C* .RL t1. L 1~ le Summier Sessioni f "- ^ IWI Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications.' Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF 'THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The 'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news putblihed herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during sunmer by carrier, $1.00; by 'mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, AnnArbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.' P,epresentatives: College Publications' Representatives, Itc.; 40' East Thirty-Fourth ktreet, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue; Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925, MANAGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. O ILBRgIg ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR:..KARL SEWERT ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jeroie Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce, Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUINESS MANAGER......... ...BVMON; C. V2DDER ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER.. .HARR'Y' R. BEGLET CrRCULATION MANAGER...........ROBERT .L. PIERCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1933 Curds And Whey;- A Process. .. IE, if we may philosophize, is a " ~dairy and we are the cream,' the top of the bottle' Even since we began our education in the public schools we have been skimmed away from. the milk and put in new bottles. When we rose to the top' we were skimmed off and put in still other bottles to settle and rise to the top.. It began in grade school. We were given six years to find our places; then we were taken away with the rest of the cream and aput in junior high school. The bluish milk was thrown aside and the bottle washed out and put to use again. In junior high school we were given three years and then the process was repeated. Some of the cream turned out to be milk and was thrown away. The cream that was at the top was whiter and thicker than before. We went to high school. Here the dairy process worked again, and again' The top of the cream bottle was taken away and graduated. The top of the top of the cream went on to college. It was very white and very thick.' Incollege we settle for four years, then the cream. the very very top of the bottle is sent out into the world, very white, very thick, perhaps a little sour. What happens to the milk that is thrown aside? You see it all around you. It turns up, in strange places, behind a lawnmower, driving a garbage truck, cleaning streets - behind the president's, desk in a big bank. And the cream? Behind a lawnmower, driving, a garbage truck, cleaning streets -behind the president's desk in a big bank. conditions in general are improving and will con- %inue to improve. If the actual increase is slight, the present figures will have shown that people are "looking upward" anyway. Another conclusion which might be reasonably drawn from this hopeful picture is the fact that the University, despite the present financial low- tide, is continuing to attract prospective students from all over the country. The successful manipu- lation of the budget for next year, arranged by the' administrators in such a fashion as to result in the least possible amount of harm to the institu- tion, is undoubtedly one of the big reasons why the University of 'Michigan continues to attract high school graduates, despite the fact that, finan- cially, the University is not the institution it was twelve months ago. Within a reasonably short time records will demonstrate whether or not much of an increase in enrollment over last year has actually taken place. But advance applications have already shown that Prosperity is trying, at least, to get around that proverbial corner. About Books "ONLY THE LIVING ARE CONCERNED WITH LIVING" "AS THE EARTH TURNS" By Gladys Hasty Carroll (Slater's and Wahr's, $2.50) Unless I am radically wrong, there is coming along with the Reconstruction Plan, a new trend In the novel: a return to good, solid normalcy. The School For. Cruelty (the uncalled-for sav- agery of the disillusioned) after a day's riot, roar and streets-running-with-blood, is fading into a more peaceful twilight. The new dawn of fiction will concern itself wth a normal, more human, subject matter. Sincerity of conception and method will replace artificiality, repulsiveness and a straining of rhetoric to acquire literary effects. Pearl Buck's "The Good Earth," a splendid piece of naturalness and simplicity in writing, served as a signal novel for a branch of this return to sincerity. Perhaps, the most important branch. "As the Earth Turns," by Gladys Hasty Carroll, is another definite step in this direction. This novel depicts the lives of Mark Shaw and his family-there are fourteen about the kitchen table at one time, not counting the two in the little grave-yard there beyond the garden-their good fortune and bad, during the time