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July 26, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-26

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Senator Borah Charges the

Ofcial Publication of The Summer Session


.l r-

Canada Seeks
To Desert U.S.
Coal Market
Ottawa Conference Given
List of 8,000 Products
As Basis for Bargaining
Would Give Empire
Tariff Preference
Remonetization of Silver
And Creation of Super-
Empire Bank Suggested
OTTAWA, July 25.- (AP) - The
British Imperial Economic Confer-
ence got down to brass tacks today
wlkjn Canada laid before the oher
delbgatipns her celebrated list of
8,000 import commodities which are
expected to serve as the basis for
her bargaining with the other pow-
ers of the Empire.
This list has been accepted as the
key to important trade agreements
likely to be drawn up between Can-
ada and the United Kingdom to the
possible detriment 'of the United
States and other non-Empire na-
tions that trade with the Domin-
One of the items on it is anthra-
cite coal. This means that Canada
is willing to increase its Empire im-
portations, of anthricite, which is
now largely supplied by the United
States. In 1931, the United States
shipped in 2,230,000 tons, the only
competitor being Wales, with 870,-
000 tons.
Canada Guards Jobs
In general, the Canadian list con-
tains commodities not produced on
a large scale in the Dominion and
from which the Conference might
sblect articles for Bfitish preference
without materially disturbing em-
ployment here.
These items, it was said, are not
necessarily to be offered free trade
status, but certair of them may be
selected as articles with which to
bargain for preferential treatment
of Canada products in British mark-
Sharing interest with the Cana-
dian list was a suggestion for re-
monetization of silver and a super-
Empire bank
The importance with which many
tion was indicated by Sir Atul Chat-
terjee, of India.
Explain Trade Slump
In the conversations among the
delegates thus far, much has been
said about the United Kingdom as
the greatest purchaser within the
Empire and the greatest lender of
money to the Dominions. Delegates
have been told the purchasing pow-
er of the Empire is only 50 per cent
of normal because there are 3,000,-
000 unemployed in Great Britain be-
cause Great Britain has been receiv-
ing small return on foreign invest-
ments, and because commodity val-
ues in the Dominions' are low.
With those facts in mind, the dele-
gates have been getting at grips
with the trade aspirants peculiar to
the different nations of the Empire.
They realize it is improbable that
they will get as many products on
the duty-free list or the lower tariff
basis as they wish to get.
Thelma Lewis to Give
Musicale Here Tonight
Many students will flock to Hill
auditorium at 8:15 o'clock tonight
to hear the concert which has been
planned by the music school for the
summer visitors. Miss Thelma B.
Lewis, voice instructor, will provide

the program. She will be accompan-
ied by Ava Comin Case, a member of
the piano department.
Wassily Besekirsky, professor of
violin, Hanns Pick, professor of cello,
and Joseph Brinkman, professor of
piano, will also participate.

Hollywood Invades
Campius; Students
Are Stars for Day
Ready! Action! Camera!
Hollywood visited the campus for
a short time yesterday as Reinald
Werrenrath, prominent opera and
concert singer and featured N. B. C.
artist, came to Ann Arbor to take
University of Michigan scenes for a
forthcoming series of short subjects
on various universities around the
Mr. Werrenrath selected besides
Michigan-Yale, McGill, Southern
California, Georgia Tech, and Cornell
for his college features. which will
be released Sept. 1 to2,300 theatres
throughout the country.,
Six Michigan students provided
local color for the scenes taken on
the campus yesterday, while a prom-
nient Hollywood director put them
through their paces. Constance
Giefel, '33, Jean Rice, '35, Mary
Bursley, '36, Braclkley Shaw, '34,
Peter Field, '35, and Phillip Greier,
'35, were the cuples who noncha-
lantly strolled in and out of Angell
hall, the library., and the Student
Publications building.
As an accompaniment to the pic-
tures, Werrenrath's voice will be syn-
chronized, explaining the pictures,
and a background of Michigan songs
will be provided by the Alumni Glee
club, an organization of 16 men se-
lected from 11 different colleges who
were organized by Werrenrath in
New York and are reputed to be one
of the finest male choruses in the
Among the songs that the musi-
cian has chosen for the chrus to'
sing are "Varsity," "The Victors," "
Want to Go Back to Michigan," and
the "Toast to Michigan."
Boak Outlines
History as Told
By Excavations
Four Levels of Buildings
At Dime Reveal Ancient
Architectural Wonders
The history of Soknopaios Nesos,
commonly known as Dime, covering
more than six centuries from the
third century B. C. until 300 yars
after the birth of Christ and includ-
ing four different levels of buildings
was described yesterday by Prof.
A. E. R. Boak, director of the Uni-
verstiy of Michigan excavations at
Kar nis, in a University lecture.
T e most imposing feature of the
first layer that the excavators en-
countered, according to Professor
Boak, is the large temple of Sokno-
paios. The temple area is still well
marked and the walls of the area
at some places are preserved to a
height of 40 feet. Within this wall
were at one time two temples, one
of which has been gutted by fire to
the foundations, but the' other is in
a better state of freservation. Among
the surface finds of the excavators
was a somewhat damaged inscrip-
tion recording the dedication of a
"Way" or avenue from the gate of
the temple compound to' the wall of
the city. The remains of such a
road as this have been found and
proved to be a well-built limestone
road with an excellent foundation.
The earliest layer of houses was
set on. bed rock and was occupied
during the third century B. C. The
houses in this area were well built
of stanework carefully laid in regu-
lar courses and held together with
mud mortar.
Professor Boak prophesied that fu-
ture work on the site would throw
considerable light on the decline of
the city in the third century A. D.

