THE MICHIGAN DAILY [GAN DAILY of the Summer Session 1 .-, N - .r away with the disregard in which it is now held by many students is a moot question. Certainly authorities at Michigan have done as much as possible to interest all students in proper regular exercise and to encourage them to take advan- tage of the equipment which is available. But the necessary incentive on the part of individual stu- dents seems to be lacking. Training in sports re- quiring team work is of little avail to men and k women after they have graduated from college. What they need is an interest in some form of physical exercise which can be carried on in later years after they are away from the facilities now at their command. The few upper classmen and graduate students who make full use of Mich- igan's fine plant today are the ones who have learned an important lesson. If it can be taught to . under'classmen. before it s too late a great good will have been accomplished. - - °*D or lin r, Svrit eW pNAN ..'P.EO.. ,. hed every morning except Monday during - ty year and Summer Session by the Board of Student Publications. te in embr ofthe Western Conference Editorial Assoca- Mon nd the Big Ten News Service. A~EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The AssociatedPressis exclusvely entitled to the use fqr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or Wot therise credited in this paper and the local news ulihed herein. All rights of republicatin of secfl1 , tehes are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. , Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $. 0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by .Ofces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. S ,epresentatiyes: College Publications Representatives, I qe., 40 -East ,Thirty-Fourth . treet, New York C ty; 80 y1ston - Street Boston;r612 North Michiga Aveu, oago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. -- EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 MT N IG DITOR...........PRANK B. GILBRETH TANT MANAGING EDITFOR.. KARL SEIFFERT SOQIATEI EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. 1eT7 Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce ~neyDana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 418INESS MANAGER.. .. .ZYRON C. VEDDER BA TANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY E.CULATION MANAGER.........ROBERT L. PIERCE SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1933 The Value Of Physical Education... STUDENTS, teachers, office work- ers and others who are employed mentally rather than physically for most of their time have long since discovered the value of reg- ular exercise as a means of keeping physically and mentally fit. It was this great need for bodily le- velopment among students that caused the out- growth of our present athletic systems. Coming first in the form of individual exercise, scholastic and college sports were later developed which would provide competition in order to in- crease the interest on the part of the participants. Sine the advent of team play and competition petiween different institutions, exercise for the in- dividual has been relegated to the background in importance.. As a result of the over-emphasis on interscho- lastic and intercollegiate competition, physical development for the individuals attending nsti- lutions of learning 'has been more or less a per- sonal matter. With the exception of compulsory physical training in some institutions for certain undergraduates, little has been done to interest mndividual students. Equipment has been provided, instructors are on hand to offer their coaching services, but actual participation is left to the, students themselves. At Michigan the situation is far better than at most similar institutions. Not only is competition ,ithi other schools stressed, in order to attract tle attention of those athletically inclined, but ,xtramural events arle also given wide publicity. ComGpeition among fraternities and independent g; ups is encouraged and individual play is avail- able in sports where team-work is not required. ,ceptionslly fine equipment is available at all times for all students, both men anl women, and every effort is made to encourage them to make full use of it. Tennis courts, golf links, tracks, and fields are provided in proper season and year- round equipment includes swimming pools, indoor te;nis, squash, handball, basketball, fencing and tack room. In addition, large gymnasiums for calisthenic work are always open to the students The Theatre SHAKESPEARE'S FORGOTTEN COMEDY WAS THOUGHT RISQUE -By DAVID MOTT! The Michigan Repertory Players will jump from the modern drawing-room situations of "The Circle" to a forgotten play of Shakespeare's for their next production. Their production next week of J"All's Well That Ends Well" will make the sec- ond time that comedy has been produced in Amer- ica (barring the performance of the Kemble edi- tion of. the play, which was much tampered with, at the Federal Theatre, Boston, March 8, 1799). Mr. Thomas Wood Stevens has been the only pro- ducer of "All's Well" since that early date. He made, what was really a first production of it, at the Artists' Guild Theatre in St. Louis this spring. "All's Well" was a forgotten play in Shakespear- ean repertoires. Though it has been produced in England, it is amazing that this play never found its way to previous production in America, for the play is, in all respects, characteristic of Shakespeare. The character of Helena