Te Weathe r Partly loudy, not 'o Kwarm, Ci robably showers; Monday Kid unsettled. tatRour Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XIV No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1933 Editorial vier To Peanut Butter; Tapers Lose The First E d. PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW YORK, July- 29.-G')-With trading hours curtailed and extreme fluctuations of grains limited, finan- cial markets were able to cool down this week and recuperate from the recent "corrective" movement. Wall 'Street's second thoughts on the smashing decline of the previous week bore out its earlier conclusions that the taming of speculative spirits had been timely and beneficial, espe- cially since there was no evidence that the break had been more than a delayed technical checking of prices. Quotations in major markets tend- ed higher, through most of the trad- ing period. Stocks, as measured by the Standard, Statistics Associated Press averages, rebounded from 76.6 on Friday, July 21, to 84.8 on Thurs- day, July 27, sliding back a little yesterday when the market closed for the week. The extreme recovery was about 40 per cent of the break from the year's peak reached July 18, and represented a natural rebound. Striking Accomplishment The week brought striking evidence of second quarter accomplishments by business. United States and Beth- lehem Steel corporations reported a balance of income from operations, both making public the best state- ments since 1931. General Motors had a very profitable three months. Its earnings of 90 cents a common share were about eight times those of the same 'quarter last year; and many other companies' reports reflected better times. Foreign exchange markets provided some strenuous fluctuations, the dol- lar rallying vigorously against ster- ling. Part of this rise was presumably due to purchases of American secur- ities abroad and part to transaction in the normal course of business, though Wall Street did not fail to read the notice given by Chancellor Chamberlain that Britain considered her pound as linked neither to gold or the dollar. lusiness Holds Strong At home, business is holding at or near the top of its sensational pick- up. Here and there some recession is visible, as in the steel industry which has drifted down a couple of percent- age points. It is also possible that car loadings have attained their seasonal top. So far; however, nothing that ap- proaches a normal mid-summer set- back has made its appearance and Wall Street confidently hopes for a good autumn. CHICAGO, July 29.-(P)-Excited efforts to get rid of speculative hold- ings of future delivery grain con- tracts whirled all the cereal markets down late today to the lowest prices permissible. Breaks in. quotations were in the face of crop news that would ordi- narily have hoisted values. For the time being, however, traders lost sight of every market factor except that a huge selling flurry was in progress, and that there was need of haste if transactions were to be ac- complished before emergency limits could be enforced. MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS By thie Associated Press Eugene J. Coltrane Eugene J. Coltrane, an official of the national committee on education by radio with headquarters in Wash- ington, will speak at 2 p. m. tomor- row in University High School on "Radio as an Aid in Teaching." The meeting is sponsored jointly by the committee on education by radio1 and the University. It has been an- nounced that Mr. Coltrane will con-t centrate on the problems met in this field of education. The address is one of a series of similar ones which are being held in several states this summer, officials said, and is part of the Summer Ses- sion special lecture eries here. The public is invited to a ttend the con-l ference and it is expected that citi- zens interested in better programs over the radio will find a particular appeal in the discussions. Mr. Coltrane, who is a practical ed- ucator in public school administra- tion and college teaching, has been with the national committee on edu- cation by radio since last year. The group was explained to be an or- ganization devoted to the cause of proper use of the radio in educational arid cultural fields. Gov. Comstock RecallUf air, Says Brucker, DETROIT, July 29.-R')--Former Governor Wilbur M. Brucker, de- feated in his campaign for re-elec- tion last November by Governor Wil- liam A. Comstock, today announced his opposition to the recall move be- ing attempted against the Governor. "Michigan should not attempt to recall Governor Comstock upon the sole basis of dissatisfaction wth his decisions. in matters of discretion," said the former state executive, "to do so would subject the highest office in our state to the dangers of pre- judice, selfishness, and the spirit of mob rule. "If the recall has any place in con- stitutional government it is not as a substitute for the regular election which wilt be held next year," Bruc- ker continued, "unless something arises of the same dignity that would support an impeaching proceeding, Governor Comstock should have a fair chance to conduct