Karpinski' Speaks
Today on Mapping
The Great Lakes'
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, author
of numerous books and a member
of the mathematics department of
the University, will lecture at 5
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium on the topic
"Mapping the Great Lakes." The
talk will be illustrated.
Professor Karpinski, a frequent
contributor to American and Euro-
pean educational journals, has re-
cently brought out a complete publi-
cation of the early maps of Michi-
Second Tour Planned "
To Airport, Village
A second University excursion will


Police Battle
White House
Bonus Pickets
Nine Veterans Are Jailed
After Half-Hour Fight
With City Officers
Leaders Charged{
With Inciting Riot
Authorities Proceed With
Plans to Evict Others
From Nearby Camp,
WASHINGTON, July 25.-(AP)-
Another attempt to picket the White
House by members of the radical
wing of the Bonus Army was broken
up today with police clubs, after a
half hour's sporadic fighting along
Washington's busiest thoFoughfares.
At thle end of the melee, witnessed
by thousands of Government work-
ers who were out for lufich, nine
of the hundred-odd men who march-
ed forth to parade were in jail. The
others were scattered and leaderless.
Among those hauled away in pa-
trol wagons were John Pace, of De-
troit, leader of the left wingers, and
his first lieutenant, Walter Eikeri, of
Washington. Eiker was chased up
a' tree near Pennsylvania Ave. and
camerdown only when the blue coats
threatened to shake him out.
Riot Charges Filed
Both were charged with inciting
a riot. They were out of jail on bond
for a previous attempt to picket the
executive mansion.
Others arrested were John Dmet-
rick, New, York; Sylvester McKin-
ney, Washington; D a v i d Budd,
Washington; Louis Priovolos, New
York; Frank Thomas, Portland, Ore.;
George Represas, no address, and Al-
bert Gershowitz, New York.
Meanwhile, authorities went ahead
with their plans to evict the more
conservative bonus-seekers f r o m
their billets on and near Pennsyl-
vania Ave., several blocks from the
scene of today's fighting.'
Pace Strategem Foiled
W. W. Waters, leader of that fac-
tion, said his ,men would offer pas-
sive resistance if force was used, His
following obviously was much thin-
ner than last week, as more than
5,000 of the veterans have taken ad-
vantage of transportation loans of-
fered by the Government.
Before the abortive attempt to
picket the White House, Pace at-
tempted unsuccessfully to secure a
permit to parade. He then instruct-
ed his men to march in a body to-
ward the Executive Mansion and to
explain to the police they were
Many Attend Community
Sing; Kraus Gives Talk
Approximately 1,000 townspeople
and students participated in the
third community sing at 7:15 o'clock
last night on the steps in front of
the Library. The sing was sponsored
by the citizens' committee for sum-
mer recreation.
Dean Edward H. Kraus gave a
short talk to the audience. The mus-
ic for the program was furnished by
the summer school orchestra under
the direction of Prof. David Mattern,
of the publicUschoolmusic depart-
ment of the'University.

