Sit zgan :43 tt. Editorials Good Morning, Mr. Binga Chicago's Mayor Is 'Shocked 1 Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XIV No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1933 PRICE FIVE t The :plan. is to make a concerted drive on crime not unlike in spirit that of the old Liberty Loan cam- paigns. Dean Miller, speaking for the American Bar Association, flayed un- mercifully the criminal lawyer, the shyster, who makes his living defend- ing known professional crooks. Paid to Hamper Police "These shysters," he said, "are paid not only to defend men who make their living by crime but they are also paid and paid handsomely to see that your police are handi- capped in your efforts to maintain law and order. "Whenever a good law is proposed with teeth in it to combat the gang- ster you will find these criminal law- yers out at the legislature using every means at their command to block that law, and, if defeated in that, they will resort to 'the courts to get the law declared null and void on technicalities. "Our criminal law codes were or- ganized centuries ago. They were adapted from the English law when a king reigned and the individual citizen had to be protected from persecution. Those laws are now ar- chaic. New laws should be written on our books to meet the problems of our own times. "But, as Mr. Bingay said in his address, you are helpless unless you. can have behind you the organized public opinion of America. Abetted by Yellow Press, "The criminal element is organ- ized. They have their regularly re- tained lawyers to protect them, and they have the sensational and irre- sponsible press to aid and abet them. "It is up to the policemen of Amer- ica to sell themselves, to let the pub- lic understand their problems, to let tle people know the helpless battle they are waging because there is no organized and co-ordinated fighting force behind them." The Executive Board of the Po- lice Chiefs' Association met this aft- ernoon and prepared plans for call- ing together representaitves of the following associations that have been asked to co-operate: The American Newspaper Publish- ers Association. The American Association of Ad-. vertising Agencies. The Advertising Federation of America. The American Society of News- paper Editors. The American Bar Association. Johnson promised a buyers' drive "when the time is ripe," to assure a market for the products of the re- stimulated industries. Authorization for 14,000 member banks of the American Bankers' As- sociation and 6,000 other banks, if they subscribe, to put into effect the wage and hour provisions of their own code pending hearing, instead of President Roosevelt's blanket agreement. Similar permission for the elec- trical manufacturing, radio, rayon weaving, bedding and rayon and syn- thetic yarn industries to put their own wage and hour limitations into effect.. Dispute over whether governmental price-fixing should be given the oil industry. Continuation of hearings on codes for the millinery, soil pipe and cotton garment industries. - Advancement to Aug. 9 instead of Aug. 14 for the date for the bitu- minous coal hearing because of strikes in Pennsylvania. Receipt of thousands more tele- grams reporting that employers were signing the agreements. In his effort to insure for the fu- ture a peaceful settlement of diffi- culties between employers and em- ployees, the Administrator an- nounced completion of a National Cotton Board to which controversies in the textile industry will be taken. Composed of representatives of la- bor, capital and the Administration; the. board was described as a-model for adoption in other industries. to insure fair dealing and a minimum of strikes. Half Million In State Are Under N.R.A. survey Shows 500,000 Of Michigan Workers To Be Protected Automobile Code Is Effective To Many Hundred Thousand Retail Employees Are Under TemporaryRulings DETROiT, Aug. 2.-(A')-A survey today indicated 'that approximately 500,000 Michigan workers are now under specific protection of various codes under the national recovery act. They represent approximately] one-third of the gainfully employed men and women in the state. Pledges of adherence to the Presi- dent's work-wage' agreement have been received from 13,500 employers and A. J. Barnaud, manager of the Detroit bureau of the Department1 of Commerce, estimated that they have 100,000 employees. The automobile code covers an es- timated 165,000 factory workers. Al-, though that code has not yet been; given formal approv'al, pending a, hearing to be held within the next two weeks, wage and working hours, benefits already are being made oper- ative. The code of auto