MICHIGAN DAILY for a kidnaper and that it will be a great bene., the Summer Session I .=1 ) 7 >k.: K I3 1 4 aI Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board- in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $i.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, IUm., 40 East Thirty-Fourth street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925. fit, not only to Jackson County, but "to every state in the Union that is made a prey of kid- napers-." It is true that the mother and sister of the convicted man were very bitter about the out- come of the trial. Such a thing is to be expected. It is likewise true that, as they claimed, the coun- try-wide newspaper agitation against crimes of this nature had a great deal to do with the out- come of the man's trial. Not however, in a man- ner of miscarrying justice. That one point can- not be overlooked. The man was sentenced after a fair and impartial trial. But if he must serve as an example to others in order that theacrime of kidnaping might be done, away with, he has only himself to thank. It is to be hoped that other juries will use the same square judgment as the men in Missouri. Every time, a kidnaper is caught he should be given, after being found guilty, the severest pen- alty provided by the law, until those active in such criminal channels learn that the American people refuse to put up with such tactics any longer. Kidnaping will be wiped out, and the re- cent action in Missouri is a definite step in this direction for which that state may be justly proud. Screen Rfe ctions Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no star' keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC ** "PRIVATE DETECTIVE 62" M4ANAGING EDITOR .............PFRANK B. GILBRETH ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR. KARL SEIFFERT ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER................BYRON C. VEDDER ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER... HARRY R. BEGLEY CWCULATION MANAGER.........ROBERT L. PIERCE SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1933 ier To [nut Butter. A L SMITH'S retort to Herbert Hoo- ver's campaign prediction that, should the Democrats iae elected, grass would grow in the city streets, was: "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to buy Times Square and put up a miniature golf cour'se." Evidently, the former president was wrong for when Franklin Delano Roosevelt spat on his hands and went to work, things began to happen and they happened fast. A depression-ridden people, saturated with op- timistic hocum concerning the "I Spy" game that prosperity was playing around the nearest corner, began-after three years of overcast skies-to see the feeble glowing of a silver lining. The moral effect was amazing. The stock market sky- rocketed. Hooverites put away their lawnmowers and went so far as to declare, really quite em- phatically, that Mr. Roosevelt was doing a splen- did job of inaugurating the Hoover program. (Evidently Mr. Hoover DID have a program). Socialists grudingly admitted that the President was doing a great job of exploding their dynamite. Even pessimistic die-hards mumbled something about there being a possibility that conditions might improve-"gradually, of course." At the present time, the man in the street, the Hooverite, the Socialist, and the die-hard, how- ever, are more or less agreed on one thing: That the principles underlying the National Industrial Recovery Act, the ray of hope that has a swearing administrator, Hugh S. Johnson, and is respon- sible for several babies having been christened Nira, are sound. There are those who maintain that the Presi- dent is exceeding his constitutional powers, there are those who point a shaking finger to the fact that Mr. Roosevelt, in eliminating child labor, has :one in one fell swoop what the American people refused to do by rejecting a constitutional amend- men) and what the . Supreme Court thumbs- downed in judicial review of legislation; but the general principle of shorter hours and more men at work has met with very nearly universal ap- proval. Let us look for a moment at the latest hand n the President's new deal. Speaking logically, ie will either make his contract-the end of the lepression-or he will not make his contract- ontinued depression. These are all the possi- Judging by the cast and their individual per- formances this show should have rated three stars easily. William Powell, whose manner of play- ing, incidentally, is becoming more and more dis- tinctive with each picture he makes, has the sit- uation well in hand, as usual. Since he first ap- peared in a bit in "Beau Geste" half a dozen years ago, it would be hard to point out a single actually bad performance recorded to his dis- credit. Margaret Lindsay, a very decorative and satis- factorily smart young person, presents a very creditable feminine lead performance, while Ar- thur Byron, Gordon Westcott, and Ruth Donnelly are all distinctly better than average. To cap it all, the show has a clever and unusual plot. Still, something very clearly is lacking. An an- alysis of "Private Detective 62" shows all the ele- ments of a firstclass melodrama; yet of genuine excitement the picture has very little. The weakness seems to lie with the playwright. There is a definite inability on the part of the audience to place the various characters in their respective categories, due, apparently, to insufFi- cient build-up -and background for the several parts. Powell is an investigator whose withdrawal from diplomatic service has been of such a nature as to make it difficult for him to find another position. He goes into partnership with a