MacMillan Relates
Story Of 24 Years
Exploring In Arctic


Capt. Wolfang von Gronau, Ger-
man flyer, last night was sighted
over Labrador after completing his
crossing of the Atlahtic by the Arctic
route. He is said to be heading for
Courtis Talks
At Educational
Frederick Will Address
Conference at 2 o'Clock;
Two Ball Games on Card
Prof. S. A. Courtis, of the School
of Education, will address the 4
o'clock conference today on "Com-
parisons of -Achievement in Euro-
pean and American Schools." O. I.
Frederick will address the 2 o'clock
group on "Some Special Studies in
the National Survey, of Secondary
Education." Both lectures will be
given in the University High school
auditorium. ,
Professor Courtis was formerly
head of the department of science
and mathematics at the Liggett
sihool in Detroit, supervisor of edu-
cationalnresearch for Detroit public
schools, and director of instruction
and Dean of Detroit Teachers' col-
lege. Mr. Frederick was a member
of the Survey staff.
At 4 o'clock, the Men's yEducaion
club baseball series will be resumed
at South Ferry field. Games sched-
uled for today are Faculty vs. PrimC-
c i p a Is and Superintendents vs.
Eich Gives Reading
To Education Women
Prof. Louis Eich, of the speech de-
partment, gave a series of readings
last night in the League before mem-
bers of the Womens' Education club.
He read selections from the play "Of
Thee 'I Sing.,"

Noted Polar Expeditionist
Tells of His Experiences
On Many Trips Into
Northern Regions
Motion Pictures
Illustrate Talk
Films Show scenes Taken
By Exploration Parties;
Popular Fallacies About
Far North Exploded
The Eskimos of northern Labra-
dor and the lands even nearer to the
pole would be an extinct race now
were it not for the work of the Mor-
avian missionaries, Com. Donald B.
MacMillan declared in his speech
last night in Hill auditorium.
Primarily interested in anthropol-
ogy, Commander MacMillan has
spent much of his 24 years of Arctic
exploration in a study of these prim-
itive people. "Many of them, though
thousands of years behind the civili-
ation of the rest of the world, are
fully as intelligent as our own peo-
ple," he asserted.
He told an enthralling story of
their life and their struggle for exist-
ence in the most northern reaches
of the world's land and showed sev-
eral thousand feet of motion picture
films which he obtained among them.
Hunting, the giant walruses in tiny
sealskin kayaks, o tracking down
the polar bear wit a team of dogs,
were included in some of the more
spectacular scenes., The domestic
life of the eskimo and his family also
came in for their share of the pic-
A tiny sea-bird holding two large
Arctic dogs at bay or a herd of the
peculiar musk-ox charging the dogs
were also included. Scenes from the
tiny Bowdoin, Commander MacMil-
Lan's ship, frozen into the ice-pack
in the northern sea and the scienti-
fic station which the Command
has built on the Labrador coast were
also among the pictures.
Before beginning his account of
his trips to the polar regions, among
them his expedition with Admiral
Peary in 1908-09, he told of some of
the fallacies which people held re-
gafding the northern regions. One
of these, he said, was the idea that
at the Pole there was a great open
sea upon which, boats could be
launched,, buit this has been com-
pletely expoded.
"Another superstition," he said,
"was that ,held by the Hollow Earth
club. They believed the earth to ..be
a great cylinder and that the inter-
ior was inhabited by millions of .peo-
ples with great cities, whose reflec-
tions caused the familar aurora bore-
alis. We even had letters, at the time
of the Peary expedition, introducing
us to the rulers of these realms,"
he said.
Commander Will Lead
Doctors on Expedition
Commander Donald B. MacMillan,
famed Arctic explorer, told The Daily
last night that he would lead a party
of physicians to the far north next
June to study the diet of the Eskimo.
These 'eople seldom live to be
more. than 50 years old, he explained,
and these scientists will take with
them modern medical facilities with
which they will make physical tests
of the natives. It is believed that-the
lack of vegetables and the necessity
of eating great amounts of meat
tends to shorten their lives, ie'said.
The Eskimo is the only man in
modern civilization, as far as t know,
he said, who does not make and
drink some kind of alcoholic beve-
The alertness of the native was
highly praised by the Commander
who stated that their "natural in-
telligence" is often higher than the