parts manufac-R turers, employing 125,000, also isc awaiting formal approval. Retail merchandising employedt approximately 110,000 persons who are under a provisional code. An accurate tabulation of 5,000 work-wage agreements received up to Monday night showed that theyj represented total employment of 43,- 119. The later estimate of 100,000 employees is based upon the addi- tional 8,500 agreements received. Every county in the State is rep- resented in the hugepile of agree- ments in the Department of Com- merce office. Figures culled from the pledge file' show the following employees, by cities, now working under work-wage agreements: Adrian 208; Albion 88; Alma 67; Alpena 39; Ann Arbor 509; Battle Creek 868; Bay City 1,379; Benton Harbor 349; Cassapolis 34; Charlotte 43; Chesaning 151; Detroit 18,721; Dearborn 85; Dowagiac 335; Fenton 61; Flint 916; Grand Haven 60; Grand Ledge 20; Grand Rapids 2,- 277 Greenville 78; Hamtramck 422; Hastings 86; Holland 186; Jackson 1,905; Kalamazoo 1,889; Lansing 1,- 459; Ludington 145; Mackinaw City 57; Manistee 130; Marquette 35; Marshall 171; Marysville 139; Men- ominee 641; Midland 2,225; Monroe 316; Mt. Clemens 378; Mt. Pleasant 65; Muskegon 499; Muskegon Heights 65. Niles 125; Owosso 86; Petoskey 39; Pontiac 290; Port Huron 218; Roch- ester 82; Rockford 558; Romeo 33; Royal Oak 230; Saginaw 1,276; St. Johns 30; Sault St. Marie 37; South Haven 38; Sturgis 194; Three Rivers 48; Traverse City 199; White Pigeon 56; Ypsilanti 99; and Zeeland 43. Brown quits As Boxing's Head In State Nation YPSILANTI, Aug. 2.-(R)-James M. (Bingo) Brown, who resigned to- day as chairman of the Michigan Boxing Commission, at the request, he said, of Governor Comstock, planned to relinquish also his post as president of the National Box- ing Association. Brown, a former football and base- ball star at Colgate University, and at present dean of men at- Michigan Normal College, said today that he would not seek re-election as head of the national boxing body when the association holds its annual meeting in Minneapolis next month. He said he would support the election of Ed- wiii C. Foster, of Providence, R. I., as president of the N. B. A. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER (By University Observatory) Temperature at 7 a. in., 63.0. 'P.ff,-vim,4rn, m nrn.n 1ima fnr .d. I Sellars Talks On Socialisin And Fascism Declares That Organized, Planned Capitalism Also Is Possible U. S. Has Become A Social Experiment Accuses Hitler Of Attract- ,ing Helpers By Playing Upon Their Hatreds Socialism versus Fascism - the great struggle of today for dominance of the world is between these two widely divergent political and eco- nomic movements, according to Prof. Roy Wood Sellars, who spoke yester- day afternoon on "The Radical Theories of Today." - "There is one other direction the world may take," he said. "An or- ganized, planned Capitalism is pos- sible-but will Capitalism achieve that end?" "Not long ago, Lloyd George listed Italy, Germany and America as the great experiments of the present day," he continued. "We were prob- ably rather surprised to be told that, but the truth is that the United States has become a social experi- menter under the stress of circum- stances, and under the guidance of a liberal president." The chief disagreement between Socialism and Fascism is that So- cialism proposed to base its social planning on the democratic principle of a classless people, while Fascism demands a strong "corporate state" to dictate to a society in which class distinctions are fostered. Professor Sellars traced the history of socialism from ancient times to its final definition by Karl -Marx as a materialistic philosophy, with a thor- ough-going program, and described disagreement between Socialists and Communists which has arisen from the Menshevist-Bolshevist split in Russia. "Special conditions in Italy gave rise to Fascism there," he stated. "Young men of the middle class, of whom Mussolini was the logicalc leader following his expulsion froml the Socialist party, banded together, to combat a wave of labor uprisings, and were able to seize control. The Fascists claimed to have saved Italy from Communism, but it is more1 likely that that movement was al- ready on the wane. At all events, the Socialists characteristically hesitated to assume responsibility, while Mus- solini did not." The Fascist idea of a dictatorial state in which the individual is only a cell in society and all business and labor disputes are supervised by the government ,attracted Adolf Hitler, and after his unsuccessful Bavarian revolution he was able to form the National Socialist Party, Professor Sellars