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August 01, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-01

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The Weather,
Local showers; not so warm
Tuesday; Wednesday generally
fair and cooler.


iibti zg n ast
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

The Merchant Pays
A Sales Tax

VOL. XIV No. 31



U U -


Aigler Speaks
On Trends In
Holds Tendency Is Toward
Unification Of Athletic
'Intramural' Sports
Started At Michigan
Says Youth Of Today Does
Not Have Physical Devel-
opment Of Predecessor
Trends in collegiate" sports have
been towards the unification of the
various types of athletic activities,
namely physical education and intra-
mural and intercollegiate athletics,
the bringing of these forms of recre-
ation into their proper relationship
to educational institutions, and great-
er control and management of them.
So said Prof. Ralph W. Aigler,
chairman of the Board in Control of
Athletics, in a special Summer Ses-
sion lecture yesterday afternoon on
"Trends in Collegiate Athletics."
He outlined briefly the organiza-
tion of the work in physical educa-
tion as it is conducted at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. At the head of
the sytem is the board in control,
required by the North Central Asso-
ciation of Schools and Colleges, which
governs the three departments under
it. 0
"A Push-Button Age"
In commenting on the need for
physical exercise, he said, "We are
living in a push-button age and the
youth of, today does not have the
physical development of the youth of
other days." Such physical exercise
should be based on competitive con-
tests, in which the student gradually
develops skills and interests that may
be carried on into later life, as well
as learning "to give and take and
co-operate, he said.
Intramural athletics were first de-
veloped on a.large scale here,.for it
was at the University that the first
director was appointed and the first
building was constructed especially to
house them. "One of our biggest
problems has always been that, in
spite of the fact that some 5,000 out
of 6,500 men students take part in
some kind of organized sports, those
most in need of exercise will not re-
port for a voluntary program," pro-
fessor Aigler said.,
Of the three departments of col-
legiate athletics, the first one to be
developed in this country was the
intercollegiate type, of which the
most important sport is football, he
said. The game is not only self-
supporting, but at Michigan it pays
the major portion of the expenses
incurred by the other teams.
Little Profit In 19th Century
In the Nineteenth Century there
was no thought of making large sums
of money from the games. The mem-
bers of the teams were forced to pay
their own way on trips, unless collec-
tions netted enough money for their
In tracing the history of inter-
colegiate athletics, Professor Aigler
said; "These sports grew spontane-
ously and inevitably from the natur-
al desire of humans, particularly
boys, to match their speed, agility,
and skill among each other." First,
there were contests between individ-
uals and then between groups, out of
which grew intercollegiate athletics
as they are today.
The shortcomings of football Pro-

fessor Aigler described as the ten-
dency towards overcommercialization
and the bringing of improper influ-
ences to bear on high school athletes
to attend a particular institution.
By the Associated Press


-Associated Press Photo
To get the views of workmen themselves on the proposed code
for the steel industry, Miss Frances Perkins, secretary of labor, met
a group of them at the nation's largest steel mill in Homestead, Pa.

* * *


(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 31.-Secre-
tary Perkins today told the steel in-
dustry the working hours it proposes
are too long and the wages too low
to accomplish the recovery act's
"broad. purpose" of re-employment
and wide-spread purchasing power.
Appearing at the opening session
of hearings on the code, fixing pay
and hours for the industry, the
woman cabinet officer asserted it did
not make adequate provision for the
abolishment of child labor and se-
verely criticized the proposed method
of apportioning hours.
Wants Thorough Study
Instead of numerous wage zones
with differing hourly rates, ranging
from 25 cents in the south to 40
cents in highly industrialized areas,
she proposed that the number of
such zones with a differential be de-.
termined by a thorough study of liv-'
ing costs.
"In view of the privileges and the
freedom granted to the industry by
the government to combine for the
purpose of eliminating evils that
beset the industry," she said, "it is
disappointing to find that in framing
section 3 of the proposed code the
industry did not rise to. the oppor-
tunity of ruling out the seven day
week from the steel industry, the
twelve hour day and all unduly long
working hours.
Permits Evils to Stand
"The proposal for an average of
40 hours. per week within any six
month period not only permits these
evils to stand in the face of .thou-
sands of unemployed who are beg-
ging for work, but it will intensify
irregularity of unemployment by
stimulating unduly long hours during
some months to be alternated with
very little work during other months
so that the average may be kept
down to 40 hours.
"It is not my purpose to suggest
the exact number of hours that the
industry ought to set as the maxi-
mum. The hours per week and per
day will have to be determined by the
number of iron and steel workers now
uneml~loyed that have to be - reab-
(Continued on Page 3)
AHMEDABAD, India, Aug. 1,
(Tuesday) - (IP) - Civil authorities,
forestalling the intention of the Ma-
hatma Gandhi to lead a march of
followers inaugurating a new dis-
obedience movement, early today ar-
rested the aged Indian leader, his
wife, his secretary, and 32 followers
from his ashram, or College of De-
votees at Sabarmati.

