THE MICHIGAN DAILY [he Michigan Dai1l Established 1890 n .. /., \ y -0. _ \ ; ._ 'U .. J-. _ t:Gi Published every morning except Monday during the Cniversity year and Simmer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Mi ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'Te Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as eecond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. -ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $150 Purfig regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by i~al 450. Offces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,; Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Reprsentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Trty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. EDIT0RIAL STAFF OlAce Hours: 2-12 P.M..\ PEitorial Director......................Beach Congr, Jr ~Cty Editor ...........................Carl S. Forsy'the Statie Editor ............................David M. Nichol Xe vs tr........................ .Denton Kunze Telegraph Editor ...................Thomas Connellan Sports Editor. ...... ..............C. H. Beukema BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays Business Manager.................. Charles T. Kline Assistant Business Manager............Norris P. Johnson Circulation Manager ................Clinton B. Conger SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1932 The Voter Can Limit welcome novelty and relief from the constant succession of Hollywood products. The story of "The Road t Life," happily for the weak in heart, has little or no Soviet propa- ganda: in fact, so closely does it keep to its nar- rative of the wild boys, that the Soviet govern- ment nearly refused their permission for its ex- hibition. It was claimed to be too "individualistic" in Its ideals! It tells, with appealing simplicity, the manner in which the bands of thieving children were turned into useful, happy citizens by the govern- ment. As in nearly all the Russian pictures, there are many vividly real and graphic portrayals in the film, a few of them being given by youngsters who in other days actually belonged to gangs of besprizorni. Witnessing the antics-often richly humorous-of these ragged little thieves recalls "Oliver Twist," for the young Russians too have -their Fagin who has organized and directs them. Ty is scarcely as sinister as Dickens' Jew, and he is equipped with a fund of the gay songs that make the picture so colorful. It is he who trains the boys to snatch suitcases, use razor-blades to cut off fur from women's coats, and steal any- thing if a shopkeeper's head is only half-turned. The government, feels that these young desper- adoes can be more easily reclaimed by giving them interesting work to do, such as making shoes, carpentry and the other trades, or even building a section of the railroad, than by shutting them up in reform schools or prisons with guards in iforms to watch them. Nickolai Sergeyef, played by Nickolai Batalof of the Moscow Art Theatre, is the man who offers to take the young isarps, who have been rounded up from their dismal hiding places, to the Collective-which, incidentally, is an abandoned monastery!-and, single-handed; guide them toy comfort and happi- ness. The road is anything but easy; for the wild boys are as tough and hard as one could imagine. They lapse, with desperate fury, again and again. Finally, their great project is undertaken-the building of a branch railroad to their Collective. The picture closes, after many scenes of comedy, on a note of pofgnant tragedy as the first train makes its first trip. As is the case with practically all Russian pic- tures "'the Road to Lifec" has proved to be a vital, vigorous production, technically superb and enthralling. It *s in a different mould than the Hollywood brand; instead of boudoir "passion," you have a group of ragged boys. You have the building of a railroad, the comedy and tragedy and melodrama of real life. It is amazing how exciting such unadorned adventure proves. Coi t'ess' Expenditures. .I The latest mdve of the citizens of Detroit, in or- der to restore municipal financing to a more sound basis, is an amendment to the charter limiting the city budget to $61,000,000. The movement is being backed by the taxpayer's association of the city. It is, indeed, unfortunate that no similar meas- ure could be adopted ,for the protection of the country from Congressional budgets. When the federal legislation spends money like water, ne- glecting to keep a hand on the pulse of the nation from which all the money is to come, and then in a last minute session flounders around until it has made use of every available source of rev- enue to provide for its lavish expenditures, some action is necessary. Unfortunately, the voters do not see fit to elect their representatives for their economy views, but rather on the stands they take on pseudo-important measures which hap- pen to be in the public mind, but are not'of tre- mendous vital necessity to the welfare of the' country. The Constitution is, of course, no place for any such provision. A fundamental document, it makes ampie provisions for the spending of money by Congress, with the restriction. that it shall be for the "general welfare of the nation." Perhaps Congress has provided too much in re- cent years for what it interprets as "general wel- fare." The enactment of an ordinary statute lim- iting the budget Congress might adopt could easily be revoked by a legislature wishing to spend n1 re. A careful analysis of the stands taken by for- mer representatives and senators on financial measures should be tye appropriate step 'by the citizen towards more economical government. Too few voters actually know how their elected rep- resentatives stand on many questions which have been buried under flowery oratory and very de- termined stands on unhnportant points. The ser- ious voter can easily ascertain how much his par.