thick- headed private detective, builds up the latter's business, and re-establishes himself financially only to see his partner branch out into illegiti- mate practice. Powell falls in love with a wealthy girl, a prospective victim of his partner's gang- ster associates, and takes up her fight against the mob. There is something thin about the whole story -more than simply that the plot is unreasonable, for many an impossible plot has been carried by clever production. Here it seems to be more the lack of atmosphere, the failure of the setting and the cast to fuse into a, unified whole. Too often in this show changes in character and twists of plot occur with insufficient justification, taking the audience by surprise and failing to carry the action forward. All that, however, cannot discount the master- ful performances of both the leads and the char- acter players in the show. Second to Powell's Ar- thur Byron's characterization is particularly sat- isfying, while Ruth Donnelly, who will be remem- bered as the comedy secretary in "Blessed Event," does some fine bits also. "Private Detective 62" is a good show, and our only complaint is that, with the individual per. formances as good as they are, it should have been better. -K. S. SCREEN LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD-"Tugboat Annie" brings to the screen again the popular co-starring team of Marie Dressler and Wallace Beery in a picture which is aimed to capitalize on their success as "Min and Bill." The film play, adapted from a series of stories by Norman Reilly Raine, who quite frankly admits he had Miss Dressler in mind when he created the character, is suited to the talents of both stars. It tells of Miss Dressler's efforts to further her son (Robert Young), only to be thwarted by Beery's intemperance. Annie, played by Miss Dressler, finally is re- duced to servicing the city's garbage dumps with her tug Narcissus, the boat she so dearly loves. Her son, a thoroughly unsympathetic character, deserts her because of his father's incorrigibility, but there is a happy reunion when the son's ship is saved front loss at sea through the heroism of the father. Beery may not have relished playing this role, but he is good enough actor not to reveal his, personal feelings in the matter on the screen. reel shots, all of which have been fitted neatly into the story. A gal reporter is kidnaped while trying to wring a confession from a gangster's moll. The photog- rapher (who previously has met and fallen in love with her-while covering the California earthquakes) saves her. And by manipulating hi pictures he makes it appear that a member of the gang set fire to a brewery. By this time the sob sister remarks rather tritely that the "game is in her blood," so she marries the newsreel man. William Gargan and Frances Dee have the leading roles. A Washington BYSTA NDER. By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON-The sweep that carried Ala- bama and Arkansas, historically arid communi- ties of the southland, into the list of states de- claring for repeal of constitutional prohibition was a matter of great comment on the Washington political front. It brought joy to Postmaster General Farley, who has constituted himself or been assigned by higher authority as chief Democratic party spokesman for the repealer; but it did not sur- prise him or any one else in Washington who had been keeping an eye on news from the South. It is a safe bet that if Farley, as national chairman, had been very doubtful of the outcome in either state he would not have committed him. self so whole-heartedly to the campaign to line them up in the repeal column. Nor would the occasion have been presented so adroitly for President Roosevelt to reaffirm his own 100 per cent support of the party platform, including repeal, to a southern audience. Why risk a rebuff which might have injured adminis- tration prestige, however slightly, at a critical moment in the national recovery program? Knew the Situatiol Farley was in an exceptionally good strategic position to know what was what among Alabama and Arkansas voters. Since inauguration he has been having intimate stories of the political situa- tion pour into his ears from every state by the army of government job seekers with which he has had to deal. He undoubtedly got a lot of ad- vance "low down" on the shift of prohibition sen- timent in both states now publicly confirmed by the repeal vote results. Yet there were other signs which made it equally patent to less well-informed observers that both Alabama and Arkansas were headed to- ward repeal ratification. When the activities of former Senator Tom Heflin became so marked by stony silence on that subject, it was a clear indication that he, on the ground, saw what was coming. "And when the Democratic leader in the Senate, Joe Robinson of Arkansas, placed modification of the Volstead act to permit the sale of 3.2 beer so close to the top of his list of Democratic special session accomplishments under platform pledges, it was not without significance as to Ar- kansas sentiment. Sees Job Endangered Incidentally, the Alabama and Arkansas repeal action again refutes the theory of Jouett Shouse, head of the anti-prohibition association, that leg- alizing beer might impede the actual accomplish- ment of repeal. Mr. Shouse stood aloof during the beer debate on that ground. Now he predicts he'll be out of a job before New Year's. There won't be any prohibition to be against, he thinks. The President Somewhere in the intensive program which marked his return from his yachting vacation, President Roosevelt probably will find time to inspect the conservation corps camps in the vicin- ity