I , I
The Weather
followed by
fair and warmer
Sunday unsettled
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
VOL. XIV No.29
Hyde Speaks
On Problems
>Of Diplomacy
Difficulties That Confront
State Department Are
'Career Men' Are
Called Invaluable
Secretary of State Holds
Position That Requires
Tact, Personality
Back in 1922 the Secretary of State
was making a trip to Mexico on a
United States Navy ship. At this
time the ruling government in Mex-
ico had not been recognized by this
country. A Mexican gun-boat with
an admiral aboard was steaming out
to greset the Secretary. The gun-boat
would salute the Secretary. If the
United States ship saluted the ad-
miral it might be construed as recog-
nition of the country. If it did
not return the salute it might be
construed as an insult. What was
the Secretary to do?'
This is just one of the dilemmas
that face the Department of State
almost every day, according to Prof.
Charles Cheney Hyde, of Columbia
University, who spoke last night on
the International Law Conference
series. Professor Hyde, who has been
closely associated with the State De-
partment since 1923 when he was ap-
pointed solicitor of that organization
by President Harding, told many "off
the record" stories concerning diplo-
matic relations between the United
States and other countries to illus-
trate the complications involved.
Salutes Admiral
As a matter of fact, in the case
referred to above, the solution was
relatively simple. The Secretary--
the Hon. Secretary of State or just
plain. Mr. Secretary, if one is to be
proper-decided to salute the Mexi-
can Admiral and tien immediately
to tell him niot to take the salute too
seriously, Professor Hyde said.
But here is a case where the tact
of the Secretary of. State was tried
to the utmost. The sister of an offi-
cial in one of the embassies in Wash-
ington went shopping in. a depart-
rgent store and made the error of
sipping several articles of merchan-
dise into her handbag without both-
ering to go to the trouble of having
them wrapped or of asking their
,price-while the house detective was
watching. She was arrested. As soon
as her identity was learned, although
all parties were willing 'to drop the
case, the Secretary of State felt that
some action was necessary. He final-
ly suggested that, in the future, she
do her shopping in the stores of her
own .country. The suggestion was
followed4 according to Professor Hyde.
Held Responsible
The Secretary of State is person-
ally responsible to the President for
the foreign policy of the United
States, he said. This includes such
major aspects as the drafting and
manipulating of treaties and such
minor details as seeing that the mem-
bers of the various delegations to
this country are seated correctly at
official banquets. Both are very im-
portant, he stated.
A man at the head of the State
Department must know more than
the law, according to the speaker.
He must know all relevant facts, he
must have tact, he must have the
correct sort of personality, he must
be forceful, he must be a compro-
miser and at the same time a fighter,
he must have moral strength and in-
tegrity, above'all he must be a diplo-
matist. .
Professor, Hyde described "career
men" in the department as invalu-
able. They are of great assistance to
ambassadors from this country who
are new at the job when they take
their pests, he said. Even a fine am-
bassador of the calibre of Frank B.
Kellogg receives implicit written in-
structions from his chief, he said.
VERNON, Mich., July 28.-Two
masked men entered the bank here at
9 a. m. today and escaped in a car
with a large amount of cash. Observ-
ers said the bandit vehicle was a
Ford coach with red wire wheels.
Local police said last night that the
robbers might be the same men that
were seen passing through Grand
Tom Hammond, Point-A-Minute
Team Member, Is Johnson Aid
Gen. Thomas Stevens !Iammond-
just Tom Hammond to Michigan
alumni the world over - will make
his forcefulness felt in his new job
as assistant to Gen. Hugh Johnson,
Nira director, even as he made it
felt when a member of Michigan's
point-a-minute teams back in 1903-
04-05. That is the opinion of Ham-
mond's old coach, Fielding H. Yost.
Gen. Hammond, who is to have
charge of re-employment under the
new deal, is president of the Whiting
Foundry and Equipment company
and president of the Illinois Manu-
facturers' association.
He is and .has been a member of
the Board in Control of Athletics
here, for more than a decade. But
he is better known as the great place-
kicker of his day and the man who,
playing at defensive fullback, was a
major factor in holding Michigan's
opponents to a stingy 30 points in 35
games played over three seasons -
years in which Michigan amassed the
amazing total of 1,627 points.
"He played without pads whenever
Keene Fitzpatrick would allow it,"
Director Fielding H. Yost said today.