said. Hitler attracted the German middle classes, the old im- perial military, and the laborer by playing upon their various hatreds. "The Nazis are anti-republican, anti- Jewish, anti-Versailles Treaty, anti- Marxian, and anti-international. You can get the best propaganda by ap- pealing to the emotions and allowing everybody his pet peeve," he said. "Hitler's problem is that his party's aims are all negative," he stated, "and that since the Nazis cannot unite on a positive program a coun- ter-revolution in the ranks is pos- sible." MORE COOL WEATHER COMING Several more days of relief from the extreme heat of recent weeks was forecast for this part of the State yesterday by the United States me- teorologist in Detroit, with the pos- sibility of scattered showers today. Is Utilities President -Associated Press Photo D. C. Green, former vice-presi- dent of the Electric Bond and Share company, has been elected president of the Middle West Utili- ties company, the firm now in receivership f#rmerly headeid by Martin Insull. Wolaver To Lecture On Defaulted Realty Bonds Earl S. Wolaver, associate pro- fessor of business law, will speak on "Some Problems in Defaulted Real Estate Bonds" on the Sum- mer Session special lecture series at 5 p. m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. The talk will be the last on the lecture series for this week. 2l1Warshipo Be St arted In Navy Proogram Roosevelt Approves Plan To Bring Fleet Up To Its Treaty Strength HYDE PARK, Aug. 2.-(A)-Presi- dent Roosevelt tonight approved plans of the navy for construction of 21 new warships in the $238,000,000 building program. The President carefully analyzed bids recently received by the navy! an'd the allotment decided upon by the commanders. His approval sig- naled an immediate start on -work providing jobs for thousands in gov- ernment and private shipyards. Admiral William Standley, chief of naval operations, and Rear Ad- miral Emery Land, chief of construc- tion, brought the naval construction program to the summer White House by seaplane. Mr. Roosevelt talked the plans over with his naval chieftains and after giving his approval left with them the formal announcement of assignment to' yards for construc- tion of the ships. The start of America's huge naval construction comes just after word from Japan of the start of a build- ing program there. Mr. Roosevelt's ship building plans comes under the public 'works' pro- gram and is intended to give the American fleet the strength it is allowed under existing naval limita- tion agreements. Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress have urged that the American fleet be built up to the terms allowed by the London agree- ment. About $46,000,000 is to be expend- ed this year and a total of $238,- 000,000 over three years. U.S. To Let Distilleries Get Ready Government To Assure A Large Liquor Supply If Repeal Goes Through Survey Will Cover Brewing Facilities Plants May Be Rebuilt For Fall Without Licenses, is Federal Ruling WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.--The Gov ernment is quietly surveying the whisky producing possibilities of ex- isting distilleries to provide a produc- tion of upwards of 30,000,000 gallons a year, should repeal become a reality next November. A survey of facilities throughodt the country is being given to the construction of distilleries., The Bureau of Industrial Alcohol, which at the moment controls whisky production, has informed' all pros- pective distillers that they may re- build their plants without licenses-- simply by registration with the Treasury Department. In the last few months, dozens of those who are building or who are planning to equip new whisky plants have consulted Treasury officials so that the new stills will be designed and built according to specification. and in .accord with Government re- quirements to protect revenues. A Government permit to manufacture whisky will be.granted only when, in the construction of the plant, pre- scribed safeguards have been taken to insure payment of internal reve- nue. Seven Distilleries Running Large distilling plants will be in the areas most productive of the liquor before prohibition --Pennsyl- vania, Kentucky, Illinois and Mary- land. Seven plants are now licensed-to manufacture whisky for medicinal purposes. They are A. P. Spitael, Inc., Louisville; American Medicinal Spir- its Corp., Louisville; H. S. Barton, Owensboro, Ky.; George T. Stagg Co., Frankfort, Ky.; American Medicinal Spirits Corps., Baltimore; A. Over- holt and Co.,.Bradford, Pa., and Jos. S. Finch & Co., Schenley, Pa. These institutions resumed distill- ing in 1929 when the stock of