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June 29, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1933-06-29

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:ial P'ublication of the


'P'ublished every morning exc
Uniiversity year and Summer S
Control of Student Publication
Member of the Western Confe
tion and the Big Ten News Serh
The Associated Pr'ess is exclus
fto republicaticn of all news di
'not otherwise credited in this i
published herein. All rights of
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at
second class matter. Special ra
Third Assistant Postmaster-Gen
Subscription during summer b
$1.5O. During regular school ye
niail, $4.50.
Offices: Student PublicationsI
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2
R epresentatives: College Pub
In~c.. 40 East Thirty-Vourthi Str
Boylston .Street, Boston; 612N
Chicago. National Advertising S
St., News York, N. Y.
and E. Jerome Pettit.
Office Hours; 9
Phone: 2-1
M,yo Camiphell
His Difticnties.
of Ahn Arb(
of so-called soap-bcx orat
Campbell recently issued a
prohibited the deliverancet
court house square. He ba
with an order to the police
an person or persons viola
The result of his efforts c
"counter-attack" by local "f
tions, in just such a manne
foreseen by the Mayor. Ev
in an "argument," represen
coimunist and socialist '
the legality of the Mayor's a
tion to be held on the stepst
Saturday night.
Needless to say, the spec
were unmolested by police
quote excerpts from the coh
ed States and of Michigani
Declaration of Independenc
once, the Mayor had gone a
Of course, the Mayor's st
leeded the written support
of Supervisors before carryi
support was granted at the
ing of the Board. Since itf
meeting, we have yet to se
action the Mayor will purs
force the issue.

N DAILY fail. He may be able to apply his knowledge infi-
nitely better, may remember more pertinent
e Suimer Session truths growing out of it, than the others, but his
classification, according to the university, will de-
pend on how he answers those ten or fifteen
questions. UN(
~every university student and faculty member TO7
A1' knows undergraduates to whom the only classifi-
cation that fits is "dumb." They all know also "U
that many of these poorly adjusted, impractically of J
eouipped individuals frequently receive grades ing1
;- .that designate them as excellent students, simply on hi
f by dint of long hours of study. Many of them by w
have no broad view of their purpose in going to play
college; they simply are working for good grades thro
and with the conviction that such "scholarship' hisc
is its own reward. flow
But on the basis of the fact that they close hind
ept Monday during the their eyes to all values save the study of prescribed O
ession by the Board in academic work, that they are willing to give over We
S. West
all their energies to studies, they are graduated of t
erence Editorial Associa- from the university-many of them-with special ring
OCYATED PRESS hcnors that hold them up to the world as the man
ively entitled to the use modern educational system's best product. wou
patch es credited to it or University officials declare that they must con- and
Gaper and the local newsad
republication of special tinue the use of grading systems because without Leg
them classes would be filled with irresponsible,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, as undesirable students whose only aim in going to
Sof postage grnted by college is to have a good time. They say that if
ethere were no grades there would be no incen- vive
y carrier, $1.00; by mail, noda
ear by carrier, $4.00; by tve to study. That is very probably true, but the d
established solution of that problem without a tim
Building, Maynard Street, doubt has a tendency to reduce all college stu- Tf
2-1214. dents' to a dead level, to judge them all by the this
lcations Representatives, game rule. The effect of this tendency is to dis- will
rect, New York City; 80 ~? . I~~
North Michigan Avenue, courage individuality, to crush all those whose ishe
ervice, Inc., 11 west 42nd intellects v/ould normally develop on somewhat un- extr
cohventional lines. mel
925AFF No doubt there are a few courses in which the ,ft
..FRANK B. GILBRETH instructor is able to judge the work of indivi- chil
......KARL SEIFE T dals more completely than is the common prac- y
.HlyPowers Mouiton . .' - -
tice, but these are the exception rather than the mor
TAFF rule. Particularly in foreign) language conver- mas
9-12, 1-5 s tion courses the individual, through frequent situ
.BYRON C. VEDDR etation,igiventhe dpportunity to demonstrate a S
ER...HARRY R. BEGLEY his' real ability. Writing courses, obviously, offer cros
..ROBERT L. PIECE the instructor the mos't complete opportunity to belo
NE 29, 1933 evaluate the student's ability. Plainly enough, the mel
judge of a good writer is his writing, but the bitr
judge of a good philosopher is not necessarily the quit
1 Ha i .ability to write on paper the ten points which T
Aristotle presented in proof of this or that theory. abo
The most equitable solution of the problem Aik
en dislike on the part would seem to be the removal of the stigma which Vic
r citizens to any form failure to receive a diploma carries with it. A unc
ry, Mayor Robert A.diploma should be rightly looked upon as a cer- has
in edict in which he tificate 'of merit, but its absence should not cha
of speeches from the indicate mediocrity. Although the Chicago plan and
Lcked that ultilmaturm has as yet not been given a complete trial, it tee
asking the arrest of would seem to serve its purpose very well. The nov
aking the art. ostudent may study as long as he likes before but
fint that edict.
ame in'the form of a taking a degree; he is not required to graduate at
free speech" organiza- a designated time, but may take a comprehensive
as might oranza-bexamination at any time after a set period of
e' ready to take part preparation has been completed.
tatives of Ank Arpor's Under this system, obviously, the student who
roups agreed to test applies himself to his studies to the exclusion of
ction by a demonstra- all else will be ready for graduation before the co
one who has outside interests which he considers T
more important. The latter may never get a de- be
gree, but there is nothing to indicate that he has at
akers at this meetinglearnedlesso