of Washington. If those in charge of the camps are able to induce the chief executive to do so, he will lunch with the boys and talk to them afterward, prefer- ably at one of the few camps where disciplinary troubles have occurred. The President had so many irons in the fire when he got back to his desk that it was dif- ficult for him to plan a day free for the expedi- tion. Yet if there is any part of the complex recovery program under his direction with which more than any other he would like to come into per- sonal touch, undoubtedly it is those forest camps. Director Robert Fechner of the conservation corps forces expected to have some 300,000 young- sters and veterans on his rolls by July 1, but it was a week or two later before a detailed check was possible due to local enrollments. By the end of the fiscal year, however, the scheme was running smoothly with normal turn- over in personnel and a degree of cooperation between the various government departments in- volved had been established. Counciliator Fechner was selected for the directorship be- cause of his organized labor connections. The ap- pointment was designed to off-set possible labor objections to the plan. As it happened, Fechner had been dealing with the conciliation aspects of the conflict between capital and labor for many years. That stood him in good stead when it fell to his lot to induce co-operation between governmeni agencies as far apart in their philosophy as, say, the war and labor departments. Excursion No. 6, General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, Wednes- lay afternoon, August 2. This ex-. mursion was originally scheduled for July 15, but was postponed for the NTiagara Falls excursion. Members .n the party will have opportunity 'o see automobiles of the General Motors Company put through 165 severe tests at the 1,268-acre labora- ory. The party leaves from in front f Angell Hall at 1:00 p. m. and will return to Ann Arbor about 5:30 p. m. ,eservations must be made by 5:00 p. m., August 1, in Room 9, Uni- versity Hall. Bus fare, the only ex- pense on the trip, is $1.00. Observatory Nights: The Univer- sity Observatory will be open to stu- dents of the Summer Session Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 31, August 1, and 2, at 8:15 p. m. Admission will be by ticket. Tickets may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session upon the presenta- tion of the treasurer's receipt. German Reading Examination for Ph.D. Candidates: The examination for the -required reading knowledge in German for all candidates except those in the Natural Science and Mathematics will take place Wednes- day, August 2, at 2:00p. n.,in Room 203 University Hall. Only those who have left their names at the depart- mental office can be examined. This will be the only examination given during the Summer Session,. The next examination will be at the end of October. Walter A. Reichart School of Education: All students completing requirements for gradua- tion at the end of the present Sum- mer Session should pay diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees before the end of the Session. Blanks for this purpose may be secured at the office of the Recorder of the School of Edu- cation, 1437 University Elementary School. C. O. Davis, Secretary Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge of French during the present Summer Session are in- formed that examinations will be given on Saturday, August 5, from 9 to 12 a. m. in Room 108, Romance Language Building. It will be neces- sary to register at least one week in advance at the office of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages, be- tween the hours of 11 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4:30 p. m., or 9 and 12:30 on Saturday morning. This announcement applies only to candidates in the departments of An- cient and Modern Languages and DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the ofice of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. mn. Saturday. Faculty Concert: The next pro- gram will be given on Tuesday eve- ning, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditor- ium. The general'public with the ex-t ception of small children is cordially invited to attend. The following members of the faculty will partici-i pate. Professors Wassily Besekirsky,1 Violin; Joseph Brinkman, Piano; Ar-] thur Hackett, Tenor; and Hanns< Pick, Violoncello, assisted by Messrs. Romine Hamilton and Lynn Bogart, Violinists. The program follows: j Pizzetti, Trio for Violin, Violoncello a n d Piano (Messrs. Besekirsky, Brinkman and Pick): Schumann," ABEGG Variations, Op. 1; Liszt, Sonnetto, E major, Op. 104; Chopin, Prelude C sharp minor, Prelude, B flat minor; Brahms, Intermezzo, Aa major-Rhapsodie, E flat (Mr. Brink- man): B. Vaughn Williams, On Wenlock Edge (A cycle of songs for tenor voice with accompaniment of piano and string quartet) Messrs. Hackett, Besekirsky, Hamilton, Bo- gart, Pick and Brinkman). Professor Enrico Fermi of the Uni- versity of Rome will give a popular lecture, Monday evening at 8:15 in the West Physics Lecture Room on the subject of The Ultimate Particles of Matter. Very recently, several new particles have been experiment- ally discovered. Professor Fermi will present the grounds for believing in ,,their existence and discuss the parts they play in our conception of mat- ter. Notice: Health Service Eye Exam- inations: Students wishing their eyes tested for glasses at the Health Service should receive their appoint- ments by calling the office before August first. ,Warren E. Forsythe Michigan Repertory Players: The final performance of "The Circle," W. Somerset Maugham's modern comedy