medici- nal whisky reached a low level. In that year the Treasury Department authorized them to replenish the de- pleted medicinal stocks in bonded warehouses at the rate of 1,500,000 gallons a year. They produced this on a quota basis, with each distillery being allowed a percentage of the total. Medical Sale Loosened With the loosening of restrictions on sale of medicinal liquor by drug stores and confidence that repeal was approaching, the Government, it was revealed today, has authorized this product to be boosted to 3,000,000 gallons. Before the end of the year it is likely that the limit will be taken off entirely and that the seven dis- tilleries will be sent to their maxi- mum production. This will probably, run well in excess of 30,000,000 gal lons. The United States now has 13,854,- 00.0 gallons of whisky in bond, of which only 4,600,000 is old whisky This liquor has been in concentra- tion warehouses for from 14 to. 15 years. The rest on hand represents 9,254,000 gallons of new whisky as shown by the original gauge. MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS By the Associated Press Kraus Will Attend Scientist's Funeral Dean Edward H. Kraus, head of the Summer Session, will leave for Cleveland today to attend the fun- eral of Prof. Frank R. Van Horn, geologist and mineralogist of Case School of Applied Science, at Cleve- land, who died Tuesday.. Professor Van Horn was one of the organizers of the Mineralogy Society of America and had served as sec- retary of that organizations for sev- eral years. He also had been active in sponsoring athletics at Case School and earned the title of the "Father of Athletics" there. Prof. Walter F. Hunt, petrologist, the editor of the "American Mineral- ogist" will accompany Dean Kraus to Cleveland. They will return to Ann Arbor sometime tonight. i - '' Biological Camp To Celebrate Quarter-Cent ury Annivers University alumni from northern Since May 1, 1931, when t Michigan and guests of the Biologi- began, more than 600,000 tree cal Station will gather at Douglas ly white and- Norway pine Lake Sunday to commemorate the been set out. All labor used i twenty-fifth anniversary of the es- ing has been secured 'with tablishment of the station at the neighborhood. Basic scientif Annual 'Visitors' Day celebration. ies by .the members of theJ Located on the southeast shore of school looking toward the it Douglas Lake, in Cheboygan County, ment of the forest in this tr the station will be open to visitors are in progress. from, 2 to 5 p. in., while the alumni As" a protection to the dev reunion will include a dinner at noon forest and the buildings on th and meetings and tours of inspec- erty, many miles of firelan tion throughout the afternoon. been constructed and maintai According to an announcement 'the present time, additional from Prof. George R. La Rue, direc- construction and other types tor, the station staff is preparing relating to the development numerous educational exhibits of forest are being done by a cr ary his work s, most- s, have in plant- hin the ic stud- forestry improve- ract also veloping he prop- es have ned. At firelane of work of the ew from Pence, Accordionist, Will Play At League Dance Friday Night By CARELTON MASON, JR. "Guest artist" at the Friday night dance in the League ballroom this week will be Leland Pence, accord- ionist, of Orlando, Fla., it was an- nounced yesterday by Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, social director of women. Pence will play several numbers in the concourse during intermission, Miss McCormick said, following the policy begun last weekend when Miss Billie Griffiths, blues singer from last at present a candidate for a doctor's degree in chemistry here. In discussing the policy of the League in regard' to the summer dances, Miss McCormick said that the ones this weekend and next, when the last two will be held, will follow the first arrangement of not allowing dancers in the ballroom unless they have partners. She added that all men patrons are urged to attend without coats if they desire. Last summer it was exceptional to AMERICAN LEAGUE ~W L washington...............62 35 New York .. .......60 37 Philadelphia..... . . 48' 49 Cleveland ...............49 53 Chicago..................47 52 Detroit . ........ 47'53 Boston .. .... ....47 53a St. Louis................ 39 65 Wednesday's Results Chicago 2-4, Detroit 1-3. Philadelphia 16, New York 3. Washington 2, Boston 1. Thursday's Games Chicago at Detroit. Boston at Washington. Philadelphia at New York. Cleveland at St. Louis. NATIONAL LEAGUE W L New York ................ 58 39 Pittsburgh. ...... 57 44 Chicago . - ....-55 .46 St. Loi .3 4 E