Scott Lectures'
On Roosevelt'st
Doctrine Policy
Says Corollary Started In
1904 Imposes Duty On
United States
The Monroe Doctrine, originally
intended merely to protect the in-t
terests of the United States, was
reinterpreted by Theodore Roosevelt,
in the so-called Roosevelt corollary,j
in such a way that this country hast
created responsibilities and imposed
duties on itself, according to Dr.
James'Brown Scott, chairman of thet
International Law Conference here,
who lectured last night on the con-
ference series.
Dr. Scott, a personal friend of for-
mer President Roosevelt and the re-
cipient of several political and in-
ternational appointments from him,
said that he was not criticising Theo-
dore Roosevelt but only the doctrine
to which his name is attached as the
Chief Executive of the government
at the time of its formation. "I hope
it will not be considered improper
should I say that I have a much
greater admiration for the man than
I have for his doctrine," he said.
Explaining that the warning to
the nations of the world issuedunder
the administration of President Mon-
roe was made solely fortthe benefit
of this country, Dr. Scott said, "The.
Monroe Doctrine was not a rule of
law; it was a declaration of the pol-
icy made by the United States in
its own behalf, the application of
which has fortunately been not only
in the special interest of the United
States but in the general interests
of the Americans. The application
of the doctrine depends upon the
(Continued on Page 3)
Local police officers were instructed
by Chief of Police Lewis W. Fohey
and Sheriff Jacob B. Andres to en-
force rigidly the regulation requiring
all motor vehicles to display 1933 au-
tomobile licenses beginning today.
In an effort to procure the plates
which today must replace the half-
price stickers that the state sold to
motorists earlier in the year to meet
financial emergencies, a great crowd
thronged the Chamber of Commerce
building all day yesterday.

Opposes Proposed Code Of Steel Industry

Many Die As
Heat Spreads
Temperature Reaches 100
In New York For First
Time In 15 Years
East And Mid-West
Are Affected Most
Baltimore Also Reports A
100-Degree Mark; 6 Die
In Chicago
(By Associated Press)
Summer sizzled to its zenith
throughout the East and in parts
of the Middle West yesterday with
an accompanying toll of more than
two score human lives.
In New York, where 10 deaths'
were attributed to the heat, the tem-
perature hit 100 for the first time
in 15 years, but it was hotter than
that on the blistering asphalt pave-
ments below the elevated structures
and in the stifling subways where
sweating thousands ride tightly pack-
d to and from their work.
Philadelphia, with a temperature
of 99, and New Haven, Conn., where
the mercury dropped after a max-
imum of 97 Sunday, each reported
three deaths. It was 100 in Balti-
more, for the first time in two years,
bringing two deaths from heat and
three drownings.
Boston, after sweltering through a
98-degree Sunday which brought two
prostrations, one fatal, enjoyed cooler
weather as the result of thunder
showers. In Washington it was 97 1
and acouple persons were prostrated.
Six died in Chicago's steamy 94
degrees of heat Sunday and the tem-
perature was only 3 points lower
yesterday. Detroit reported 96, with
three deaths and numerous prostra-
It was cooler in the South than
it was in the North, Atlanta, New
Orleans, Nashville, and Little Rock
reporting seasonal temperatures of
90 degrees. The weather was also
normal In the Southwest and in
northern California.
In Montana, in fact, there was a
"cold wave." Thermoneters dropped
sharply to between 60 and 44, and
many persons wore topcoats.
Thermometer Again Hits
90's With No Relief Yet
The thermometer agaip played in
the 90's yesterday, with pitomised
relief from showers not yet arrived.
According to W. A. Boland, weather
observer here, the high for the day
was reached at 3:30 p. m., when a
temperature of 93.9 degrees was reg-
istered. A minimum of 78 was re-
corded at 7 a. m. '
Mr. Boland declared that though
high temperatures had been record-
ed throughout the past few days,
no unusual humidity percentages
had prevailed.
Relative figures for the past four
days follow: Friday, 7 a. m., 69 per
cent; 7 p. m., 43 per cent; Saturday,
7 a. m., 85 per cent; 7 p. m., 51 per
cent; Sunday, 7 a. in., 75 per cent;
7 p. m., 50 per cent, yesterday, 7
a. m., 90 per cent; 7 p. m. 58 per
In Detroit a new record for con-
tinued hot weather was established
when yesterday was chalked up as
the twenty-first day this summer

on which the thermometer had
reached 90 degrees., The previous
record had been made in 1916, when
temperatures in the 90's had been
recorded on 20 days during the sum-
Clarence J. Root, of the weather
bureau in Detroit, yesterday predict-
ed showers late last night or early
today would bring relief from the
LANSING, July 31.-('P)-GeorgE
R. Thompson, state budget directoi
since 1927 and Jack LaFountain, vet-
eran executive in the auditor- gen-
eral's department, were ordered dis-
missed today.
Dr. Bunting To Talk
Today On Tooth Decay
"Nutrition and Diet As They
Relate to the Decay of Teeth," will
be the subject of Dr. Russell W.