The Theatre

.. IN

Uncle Tom's Cabin" is perennial. Like the soul
ohn Brown's Body, it goes marching on. Dur-
the eighty years of its existence hundreds
hundreds of little troupes, traveling sometimes
wagon and playing in tents, have brought the
to the smallest communities, parading
Hugh the streets in character, Markes astride
donkey, Eva and Uncle Tom following in a
ver-decked cart, the bloodhounds docilely be-
d and Legree bringing up the rear guard.
ften companies moved up and down the great
tern rivers presenting it in showboats. Some
hese troupes billed their shows like a three-
circus, duplicating their performers in the
ner of Barnum & Bailey's clowns. There
ld be two or three Markes, several Topsys
a small battalion of Evas, Uncle Tom's and
rees thrown in for good measure.
has been played the length and breadth of
land, in stock and repernory, revived and re-
d. Almost every American actor of any nqte
ay has in his career played something at some-
e in "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
'he revival by the Michigan Repertory Players
summer, as the fourth play of their season,
be a revival of the most golden and cher-
ad of American sagas. Our sentiments are in-
icably bound up with the play's tearful treat-
nt of the 'problem of slavery, to say nothing
the soft spot we have in our hearts for the
dish nineteenth century stage-effects that al-
ts accompany productions of the play. Im-
tal lines like, "You can kill my black body,
s'r, but you can't kill my soul," and "hokey"
ations like the death of little Eva still create
spell over playgoers. Trick effects like the
sing of the ice, and the ascent into heaven
ng to a .theatre tradition that we relish in
mory. We are willing to laugh at it a little
now and then, but down deep we are really
te susceptible to its palpable make-believe.
he dramatization of Harriet Beecher Stowe's
litionist document was made by George L.
en, and was poured into the moulds of mid-
torian cliches. But as a drama it possesses
juestioned power, crudely though that drama
been expressed. Aiken knew his business. The
racterization is vital, the humor appealing,
i the pathos touching. Nor has the mid-nine-
nth century hokum lost all of its power even
v. It is good theatre-theatre of an old school,
good theatre!
Campus Opinion

___ if-.

June Payroll Checks: Checks for
half of June payroll will be ready
June 30. The State authoriites hope
to have funds to pay the balance by
the last of July, but we are hopeful
that funds may be available before
that date.
Excursion No. 2: A DAY IN DE-
TROIT: Including an autmobile tour
of downtown Detroit and Belle Isle,
and visits to the Detroit News, the
WJR Broadcasting Studio in the
Fisher Building, the Detroit Institute
of Arts, where will be seen the Ri-
vera Murals, and the Detroit Public
Library. Luncheon at the Fisher
Building Cafeteria. The trip is es-
pecially planned for students who
desire acquaintance with representa-
tive commercial, and cultural institu-
tions of the city.
Total expenses about $2.00. The
round trip motor bus tickets must
be obtained in Room 9, University
Hall, before 5:00 p. m., Friday, June
30. Thednumber in the party will
be limited.
Wesley H. Maurer
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in English. Candidates who have
not attended the lectures in Biblio-
graphy in previous years will meet
in 225 Angell Hall' today at 4 o'clock.
W. G. Rice

