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August 02, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-02

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Partly, cloudy Wednesday
and Thursday; little change
in temperature.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Curds And Whey, A Process;
An Increase In Enrollment.




Nation's Banks'
Are Asked To
R.F.C. And Roosevelt Re-
quest Co-Operation In
Employment Campaign
Recovery Well On
Way, States Jones
Chairman Says There Is
No Shortage Of Ready
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.- (A) _
With the full approval of President
Roosevelt and the Treasury, Chair-
man Jesse H. Jones, of the Recon-
struction Finance Corp., tonight ask-
ed the Nation's banks to aid in the
back-to-work movement by expand-
ing credit.
At the same time, Jones asserted
that repayments of $710,000,000 of
corporation loans was evidence that
the Country was inherently sound
and recovery was well under way.
He said th jt the big lending agency
stood readyhto inflate the working
capital of the banks by purchasing
preferred stock in sound ones.
Jones read a letter from President
Roosevelt, indorsing what he said
"about the need for credit and about
co-operation in the general scheme
of 'everybody back to work.'
- Roosevelt Lauds Bankers
"I congratulate the many bankers
who have safely steered their in-
stitutions through the troubles of
the past four years," the President's
letter said, "but credit must be made
available to all classes of our citi-
zens on a permanent workable basis.
"Your plan to provide banks with
new and added capital, by the pur-
chase of preferred stock on such
fair terms as those outlined, will en-
able them to extend this credit with-
out fear of their positions.
"It is also interesting to know-
as the bankers will appreciate-that
this can be done with no added tax
burden; and at no cost to the Treas-"
No Money Shortage
Jones said that there was no short-
age of ready money or bank liquid-
ity ahd that the policy of "forced
liquidation" of loans should cease
and credit should begin moving into
business channels.
"The coffers of the big banks are
filled with Government securities,
cash balances in the Federal Reserve
and otherwise," he said, "which in-
dicates that they are still waiting to
see if the things which people own
and have to offer as security for
loans, have any real value as a basis
of credit.
"A banker may argue that he b/is
no applications for loans that he
can afford to make, but that same
banker is probably continuing the
policy of converting his loans into
cash or Government securities. This
policy of forced liquidation should
cease, and borrowers not only given
time to work out their problems, but
encouraged to take an active part in
the recovery program.
Places Are Still
Left For Tour
This Afternoon

With 17 reservations for the Sum-
mer Session Excursion to the Gen-
eral ,Motors proving ground at Mil-
ford this afternoon already made,
places for 12 more were still available
on the special bus which will take
the party on the trip, Prof. Wesley
H. Maurer, director of the excursions,
said last night.
The tour, which is the eleventh
and second last on the summer series,
will begin at 1 p. m. from Angell
,Mall, to. return to Ann Arbor about
5:30 p. mn.
The proving ground of the General
Motors Corp. consists of a 1,268-acre
outdoor laboratory where all types
of General Motors cars are put
through a series of 165 tests.
The season's last trip will take
place Saturday, when a group will
leave here at 7:45 a. m. for a tour
of inspection of the Michigan State
Prison at Jackson. The points of
interest of the institution will be ex-
plained by a special guide.

Navy's New Blimp K-i Is Poised For Test Flight

-Associated Press Photo
The new navy blimp K-1, just completed near Akron, O., is ready for her first trial flight. Lieut.-
Com. T. G. W. Settle, who is planning a stratosphere flight from Chicago, is to be in command of the
blimp during her trial flights.