< ticular Congressman has contributed to large eX- pendituires, and vote accordingly. E ditorial Com mentI SOLILOQUY (The Daily Illini) "He made good during the 1929 depression" is a label that will be attached to a few of the super- I men of the future. There will not be so very rhany who will earn and deserve this compliment, because most of the world's population is not will- ing to work hard enough during a period of this kind. It is much easier to let things slip and blame it on the depression. The good old depres- sion comes in handy for passing the buck. During good times nearly everyone makes good, because it is easier to do it and because it is expected of one. It will be the same old story as to the lives of those men who earn this distinction of conquering tie economic structure of a nation that is im the dumps as far as financial possibilities go. A few of these preceptsamight be worth outlining before- hand, so that if anyone is contemplating on mak- ing a name for himself that will last for a long time, he will not lack for at least our idea of a working recipe. First, a candidate for the position of conqueror extraordinary miust be of the trail blazing type. Without question he must lead in all cases. What- ever man follows must emulate his style or fail in the attempt to scale the same heights. Those who make ?outstanding succsses are far ahead of the ideas of their own times in such things. There will be plenty of room for the ordinary success to follow along and attain a place of glory and re- nown, but the trail blazer must at least leave a dimly outlined path that is perpetual insits exist- ence for those who come after to follow. I The proof of his skill in attaining a position of rank during this period of depression will neces- sarily be clear cut and u questioned. Any man who is able, by means ol his own brains and brawn to cut a niche for himself and his posterity in the almost impenetrable granite of economic deflation, must prove his own skill at his chosen profession. He must be a salesman of his own wares. Not the long-winded drummer of old, but the smoother and more capable contact man for his own stock that is being produced durin'g our own day and age. The advantage that our super- man must have over his contemporaries is that he must really have something to sell. It is really almost deplorable that most people who are really good salesmen have nothing to sell, but make the whole product on their own skill. These salesmen usually get some experience on a product that is easy to sell and then when they get good they take up get-rich-quick products that are harder tq sell, but make a great deal of profit. The man of today must have something to sell and possess the remarkable combination of this faculty plus the ability to sell himself to the public in question. His claim to distinction will be based upon ac- tual facts. No false recommendations, fabricated histories, or wabbly experience will get him out of the actualities on top of the heap. The whole fight will have to b fought fair and square be- cause nearly every man in the economic world was stripped clean of his advantage that he may have built lip before the time when the crash of 1929 came about. With this even start our super- man will be able to outshine the others around him and put in a claim. to distinction that cannot and will not be denied by the world at large. His first move will be to improve the record of all thoe who came before him. This task swill serve as a method of proof for his ability to him- self. This is and will be necessary to start anyone on such a long pull 'as he will experience when he goes out to make a place for himself and his busi- ness. Only the tireless and capable workmen will be able4 to gain the toga of those struggling for fame of accomplishment. It is easy to coast to fame during a boom time when all things come easy and money will buy almost anything. Money will still buy nearly anything, but who has the money to buy it with? Abundant health will be necessary in the unsparing use of his energes if such a man is to keep up the pace necessay to get his desire. It is here that the colleges and universities will have an opportunity to prove their own worth. They have facilities to build up both the physical prowess and the mental strength inherent in any man, and the true results of any ct nrl..nvnor il nrm -r- h P 'nn l +s mmnn yr y1i swayed by false testimony and slightly off-color facts. Attention, to detail as well as to the larger subjects before him will be absolutely necessary as any great outstanding success gained at this time will be based upon- a rise gradually and slowly. The fly-by-night fame gained during a boom time can be obtained in a number of different ways, and with a great deal of slip-shod and botchy work. The loudest noise and biggest fire seem to d raw success at such a time, but during competi- tion such as one will encounter when everything is tightened to the bursting point, only the man that can surpass others on the minor details will be able to survive. There will be many who may disagree with our haid picked recipe for a superman who will be able to conquer the present depression, but we still maintain that the program here outlined will guarantee any man an ascendancy over the rank and file if he has the power and "guts" to stick to the thing until positive results are obtained, and then, like a football player who is tackled, is able to get a great many yards in the fall. Thus, when our superman goes up and meets the com- bined opposition of competition and economic condition set against him he will be able to make the weight of these two carry him forward instead of backward to a success greater than dreamed of before when the going becomes easy. DEPRESSIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS (Daily Trojan, With students of the United States affected by the business depression, it is significant and note- worthy that the University of Southern California is announcing the plan to award 35 scholarships for high school and junior graduates for the co- ing academic year. Recognition of- scholastic attainment has been given by the university and its various depart- ments for many years, but this latest move is one worthy of attention. It was conceived by the board of trustees and