will be presented tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The box-office is open from 9:30 a. m'. to 12, and from 1:15 to 9-p. m. The telephone number is 6300. Michigan Repertory Players: Res- ervations may be made beginning Monday morning for all performan- ces of Shakespeare's "All's well That Ends Well." Patrons are urged to make their reservations immediately. Since this Shakespearean production is new to the American stage, it is anticipated that there will be an un- usually heavy demand for tickets. University Bureau of Appointments Literatures, Philosophy, History, Po- litical Science, Economics, Business Administration, Sociology, and Edu- cation. and Occupational Information: On account of the recent cut in our staff, it is necessary for the Bureau to make a change in office hours. Stu- dents on campus are earnestly re- quested to call at the office during the following hours only: 9:00-12:00, and 2:00-4:00-Saturday, 9:00- 12:00. Mixed Chorus and Men's Glee Club: Important rehearsal. Prepar- ation for concert. 6:45 to 8:00 Tues- day, Aug. 1 at School of Music Audi- torium. All singers urged' to join. The Southern Club Picnic: The annual picnic of the Southern Club will be held Monday afternoon at Portage Lake. Supper will be served at 6:30 and groups will be leaving from in front of Angell Hall from 2:30 to 4:30. Transportation will be furnished to those not provided with cars. If you can supply transporta- tion please get in touch with one of the following: C. T. Hughes, tele- phone, 2-1225; B. L. Smith, telephone, 2-2861; George M. Smith, Room 201, Chemistry Building. There will be swimming, baseball and games. B. L. Smith All men and women students in- terested in the Sunday night bicycle- supper rides call 8426, Billie Griffiths, for reservations and further informa- tion. Pi Lambda Theta supper picnic, Wednesday, August 2, at 5:30 p. m. Members please call Isabelle Unruh, 8193, Tuesday, between 1:00 and 6:00 p. m. to make reservations. Women Students: Golf clsses will meet for play at 3 or 4 o'clock on the University course on Tuesday. Classes will not meet on Monday. Baptist Students Guild: 10:00 a. m. University students meet Mr. Chap- man at the Guild House, 503 E. Hu- ron. At 6:00 p. m. Mr. Fred B. Syp- hax, a graduate student and Instruc- tor in English and Economics at the Tuskogee Normal and Industrial In- stitute, will speak on the growth and influence of the Institute since its founding by Dr. Booker Washington in 1881. Mr. Syphax is an alumnus of Yale University. Special music will be provided by Mr. Samuel Bur- ford,hHigh School Principal of Lynch- burgh, Va. The Women's Education Club will meet at 7:15 Monday evening, in the Alumnae Room of the League. Pro- fessor Louis M. Eich will give a reading. Those who heard his pro- gram of last summer will be glad to hear him again. All women on the campus are invited. Wesley Hall: At 6 p. m. today Prof. John L. Brumm will speak upon "College and Religion" Mr. Edgar Headley will sing. At 7-Fellowship (Continued on Page 4) i -But Rip VanWinkle W as Asleep. r rj ;,:. u F , ' . ' r t / ' /C /,+ ' , I/.'j. , .1( j,'f 1 A, " 0 Rip Van Winkle wasn't at all proud about the press in his trousers - but he was asleep. Wide-awake people in Ann Arbor, however, not only realize the value of a personal appearance aided by clothes cleaned and pressed but they make sure that their gar- ments are handled in the most modern man- ner. They are certain that their articles are cleaned the best possible way and that they are form pressed. IN ANN ARBOR YOU CAN SECURE MODERN F the contract is made, there will be little e about which to worry, at least for the time .g. But if the contract is not made, what then? uld the present plan fail, Roosevelt has said he will try another. Perhaps his personality ifficiently powerful so that the American peo- will stand by him through a failure or two. did the American people stand by Hoover? his country,,.while personality is a decided as- results are preferred. That is why Roosevelt is ilar today, because he has delivered results: ,taking all things into consideration, we be- that, if the N. I. R. A. is not successful- it is caviar to peanut butter that this will be the case-the country will be plunged into oral depression far greater than any it has known. id if anything should happen to President ;evelt and a certain Texan should succeed him ICCLEN EuNQR~C Phone 2-323 1_ _ _ _ _ Summer Clothing most carefully cleaned and pressed. White flannels, tropical wor- steds, Palm Beach, linen and the like are cleaned so that they are absolutely clean and they are guaranteed not to shrink. rapers Lose First Round Poking Fun Provocative satire is aimed at a Hollywood insti- tution, the personal bodyguard, in "Her Body- guard." Edmund Lowe, an Irish detective, is hired by Manager Edwin Arnold to guard the person of Wynne Gibson, a bejeweled Broadway star. Lowe is told his chief duties are to ward off the romantic attentions of Producer Alan Dinehart so that Arnold himself may have clear sailing. But the bodyguard, of course, wins the actress for him- self. {I T WELVE good men and true down in Missouri did a fine thing when they recommended the death pen- Walter H. McGee, confessed kidnaper of rv McElroy. the daughter of the city man- May Not Use Camp Word comes from the fishing camp in the Vir- ginia mountains set up by President Hoover that a conservation corps detachment has been busy setting the place in order, presumably fob Mr. Roosevelt's use cn weekends. There is very little prospect of his going there for more than a stop in his projected tour of nearby forest camps, however, since his plans have . c 1DI IbIjig ., . , . II