Sellars To Give
Talk Today On
Radical Beliefs
Is Noted As Philosopher,
Author; Prof. Wolaver
Will Speak Tomorrow
Prof. Roy Wood Sellars of the
philosophy department will speak on
"The Radical Theories of Today" at
5 p. m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium. The talk is presented
on the Summer Session special lec-
ture series.
As a scholar in the field of philos-
ophy, a frequent contributor to mag-
azines, and the author of a num-
ber of books, Professor Sellars has
for many years been in contact with
trends in modern thought.
Professor Sellars is the author of
"Critical Realism," "The Next Step
in Democracy," "The Essentials of
Logic," "The Essentials of Philos-
ophy," "The Next Step in Religion,"
"Essays in Critical Realism," "Evo-
lutionary Naturalism," and "Princi-
ples and Problems of Philosophy."
A talk tomorrow by Prof. Earl ,S.
Wolaver on "Some Problems in De-
faulted Real Estate Bonds" will com-
plete-,the lecture series for this week.
By the Associated Press'

Second Lawn Party
Planned For Today
The second and concluding lawn
party of thehSummer Sess'on,
sponsored by the League, will be
held between 4 and 6 p. m. to-
morrow on the League lawn.
Faculty members and students
of seven schools and colleges on
the campus will be guests at this
time, Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of women, said yes-
,This party, for education, music,
business administration, engineer-
ing, dentistry, medicine, and ar-
chitecture students and faculties,
follows the one held last week for
law and literary students and fac-
ulty members. Refreshments will
be served.
Summer Band
W ill Play Fifth.
Concert Today
The fifth concert of the season for
the University Summer Band, and
the third to be conducted by visiting
student directors, was announced for
7,5 p. m. today by Prof. Nicholas D.
Falcone, director of the band. The
concert will take place on the steps
of the General Library.
Tonight's concert will be featured
by a cornet solo by Owen Reed, of
Ann Arbor, who will be introduced by
Professor Falcone. Mr. Reed has fre-
quently appeared as soloist with the
band in the past. The program for
the concert follows:
March, Senn Triumphal, Huffer,
conducted by George O'Day, Sag-
inaw; Overture to Martha, Flutow,
conducted by Harry Canfield, In-
diana, Pa.; Maytime Selection,
Romberg, conducted by Ralph Ful-
ghum, Wolcottville, Ind.; Cornet solo,
"Willow Echoes," Simon, played by
Owen Reed; Invitation A La Valse,
Weber, conducted by Frederic Ernst,
Oconomowoc, Wis.; Overture to Sem-
eramide, Rossini; Yellow and Blue,
conducted by James Pfohl, Winston
Salem, N. C.
Physics Laboratory To
Be On Display Tonight
Open house for guests and gradu-
ate students will be held by the
Physics department tonight, begin-
ning at 7:30, it was announced yes-
The research rooms of the labor-
atory will be open to visitors, and a
large variety of instruments will be
on display.

A w
Washington ...........61
New York........60
St. Louis............39
Tuesday's Results
St. Louis 5, Cleveland 2.
Chicago-Detroit, rain.
Only games scheduled.
Wednesday's Games
Chicago at Detroit (2).
Bostonat Washington.
Philadelphia at New York,
Cleveland at St. Louis.
New York .................. 57
Pittsburgh ................ 57
Chicago .................. 54
St. Louis................52
Boston......... ........49,
Cincinnati ................ 41
Tuesday's Results
Boston 3, New York 1.
Chicago 3. Cincinnati 1.
Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 3.
Only games scheduled.
Wednesday's Games
Brooklyn at Boston.
New York at Philadelphia.
St. Louis atPittsburgh.
Cincinnati at Chicago.