it takes the earth to turn about the sun.' If the novel has a chief character, it is the farm. The tragedies and triumphs of the indivi- dual characters-and they are all individual- are so intrinsically patterned through the daily life of the farm that disassociation is impossible. It is this quality, plus a penetrating insight and warm understanding of the people she works with, that gives the realistic quality the author achieves. No one but a native could have done it. It is a fine, honest work, a faithful and sincere portrait as beautiful and smooth as the seasons that flow into one another. Mark Shaw, the father, deep-rooted, elemental and, at times, inarticulate, hands on his traditions to John. Jen, the oldest daughter, whose pa- tience, cheer and amazing ability to get a dinner -and what dinners!-on the table while it's still hot, is a little too idealized. Yet you accept her, hesitating only because she seems to get too much done too quickly. Ed, who married the school teacher last March-March is in between seasons--is a true son of the soil, diligent, silent, tireless. But Olly, who went clear to California with his college debating team, is made of differ- ent stuff. He'll be a lawyer. Lize and Lois May, who left the farm for the city, are making good money now. Their underthings are real silk, not just raygn. Saucy little Bun, who likes to jump on the new-mown hay with little John, isn't going to tramp down so many loads of hay anymore. Not because she isn't as strong as John. Gosh, no. But she's getting older now and "girls have to be careful." Jen told her so, but didn't make it clear enough so she could tell it to John. Ralph, who ran away and became an aviator, got killed in a crash. That was along during the summer. They had the funeral in the parlor. Peo- ple don't go in the parlor very often. It's just for company and weddings and funerals. But the kitchen always teems with life and smells with delicious food; with baked beans and pickles and pies, with jams and jellies and fried ham, and with cakes and cookies and chicken fixed with dumplings. The Shaws are industrious, and have plenty to eat. Late in the fall Ed's wife had a baby, That was their first but they'll have more before the recently . . . Permission, of course, was obtained to film the races, around which "The Sweetheart DAJ of Sigma Chi" will be built. Incidentally, Monogram had to obtain permis- Publication University. sion from the national heads of the fraternity to 11:30 a. m. use the title . . . The company also promised to employ as many Sigma Chis as possible in the Excursion production. Proving Gro Another studio is planning a crew race film, ernoon. Thi but will stage its own boat races-at a cost of scheduled fc $50,000 or so . . . filming the actual scene cost poned for t less than $1,000. sion. Memb Sidewalk Kids- Childhood doubles for New York's former Mayor Walker, Song Writer Irving Berlin, Steve Brodie and others are being sought for "The, Bowery" . . . Some one who resembles Al Smith as a young man will get a job in the film, too . - . Letter addressed to "Why Don't You Come 'Up Some Time?" was delivered promptly to Mae West . . . Jack Connolly, Oakland, Calif., high school lad, thought it up. Corey Ford's magazine story "Lion Man" ribbed' a director Corey didn't get along with when he was writing for the movies . One of the few "props" you can't buy in Holly- wood is a celluloid collar . . Comedian Vernon Dent found one in a railway men's supply store in an old section of Los Angeles Among, other things Hollywod hasn't is a horse-drawn victoria the like of which was used in Paris in 1870. So, in order to help recreate the elegance of that. period for Anna Sten's "Nana," custom-building auto body men will be enlisted. Memories In "Too Much Harmony," Jack Oakie, Skeets Gallagher and Hary Green play the same charac-j ters they were in "Close Harmony," a musical made four years ago . . . The first day on the set the three wore the same costumes they had in the original . . . And,not to be outdone, Ed- ward Sutherland, who directed the other "Har- mony," brought the same megaphone with him.. . Tallulah Bankhead is back in town, said to be looking for pictures to be starred in companies are angling for the Alabama services. opportunity Ge n e r a 1 through 165 acre laboral from in fror p. m. and v about 5:30 No. 11: General Motors ounds, Milford, this aft- s excursion was originally or July 15, but was post- he Niagara Falls excur- ers in the party will have to see automobiles of the Motors Company put severe tests at the 1,268- itory. The party leaves t of Angell Hall at 1:00 will return to Ann Arbor p. m. Two gal's ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN n in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; n.Saturday a Musical Events THE FACULTY CONCERT A successful concert last night marked the end of the faculty series of musical offerings for the summer. The brunt of the