"He had to wear them in practice,
but if he could get away without
them in a game he did. He 'wanted
to make 'em feel his bones,' he used
to say. In many of those games he
had only a jersey between an oppo-
nent and his own collar-bone. And
he took very little time out.
"Tom played right end his first
year out, and the next two years he
was at half on offensive and at full-
back on defense. He was a fine speci-
men, 6 feet, 1 inch tall and weigh-
ing about 195. His brother Harry
played end for four years, from 1904
(Continued on Page 3) .
Abbott Given
Revenue Post
By Roosevelt
Democratic Leader Says
He Plans To Remain In
Residence Here
Will Commute To
Detroit For Work
To Take Over Post Held
By Fred L. Woodworth
For 12 Years
Socialist Calls
Roosevelt Both
Leader, Bluffer
Staebler Gives
Credit For A
A crafty politician as well as a
progressive leader, was the interpre-
tation of President Roosevelt offered
by Neil Staebler in his talk on
the Socialist Club series yesterday
afternoon. "In considering what he
has done so far," he said, "we are
faced with the unusual problem of
separating administration proposals
from bits of sheer bluff."
"The President has adopted a
clever method of proposing measures
which can hardly have escaped the
public's notice by now," Staebler con-
tinued. "Doubtful bills are presented
by men not too close to the cabinet,
and Roosevelt is then able to view the
reaction to them and determine
whether they will be acceptable to
the public at the time. If they are
too radical to be popular, he is able
to offer a compromise measure."
Among' the "bluff" bills as op-
posed to those actually on the ad-
ministration program, Staebler listed
several of the measures which were
passed to empower the President to
regulate currency, and which he has
yet used only to a slight extent.
"The handling Roosevelt has given
to the recent banking situation, while
not closing the problem, should be
recognized as an accomplishment,"
Staebler said. "He was clever to get
the banks open at all." Staebler also'
praised the President's "courageous
attack" on the budget problem, and
other administration actions.
"Just because blood isn't flowing in
the streets," he said, "don't think'
that we.aren't in the midst of a rev-
olution. Call it socialistic or facist, or
tion, and a peaceful one."
Kipke Leaves For Week
At Texas Coach School
Coach Harry Kipke left today for
Lubbock, Tex., where he will teach
the Michigan football system next
week in the coaching school at the
Texas Technological College.
Kipke will be back here for a few
days after finishing work at Texas
Tech, then will go east to spend a
week teaching in Coach Andy Kerr's
school at Colgate university.
CARTHAGE, Mo., July 28.-(I)-
Prospects for a bumper crop of ttur-
nips for the unemployed of Jasper
County appeared good today when
someone discovered that the recently
planted court house lawn here had
been sown with turnip seed. Offi-
cials were trying to find out who
is responsible.
By the Associated Press
W L Pct.
Washington..............60 33 .645
New York ............... 58 35 .624
Philadelphia...............47 47 .500
Cleveland ................. 48 50 .490
Detroit ................ 46 50 .479
Chicago.................43 51 .457
Boston .................. 42 51 .452
St. Louis.................. 36 63 .364
Friday's Results
Cleveland 7, Detroit 2.. .
New York-Washington. rain.
Only games scheduled.
Saturday's Games
Detroit at Cleveland.
St. Louis at Chicago.
New York at washington.
Philadelphia at Boston.
W L Pct.
New York ........... 56 36 .609
Chicago.................53 43 .552
Pittsburgh...............52 43 .547
St. Louis .. .........49 45 .51
Boston.................47 48 .495
Philadelphia.............40 52 .435
Cincinnati............... 41 55 .427
Brooklyn........ ..37 53 .41
Friday's Results
Philadelphia 13, Boston 12 (10 innings).
Only game scheduled.
Saturday's Games
Cincinnatisat Pittsburgh (2).
Brooklyn at Philadelphia (2).
Boston at New York.
Chicago at St. Louis.
Pensions For
Veterans Will
Be Reviewed
WASHINGTON, July 28.-(A )-
With 90 days to complete their tasks,
the first federal boards will be set
up next week to review the claims of
150,000 veterans for pension pay-
ments on ailments presumed t have
originated in service.
President Roosevelt, announcing
his approval today of regulations
creating the boards, sanctioned an
order authorizing $50 monthly to
Spanish American war veterans 50
years or older, who are 50 per cent
disabled and in need. He will define
need later.
Between 70 and 90 reviewing boards
will be established immediately. They
will be announced as quickly as pos-
sible. The first are to be made public
on Monday and may cover only four
or five states.