Gandhi Will Be
Released From
Will Be Prohibited From
Engaging In Campaigns
Of Disobedience
POONA, India, Aug. 1.-(/A)-Ma- I
hatma Gandhi arrested early today
with his wife and 33 followers, will
be brought to Yeroda prison here
from Ahmedabad and subsequently
will. be released.
The group were lodged in Sabar-
mati jail at Ahmedabad shortly be-
fore they planned to launch a new
civil disobedience campaign for India
The Mahatma will be released un-
der an order prohibiting him from
leaving this district or engaging in
any activities in connection with the
disobedience campaign. He will face
a possible prison septence of two
years and a public trial if he violates
the order.
His return to Yeroda prison will
bring him back to familiar surround-
ings for he was released from that
jail only last May a=ter being held
theree 16 months beause of his re-
fusal to' call off a previous disobedi-
ence campaign. Under an indefinite
sentence, he was freed when he be-
gan a three weeks' fast against un-
touchability, thus relieving the Brit-
ish government of any responsibility
for his health or life during the fast.
His followers, arrested as they pre-
pared to march to the village Ras in
the Kaira district to gain converts to
.the disobedience campaign, also were
likely to be released soon on parole.
They were sleeping at the Ashram,
Gandhi's college of devotees, when
taken in custody. Their leader was
awakened and arrested at the home
of a wealthy mill owner, Seth Ran-
Cost Of Attending
College Computed
In Recent Survey
It costs the average male student
$620 per year to attend the Univer-
sity of Michigan, if figures recently
compiled at the office of the dean of
students are correct, and, by econo-
mizing, a student can keep his ex-
penses down to $425.
The average woman student spends
$670 per year and the minimum fig-
ure for which she can attend is $545,
the data shows.
The totals given include tuition,
books, board, room rent, laundry,
cleaning bills, recreation, and inci-
dentals. In each case the tuition con-
sidered is $100 for the two semesters
The women, it seems, must eat
better food and live in more expen-
sive rooms than the men for the
minimum board expense for men is
$110 while for women it is $190. The
average cost of board is $220 fo
both men and women. The minimum
room rent for men is $90, for women
$130. The average room rent is $15C
for men and $200 for women.
Evidently, in spite of the fact thai
men pay the majority of the recrea-
tion bills, this item ,is very nearly th
same for both sexes, for under the
heading of laundry and pressing, rec-
reation and incidentals, the total i
both cases and for both minimun
and average is $100.
Books and instruments cost at th
minimum $25 and on the average $5
but these figures do not apply i
colleges where special instrument:
are needed.
ELGIN, Ill., Aug. 1.-(A')-Publi

Strikers Of
Mining Area'
Battle Police
One Dead Following Clash
With Sheriff's Men At
Brownsville, Pa.
National Guard Is
Ordered To Leave
Force Is Considered Too
Small; Pinchot Says He
May Call Reserves
BROWNSVILLE, Pa., Aug. 1.--(P)
-One striker was killed and more
than a score were wounded today
as deputy sheriffs with'guns and tear
gas turned back pickets during a day
of turmoil in the troubled soft coal
fields, where a strike spread tomore
than 30,000 miners.
Fighting broke out at four mines
and the casualties included nine men
wounded by pistol and shotgun fire,
five seared by tear gas and others
injured by stones.
Disorders Flare
The disorders flared after National
Guardsmen were withdrawn by their
commander, Maj. Kenneth W. Mo-
meyer, who was represented as feel-
ing that the strike area is too vast
to be patroled by his force of 325
The guardsmen encamped on a hill
overlooking Brownsville, in readiness
for emergencies and riots.
At Harrisburg, Gov. Gifford Pin-
chot said that there was a "condi-
tional possibility" that more troops
will be sent to the coal fields.
Peace Terms Fail
Peace ocertures by the Governor
failed today as representatives of
the Frick Co., in whose mines the
strike started in Fayette County, de-
clined to attend a conference with
miners' representatives in the State
The miners are demanding recog-
nition. of the United Mine Workers
of America.
Would Have Attended
Gov. Pinchot's aides said that they
understood Frick officials would have
attended the conferences had the
"company union" plan it has sug-
gested to its workers been on the
With the National Guardsmen
largely on the sidelines, the first
clash occurred early in the day at
the Colonial No. 3 mine. Several shots
were fired from an automobile which
broke through a highway picket line
backed by 1,300 men and women.
Jap War Leaders Ask

Larger Appropriations
TOKIO, Aug. 1.-(iP)-Japanese
Army and Navy chiefs today pre-
sented estimates for the 1934-35 de-
fense expenditures larger than any in
previous history, and 45 per cent
greater than the appropriation for
the current year.
The estimates, which were sub-
mitted to the Finance Ministry for
inclusion in the budget now being
drafted, included $50,400,000 for new
naval construction and $21,000,000
for modernization of capital ships.
The Navy Ministry asked for the
fiscal year beginning next April 1
the sum of $190,400,000, which is 30
per cent more than the estimates of
1921-22. In that year Japan extended
herself to compete with the United
States and Great Britain in capital,
CLINTONVILLE, Wis., AUg. 1.-(')
-Trousers made from a piece of
blue, black and white checkered cloth
he bought at the Chicago world's
fair of 1893 will be worn by A. P.
Johnson of Clintonville when he
visits the Century of Progress in Chi=
cago this summer, he says.