program, was carried by Professor Brinkman, who acted as "accompan- ist" as well as soloist. In the Pizzetti Trio, his consistent cooperation was manifest, for his part bound the whole together. It is not to be inferred that the violin and 'cello work was not adequate, for it most certainly was, the dialogue between the two having plasticity and cohesion, but the piano set the tempo, the spirit of the Trio. The string qualities were well contrasted, Professor Besekirsky's tone having a clear, vitality, and Professor Pick's a viola character. In the romantic group Professor Brinkman dis- played a study in traditional style. The Schu- mann abegga variations, young and naive, had the romance of a frilly lace Valentine. The Liszt "Son- netto" all the romance that rich tone, heart- lifting melody and lilting ornamentation can conjure up by association with the name Liszt. The pensive C-sharp minor Prelude. contained two elements of the period, sentimentalizing and glit- tering technical display. The group closed with the A-major Intermezzo of Brahms, restrained in romance, but laden with gentle melody and me- ticulous phrasing. The virtuoso elements existed., but were secondary in the performance of this group, the romance foremost. For an encore, Pro- fessor Brinkman continued the type by playing a Chopin Valse. The .first performance of Vaughn Williams "On Wenlock Edge" found a capable interpreter in Professor Hackett. Impressionistic in nature, it leaves nothing to be desired in the way of charm, feeling, or spontaneity. Of the five songs in the cycle, From Far, From Evening~ and Morning; Is That My Team Ploughing; When I Was in Love With You;. Bredon Hill; Clun; the third has humor, the fourth is the most intense and the last has a vivid tune. The folk quality, idealized for concert music, was felt in the performance.r The accompaniment of piano and string quartet gave an ensemble feature to the work, though the solo work stood out markedly.- Ease of delivery, simplicity of presentation in-1 evitably distinguish a professional performance. i Such was the character of last night's concert, with the addition of warmth of personalities. --Sally Place. '1 Excursion No. 12, to the Michigan State Prison, Saturday morning, Aug- ust 5. Students on this trip will have an opportunity to see and have ex- plained to them the various activi- ties of one of the country's largest penal, institutions. The Michigan State Prison at Jackson covers 57 acres and has a housing capacity of 5,500 men. The chartered bus leaves from in front of Angell Hall at 7:45 o'clock Saturday morning, and re- turns to Ann Arbor soon afternoon. Bus fare, the only expense, is $1.00. Reservations must be made before 5:00 p. m. Friday, August 4.- Wesley H. Maurer German Reading Examination for Ph.D. Candidates: The examination for the required reading knowledge- in German for all candidates except those in the Natural Science and Mathematics will take place., today at 2:00 p. m., in Room 203 University Hall. Only those who have left their names at the departmental office can be examined. This will be the only examination given during the Sum- mer Session. The next, examination will be at the end of October. Walter A. Reichart Michigan Repertory Players: Res- ervations may now be made for all performances of Shakespeare's "All's well That Ends Well." Patrons are urged to make their reservations im- mediately. Since this Shakespearean production is new to the American stage, it is anticipated that there will. be' an unusually heavy demand for tickets. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.; in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a, reading knowledge of French during the present Summer Session are in- formed that examinations will be given on Saturday, August 5, from 9 to 12 a. m. in Room 108, Romance Language Building. It will be neces- sary to register at least one week in advance at the office of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages, be- tween the hours of 11 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4:30 p. in., or 9 and 12:30 on Saturday morning. This announcement applies only to candidates in the departments of An- cient and Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, History, Po- litical Science, Economics, Business Administration, Sociology, and Edu- cation. Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect to com- plete their work for a degree at the close of the present Summer Ses- sion should call at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in pay- ing the diploma fee. The fee should be paid not later than Saturday, August 5. G. Carl Huber Education. This examination will be held on Saturday morning, August 12th at .8 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. All students planning to take this examination on August 12th should leave word with the Recorder of theI School of Education, Room 1437 U. E. S., at once. C. 0. Davis,. Secretary Professor C. C. Fries of the English Department will talk on "The Mak- ing of a Dictionai" in the Educa- tional Conference, today, at 4:10 in Room 1022, University High School. Mr. Warren R. Good, instructor in Educational Psychology will speak on "Research Training in the Edu- cation of the Teacher," Thursday afternoon at 4;10 in Room 1022, Uni- versity High School. Mr. Del Smith, General Manager, of the Detroit Street Railways, will speak in Room 1213, E. Engineering Building, 'at 9 o'clock Thursday morning, August 3, on the subject of "Municipally Owned and Operated Street Railways." Mr. Smith is un- usually well qualified to speak on this subject, having been the general manager for a number of years of the largest municipally owned street rail- way in America. All those who are interested are cordially invited. Michigan Socialist Club: "What is Roosevelt's New Deal?" will be the discussion topic this evening, 7:30 at the Michigan Union. Mr. Paul Wiers, Economics Instructor, will Baker will report on Roosevelt's ag- ricultural program. All opinions are invited. All Albion College alumni are in- vited to a picnic to be held at Port- age Lake on Thursday, Aug. 3. Those who expect to go should meet in front of the Michigan League Build- ing at 4:30 p. m. The supper will be a potluck. Graduation Recital: James Pfohl, Organist, will give the following Graduation Recital, Thursday Aft- ernoon, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Au- ditorium, to which the general pub- lic with the exception of small chil- dren is invited: Bach: Fugue in E flat ("St. Ann's"); Bach: Chorale Preludes "Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" "In dir ist Freude"; Garg- Elert: Symphonie Chorale "Ach, bleib mit deiner Gnade"; Guilmant: Pas- torale, Sonata No. 1; Rheinberger: Vision; Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D major. Charles A. Sink Student's Recital: Charles Law, Violinist, accompanied by Mary Fishburne, will give the following grawtuuaion reitaI, ' nursday Eve- ning at 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium: Handel: So- nata in A (Adagio Caitabile, Allegro Deciso, Largo Assai, Allegro); Bach: Adagio, Bouaree; Bruch: Concerto in G minor (Prelude, Adagio, Finale); Svendsen: Romance; Dinuoi-Heifetz: HNora Staccto; Akimenko: Sheper~s Song; Wieniawsk: Second Polonaise Brilliante. Charles A. Sink Tonight is the last meeting of the mixed swimming group at the Intra- mural Pool. Ethel McCormiek Bi U.S. Cities Facing Serious Building Need (Continued from Page 1) the country makes such a procedure an absolutee necessity. Professor Bennett declared that numerous municipal housing projects will shortly be undertaken in the United States with funds furnished by the Federal government in its $3,300,000,000 public works program. These projects, he said, will be in- tended exclusively to 'help rid the country of its slums, and will effect only a class which is little concerned with commercial apartments. "The owners of our large apart- ment houses, many of which are now badly in need of tenants," he said, "will never bring their rents down to a point where the people of the slums can benefit' by them, no matter how badly off the real estate market may be." Two classes of Federally subsidized projects will be. beg(un soon, Profes- sor Bennett said. The first is .the limited dividend corporation, which can realize not more than five or six per cent profit from its investment and may borrow up to 70 per cent of the cost from the government, while the other will cover outright grants to municipalities for public works approved by the secretary of the in- terior. Asked whether the present revolu- tion in favor of planned large scale housing will be likely to bring about a more conservative trend in Ameri- can architecture, Professor Bennett was hopeful but not' strongly opti- mistic. "The short life of buildings in the United States today," he said, "is due not so much to unsubstantiality as to obsolescence. The buildings are torn down 10 or 15 years after their construction not because they are worn out or inadequate structurally, but because they are out of style. And, because competition will proba- bly get into full swing once 'more as soon as the country is really on its feet again, it seems likely that the old process will continue, just as people will begin to speculate in stocks again." 