THE MICHIGAN DAILY F The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures This picture shows the wreckage of the twin- motored army amphibian plane which crashed near Ocean side, Cal., when a wing broke away from the ship at 1,000 feet elevation, closing escape hatches in such a manner that seven army fliers were plung ad to their deaths. Baptist Students Guild: 10:00 a. m. University students meet Mr. Chap- man at the Guild House, 503 E. Hu- ron. At 6:00 p. in. Mr. Fred B. Syp- hax, a graduate student and Instruc- tor in English and Economics at the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial In- ;titute, will speak on the growth and influence of the Institute since its ounding by Dr. Booker Washington n 1881. Mr. Syphax is an alumnus of Yale University. Special music will ,e provided by Mr. Samuel Bur- ford, High School.Principal of Lynch- burgh, Va. The Women's Education Club will meet at 7:15 Monday evening, in the Alumnae Room of the League. Pro- °essor Louis M. Eich will give a eading. Those who heard his pro- ;ram of last summer will be glad to hear him again. All women on he.campus are invited. Jack ,Miller, city fireman ,at Mas- Dillon, 0., has a garden of 50,000 'oses and is the city's only member >f the American Rose society. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY TYPING TYPING Seven Cents a Page PHONE 2-1636 Leave Name and Address Quick Service 15 REASONABLE RATES-Quick serv- ice. Phone 2-1988. WANTED WILL-Pay cash for used ladies' bi- cycle. Write Box 5, Michigan Daily. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND new suits and overcoats. Will pay 3, 4, 5 and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306 Chicago Buyer. 34c LAUT&DRY- LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044, Towels free; socks darned. 13c NOTICE LEARN TO PLAY-Popular music. Max Gail. University Music House. Tuesday afternoons, or phone 4917. 21c In recognition of his record breaking solo flight around the world, Wiley Post, Oklahoma pilot, received New York City's charac- teristic greeting including a ride thrcugh a ticker tape blizzard and a city hall reception. He is shown at left receiving the city's medal for valor from Mayor John P. O'Brien. Mrs. Post is beside him. Mailmen Are Delivering Re-Employment Blanks Copies of the President's Re-em- ployment Agreement and certificates of compliance are being distributed blem showing the employer to be a member of the N. R. A. were received by postal authorities here yesterday. The certificate of compliance reads as follows: "We certify that we have adjusted hours of labor and the. wages of our employees to accord with the Presi- dent's Re-employment Agreement which we have signed." whic wehaesined. IL F. '