speaks in as fine Elizabethan poetry as any of his heroines. Paroles furnishes as sure-fire comedy as Malvolio of Toby Belch. The play is an excellent and rowdy comedy. What then accounts for its lack of production? The an- swer is simply this, that inr the last century it was considered a bit risque! Even the "divine bard of Avon" couldn't be allowed a risque comedy. It is needless to say that the past century's notions of propriety seem somewhat ridiculous to- day. ."All's Well" is a summer's breeze conipared to many of the plays of the post-war theatre. But here are the reasons why our grandads woudn't hear to the play. "All's Well" is the story of how a gentlewoman, Helena, forces her love upon a birthproud nobleman, Bertram de Rousil- Ion. That was regarded highly improper in the nineteenth century. Girls didn't do the wooing in Victorian years-or at least, not on the stage. Moreover, Helena was a "lady doctor," and that was one of the unmentionables in those days. This kept the comedy from the stage. Moreover, if you will examine the script for "All's Well" you will find that there is no great role for an Edwin Booth or a Henry Irving. The great stars of the Victorian theatre used plays with fat parts for great stars. Shakespeare stole the plot for "All's Well" from ,Boccaccio. It is a rowdy story of how an Eliza- bethan young lady "gets her man." But it is told with the great dramatists' inimitable poetry. How delightful to drop in upon a wealth of unfamiliar work of Shakespeare's. This rare opportunity is offered by the Michigan Repertory Players' pro- duction of the "risque" "All's Well That Ends Well." Washington Off The Record By SIGRID ARNE POSTMASTER General "Jim" Farley, like all public officials, finds a gift in the mail once in a while. This week there was a box of shirts sent by a manufacturer. "Big Jim" slid into one. It fitted perfectly. "Wonder how they do it?" he said. He probably will be told some day. A mutual friend intercepted his laundry bag and got the measurements. THE form of government in Washington must have kept at least one of the Italian fliers with General Balbo standing very stiffly for hours and hours. nHe smiled, shook hands, saluted. But he asked no questions. ..Then at the Army and Navy club he pulled one of the more serious-looking debutantes aside be- tween dances and asked, "But when do we meet the mayor?" Evidently he had been shaking hands with mayors at every stop. "Oh," he smiled as- the deb explained that Washington has no mayor-just a board of com- missioners. MARVIN H. McINTYRE, secretary to the Pres-' ident, has one patronage worry that is going to get his personal attention. . He will take care of the man who wrote the following note: "Mr. McIntyre-Are you or are you not a man of your word? Did you not promise the official bootblack of the National press club you would help him achieve his ambition-which is to shine the President's shoes?" nights of the week. But on the seventh Connery gloomily window-shops. TWO gentlemen had some very heart-warming and inexpensive pleasure at the department of justice. The first gentleman dropped in from Maryland to meet Attorney General Cummings. He talked for some time with Ugo H. A. Carusi, chief sec-+ retarial assistant to Cummings. Carusi was as-' tounded to hear him wind up: "Well, good day. The folks back home will be glad to know that I spoke to the head of the na-y tion's law department." The Marylander left smiling happily. Carusi is also smiling to think that anyone mistook him for his chief. And "Chief" Cummings chuckles when he thinks of it. About Books By JOHN SELBY "BAUDELAIRE," by Enid Starkie; (G. >P. Putnam's Sons, New York) NEW YORK-It has been for long the habit to exhume and examine the torn and tortured souls of the past, sometimes'in a Roman holiday spirit, sometimes in clinical fashion, sometimes with intent to right ancient wrongs. Enid Starkie's "Baudelaire" is not quite in either of those modes. Miss Starkie is a lecturer on French literature at the University of Oxford, and quite likely interested herself in Baudelaire through her work. But there the poet divorced himself from Miss Starkie's work and became a labor of love, perhaps even an obsession. The familiar picture of Baudelaire is that of a perverse chap whose life was an orgy of satanism, sadism, masochism, narcotics and the rest of the diabolical mechanism. There was a day when pos- session of a copy of "Les Fleurs du Mal" was equivalent to a pass to Coventry; he was, of course, prosecuted for publishing it, and some pas- sages were temporarily amended. A good deal of the picture remains after Miss Starkie finishes. It seems evident that the man suffered from a mother fixation, and certainly narcotics and drink had their way with him, al- though not to the extent the avid public once believed. The orgiastic picture is considerably overdrawn, one is convinced, but with all the will in the world and an apparently enormous labor of re- search, Miss Starkie still cannot sort into neat little compartments all the odd features of Baude- laire's makeup, the curious liaison with Jeanne Duval, the mulatto, for example. Perhaps the truth is that the explanation of mostof the Baudelairian puzzle lies in the fact that Baudelaire himself was a man almost en- tirely without will. He couldn't work, he couldn't manage his own affairs, he couldn't even conduct a passable love affair, chiefly because he lacked the will to overcome his spiritual inertia. Miss Starkie's book is a little confused