The boards will determine by Octo-
ber 31, whether the veterans should
continue to receive benefits on the
presumption that their disabilities re-
sulted from service, or if they should
be removed from the rolls.
Sample Gives Injunction
Against Ypsi Dance Hall
An injunction forbidding Norman
Hammett, of Ypsilanti, from operat-
ing an open air dance hall there, has
been issued by Jtidge George W.
The injunction followed a water
and egg-throwing fight between em-
ployees of Hammett's dance hall and
neighbors. Mrs. Nellie Stevens, who
lives next door to the dance hall,
obtained the injunction.
Horatio J. Abbott, prominent Dem-
ocratic leader and resident of Ann X
Arbor, was appointed collector of in- a
ternal revenue for Michigan by Pres- t
ident Roosevelt yesterday. He will c
assume the post held by Fred L. V
Woodworth, of Detroit, for the past
12 years. t
"I will'continue to live in Ann Ar- c
bor," Mr. Abbott told The Daily last I
night, "although my new job will e
make it necessary for me to com-
mute 'between here and Detroit." r
Mr. Abbott will take over the reins C
of the Federal bureau in Detroit next s
week, he said.
"The department will occupy three i
or four floors in the new Federal r
Building," said Mr. Abbott. "The
postoffice will be housed in the first I
three floors, and we will be imme- t
diately above. The top stories wil be
occupied by the Federal courts." r
Mr. Abbott's career in Democratic t
politics in Michigan dates back many c
years. From 1924 to 1929 he was r
4iairman of the State central com- i
mittee, succeeding Governor Com- t
stock. Now Democratic national com-
mitteeman for Michigan, he was
chairman of the. state Democratici.
committee for the. 1932 presidential V
election, and was a candidate for
Congress from the second district,
but was eliminated in the primary
poll by John C. Lehr, of Monroe. Mr.
Abbott is 57 years old, and is a
native ofI eawee'Ounty.
DETROIT, July. 28.-(P)-The ap-
pointment of Horatio J. Abbott, of
Ann Arbor, Michigan, to be Collector 1
of Internal Revenue at Detroit, an-
nounced in Washington today gives
to the Democratic National Commit-
teeman from Michigan one of the
choicest plums in the federal pat-
ronage that has caused no little con-
troversy among the rank and file of
the state's Democrats.
Aigler T OUpen
Lecture Series
For Next Week:
Speaking idonday afternoon on
"The Trend in Collegiate Athletics,"
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
School will opn next week's talks
on' the Summer Session special lec-
ture series.
Professor Aigler is chairman of the
Board in Control of Athletics and
Michigan's representative on the
board which governs Big Ten athletic
His talk will be followed on the
series by "Diet and Nutrition As They
Relate to the Decay of Teeth" by
Prof. Russell W. Bunting, Tuesday,
"The Radical Theories of Today" by
Prof. Roy W. Sellars, Wednesday,
and "Some Problems in Defaulted
Real Estate Bonds" by Prof. Earl S.
Wolaver, Thursday.
English Leading French
In Fight For Davis Cup
AUTEUIL, France, July 28.-()-
The French Davis Cup tennis defense
crumbled unexpectedly today with
the defeat of Henri Cochet in the
singles and England smashed
through for two victories that fore-
cast, simultaneously, the end of
France's six-year reign and the first
British triumph since 1912.
Fred Perry trounced the great
Cochet in the fifth set of an other-
wise haid-fought match, decided by
scores of 8-10, 6-4, 8-6, 3-6, 6-1.
Following upon the decisive vic-
tory of Henry W. (Bunny) Austin
over the youthful Andre Merlin,
newcomer to Davis Cup play, by
scores of 6-3, 6-4, 6-0, England thus
gained a 2-0 lead and now needs only
one more match to clinch the series
Twenty-Five Dollars For Five
Fresh Eggs-And It's A Bargain
IVWUUl.111N11i {.lsavaa a v " "" v'--
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., July 28-(P)
|-It caused Miss Jane Thomas, $25 at
$5 an egg today for hurling them
at the ponderous David Hutton, es-
tranged husband of Aimee Semple
McPherson, during a stage appear-
ance here last night.
those eggs," Judge Clarke asked.
"Absolutely not!" Miss Thomas
smilingly replied.
"Are you a member of the con-
gregation at Angelus Temple?"
"I should say not."
"Did you bring the eggs from