1 '
The high point of the Michigan
Repertory Players summer season
openstonight with the production of
Shakespeare's comedy, "All's Well
That Ends Well." The play will run
through Saturday night, with a spe-
cial matinee Saturday.
"All's Well That Ends Well" is an
unfamiliar. play in Shakespearean
repertoire in America. Thomas Wood
Stevens, who is directing the produc-
ation, is the only' producer of the
comedy in this country since 1789. He
produced it with outstanding success
in St. Louis this spring. In reality, his
productions are the first in America,
for the recorded performance of the
'play in 1789 was of a considerably
cut version. Acting editions of Shake-
speare were- considerably cut in the
Eighteenth Century.
From point of view of setting, Mr.
Stevens' production of "All's Well" is
extremely interesting. The Mendel-
(Continued on Page 4)
Oil Millionaire
Tells His Story'
Of Kidnaping

Finds New Play

Business Men
Asked To Aid
In Recovery
Employers Present Agree-
ment To Shorter Hours,
Higher Wages Movement
Further Codes Are
Planned By Johnson
Hearing On Pact For Coal
Industry Will Begin On
August 14
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - (') -
More than 600 of the nation's busi-
ness leaders were called to service
tonight by President Roosevelt to
push forward the campaign for na-
tional recovery.
Symbolizing the formal opening of
the five months' emergency re-em-
ployment drive, 9 members each of
48 state committees and 7 members
each of 26 district boards were asked
to undertake the work of getting
"every patriotic American citizen,
employer and consumer to co-operate
in this program."
Hugh S. Johnson, the recovery ad-
ministrator, made the announcement
while reports came from all over the
land that the NRA blue eagled- in-
signia was appearing today in thou-
sands of store windows beckoning
shoppers to come there.
Employers Rush to Cooperate
These reports brought word, too, of
a continuing rush of employers to
present their agreements to the hour
shortening and wage lifting move-
ment and to receive the credentials
that mark them as cooperators with
the administration.
Here in the capitol, meanwhile,
General Johnson and his aids labored
into the night on separate codes for
presidential agreements.
Johnson announced that a hear-
ing on a code of competition for the
coal industry would begin on August
14 and on that for automobiles about
the same time.
He taid in hispress conference
that if any reports of violations 'of
codes already adopted by employers
were authenticated to him he would
take very prompt action to the max-
imum of the law if necessary. He was
referring particularly to complaints
that labor provisions had been vio-
lated by some textile mills.
Acts For President
Johnson acted for President Roose-
velt in calling upon the 614 persons
to cooperate. Already over 13,000 civic
organizations have enlisted in the
campaign that is being waged to
make the N. R. A. insignia a neces-
sary tradem'ark on all merchandise.
The boards, under bulletin 3, will
advise with the recovery administra-
tion and pass upon such matters as
are referred to them.The state board
would meet at the call of the gov-

Charles F. Urschel, oil millionaire
freed by kidnapers after his wife had
paid the full ransom demanded, told
today of being held a prisoner, blind-
folded and handcuffed, for nine days
in a backwoods shack.
Details of the ransom payment
were guarded in secrecy. It was be-'
lieved by Federal operatives to have
been one of the largest ever made,
possibly $75,000 or $100,000.
Arthur Seeligson, attorney and
chief intermediary for the family,
disclosed that Mrs. Urschel paid the
entire amount asked by the kidnap-
Urschel, smiling and laughing at
times as he told of his captivity,
said that he, never saw his kidnapers
except for a few minutes in the dark
immediately after the two machine
gunners seized him from a bridge
game on the porch of his luxurious
home July 22.
The two men taped his eyes as
they started the long automobile trip
from Oklahoma City, to the hideout
shack, Urschel said, and the tape
was removed for only two brief per-
iods-once to allow him to write
a letter which paved the way for
the ransom negotiations and again
permit him to shave.
Mrs. Urschel, the former Mrs. T.
B. Slick, was jubilant over her hus-
band's safe return. Slick, who diec
nearly three years ago, was known
as the "King of Wildcatters." Urs-
chel was associated with him in his
vast oil enterprises.
Asked whether he would co-oper.
ate with Federal operatives in their
hunt for the kidnapers, Urschel sait
that he did not want to answer the
question. .