-Associated Press Photo
*' * *
The appointment of James A. Mof-
fett, of New York, resigned vice pres-
ident of the Standard Oil Company
of New Jersey, to be a member of
the Industrial Advisory Board of the
Recovery Administration was an-
nounced today.
At the same time the Cabinet Ad-
visory Board which assists Adminis-
trator Hugh S. Johnson announced
the appointment of Henry I. Harri-
man, president of the Chamber of
Commerce of the United States, and
Robert L. Lund, of St. Louis, presi-
dent of the American Manufacturers
Association, to be members of the
Industrial Advisory Board.
Plan Last Two
Summer Tours
For This Weel
With the Summer Session Excur-
sions season nearing its close, plans
for the last two trips of the year
were announced yesterday. They
are to the General Motors proving
ground at Milford, and to the Mich-
igan State Prison at Jackson, respec-
Students taking part in the Mil-
ford trip, which is scheduled for
tomorrow afternoon, will see the 1,-
268-acre plant at which all models
of General Motors cars are tested
against those of other makes. The
proving ground includes 165 differ-
ent tests to which automobiles are
put by engineers there.
The party going to the Jackson
prison will leave here at 7:45 a. M.,
Saturday and will return shortly
after noon, according to the an-
nouncement of Prof. Wesley H.
Maurer, director of the tours.
The prison, which is one of the
largest institutions of its kind in the
country, covers an area of 57 acres
and is equipped to house 5,500 men.
A special guide will take the group
through the prison and explain its
features of interest.
Reservations for the Milford trip
must be made before 5 p. m. today,

Michigan Gridders
Poised- For Severe
Test Next Season
Michigan will have a football team
next fall that should be at least mod-
erately successful-possibly not one'
that will wade through all opposition
and come out with a whole skin-but
one that will be quite in keeping with
the Wolverine tradition.
It is early to make predictions,
particularly in view of the fact that
Coach Harry Kipke and his staff are
losing sleep nights over the question
of a successor to Harry Newman at
quarterback, but a glance at thej
squad list is reassuring. This list, in-
cidentally, is the shortest it has ever
been and it is likely that fewer thanf
50 men will be given uniforms on
Sept. 14 and 15. But it includes the1
names of 19 men who have won "M's"
on the gridiron, eight more who
showed enough on the "B" squad in
1932 and in spring practice to war-
rant their being retained, a few whoc
have seen service elsewhere and have
come here, and a flock of freshmen,
some of whom are quite promising.
The start of the fall season will
see the plan of having a small squad
of capable men, toward which KipkeE
has been working, definitely under
way. Evidence of it is found in the
fact that aconsiderable group of,
men who were on the Junior Varsity
last season as wellas many who we";
in Freshman competition are missirgC
from the tentative squad list. Some
of this season's sophomores may lack
what it takes to make a big time
football player, but they will be given
plenty of opportunity to show theirl
wares. Men who were freshmen two
or three years ago and haven't de-
veloped since then are definitely out,
however. '
Kipke summed up his quarterback;
problem a day or two ago by saying, .
"I have enough men to call signals,
but I need a quarterback-a man w' o
can run the team as it should be run
under our system and who has some-
thing of a spark. I want him to be a
Thersquad list shows two lettermen
among the prospective quarterbacks
-three, if you count Captain Stan
Fay, but Fay doesn't want to play
the position. The others are Loais
Westover, a veteran of two years' ex-
perience who looked really promising
last spring, and Estil Tessmer, a let-
terman of 1931. If the team was to
trot on the field today, Kipke would
probably tell Fay to "get out there."
Along with this trio is a dark
horse, Bill Renner. Renner, brilliant
in high school; suffered injuries his
first year out and last season stayed
on the bench at his own request. He
is a deadly passer, and if he h x the
other qualifications, among them
stamina, he may be the ,answer. On
down the line are Lee Shaw, a Jay-
vee last year, Tony Dauksza, Dick
(continued on Page 4)