at times but extraordinarily revealing. EditoIal Comment POLICE PLANES Germany's intention to push forward toward the equality of armament which she has long de- manded and which was tentatively allowed in a preliminary agreement at the disarmament con- ference was emphasized this week by the an- nouncement that the Reichswehr already has ac- quired a number of "police" planes. The ostensible excuse for purchasing the planes was a recent "air raid" on Berlin in which, the Nazi chieftains said, hundreds of deprecatory pamphlets were dropped by foreign reds to incite the German people against their government. The fact that nobody could be found who had seen one of the pamphlets was no deterrent to the exu- berant Nazi, who pounced on the incident as further proof of Germany'sneed for aerial de- fense and forthwith purchased airplanes to police her skies. The British air ministry was reported last week to have interfered with the fulfillment of a con- tract entered into between the German Reich- swehr ministry and a British airplane company for the construction of 60 fighting planes. The treaty of Versailles forbids Germany to have a military air force in the specific phrase, "the armed forces of Germany must not include any military or naval air forces." It was thought, however, that the acquisition of "police" planes would not contravene this restriction. Germany's purpose is clear. The Versailles treaty has been a constant lodestone around her neck since the conclusion of the war. She has con- tended constantly that the treaty is unfair and has sought to bring about an amicable adjustment. Her new move seems to be an attempt to bring the matter to a showdown. -.The Daily Iowan. ANTI-GRAB BAG TACTICS This is hot a grab bag. Such were the words of Secretary of Interior Ickes only recently in dis- ,ussing the new $3,300,000,000 public works pro- gram. And Mr. Ickes has an idea about handling this particular program which differs materially from the running of many plans for the public good. Rather than protesting about graft after it has beeh perpetrated and trying to remedy it at that late date, Mr. Ickes plans to prevent it. He'll carry out his plan to prevent graft in this huge project involving a greater total expenditure than the normal annual budget of the United States by throwing most of. the work upon the sturdy shoulders of graft-hating Louis I. Glavis, chief of ;the Department of Interior's bureau of investigation. The project would be a veritable gold mine for grafting contractors who are eager to delve into such a find, inasmuch as the lean years of the depression have not yielded them such an oppor- tunity. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. mn. Saturday. Excursion No. 6, General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, Wednes- day afternoon, August 2. This ex- cursion was originally scheduled for July 15, but was postponed for the Niagara Falls excursion. Members in the party will have opportunity to see automobiles of the General Motors Company put through 165 severe tests at the 1,268-acre labora- tory. The party leaves from in front of Angell Hall at 1:00 p. m. and will return to Ann Arbor about 5:30 p. m. Reservations must be made by 5:00 p. m.,. August 1, in Room 9, Uni- versity Hall. Bus fare, the only ex- pense on the trip, is $1.00. Observatory Nights: The Univer- sity Observatory will be open to stu- dents of the Summer Session Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July, 31, August 1, and 2, at 8:15 p. m. Admission will be by ticket. Tickets may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session upon the presenta- tion of the treasurer's receipt. German Reading Examination for Ph.D. Candidates: The examination for the requiredareading knowledge in German for all candidates except those in the Natural Science and Mathematics will take place Wednes- day, August 2, at 2:00 p. m., in Room 203 University Hall. Only those who have left their names at the depart- mental office can be examined. This will be the only examination given during the Summer Session,. The next examination will be at the end of October. Walter A. Reichart School of Education: All students completing requirements for gradua- tion at the end of the present Sum- mer Session should pay diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees before the end of the S.ession. Blanks for this' purpose may be secured at the office of the Recorder of the School of Edu- cation, 1437 University Elementary School. C. O. Davis, Secretary Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge of French during the present Summer Session are in- formed that examinations will be given on Saturday, August 5, from 9 to 12 a. m. in Room 108, Romance Language Building. It will be neces- sary to register at least one week in advance at the office of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages, be- tween the hours of 11 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4:30 p. ,m., or 9 and 12:30 on Saturday morning. This announcement applies only to candidates in the departments of An- cient and Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, History, Po- litical Science, Economics, Business Administration, Sociology, and Edu- cation. Faculty Concert: The next pro- gram will be given on Tuesday eve- ning, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditor- ium. The general public with the ex- ception of small children is cordially invited to attend. The following members of the faculty will