American college bred. He said that
he would join the Bowdoin college
faculty in the fall, but that in the
spring he would be off again.
Laughingly he told of a cruise
from which he has just come, and
on which Count von Lucker, jolly
Germany naval adventurer, became
seasick qn the Great Lakes.
Wilson Will Give Last
International Law Talk

Nicholas Falcone, director of the
University sumhner band, announced
yesterday that the organization is
new ready for its first appearance at,
7:30 o'clock Wednesday night at the
bandstand in front of the main Li-
More than 40 pieces will present
the program which will open with
"M Men March" by Faleone. It Wsill
be followed with an overture to
"Semeramide" by Rossini and selec-
tions from "Maytime" by Romberg.
Ja es Pfohl, cornetssoloist, will then
play "Carnival of Venice" by Clark.
Selections from "The Chocolate
Soldier" will be played, "La Bella
Zingara" by Roberts, "March and
Procession of Bacchus" by Delibes,
and the program will be concluded
with the playing of'The Yellow and
Mr. Falcone -has announced that
although the classes are fairly well
filled there is still an opening for
several saxophone, trumpet, and
drum musicians. No programs will
be distributed at the concert, and
those wanting the complete program
should' clip this article.
This is the third year the Univer-
sity has had a summer band. The
idea, first originated with Mr. Fal-
cone, who will personally conduct
the first concert.

WASHINGTON, July 25.-(AP)-
President Hoover turned his atten-
tion today to ways and means of dis-
tributing to states the $300,000,000
direct relief funI made available un-
'der the $1,200,000,000 relief act.
The chief executive held a protrac-
ted conference with Garner Cowles,
sr., recently, appointed director of
t he Reconstruction corporation,
which will use the millions to re-x
lieve suffering. The Des Moines,
Iowa, publisher said the method of
distribution was discussed at length.
Just before Cowles left the White
House, announcement was made that
Fred C. Croxton, assistant director
of the President's unemployment
committee, has been made an assist-
'ant to the directors of the Recon-
struction corporation.
Croxton will center his works up-'
on the administration of the $3000,-
000,000 'fund.
Assuming his new duties at once,
Croxton moved his desk to the Cor-
poration headquarters after a con-
ference with Walter S. Gifford,
chairman of the committee. He has
been assistant to the chairman since
its formation two yeairt ago and is
recognized as one of the best-posted
men in the country on un'employ-
ment 9onditions.
Experts of the Finance corporation
continued their studies of the relief
lawg with ,an eye to expediting the
handling of loan applications.

St evens to Stage 'The Chalk .
Circle,' Early Chinese Classic

Ann Arbor's Saloons, Hitching
Posts Recall 'Good Old Days'

New Translation Will Be
Used in Repertory Play-
ers' Presentation
There are strange things doing in
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre this week.
We crept in-in the dark-and found
the stage set with curious vermillion
lattices and jade green pavilions. In
the center, two black and gold de-
mons seemed to be beating a young
woman unmercifully. Clearly, here
was a matter needing invest'ghion.
Especially .when we found the young
woman with Eugenie Chapel, who
this weak is making her only appear-
ance this summer with the Michigan
Repertory Players. a
It seems they are rehearsing the
ancient Chinese .play, "The Chalk
Circle." We cornered Thomas Wood
Stevens, who seemed to be directing
the beating of the young woman, and

You can lose almost any-
thing with no effort what-
soever. But try to find it
again! That's not sol easy.

Memories of the glorious past ling-
er in Ann Arbor.
Believe it or not, two harness shops
and one blacksmith shop still sur-
vive. Children passing on their way
from school can yet "look in at the
open door, watch the flaming
sparks and hear the bellows roar,"
for the smithy still *carries on his
work in his' little shop on Ashley
street. The harness shops have in-
troduced other .articles of merchan-
'dise to bolster up their ebbing trade.

house square and at the intersec-
tion of Baldwin and Washtenaw ave-
nues the passerby will notice horse
drinking fountains, conspicuous by
the presence of the wide trough. The
Huron street fountain. also has a
wide attachment for the use of dogs.
However, the city is planning to re-
move the latter fountain to make
way for a widening of the street. The
Baldwin avenue device, though, has
recently been painted.
The old tar sidewalk still survives

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