1 Professor alcone's Summer Organization. . . O NE of the extra-curricular activities of the summer months that is of great value to the University and to Summer- Session students has received little publicity in proportion to its worth. This is the summer band, which offers concerts each Wednesday night on the front steps of the Malin library. Under the direction of Prof. Nicholas Falcone,, who also conducts the Varsity Band each year, summer school students are given an opportunity to participate in an activity which affords enter- tainment while at the same time providing practi- cal experience. Many of the members of the sum- mer musical organization are directors of small bands themselves and, through the system of allowing various ones in the group to lead the band on different occasions, practical knowledge- in conducting is thus provided. The informality of the proceedings which take place at the center of the campus each week lends to a general appreciation of the outdoor concerts. Professor Falcone and Summer Session officials are to be highrly complimented upon thus provid- ing a useful divertisement for the students in general and for those who are members of the band in particular. Are you an Large Scale Housing: An illustrat- ed lecture on recent large scale hous- ing in Europe will be given by Pro- fessor Wells I. Bennett, of theAr- chitectural faculty, in the auditorium of the Architecture Building, Room 102, at 5:00 p. m. on Friday, August 4th. Although primarily for students of Architecture, the discussion will be general and visitors are cordially invited. Teacher's Certificate: All candi- dates for the Teacher's Certificate in August (except graduate students who will take a degree at that time) are required to pass a Comprehen- sive Professional Examination in eat -and- run student? earth turns about the sun a great many times. Jen's marriage to Stan Janowski-the dark, handsome, music-loving Pole who took the farm across the way last spring-remains truly enough, an imminent event. It'll take place during another season, another year. And the Shaws, the hard- working, peace-loving tremendously human Shaws will continue to make an art of living for the sake of living, as the earth turns about the sun. -H. S. S. SCreen Reflecions Four stars means extraordinary; three stars -very ood; two stars good; one star just another picture; ao stars keep away from it. Ain Increase In Enrollment? .. O NE hopeful indication is to be gleaned from the increase in ad- vance applications recently announced by the registrar's office for the coming scholastic year. Whether or not the increase actually materializes to the extent that the applications .indicate, an imgportant trend will have been illustrated never- theless. According to Registrar Smith, the underlying reason for the current influx of applicants lies in the fact that the general financial condition which has existed throughout the country has held many students eligible for college entrance at home, awaiting the time when an improvement in condi- AT THE WHITNEY "BRIDEGROOM FOR TWO" "SHANGHAIED LOVE" (Showing Wednesday through Friday) Another comedy, the leading feature film of the next change at the Whitney theatre, "Bridegroom for Two," stars Gene Gerrard, the comedian who recently completed a co-starring tour with Gel- trude Lawrence in his own musical play. Gerrard, a comparative newcomer to the film world, achieved his prominence on the speaking stage. Another Hollywood blonde, this time Muriel Angelus, is seen opposite Gerrard in the current production and other roles are filled by Rita Page, Margaret Yarde, Dennie Wyndham, and George Gee. The added feature film is "Shanghaied Love," starring Richard Cromwell and Noah Editorial Comment EMANCIPATION Future children born in Germany will not be inflicted with patriotic (as "patriotism" goes) first names. No longer will the diminutive Dutchies sport such weighty handles as Adolph Hitler Schmaltz or Gretchen Hilda Hitler Blum- berg. The government just won't have it. In an order coming from the seat of Germany's power, Berlin, it is written that the name of the Iron Chancellor or any variation in masculine or feminine form as the first name for babies shall not be used in the future. In America, many fond parents will continue, we suppose, to follow the' time-honored custom of prefixing "Franklin Delano Roosevelt" to the fore of their youngsters' comparatively obscure sur- names, and, when new chief executives take of- fice, they too will have the somewhat doubtful satisfaction of seeing many of the country's young crowned with their names. The matter, which on the face of "it, would seem inconsequential, elates us not a little. Here may- be said to be a real victory for new-born children. They're such puny, defenseless crea- tures, anyway . -The Daily Illini. chpse with steamed rice 14c excellent food at low price... today's'feature FIVE minutes for break- fast! That's plenty of time for a big bowl of Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Just pour on milk or cream. Listen a second to that appetizing sound--snap, crackle, pop-then enjoy the finest, crispest rice cereal ever made. 'F, A grand energy food!' Nourishing! Easy to digest! And listen--Rice Krispies are a great food to wind up the day. You'll sleep better. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. each night we feature g rilled small sirloin steak 15c the nickle cafeteria ®* RO o A, th s s s"tenl=; f Aft ooooet The most popular ready-to-eat cereals - ,-. = -= .;