the affairs of state during the whole term of offce." "I bespeak for my successor, who was my opponent in last November's election, the same opportunity that I would have asked for myself had I been re-elected." TROOPS IN MINE AREA BROWNSVILLE, Penna., July 29. -(A')-Into the heart of Pennsyl- vania's great bituminous coal region, national guardsmen moved tonight with orders from Governor Gifford Pinchot to preserve peace in the strife-torn field where more than 12,000 miners are striking for union reognization. Local Church Groups Offer Varied Talks Prof. Brumrn Will Lead Evening Discussion At Wesley Hall Fisher, Anderson, Lewis To Preach Chapman Will A d r e s s Congregation At First Baptist Church Prof. John L. Brumm of the de- partment of journalism will be oneI of the speakers on the varied group1 of programs to be offered today by Ann Arbor churches. He will speakt at $ p. m. at Wesley Hall upon "Col-I lege and Religion." Open discussion will follow the address and a solo by Edgar Headley, special student int the School of Music, will also be in-.. cluded along with the fellowship hour. Other evening programs include at discussion meeting of Presbyterian} students and other young people at 6:30 p. m. at the Church House on1 Washtenaw Ave., led by Rev. Alfredt Lee Klaer. Among the morning programs will be an address at the First Methodistl Church by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher on "Overcoming a Sense of Failure."l This is one of Fisher's series on the general topic "Studies in Success- ful Living," which he is presenting this summer Rev. Merle Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will ad- dress the combined Congregational and Presbyterian .congregations -of the city and campus at 10:45 a. m. and Rev. Howard Chapman will speak upon "Springs of Character" at the same time at the First Bap- tist Church. Rev. Henry Lewis will speak at 11 a. m. to the St. Andrews Episcopal Church congregation on "QFood,Zellwship and Security." This. is Rev. Lewis' first address since his return from a national conference of college pastors and will mark his1 last appearance until the second Sun- day in September, when he returns' from his vacation. Other services at the morning hour will be conducted at the Bethlehem Evangelical Church and at the1 Church of Christ. There will be no "Campus Sing" this week. Plans announced by the1 Vacation Recreation Committee in- clude another occasion of community singing and special sacred music, led by Prof. David Mattern, to be held Sunday, August 5, in front of the Main Library. Employment Increases 7.2 Per Cent In June NEW YORK, July 29.-()-A 7.2 per cent increase in employment dur- ing June in factories reporting to the national industrial conference board was announced today. "If this rate prevailed in all manu- facturing industry," the board said, "the 6,139,000 workers computed to be occupied in May, 1933, were re- enforced in June by about 442,000 additional workers. Hours of work fpr old and new workers increased 10 per cent from May to June. "With practically the same hourly earnings in the two months, the weekly pay envelope contained 10 per cent more in June than it did in May." In June earnings for an average week of 41.2 hours were reported as $19.49 for skilled and unskilled work- ers of both sexes. The purchasing power was 95.5 per cent of that of 1923, the board announced. Aigler's Talk To Deal With Sport Trend Chairman Of The Board In Control Of Athletics To jpeak Monday Address Will Open This Week's Series Speaker Is Authority On Collegiate, Intramural Competition "The Trend in Collegiate Ath- letics" will be the subject of a talk by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School at 5 p. m. tomorrow in Na- tural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be the first for the week on the summer Session special lecture series. As chairman of the Board in Con- trol of Athletics and the represen- tative of the University on the Big Ten athletic committee, Professor Aigler has had an unexcelled con- tact with the movements and prob- lems in the 'field of intercollegiate and intramural sports. He is also known as an author and a prominent figure in law work. His talk will be followed on the series by "Diet and Nutrition As They Relate to the Decay of Teeth" by Prof. Russell W. Bunting, Tuesday, "The Radical Theories of Today" by Prof. Roy W. Sellars, Wednesday, and "Some Problems in Defaulted Real Estate Bonds" by Prof. Earl S. Wolaver, Thursday. Enrico Feri Is To Lecture Here Monday1 One of the oldest and most funda- mental questions in the realm of physical science-that of ultimate nature of the matter which makes up the universe-will be discussed by Prof. Enrico Fermi of the Uni- versity of Rome at 8:15 p. m. tomor- row in West Physics lecture room. The lecture, entitled "The Ultimate Particles of Matters," will be non- technical to a large extent and is open to the public. The fundamental make-up of mat- ter was inconclusively argued by an- cient philosophers, whose only tools were logic and speculation. During the nineteenth century chemists ap- plied to it the methods of