the Fam-
ily" next Monday afternoon will
open the last week of the Summer
Session special lecture series.
Prof. Rene Talamon will give an
illustrated lecture Tuesday after-
noon on "Chateaux of Touraine,"
and the special series will close
Wednesday with Prof. Arthur E.
Wood's talk on "Social Welfare in
a Changing Society."
'Local Barbers
Cooperate With.
tecover Code
Haircuts in Ann Arbor barber
shops will cost 50 cents starting to-
morrow, it was decided at a meet-
ing of the heads of the various shops
yesterday. The action was taken as
a result of an agreement to shorten
hours in accordance with the na-
tional recovery committee's code.:.
Barber shops in the city will be
open a total of 52 hours per week.
The - rise in the price of haircuts
is necessary in order to meet a salary
increase which the national code pro-
vides for journeymen barbers, it was
said. The cost of barber shop equip-
ment has also increased with the
installation of codes in the various
industries, according to local shop
The barbers plan to meet again to-
night to discuss a minimum wage
guarantee to be paid employees.
Lindberoiis Still
In Far North
NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-P-Colonel
and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh made
a 600-mile round trip reconnoitering
flight today between Holsteinberg,
Greenland, and the ea'st central part
of Baffin Land, Pan-American Air-
ways was notified.
A message from the steamer Jel-
linge, mother ship of the Lindberghs'
air mapping expedition, said the
couple took off from Holsteinberg at
7:30 a. m. (E. S. T.) and crossed
the Davis Straits.
The east central portion of Baffin
Land was surveyed from the air and
then the Lindberghs began the 200
mile return flight eastward.

Wilson To Discuss
Disarmament Today
Dr. George Grafton Wilson, pro-
fessor of international law at Har-
vard University and a member of
the teaching staff of the Conference
of International Law here, will de-
liver a lecture on "Disarmament" at
8 p. m. today in Room 1025 Angell
Dr. Wilson will discuss the accom-
plishments of the Hague Peace Con-
ference, the work of the Washington
National Conference, and the work
of the conferences for the General
Disarmament Conference of 1932.
He will also show the relationship
of the general world situation to the
problem of disarmament and the re-
lationship of the problem of disarma-
mient to recent treaties, su ch as the
Kellogg Peace Pact and others.
Several Dead
As BadFlood
Perils Denver
DENVER, Aug. 3.-(P)-A cloud-
burst that ripped apart Castlewood
Dam roared down on Denver today
and left in its wake at least two per-
sons dead, several missing and a wal-
low of twisted debris.
Damage to buildings and merchan-
dise in Denver store basements and
to property, crops, livestock, high-
ways and railroads in outlying ter-
ritory will run around $1,000,000, ob-
servers believed.
Hundreds of persons-probably 5,-
000 in Denver alone-were driven
from homes.
The cloudburst which caused the
irrigation dam to give way, sending
a billion gallons of water to deluge
a wide area, was one of four torren-
tial rains and five hailstorms that
struck Southeastern Colorado within
24 hours.
Swollen by downpours the Arkan-
sas River was out of its banks in
Southern Colorado and Denver & Rio
Grande Railroad tracks were washed
out near the west entrance of the
Royal Gorge.
Mrs. Bertha Catlin, 21 years old,
employed on a ranch near Frank-
town, four miles below Castlewood
Dam, was thrown from her horse
and drowned in a swirling creek.
Franktown was directly in the path
of . the deluge that cascaded from
the dam.
Tom Casey, 80, was found drowned
in a deep hole in the rear of a Den-
ver residence, where James Boyd,
who found his body, said Casey went
to survey the flood destruction.

Wolaver Calls
Land Laws Of
State Archaic
No State Mortgage Laws
Have Been Passed In 75
Years, He Says
Talks On Summer
Session Program
Believes That Not Enough
Consideration Has Been
Given Mortgagor
Mortgage laws in the State of
Michigan were declared "archaic"
yesterday by Earl S. Wolaver, asso-
ciate professor of Business Law, who
told his audience in Natural Science
Auditorium that "there have been no
mortgage laws passed in this state
for the past 75 years."
Speafiing on the regular lecture
series .of the Summer Session, Pro-
fessor Wolaver explained why the
present defaults in real estate bonds
were not as serious as they seemed.
"A default," he stated, "is only a
breach of contract and does not mean
that the bonds are worthless. It
may mean one of many things, that
the taxes or the insurance on the
property covered by the bonds has
not been paid, or that the interest
payments have not been met. But
it does not mean that the bonds are
Cites Seriousness
Professor Wolaver, who is a mem-
ber of the governor's commission ap-
pointed to study real estate prob-
lems in the state, discussed the out-
growth of the real estate bond situ-
ation in Michigan and pointed to
the present figures available to dem-
onstrate the seriousness of the mat-
ter. "of the $449,734,000 in real es-
tate bonds issued in the state, ap-
proximately $334,974,000 worth are
now in default," he said.
i "The decline" in traveling, which
has cut down on the hotel income, to-
gether with the inability to reduce
expenses as it is done in other com-
mercial concerns, has a lot to do with
the present situation," he declared.
"The accumulation of taxes has not
helped any and the seriousness of
the housing situation speaks for it-
Difficult to Collect
Professor Wolaver explained that
before a foreclosure could be made
on real estate bonds it was necessary
for 100 per cent of the bonds to be
turned in. The difficulty of acom-
plishing this brought about Public
Act 111 which was passed by the
legislature declaring that a majority
of bond holders could act for the
entire group. This act was declared
unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court, however, and the difficulty of
collecting the bonds before taking
foreclosure action still remains.
The commission of which he is a
member was appointed, Professor
Wolaver explained, to devise some
means of supervising the collection
of bonds and the foreclosures of the
mortgages which they covered. A
plan now under way provides for a
state body to act as a central agency
for such matters and should prove
successful if given enough power, the
speaker declared.
Both Parties Need Protection
"The mortgagor and the mortgagee
should both be protected in such
matters," Professor Wolaver said,"
"and though opinion differs, I believe
that, so far, too little attention has
been given to the rights of the mort-