partici- pate. Professors Wassily Besekirsky, Violin; Joseph Brinkman, Piano; Ar- thur Hackett, Tenpr; and Hanns Pick, Violoncello, assisted by Messrs. Romine Hamilton and Lynn Bogart, Violinists. The program follows: Pizzetti, Trio for Violin, Violoncello a n d Piano (Messrs. Besekirsky, Brinkman and Pick): Schumann, ABEGG Variations, Op. 1; Liszt, Sonnetto, E major, Op. 104; Chopin, Prelude C sharp minor, Prelude, B flat minor; Brahms, Intermezzo, A major-Rhapsodie, E fiat (Mr. Brink- man): B. Vaughn Williams, On Wenlock Edge (A cycle of songs for tenor voice with -accompaniment of piano and string quartet) Messrs. Hackett, Besekirsky, Hamilton, Bo- gart, Pick and Brinkman). Candidates for Teachers' Certifi- cates: All students who expect to be recommended for a Teacher's Certi-, ficate at the end of the present Sum- mer Session should pay their fees be-, fore the end of the Session. Blanks for this purpose may be secured at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 Univer- sity Elementary School. C. O. Davis, Secretary Professor Enrico Fremi of the Uni- versity of Rome will give a popular lecture, Monday evening at 8:15 in the West Physics Lecture Room on the subject of The Ultimate Particles of Matter. Very recently, several new particles have been experiment- ally discovered. Professor Fermi will present the grounds for believing in their existence and discuss the parts they play in our conception of mat- ter. Chinese Student Club: A picnic will be held at Island Park this afternoon. Members desiring to attend should assemble in front of Lane Hall at 1:00 p. ,m. Food expen- ses will be shared. Notice: Health Service Eye Exam- inations: Students wishing their eyes tested for glasses at the Health Service should receive their appoint- ments by calling the office before August first. Warren E. Forsythe Michigan Repertory Players: The final performan ceof "The Circle," W. Somerset Maugham's modern comedy will be presented tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The box-office is open from 9:30 a. m. to 12, and from 1:15 to 9 p. m. The telephone I number is 6300. Michigan Repertory Players: Res- ervations may be made beginning Monday morning for all performan- ces of Shakespeare's "All's well That Ends Well." Patrons are urged to make their reservations immediately. Since this Shakespearean production is new to the American. stage, it is anticipated that there will be an un- usually heavy demand for tickets. The Southern Club Picnic: The annual picnic of the Southern Club will be held Monday afternoon at Portage Lake. Supper will be served at 6:30 and groups will be leaving from in front of Angell Hall from (Continued on Page 4) I., N, Re lgious Activtes FIRST BAPTIST FIRST METHODIST CH URCHEPISCOPAL East Huron, below State ev.R Edward Sayles, Minister State and Washington Minister of Students 9:30 a.m.-The Church School. Dr. ATTEND FREDERICK B.sFISHER Albert Logan, Superintendent PETER F. STAIR 10:00 a.m.-University students meet 10:45a.m. -Morning worship. Mr. 10:45--Morning Worship Chapman will speak on- "s "The Springs Of LARLY- AR Of Failure" Character" 6:00 p.m.-At Guild House, 503 East Dr. Fisher Huron. Mr. Fred B. Syphax, In- { Sxho aSre f"Std si structor in Englishand Econom- (Sixth of a Series of Studies in ics at Tuskegee Normal and In- Successful Living") dustrial Institute will speak. Mr. 6:00 -Student Guild at Wesley Hal Syphax is an alumnus of Yale6:0SuetGidaWslyHl University. His address will touch -adjoining the church. the growth and influence of the Institute. All friends cordially invited. Remaining Copies of the -r Di rector y }may be obtained for per opy W her' sSlater's Studet Piti -caions BlIdg. VT "0 / Varsity teams, class squads, and intramural ams make full use of this equipment. Freshman; dents, required by a ruling of the University to: so, participate twice a week. Any further use the available equipment is voluntary and up to; e individual. Consequently any survey of the} pe of students who, on their owp accord, are be found taking advantage of these opportuni- s would be indeed interesting. Such information is available through the rec- Is of Dr. George A. May, who has been associate ofessor of physical education and director of iterman Gymnasium for a number of years. He in charge of the freshman classes, who each ar, are under his guidance for the semi-, ekly periods when they must report for com- Isory training; As might be expected with students who have ly recently graduated from high school and .d themnselves in a new and colorful environ- nt, .the average first-year students greatly re-, it anything that is compulsory. This-holds for shman examinations, physical training and- ything else which is forced upon them. As a nsequence many of these students do not receive benefit from the training offered them they ierwise would. Furthermore, after their fresh- n year is completed most of them stay as far ay from Waterman Gymnasium as possible. According to Dr. May, practically all of the dents then who come into the gymnasiums for untary "workouts" are are from the upper sses and from the graduate schools. It takes few years for them to appreciate. the need for >per physical training and regular exercise, d when they do, according to Dr. May, they im- AROLD GATTY might just as well have gone along with his old 'round-the-world flying partner, Wiley Post. He. stayed home in Washington, and a dentist got him for three teeth and a piece of .his jaw bone. "M-ff-a--ffs!" said Gatty through his swol-