experi- mental science, and succeeded in iso- lating and identifying most of the ninety two elements, each of which they supposed to consist of essential- ly different and indivisible atoms. The discovery of radioactivity about forty years ago brought the conviction thatthese atoms are built up of simpler particle. Electrons were first observed about the same time, and they, with the.heavier and positively charged protons seemed for a long time to be the only building stones necessary for the explanation of atomic structure and behavior. Two years ago neutrons were add- ed to this list, and still more re- cently positrons. The neutrons are particles with no electric charge which appear when certain atomic nuclei are disrupted by collision. They move with very high velocities and penetrate thick layers of metals. Their existence was anticipated by the work of Professor Pauli, Heisen- berg, and others, and they were then experigientally observed by physi- cists at Paris, Cambridge, and Cali- fornia Institute of Technology. The origin and nature of these particles are questions of great interest, in- volving the transmutation of atoms, and the structure of their nuclei. Positrons were first observed at (Continued on Page 3) Not So Hot, Not So Hot, Say Weather Observers Officials in the weather observer's office in the University observatory last night denied that yesterday's temperatures had been unusually high, in spite of the fact that Ann Arbor had panted and sweltered throughout the afternoon and eve- ning. The maximum for the day, describ- ed as "just about average," was 92 degrees at 4 p. m., while the mini- mum for the 24 hours since 7 p. m Friday was 69.4 degrees at 5 a. m. ti AUTEUIL, France, July 29.-(PA)- The veteran doubles team of Jean Borotra and Jacques Brugnon today scored France's first victory in the Davis Cup challenge round against England, taking the measure of the revamped . British comlbination; of George P. Hughes and H. G. N. Lee, 6-3, 8-6, 6-2, This left England in the lead, 2 to 1, and still a big favorite to cap- ture the tennis trophy in the con- cluding singles play tomorrow. Taking no chances with their singles act, the British substituted Lee for Fred Perry in the doubles. Perry, who fainted from exhaustion yesterday after a five-set triumph over Henri Cochet, is counted upon to score the deciding point for Eng- land against Andre Merlin. The other singles match brings together Henry W. Austin and Cochet. Lee and Hughes were no match for the Wimbledon doubles champions on a court that was somewhat slippery from intermittent showers. The Brit- ish threatened only in the second set, when they led 5-3 on games, but failed to capitalize their advantage. Brugnon's consistently hard and ac- curate hitting was the feature of the French attack.. Tropical Storm Nearing Southeast Florida Coast WASHINGTON, July 29.-(P) -- Charles L. Mitchell, weather bureau forecaster, said today that indica- tions were that a tropical disturbance now near Abaco Island would reach Southeast Florida in the general vi- cinity of West Palm Beach early Sunday. Great Abaco Island is about 200 miles from the coast, southeast of West Palm Beach. COP GETS TICKET ATLANTA, July 29.-(P)-Driver O. J. Stanley, of Fulton County's "Black Maria," opened his siren and throttle on his way to court. City officers, conducting a traffic cam- paign, gave him a ticket for running a red light and reckless driving. 34 cities. . The Farm Credit Administration, under which they are administered reported today that at the close of business on July 21, the last com- pilation made, the corporations had disbursed $169,245,000 in loans to 132,803 farmers; that $43,239,000 more for 24,051 farmers had been approved but not disbursed, and that applications from 8;219 for $20,342,- 000 were pending. It showed that Chicago, the largest city in whichsone of the offices is located, has disbursed $489,000, while San Angelo, Tex., with a much smaller population, has disbursed $5,-, 727,000. The Minneapolis office has advanced the most, $32,004,000. Moffett May Enforce Oil Production Control From his army plane, landing at Bolling's Field, Johnson went directly to his office for conferences. On his way to his office, he received a re- port from K. M. Simpson, one of his chief deputy administrators. Receiving newspapermen shortly after his arrival he asserted that the open shop provision in the trade practice code submitted by the auto- mobile men--with Henry Ford not yet indicating his attitude-seemed to be in accord with the industrial law's labor requirement. The paragraph specified that the open shop policy now existing would be continued and that advancement of workers would be on their merit without regard to affiliation or non- affiliation with any union. WASHINGTON, July 29-(A')-The parent automobile industry, like the Parts and Equipment Manufacturers, inserted an open shop provision in the Nira fair trade code submitted tp Industrial Administrator Hugh S. Johnson in Detroit Friday. National employment of the two groups exceeds half a million, most of it in Michigan. Gen. Johnson revealed that the code embraces a firm declaration by the industry to hire employees on the basis of competency and without regard to whether they belong to any organization. Seems Acceptable Gen. Johnson said that he had not examined the code in detail and did not intend to do so until the time of the hearing. He added that at first glance, however, the open shop dec- laration appeared to be within the provisions of Nira, "The law as I see it specifically provides that affiliation with any or- ganization or union shall not be a condition of employment," he said. "The position of the automobile man- ufacturers, as I understand it, is that they will hire any person whom they need who is competent regardless of whether he belongs to a union or not." WASHINGTON, July 29.