3rd to 7th, inclusive; hours 10:00-
12:00, and 2:00-4:00. Those who
h a v e previously been registered
should call at the office at once to
leave their summer addresses and
check up on their records, if they
have not already done so.
Concerts: Concerts by members of
the Faculty of the School of Music
will be given complimentary in Hill
Auditorium at 8:15 p. m. on the
following dates: July 11, 18, 25,
Aug ust 1 and 8. At the first concert
the program will be given by Arthur
Hackett, Tenor; Palmer Christian,
Organist; and the School of Music
Instrumental Trio, consisting of
Wassily, Besekirsky, Violinist; Hanns
Pick, Violoncellist; and J o s e p h
Brinkman, Pianist. The dates of ad-
ditional concerts to be given by Pro-
fessor Christian, The School of Music
Student Orchestra and the Summer
Band will be announced later.
Charles A. Mink, President
Class Instruction in Voice: Atten-
tion is called to the classes in voice
instruction which are offered during
the Summer Session in the School
of Music under the director' of James.
Hamilton. The classes are open
to all, upon payment of a nominal
fee. Those interested should consult

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Professor Hamilton in Studio 203,
School of Music Building, Maynard
Charles A. Sink, President
"The Emergency Committee in Aid
of Displaced German Scholars" has
compiled a list of these from various
sources. Departments interested in
the possibility of securing the serv-
ices of men in their field as lecturer
the list as a check on their own lists.
This list may be seen in Dr. Robbins'
office, University :fail.
School of Education-Changes in
Elections: Changes of election may
be made this week in the Recorder's
Office, Room 1437 U. Elementary
School. All changes must be made
in this office in order to be official.
Reading Examinations in Frenc:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below
whose reading knowledge of French
has not yet been certlfied should
consult the notice on pg. 102 of the
Summer Session Announcement.
The preliminary meeting there re-
ferred to will be held in Room 108
R. L. at 7:15 today and will last
about forty-five minutes.
The examination on Aug. 5 is for
candidates in the departments of
Ancient and Modern Languages and
Literatures, Philosophy, History, Po-
litical Science, Economics, Sociology.
and Education.
(Continued on Page 3)

when they arose to
stitutions of the Unit-
and to read from the
e. It seems that, for
bit too far.
and was that he first
of the County Board
ag out his threat. This
Monday night meet-
followed the Saturday
e just "what course of
sue in an attempt to




We agree with him that Ann Arbor ordinarily,
s no need for in-the-street meetings. We agree
h him that, although such gatherings are usu-
y perfectly harmless and without meaning, they
nevertheless, a public nuisance. Surely Ann
bor, as a great educational center, provides
)ugh in the way of educational, controversial,
"radicalistic" addresses, without resorting to
type of thing which the Mayor wishes to stop.

Lee Tracy, who plays the fast talking hero of
"Clear All Wires," is again a newspaperman. He
won fame in newspaper roles in "The Front Page,"
"The Half-Naked Truth" and "Love Is a Racket.",
This time he does not do so well, nor is the
vehicle so full of opportunities for the diplay of
his talent.
James Gleason, the comical "Lefty" of the film,
is up to his usual standard. Benita Hume lives
up to her reputation as one of London's most
beautiful actresses. Una Merkel is-well, just Una
The picture, however, does have a rather un-
usual sequence and does provide entertainment of
a certain nature. The plot concerns the activities
of a foreign correspondent (Tracy) for a Chicago
newspapei. He moves into the suite occupied by
a rival newspaperman in Moscow, steals his boss'
girl, and, in general, proceeds to raise the devil.
After losing his job with the paper, he attempts
to regain his position by a faked assassination.
This ends disastrously but all is finally ironed out
smoothly, as so often mysteriously happens in
such a picture.

