The Weather PF ofiUt ctn Generally (fair today; some- what warmer. Daitp Editorials The Voter Can Limit Con- gre ss' Expenditures.. Official Publication of The Summer Session VOL. XII Np. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS Man y F acult y Men to Speak At Churehes Dean E. H. Kraus to Talk At Wesley Foundation's Meeting Tonight Slosson to Discuss. 'Three Atheisms' Martial Law Decree Follows Political Rioting in Berlin j 'Marriage and Its Prob- lems' Will Be Subject Of Address by Angell Michigan faculty members will 6n- ter in a lrge degree into Ann Ar- bor's church services today. Dean Ecward H. Kraus, of the Summer Session, will speak at 6:30 o'clock tonight in the Wesley found- ation. "The Influence of the Church in Summer Study" will be his topic. At the First Congregational chutrcg this morning, Prof. Preston W. Slos- son, of the history department, who hgs been named as Carnegie Found- atifr World Peace lecturer to a number ofEnglish universities next year, will speak on "The Three Athe- isms." J. Christian Pfohl will be the organist today. Angell Will Speak "Marriage and its Problems in Modern Life," will be the subject of a discussion by Prof. 'Robert C. An- gell, of tho sociology department, at 7:30 tonight in the Unitarian church. A sociaLhour will follow the discus- sion.' At the Unitarian church for the *morning service, the Rey. W. H. Gy- sen, of Boston, will speak on "What's on Our Young People's Minds?" He will give a survey of the opinions on social and religious questions which he has found among high school and college students. Dr. Fisher Plans Trip . Cohtinuing the series of sermons of "Living in the Twentieth Cen- tury," Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, of the Methodist church, will speak this morning on "Self-Determination." Next Sunday, the topic will be "Tol- erance in Religion." Dr. Fisher is expected to leave for a brief trip to Europe as soon as this series is fin- ished. Replacing the Rev. Merle H. An- derson at the Presbyterian chuch this morning, the Rev. Peter. Soudah will be the guest preacher. At the Baptist church this' morning, Dr. Judson C. King, who has recently returned from Afifica, will tell of his missionary experiences there. The Rev. Theodore R. Schmale, of the Bethlehem Evangelical church, is to speak this morning on "The Purpose of the Gospel." Band to Give First, Concert Qn Wednesday Summer Unit Includes 40 Pieces; Falcone To Di- rect Program The Summer University of Michi- gan bangs, under the direction of Nicholas Falcone, will give the first of a series of four concerts next Wednesday night in front of the main library. More than 40 pieces are included in the summer unit of the band and they have been rehearsing for the seriesofa concerts for about two weeks. This is the third year that Professor Falcone has organized a summer band and he is confident, he said, that this year's unit is the best. James Pfohl will give cornet solos in connection with the first ,of the concerts. Guest directors will con- duct the band in its later perfor- mances, however. A complete pro- gram will be printed in Tuesday morning's Daily. Former Mayor to File Petitions for House Petitions to nominate former Mayor Edward W. Staebler of Ann. Arbbr as a candidate for state representative from Washtenaw on the Democratic ticket in the September primaries will be filed with the county clerk on Monday, it was learned yesterday. The petitions have been circulating throughout the district for the last b'(Associated Press Photo) Political demonstrations in Berlin reached a climax during the last week in a presidential decree imposing martial law upon the city and placing the state of Prussia under a dictatorship. Above is shown a mob of ormunists gathering for a mass demonstration against Hitler's faction shortly before the decree was issued. Hobbs to Lead Friday's Tour To Put-in-Bay Geological Formations of Lake Erie Island to Be ExplainedDuring ,Trip Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the geology department, will lead an excursion to Put-in-Bay next Fri- day. Reservations for the trip must be made by 5 o'clock Thursday night in room 9, University hall. , Put-in-Bay is one of a group of1 islands in Lake Erie about sixty miles, southeast of Detroit. Geologically, Put-in-Bay is of interest because ofs its rugged limestone shoreline, its surface evidences of glaciation and7 its caves. Of the three major caves, Crystal is noted for its crystallized formations, Peary for a lrge under- ground lake and Mammoth fo' its peculiar rock formations. The island derives its name from the fact that Oliver Hazard Peary "put in" therea after his victory over the British in' the War of 12. A large mon snent resembling the one erected in honor1 of Washington in the nation's capi- tal commemorates Peary's victory. The structure was dedicated last