Gets New Oil Post

Figures On Freshmen Are
Well Above Those Of A
Year Ago
Total Compilations
Are Not Available
Those Who Will Enter On
Advanced Credit Also
May Number More
An increase in enrollment for the
fiscal year 1933-34, predicted earlier
in the month by advance applications
received at the registrar's office,
seemed almost a ceitainty yesterday
when it was learned that the number
of first year students who intend to
matriculate is well above the figure
on record at the same time last year.
That there will be an increase in
the number of students entering the
University with advanced standing
was also seen as a possibility when it
was announced by Horatia J. Corbin,
secretary to the dean of the literary
college, that 30 more students have
been admitted to this department
than at the same time last year.
Increase in Freshmen
Figures released by Ira M. Smith,
registrar, show that there is a gen-
eral increase of first year students
who have signified their intention of
attending the University. Although
total compilations are not as yet
available, the increase, shown mostly
in the number of male students who
desire to enter the literary college,
is substantial.
A total of 458 men have been offi-
cially approved for entrance to the
literary college by Mr. Smith, as
against a total of only 310 at the
same-time last year, an increase of
148. The number of prospective first
year women has also increased, the
total at the present time being 288
as against 262 at this time last year.
This is an increase of 26 and a total
increase for the freshman year in the
literary college of 174.
Pharmacy Enrollment Up
In the pharmacy' school, enroll-
ment in the freshman class has to
date increased from,- three at this
time last year to seven at the present
According to Mr. Smith, while the
advance figures indicate merely a
trend and cannot be taken as a cer-
tainty that there will be a marked in-
crease in enrollment, nevertheless,
advance signs do look as if there
might be an increase, and a sizable
He attributes the increase for the
post part to the fact that, because
of the financial condition of the
country, there has been a great deal
of eligible college material dammed
up in the post graduate courses of
the high schools and sitting at home
waiting for times to improve that
now finds itself able to finance a col-
lege education.
Matter Pinned
Down At Last

33-'34 Enrollment


Almost Certain

To Show



while students
on the Jackson
same hour on

who intend to go
tour have until the
Friday to reserve


Repertory Players All Set To.
Take A FlyerTomorrow Night

New York.............. 60
Philadelphia. ....... 47
Cleveand ................ 49
Boston ...44
St. Louis ................ .38
Monday's Results
New Yorlk 13, Washington .9.
St, Louis 12, Cleveland 8.
Tuesday's Games
Chicago. at Detroit.
Cleveland at St. Louis.
Only games scheduled.

State Date For Repeal Against
Arizona August 8
Missouri August 19a
Texas August 26E
Washington August 29c
Michigan Apri 3 850,546 2871931 V
Wisconsin April.4 648,031 141,518 a
Rhode Island May 1 150,244 20,874 a
Wyoming May 15 Delegates Chosen at Precinct Meetingsa
New Jersey May 16 573,532 90,733 e
New York May 23 1,946,532 247,450 t
Delaware May.27 45,615 13,505 s
Nevada May 27 Delegates Chosen at County Conventionsr
IllinoisJune 5 1,133,643 305,901 s
Indiana June6 557,062 312,120
Massachusetts June 1 3 441 ,195 98,844
Connecticut June 20 236,742 34,816
New Hampshire June 20 75,999 30,340
Iowa June 20 377,275 249,943 c
California June 27 1,019,818 319,581
West Virginia June 27 219,225 136,413
Arkansas July 18 62,176 41,232 '
Alnhma July 18 92,443 61,201

Fermi Beieve
1dope that at last the elusive funs
aiiental structure of matter has bee
tracked to its lair was given by Pro
Enrico Fermi, world famous phys
Gist of the University of Rome, in l
ecture last night on "The Ultima
Particles of Matter."
"Although not long ago the ato
was thought to be the indivisible ur
of matter and is now known to
a highly complicated structure, v
are not led to believe by that sc
entific reversal that the atomic pa
ticles can be further diided,"
said. "It is, not impossible, but
have no indicatibn that such a div
sion is probable. If we discover th
it is-it certainly will not simpli
In fact, the indications are th
physicists are getting very close
some final conclusions on the ba
of matter, according to Profess
Fermi. As one factor in that bell
he pointed out that atoms are ides
ical with all others in their of
class; that at that end of the ui



The Michigan Repertory Players,
an outfit that has been reasonably
careful up to now, is all set to take
a flyer tomorrow night.
Their new play, a piece called "All's
Well That Ends Well," has never
even seen Broadway, and T. W. Stev-
ens, who is doing the directing, is
the first producer to take a chance
on it since Thomas Jefferson took
the oath of office.
This William Shakespeare, who
wrote the thing, has been packing

Bertram and Helena, first man and
first women of this show, do. And
do they? This is what T. W. says:
"Women still chase their men just
as hard as Helena did and men still
lie their way out of undesirable posi-
tions just as. coldly as Bertram. 'All's
Well That Ends Well' is realistic
psychology on a romantic frame-
And all that means that Mr.
Shakespeare wrote himself a love-
nest show without the hokum. When
Helena, who gets her man dropped



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