THE MICHICAN DAILY y0e ludents Dem Chairman? Seek Sumdter Auto Permits severaI Classes Exempt From Ban; Rules More Lenlent for Others Stuclents yesterday thronged to the dean Qf students' office in the rush for automobile permits under tie Unversity auto ban regulations whchwere resumed at 8 o'clock in 'morning. Mq re lenient during the Summer 4esion than during the academic y r, the summer rules willhallow kexpption from the, ban to the fol- lowing groups om students, according o Waiter B. Rea, assistant to the cean:- S1. Those who in the academic year were engaged in professional pursuits as, , for example, teachers, lawyers, physicians, dentists, nurses. "2. Those attending the Public Health institutes. 3. Those who are 28 years of age or Aover., ,4. Thse. who have a Summer Sessin faculty ranking of teaching agsista nt o its equivalent." rrnlts willebe issued for the fol- lowlzng ;purpses to students not in the exempted groups-: "A. For circumstances necessitat- ingl use. 1 . ". For participation in outdoor Sp4rts, such as golf, tennis and swnmming, "Recreational use," Rea stated, "is tended. to; provide convenient tran portation to the nearby lakes ak ,olf courses." Otudent passengers may be car- rie , on .these. occasions, he ex- plaped, but he added that such did not,nclude "driving to the campus, maing social calls, or pleasure driv- ing' Mixed couples driving a car undr a recreational permit after 9 o'clock at night will be considered1 violeting the regulations, lea ex- pla ed.' *dents may obtain permits in Room 2, University hall. Cars should not be used until the permit tags are attached, Rea concluded. Announce Elopement Of Little's Daughter Announcement of the elopment of Louise Little, daughter of Dr. Clarence Cook Little, former Presi- dent of the University, and Cyrus C. Sturgis, Jr., son of the director of the Thomas Henry Simpson' Mremorial Institute for Medical Re- search, was made known over the wek-end by the bride's mother, Mrs. Andrews Little. ' The couple had kept the marriage1 a, secret until they had completed tleir first year as students in the University. They were married last September. ffoost in Advertising Brings Higher Profit zNEW YORK, June 27.-(AP)-+ WIany companies have maintained ahid even increased their earnings W consistent newspiper advertising, to American Newspaper Publishers' A ociation said in announcing the results of a survey by its bureauI of: advertisgl , .One automolil~e company, which inreased its newspaper budget 33 Pr, cent, the bureau announced,1 sowed a 40 per cent increase in earnings during 1931. A manufac- t iaer of electric refrigerators spent $a0,000 last year in newspaper space, and dollar sales for the year wire 460 per cent of sales in 1930. Of four leading tobacco manu- f'turers who increased newspaper' 3se ce in 1931, three showed an in- crease in earnings, and one a slight decline from the high net of a year preceding. Aggregate expenditures of, these four companies in news-.' pper advertising were increased+ from $105,200,000 to $11,300,000. Coller W arns Against Moving Wreck Victims Call Doctor, Ambulance, Nationally Famous Educators Will Lead Special Class Here Rusbing' Rules Chtai eid For Fall Semester CLASSIFIED .ADVERTISING I University Surgeon vises Samaritans Ad. ben. 'homas J. Walsh BarkAley Urges De cats to EndDry Law Kentucky Senator Wants State Convention Vote OI Liquor Question (Continued from Page 1) and dealing with fundamental causes, and incapable even now in the midst of its fearful havoc of understanding the extent of its own mischief." Declaring that "we must by a major operation remove from the body of our nation and the world, both of which are sick and dejected, the dead flesh and decayed bones re- sulting from 12 years of republican quackery," Barkley continued: "We must apply to the hopeful but misused patient the recuperative processes of a democracy which for a century and a half has responded to the emergencies which have always beset us at the end of every period of republican control which lasted long enough for its virus to take effect. Concerning the eighteenth amend- ment, BarkIey said "so long as it is a part" of the constitution "no citi- zen of the republic has a legal or moral right to violate it," and added: "Whatever may be the divergent views of men and women on the merits or demerits of the eight- eenth amendment as a national policy, it is inconceivable that this or any.other part of the constitution of the United States should apply to only a Dart and not the whole of the American nation. That great instrument declares that 'this con- stitution and the laws made in pur- suance thereof shall be the supreme law of the land.' But it cannot be the supreme law of the land if it can be abrogated by the people of a part of the land while remaining in force over the rest of them. Such a conception destroys the very na- ture and structure of the constitu- tion, for if it can be made thus to qualify one of its provisions it may be made to qualify all of them. This would be the end of the constitu- tion itself. "In order, therefore, to obtain the present will of the American people on this subject of universal contro- versy, this convention should in the platform here to be adopted recom- mend the passage by Congress of a resolution repealing the eighteenth amendment and its submission to the peoplewof the states through con- ventions whose delegates shall be chosen upon this