-(P) - James A. Moffett, of New York, who resigned yesterday as vice-president of Standard Oil of New Jersey, was pointed to authoritatively today as the man who will enforce oil pro- duction control. He quit his $100,000 a year job yesterday because of a disagreement between himself and other officials over President Roosevelt's oil poli- cies. From Hyde Park, where the chief executive rested over the week-end, came word that the administration has not been satisfied with the atti- tude of some officers of the New Jer- sey company, of which Walter C. Teagle is president and W. S. Farish is chairman of the board. James Brown Scott Will Talk On Monroe Doctrine Application Tuesday's Concert To Present Distinguished Faculty Musicians AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Washington................61 33 New York ........ ...58 36 Clevelan................49 50 Philadelphia ...........47 48 Detroit ...............46 51 Boston .........43 51 Chicago.................43 52 St. Louis ................37 63 Saturday's Results Cleveland 1, Detroit 0. Boston 8, Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 3, Chicago 2. Washington 1i, New York 5. Today's Games Detroit at Cleveland. St. Louis at Chicago (2). New York at Washington. Philadelphia at Boston. NATIONAL' LEAGUE W L New York...............57 36 Pi ttsb h ........ ... 4 43 Pct. .649 .617 .495 .495 .474 .457 .452 .370 By SALLY PLACE The Faculty Concert to be present- ed at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday in Hill Au- ditorium will prove of interest to the host of nwsic lovers who have filled the auditorium each Tuesday eve- ning for this series of concerts. With the exception of Palmer Christian, University organist, who made his final appearance for the summer in the program of last week, the entire group of artists who have appeared this season will be heard Its first hearing in Ann Arbor was given last winter by the Faculty Trio, Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Hanns Pick, cellist; and Joseph Brinkman, pianist; who also are to perform it Tuesday night. Professor Brinkman, who has been heard in various ensemble groupings throughout the series of the summer programs, is to make his only solo appearance at this concert. He will offer a rather extensive group from the romantic neriod of Diano litera- By FRANK B. GILBRETH The personal friend of the presi- dents of the United States, an in- structor of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a delegate from this country to many international conferences, a legal and special advisor for the Department o'V State-such a man is Dr. James Brown Scott who will lecture on th- International Law Conference series at 8 p. in., Monday, in room 1025 An- gell Hall. His subject will be "The Monroe Doctrine." Dr. Scott, who at the present tiie is the director of the division of in- ternational law of the Carnegie En-. dowment for International Peace, dent Monroe, whichis not in keeping with the general principles of this country. It is this aspect that will be explained and discussed, he said. In interviewing Dr. Scott one does not get the impression that one is talking to a man who has represented the United States in almost ever; major peace conference of th-e last quarter century. Dr. Scott is not the. Advisor of the Department of State and the delegate of presidents, he is an enthusiastic dignified educator, a scholar of the theory and practice of international law and diplomacy. Sitting in his office on the first floor of the Legal Research Building, The open shop declaration will be the crux of the scrap when the code comes up for hearing. The American Federation of Labor has looked with longing eyes for years toward the organization of automobile workers. William R. Green, A. F. of L. presi- dent, has said that he will have the employed of the entire country or- ganized and in his federation by the time the two-year Recovery Admin- istration expires. Federation Is Prepared Naturally, he will be reluctant tc see a firm declaration for the oper shop come from one of the basic in- dustries and be adopted by the Fed- eral Government in a code. The Federation of Labor has been ex- pecting this obstacle and is well pre- pared to oppose it at the hearing. Gen. Johnson said he had no defi- nite information as to the plans o: Henry Ford. He said that he be- lieved that the reason Mr. Ford did Pct. .613