admin'istration and will be financed from a fund built up for the ,purpose over a period of years. One of the aims of the competition is to attract students from all states of the Union. Every high school with an enrollment' of over 100 is eligible to enter contestants, although no more than one can receive a scholarship in any one irstitution. Tuition for the freshman year, amounting to be- tween $275 and $285, is awarded to the 25 suc- cessful men and women. In the past a large part of the student body has come from California, but it is expected that the interest in the new scholar- ships will serve to stimulate interest in the colle- giate opportunities offered in the metropolitan area of Los Angeles. Junior colleges are increasing in importance with each passing year, and university officials have recognized their merit by offering 10 awards to the two-year graduates. A full year of tuition for the third year at S. C. constitutes the prize. As an experiment junior colleges have been over- come and Southern California is taking a leading step in aiding graduates from the lower schools. Rigid requirements have been established for judging the candidates, and the eventual winners will be outstanding students in every way. Con- testants mUst have a high scholastic record in all subjects, be in the highest tenth of the graduat- ing cass, have the recommendation of the prin- cipal or president, and meet the entrance re- quirements to S. C. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis 'of a careful analysis of academic record, personality record, school citi- zenship record, extra-curricular interests, and educational promise. More than 15,000 letters are being mailed to schools carrying information of the new scholar- ships and a large number of entries are expected by the deadline in April. Winning students will be notified by May and will become members of the student body in September. This should have a stimulating effect to associate with the high type of manhood and womanhood certain to be chosen for the awards. It is more than probable that the winners will take an active part in student affairs and con- tinue the exceptional work which merited their selection. A Washington BYSTANDER By Kirke Simpson WASHINGTON, July 23-The first session of the troubled seventy-second congress sets a good many records, among them possibly a wordage record for at least a peace-time session. It took more than 16,000 pages of the Congressional Rec- ord to set it all down. Surveying the last regular issue of that volumi- nous publication, one finds the respective recapit- ulations of the appropriations aspects of the ses- sion prepared by those veterans, Senator Jones of Washington and Rep. - Joe Byrns of Tennesee, given honor place in the appendix. BIPARTISAN AGREEMENT The thing about them that impressed The Bystander was that Messrs. Jones, republican, and Byrns, democrat, are in hearty -accord about one thing. As respective chairmen of the appropriations committees of the two houses, they contend that pn'gress has done a masterly job of government expense-cutting. , Mr. Byrns places the cut in total appropria- tions for 1933 as compared to 1932 at $1,139,853,- 618. Senator Jones puts it at $1,007,353,618. And that is relative agreement considering their party differences. Now here is where the veterans completely agree. "I fear there exists in the minds of some of our citizens some distrust of congress," says Senator Jones. "I hope every one of our people will weigh thissmatter carefully and with fairness in their hearts give due credit to their representatives in congress for reducing appropriations. "I am unable to think of a better evidence of good faith and honest intention than this." And says Representative Byrns: "This is a remarkable showing and demon- strates to the country that congress has responded to the appeal of the nation for a drastic reduction in government expenses. "There can be no doubt but that the record made by this congress at its first session is un- equalled by any previous session of congress in peacetime." HOUSE VS. SENATE Intra-congress jealousies reveal themselves at one noint. Mr. Bvrns noints out that of $184.000.- Plain91. i 50C. FuiteC Prnesand 35C SU']L(1aClFore.IPressed V R E ' 1 rJE , We Wiltl Call For andl Deli~ver at CASH anid CARRY PRICES :: ..... MaoM111f Yll i/W1 - rA Y WYY9Y111 1! 11111101! tiF _ 0 FLHatsAny Felt Call aatid Deliver Guaranteed Au I Ayst-iat. Shin f no T65 A . 1 ,Y And if notling is to keep Congress from being so lavish with the people's money, perhaps the suggestion of a noted political writer, to establish a West Point for congressional aspirants, would be the most feasible plan in restoring the "gener- al welfare of the nation." * We maintain a CURB SERVICE for the convent- Screen Reflections 'I w ence of our clientele THE FIRST RUSSIAN TALKING PICTURE Since the opening performance of the first Soviet talking film, "The Road to Life," in New York city at the Cameo theatre late in February of this year unprecedented throngs jammed the theatre for ten consecutive weeks. It came toy America with rumors of its extraordinary success on the continent. Maxim Gorki, 'Bernard Shaw, Reinhardt and John Dewey recommended it as an outstanding triumph and departure in talking films. Certainly, however, the American producers -the R. K. O. Radio Corporation-were scarcely prepared for the flood of enthusiasm with which it was greeted by the New York press and public. It has only recently closed after breaking attend- ance records for a foreign film. ' The film treats of the redemption of the bes- prizorni or the "wild boys" of Moscow and other Russian cities who were left homeless and des- perate in the wake of' th'e World War and the Revolution. It was Muidant Uall of the New York Times who called "The Road to Life" one of "the truly exciting events of the current sea- son." "It is filled with l raw beauty," he con, . . . - =-=--s-v.,-- -,=-- --------:-~ - -~ -- ---~~-- - -,--. -- - - -- --- ~ - - CLEANERS AND DYERS k_, Phone 23-231 ' t--:., i-r i 81'. r ,r-: r 8 rer 7 8"._1w .:.'. i'. ., .i_... .e. __ _. a.__ ''f _ 'f'..