year. The islands are also noted for their vineyards and large shipments' of grape juice- are made to various parts of the country each, fall. Large number of tourists visit Put-in-Bay each year. Two steamers make daily trips from Detroit and Cleveland.. Special buses will convey the ex- cursion party to Detroit leaving Ann Arbor at 7:30 o'clock Friday morn- ing, going directly to the Put-in-Bay dock at the foot of First street. The steamer will leave for the island at 9:30 o'clock, the water trip lasting three hours. The party will return to Detroit at 10:15 o'clock and will be met by special buses arriving in1 Ann Arbor at midnight.7 The total expenses for the trip wil amount to five dollars, including round trip bus fare, steamer passage, admission to caves and meals on the steamer. Educational Meet Proves Success, Edmonson States T h e Conference of Educational, Legislation) sponsored by' the School of. Education, which met here last week,. was a distinct success in the opinion of those attending, Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the education school, declared yesterday. At the closing session a resolution qas pass- ed thanking the school'for arrang- ing the conference. The opinion was also expressed that the conference was the most successful one on edu- cational problems sponsored in re- cent years. "Many thought that the great in- terest in the program was due to the timeliness of the subjects under dis- cussion," Dean Edmonson assertel. "Some of the officials of the State Teachers association declared the conference would have a real influ- ence on the program of legislation Universit Excurstonists Inspect Cranbrook, Kingswood Schools Cranbrook and Kingswood schools, Christ Church, and other fouhda- tions on the former estate of George G. Booth at Bloomfield Hills, near Birmingham, were the objectives of the Summer Session exxcursion of Saturday morning. With a chartered bus and six drivate cars, the party numbered well over fifty. Interest in the trip was fairly evenly divided between the two features of the Cranbrook center--education and architecture. Beginning with the Cranbrook school for boys, the group was conducted through class- rooms, gymnasia, and dormitories by'- ,, a staff member, who mndicatell unus~n *1 ual equipment and methods both at rs. K ni e sle Cranbrook and at Kingswood, the school for girls. The buildings of the I ve *Ye r Cranbrook Academy of Arts, famous iven 5 ears for its work in the arts f Qhandicraft,f were not open.I Fund Theft1 Cranbrook school, together with its Fd associated foundations for the study'{ of art and science, was designed by .di Elel Saarinen, the celebrated Fin- 1 entenced After Fiding nish architect. Its style, while unus-1 Of $37,237 Shortage in ual and distinctive, pa1icularly in its S great variety, is reminiscent of col- Teachers' Fund legiate Gothic, though qtr less tradi- tionally so than the Lawyers Club.'j LANSING, Mich., July 23.-(AP)- Kingswood, on the other hand, corn- Mrs. sGeorgiana Kniesley, 33 years pleted just a year ago, carries Saar- old, deposed secretary of the Michi- inen's modernistic tendencies consid- gna Teachers' Retirement Fund, was erably farther, and offers perhaps sentenced by Circuit Judge Charles the most interesting example in this B. Collingwood today to a term of vicinity of his most recent work. 5 to 10 Yea s at theDtroit o' Explorer Will Tell of Polar TripsMonday MacMillan Will Describe His 24 Years of Work In Northern Regions To Exhibit Films' Of Arctic Scenes Made First Trip to Pole As Member of Peary's Expedition in 1908 Commander Donald B. MacMillan, dean of Arctic explorers,' tomorrow night will tell of his experiences in the north polar regions, relating the. progress made in 24 years of explor- ation. He will lecture in Hill audi- torium, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. The noted explorer, a profesor of ethnography at Bowdoin College, is the second lecturer on the Summer Session series. His subject will be "My 24 Years of Arctic Exploration." , To Describe Advances His talk will be concerned chiefly with developments in exploring the far reaches of the north as they have occured since 1908-09, when, as a member of the Peary expedition, he made his first trip to the north pole. Accompanying the lecture will be' motion, pictures, said t be some of the finest ever taken in this respect. In addition, amplifiers will be install-' ed, thus making the lecturer able to be heard in any part of the auditor- ium. Praised by Hobbs E Characterized by Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, head of the geology department here, as one of the great exxplbrers of today, MacMillan will' recount for his audience his experi- ences as member fo various polar expeditions. Since first taking up this work, he ias made eight trips, many as a leader of expeditions' His most recent trip was in 1931, when he headed the Labrador-Baf- fin Land aerial expedition. Commander MacMillan will be the third explorer to appear here in less than two years. Others have been Admiral Richard E. Byrd and Sir Hubert Wilkins. Plan Addresses for Education Meetings "The National Survey of Second-' ary *ducation" will be the. subject of an address by L. V. Koos; of tle University of Chicago, associate 6i- rector of the survey, at 2 o'clock to- morrow in the University H i g h School auditorium. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the University Health Service, will speak at 4 o'clock in the auditorium on "Health Problems Involving Emo- tional Control." The Men's Education Club meet- ing at 7:30 o'clock in the Union will be addressed by Dr. S. A. Courtis, of the education school, on "The Meas- urement of-Growth." Paris Doctor Studies Problems of Colonies Dr. Paul Mousset, of Paris, France, is, here on a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship to study "Colonial Ques- tions" with Professor J. R. Hayden of the Political Science department, specialist on the Philippine Islands, it was learned yesterday. Bonus Forces Heading Home Frh m Capital Many Accept Free Railway Fares; Only 3,500 Left In Washington WASHINGTON, July 23.-(AP)- On the cushions, on the rods, and on the broad highways, members of the Bonus Army today were heading home, leaving only a fraction of their original strength in the capital. Frank T. Hines, administrator of veterans' affairs, said today that only about 3,500 remained for officials to worry about, and kind - h e aor t e d Washingtonians to feed. - Hines expressed the opinion that at no time had there been more than 8,000 'of the bonus-seeking veterans here, but police by actual count on praade daysset the number at 11,- 700. Leaders of the army claim d h total of 22,000 at the peak. Most of the departing guests went on "the plush," presenting railroad tickets furnished by the Veterans' Administraiton. Others scorned to become "softies" and went out the way they came, on top of and under- neath boxcars., Col. U. S. Grant, director of public parks and buildings has asked the District of Columbia authorities to clear the men out of the parks and property under his jurisdiction. Miss Pulfrey Brought To Ann Arbor Hospital The condition of Margaret Pulfrey, '355.1, who was critically injured in an autmobile collision on the Van Born road last Sunday night, has Dean of Explorers of Correction, on embezzlement charges. Mrs. Kniesley was charged wtih embezzlement in connection with a $37,237 shortage in the retirement fund. The specific charge against the woman was for the embezzlement of $251. Judge Collingwood iecom- mended that she serve five years. Mrs. Kniesley received her sen- tence calmly in the court room, but later collapsed at police headquar- ters. Her husband, Willis Kniesley, was with her in court. Mrs. Kniesley was arrested after arb audit extending over a period of three months revealed the 1 a r g e shortage. Webster H. Pearce, state superintendent of public instruction, said the shortage covered a period of seven years. Mrs. Kniesley was appointed secretary of the retirement fund board in 1923. COM. DONALD B. MacMILLAN Brucker Opens His Campaign For Governor Trumpets Blare as Execu-f live Turns in Petitions With 202,000_Signers 1 LANSING, July 23.-(AP)-Withf military trumpets blaring and manyY of his friends looking on, Gov. Wil- ber M. Brucker today gave the signal which will set the primary election campaign roaring into the stretch.- The governor submitted petitions qualifying himn as a' candidate fors the Republican gubernatorial renom- ination to Frank D. Fitzgerald, sec- retary of state. The petitions were gathered by the state Brucker-for- governor committee, and, accordingf to Jack Leasia, secretary to the gov- ernor and the committee, contained more than 202,000 names. About 5,000 are required to qualify. Ceremony accompanied Brucker's official entrance in the race. Bugle and drum corps and other musical attractions from Detriot, Cadillac, Lenawee county, Jackson, Alma and Lansing rendered brave tunes In- vitations were sent to many workers requesting them to be present. Seth Q. Pulver of Owosso, chair- man of the state Brucker commit- tee, acted as master of ceremonies. He presented the petitions to Bruck- er, who in turn deposited them with Fitzgerald. Short presentation talkss were made by each. An informal re-c ception and a luncheon followed. t Community to Join in Sing Monday Night Program Includes Solos, Symphony and Talk by Dean Edward H. Kraus Townspeople and Summer Session students will join in a sing and mus- ical program from 7:15 to 8 o'clock in front of the Library Monday night, according to an announcement made yesterday by L. H. Hollway, director of the Ann Arbor recreational pro- gram. The program will "include a mass sing, solos by members of the Uni- versity Symphony . qrchestra, espe- cially arranged numbers by the or- chestra, and a talk by Dean Edward H. Kraus. The affair has been ar- ranged as a 'gesture of good-Will on the part of the townspeople towards the hundreds of visitors who flock to the campus for the summer months. Lead by bavid Mattern, professor of public school music, the symphony will play the overture, "Merry Wives of Windsor." It will be followed by the mass singing of "There's Music in the Air," and "Juanita." Lucille Hoffman, cellist, accompanied by the symphony, will play "Traumeri." The orchestra will follow with "Flirtation," and the audience will sing "Now 'Neath the Silver Moon," and "Od Kentucky Home." The sot- prano solos, "The Little Dustman," and "Last Night the Nightingale Woke Me," will be presented. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "Love's Old Sweet Song" will be sung by the audience after which Dean Edward H. Kraus will make a short talk. A harp solo will follow, and the program will end with the mass singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers" and "Good Night Ladies." . Borah Wants World Parley For Revision Of War Debts Reduction or Cancellation May Be in Interests of People of United States, Idaho Senator Declares But Obligations Are Just, lie Maintains Says Conference Should Also Deal with Disarma- ment, Re-Establishment of Gold Standard WASHINGTON, July 23.-(AP)- Senator Borah of Idaho proposed to- night an immediate world conference to consider revision or cancellation of war debts entirely with a program for settling other pst-war problems., Borah, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations commit- tee, delivered his message by radio, proposing the world conference as a follow-up to the Lausanne repara- tions agreement, which he said was more of a "harbinger of peace and the hope of humanity" than the Versailles peace treaty. Borah painted the Lausanne agree- ment as the "most imprtant step taken since the war looking to re- storation of confidence in political and business affair5:" Sees Gain in Sacrifice He added that if the policies ini- tiated at Lausanne were carried for- ward "there will come a time when it will be distinctly to the interest of the people of the United States "to again consider the question of war debts. B o r a h warned, however, that re- vision of the debts should not be pre- dicated on t h e reparations agree- BORAH ment alone. He said the debts were 'just debts and the only reason for urging a re- duction or . cancellatino of them would be "in the interest of the peo- ple of the United States." Wants Treaty Revised- "I entertain the belief," he said, "that the cancellation of the debts in connection with, and as a part of, a program including the settle- ment of other war problems, would have the effect above indicated."' Borah proposed that the world conference should have authority to deal with reparations and debts, dis- armament, re-establishment of the dold standard, the stablization of silver in the Orient and possibly other questigns. Boak to Speak . On University Work in Egypt Karpinski, Fries, Badger To- Talk on $urnmer Series Next Week Prof. A. E. Boak, head of the his- tory department,- will open the 5 o'clock lecture series for the week in ,Natural Science auditorium' Monday twhen he gives an illustrated lecture on "The University of Michigan Ex- cavations in Egypt in 1931-32." "Mapping' the Great Lakes" will be discussed Tuesday by Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the mathematics department, and on Wednesday Prof. Charles C. Fries, of the English de- partment, will talk on "The Oxford Dictionary and Its Successors." His talk will be illustrated. Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the c h e m i c a 1 engineering department, will conclude the week's program Thursday with a talk on "Salt Man- ufacturing in the Middle Ages." Arms Parley Adjourns For Indefinite Period GENEVA, July 23.- (AP) -The w o r 1 d Iisarmament Conference which began its work on Feb. 2 ad- ' . _.. _ .. . z_ .^ ' , ..., , a { ' '; Ziegfeld, 'Glorifier of, Anerican IGirl,' Suiccumbs Suddenly at 64 Originator of Follies Ex- pires When Heart Attack Follows Pneumonia HOLLYWOOD, July 23.-(AP)- Florenz Ziegfeld, "the glorifier of the American girl," has come to a sud- den death when thought recovering from a lung congestion. The origi- nator of the Ziegfeld Follies died of a heart attack at 10:31 p. m. Friday in a hospital while his wife, Billie Burke, was rushing from a motion picture studio where she was work- ing. She arrived at his bedside, still in make-up, two minutes after his death. Patricia Ziegfeld, daughter of the 64-year-old producer and his actress wife, was at the palatial home in Santa Monica which Ziegfeld had leased for his southern California {,;.I