or a
in th

Letters published in this column should not be
nstrued as expressing the editorial opinion of
he Daily. Anonymous communications wili be dis-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
rs are asked to send in only typewritten or legibly
ticles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
rs must be as brief as possible, confining themselves
not more than 400 words. -The ,Editors.
The Editor:
)istributing the late Mr. P:ackham's generous
of $100,000 presents a problem. One may
der if it be wise to establish with it a loan
id for students needing financial aid. That is,
Auld the chief criterion be only financial need
real desire for an education?
Ve all know that a small proportion of the
iey loaned to students is never returned, and
may conclude that most of such loans failed
[heir purpose or the record would surely be dif-
nt. Actually, it seems that most students who
ive financial aid are harmed by the procedure
the effect upon their education is a nega-
n alternative method would be to give finan-
aid outright-not loan it-and give it upon
basis of scholastic performance. Every stu-
t in the University can stand financial aid,
the real test should indicate how effective
h aid would be. Undoubtedly a large scholar-
fund would raise the effort expended by
majority of students in the University. And
other factors being equal, the winning of a
larship is more desirable to a student than
acceptance of charity.
-Stuart Lottier, Grad.

We are likewise in accord with the action of the
ice when they recently arrested a speaker at
of the meetings for use of indecent language.
ut - and we believe the two points of view
uld go hand in hand - Mayor Campbell is
tainly not within his rights in attempting to
it the "freedom of speech" in Ann Arbor.
he court house, for instance, is a public build-
and so long as no outright disturbance is
ated or any actual breach of the peace con-
ed in the actions of a man who wishes to
tress his fellow men from the steps of such a
icture, we see no manner in' which he' can be
illy hindered from so doing. Certainly not by
fer'e written statement from a mayor who says
t he dislikes such action, that it must stop, and
b it will stop - by all the powers at his com-
id, We are prone to believe that he doesn't
ess quite that much power.



" 0 0

AB, C, D, E --there are five neat
little pigeon-holes into which the
.ern educational system puts all its students.
e are unqualifiedly excellent, others simply
and still others delinitely poor. Take a course
ollege today and at the end of twenty weeks
ability, industry, and intelligence are irre-
Lbly categorized.
he system - this scheme of elevating one stu-
to a level of superiority and relegating an-
r to mediocrity on the basis of examination
es - is based on the assumption that the in-
ctor is able to analyze the student's aptness
application and that such findings are a vital
of education.
ucators frequently admit that it is unfair to
e a student simply by his ability to answer
tions on examinations, but year after year
greater percentage of instructors continue to

We still consider Bette Davis one of the rank-
ing ladies of the screen, even after seeing her in
"Ex-Lady," which is, if we are not mistaken, her
first starring vehicle.
Gene Raymond, who, plays opposite, is one of
those individuals whos'e outstanding characteris-
tic seems to be an ability to make an audience
dislike him. This is made up for, however, by the
witty lines given Frank McHugh. McHugh, as
usual, is very funny, though not so funny as he
can be or has been in other films.
The story is one of those racy, modern sort of
things, not ultra-smart, but nonetheless "spicy."
Some persons might even call it "shocking." We
don't. It is merely the depiction of the code of
morals which today is an accepted standard
among certain classes. Unconventional perhaps-
but not too unconventional. And Bette Davis
is certainly the proper young person to play the
part of the "Ex-Lady."
(playing Thursday through Saturday)
In "The Little Giant," Edward G. Robinson
plays the part of an ex-beer baron who invests
his money in a worthless stock venture which re-
sults in the loss of his entire fortune. The film
is a riotous comedy, in which the swaggering ex-
racketeer tries to muscle-in on high society with
some startling results.

Editorial Comment
While a recent statement by Hugh S. Johnson,
director of the national recovery administration,
will undoubtedly be met w~ith much opposition,
especially in certain quarters where "price-lifting"
would result in great personal gain at this time,
we believe the would-be lifters should follow Mr.
Johnson's line of thought and agree that it is for
the ultimate good of the people and themselves.
Mr. Johnson declared that the granting of
higher wages ordinarily would result in higher
prices. He pointed out, however, the danger of
boosting prices at this time. "If we do'a thing like
this and do not also put some control on undue
price increases, so that prices will not move up
one bit faster than is justified by higher costs, the
consuming public is going to suffer, the higher
wages won't do any good and the whole bright
chance will just turn out to be a ghastly failure
and another shattered hope."
But remembering the war time profiteers, it is
hard to follow Mr. Johnson's succeeding state-
ment: "Our best people understand that this is no
time to get rich quick. It is time to pull our
country out of a hole . . . Nobody is going to
do a thing that makes him a peace profiteer by
taking advantage of the patriotic unselfishness
of his fellows."
The story is told of a baker who, during the

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