Michigan's Appointees
Michigan's appointees were: David
E. Uhl, Grand Rapids; Paul Beards-
ley, Muskegon; C. E. Bement, Lans-
ing; Mrs. W. E. Chapman, Cheboy-
gan; Fred Fisher, Detroit; Alvin Ma-
cauley, Detroit; Miss Sarah Sheridan
Detroit; Connor Sowpland, Ishpe-
ming; James B. Balch, Kalamazoo.
Detroit district, Michigan: Frank
Wade, Flint; F. W. Trabold, Detroit;
Cone E. Lighthall, Ann Arbor.
Bingay Blames
Crime Wave On
Yellow Papers

Big Cities Of U.S. Are Facing
Horsing Problem, Says Bennett

Towering skyscrapers may stand
vacant, row upon row of apartment
houses may be virtually tenantless,
and hotel proprietors may go begging
for busines4,. but, in the opinion of
Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the College
of Architecture, the big cities of
America are the victims of a housing
shortage which represents a major
need in the social organization of
Not among the wealthy, nor even
among the middle classes, but in the
slums is the real problem to be found,
Professor Bennett said in an inter-
view yesterday.
"During boom times," he said, "the
tremendous building operations un-
dertaken are mostly of such a nature
no n annmnr4fon n'., , Hnnnnr

sent an' illustrated lecture at 5 p.m.
Friday in the auditorium of the Ar-
chitecture Building on large scale
housing,thas recently returned from
10 months in Europle, where he
studied the widespread work being
done in that line there.
"The English," said Professor Ben-
nett, "consider us rank beginners in
the field of planned housing. They
have been working on it for 40 years,
particularly in the line of employers'
housing, presents a sharp contrast
with similar work done in industrial
cities here. The English aree very
strong on 'garden cities' for their
workmen, with winding parkways
and attractive buildings."
In Berlin, he said, approximately
2,000,000 houses have been built since
the World War, a project which was

Balanced Diet Is Only Cure For
Tooth Decay, Says Dr. Bunting

CHICAGO, August 1.-(P)-A spe-
cial code of ethics for treatment of
crime news by newspapers as an aid
to law enforcement officials was ask-
ed today by Malcolm W. Bingay, edi-
torial director of the Detroit Free
Addressing the InternationalAsso-
ciation of Chiefs of Police, Bingay
placed partial responsibility for the
rise of the gangster uponwhat he
termed the "sensational, irresponsible
and scandle-mongering element of
the press."
The .element, he declared, had
served a publicity agent fo rthe crim-
inal, by vesting the cheap hoodlum
with the bravado of a Jesse James
and the romantic aura of a D'Artag-
Bingay asserted that premature
publication of many types of crime
news, especially activities of police
investigating a crime, often acted as
la valuable "tin" service to the cul-

"An adequate, well-balanced diet
seems to be the only protection
against tooth-decay," said Dr. Rus-
sell W. Bunting in his talk on the
special lecture series yesterday. "Pro-
vided no food.elements are included
which interfere, it will be success-
Most of the recent experiments
in the fight against dental caries
have been effective, he said, in spite
of being based on a belief that cal-

proved, he stated, that decay is not I
determined by the hardness or soft-
ness of the teeth, that cleanliness of
the mouth may help, but does not
determine, the health of teeth, and
that no more calcium or phosphorus
can be found in the systems of people
with good teeth than in others. An-
other discovery made here is that
dental caries is a bacterial disease.
"Data we have collected unques-

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