gagor. There can be little question
that, if given the right to do so, he
is the one in the best position to
make his business profitable so that
the bond holders can collect what is
coming to them. Any legislation af-
fecting the matter should take this
into consideration."
Officers Return Three
Runaway Chelsea Boys
Three young Chelsea boys who were
last seen entering ,a swiamp near
Chelsea Tuesday night were picked
up by Sheriff's officers yesterday and
returned to their home.
The boys were Robert Savage, 9,
Henry Carr, 12, and Alexander Dow,
Savage and Carr, wards of the
Michigan Children's Aid society liv-
ing with Mrs. Frank Dow near Chel-
sea, were found by Deputy Clyde
Bennnt tlast niht nn +-o aiino

By the Associated Press

washington.............. 63
New York............... 60
Cleveland................ 51
Detroit ..................47
St. Louis................39
Thursday's Results
Philadelphia 7, New York 0.
Washington 8, Boston 4.
Cleveland 7, St. Louis 2.
Chicago-Detroit, wet grounds.
Friday's Games,
Chicago at Detroit.
(Only game scheduled).
New York ................ 58
Chicago............. ... 56
St. Louis ..................54
Boston.................. 51
Philadelphia............. 42
Brooklyn ................. 40
Cincinnati............... 41
Thursday's Results




Other developments today included:
Clearing of the way through a for-
mal interpretation for big employers
of labor under contract, including
newspapers, to obtain the NRA offi-
cial insignia without altering existing
wage and hour terms, so long as they
comply otherwise.
Award of millions of dollars worth
of shipbuilding by the Navy to ship-
yards which will operate under a
thirty-two hour week.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.--(P)-A
basis for settlement of the Pennsyl-
vania coal strike was reported im-
minent tonight after another con-
ference between John L. Lewis, presi-
dent of the United Mine Workers of
America, and Hugh S. Johnson, ad-
ministrator of national recovery, who
has undertaken to mediate the dif-
The renewed negotiations were car-
ried on after an earlier conference
had broken up in an apparent dead-
lock, with both the operators and
the spokesmen for the miners re-
fusing to yield.
However, during the night there
was an apparent return of confid-
ence among the conferees, although
officials declined to be specific about
their intimations that a basis for an
agreement was near.
It was reported that President
Roosevelt from Hyde Park had taken
a hand in the negotiations by tele-
phone and was directing the final
effort to bring the conflicting ele-
ments together and end the disturb-
ance which has led to bloodshed in
the bituminous fields of Pennsyl-
Redefer To Talk On
School Movements
Frederick L. Redefer, executive
secretary of the Progressive Educa-
tion Association, will lecture at 4:10
n. m 'Priri, v n 4,D,.p.n 1 I99 TT4niv . -

Guards Of Mayo Grandchildren
Told To Shoot And Then Explain.

Boston 3, Brooklyn 0.
St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 1.
(Game called end sixth, rain).
Chicago 2, Cincinnati i.
N e w Y o r k-Philadelphia, threatening
Friday's Games
Brooklyn at Boston (2).
New York at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Pittsburgh.
(Only games scheduled).
Last Tour Of Season
To Be Held Saturday
The last of the Summer Session
Excursions for this year - the
eleventh of the season - will take
place Saturday morning when a
party of students under the direc-
tion of Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of
the journalism depaitment goes to

ROCHESTER, Minn., Aug. 4-(P)-
Guards told by one of the distin-
guished Mayo brothers to "shoot first
and make explanations afterward"
patrolled the family estate tonight
after what he said was an attempt to
idnan one or mnr of hic mnd.-

The nurse, Miss Marie Langseth,
said she was awakened early Tues-
day by the sound of an automobile
approaching the young Dr. Mayo's
home at Mayowood, the estate three
miles from here. She believes the
engine had been shut off after the
nl,. ,r'h.pA - 'a h,, aaan .A ,a 4- f



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