issue alone. "If the people are to pass again upon this question, let them pass upon it in such bald, naked and un- equivocal terms as to make their de- cision intelligent and certain. Summer, season of automobile ac- cidents, finds hundreds injured in smash-ups being hurried to hospitals1 by the first passing motorist. A, kindly act, but the worst possible, thing for the injured one, especially if fractured bones, internal, or severe1 head injuries have been suffered by; the victim. If injuries seem severe, the best action is to call for a doctor and an1 ambulance from the nearest town, says Dr. Frederick Coller, director of the University of Michigan de- partment of surgery. Fracture of bones should always be regarded as serious, Dr. Coller states, and the patient should not be, moved until a doctor has examined him and applied spints. Compound fractures, where the bones have been pushed through the skin, should never be straightened out by a lay- man, since this pulls the germ-laden dust of street or road into the wound increasing tremendously the chances of serious infection, An ambulance should be called, if pos- sible, even in country districts, since the cramped space of an ordinary car may aggravate bone fractures and seriously fatigue an injured per- son, especially if he suffers from shock or much pain. Shock from injuries is a danger signal everyone should learn to rec- ognize, declaresrDr. Coller. It is marked by great pallor, sweating and a very weak pulse, but rarely great pain. Loss of blood and ab- sorption into the blood of damaged tissue, which is poisonous to the system, are the causes. Experience in the World war showed that such cases should be moved with the least jarring possible, after temporary splints have been applied to broken bones. Moving of patients who are conscious and in pain should rarely be undertaken until a physician has administered morphine. Except when bleeding is so severe as quickly to endanger life, skilled hands should take the injured to a hospital. Valuable Specimen Of Brd's Skeleton Fo lnd in Mseum The breast bone of a passenger pigeon, a valuable and almost unique relic of the millions of these birds which summered in Michigan during the youth of our grandparents, has been found at the University of Michigan by workers rummaging among half-forgotten specimens to be placed on display in the new University Museums building. Back in 1837, Dr. Abram Sager, then professor of zoology and bot- any, very possibly while dining on the bird, which regularly graced thousands of tables in those days. Intent on preserving a good speci- men, and probably never suspecting that his scientific keenness would re- sult in the only skeletal relic in Michigan of a bird which nested in millions in the middle counties of the- state, Dr. Sager tagged and boxed the specimen and placed it in the University collections. Because it is a portion of a fine skeleton, the Michigan find is almost invaluable. There are probably less than a dozen complete skeletons in existence, and separate bones, which tell the naturalist the characteristics of the bird in life, are as rare. SWIM at Newport Beach Portage Lake 5:- Dull quizps and lectures are to be eliminated from a course offered for the first time in the School of Edu- cation under the direction of Dean James B. EUmonson. Listed in the catalogue of the Summer Session as education B185s, the course is known as "State and National Trends in Education." However, if statements of the faculty of the School of Edu- cation are to be accepted, it appears that the title means very little in regard to the interest which the course will hold for the students. As a substitute for the usual lec- tures and recitations Dean Edmon- son has secured the aid of promi- nent figures in the field of educa- tion to come to the campus in order that they may lead the class discus- sions on the topics assigned for con- sideration during the summer ses- sion. Each week a general subject con- cerning the field of education will be placed before the members of the class. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the regular meeting days of the course, individual phases of the general topic will form the basis for discussion. Nationally known leaders of education will be present German Party Wants Kaiser BackinPow er at most of the discussions to guide the students in their consideration of the matter. Beginning with the week of June 27 and continuing through the week of August 15, the course will include discussions on the following subjects in the order named: report of the national advisory committee on edu- cation, trends in education legisla- tion, and after several weeks devoted to study of educational organization programs, the course will conclude with reports on the educational dec- larations included in the party plat- forms of the national political parties. Among the leaders scheduled to conduct the group in discussions are, to name only a few, Dean H. L. Smith of Indiana university, C. H. Judd, dean of the college of educa- tion at the University of Chicago, and Dean Edmonson. Fourteen Faculty Members Receive Promotion Here Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President, has announced the promotion of 14 members of the faculty. Those advanced are: College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Leslie A. White, from as- sistant professor to associate profes- sor of anthropology; Lee Owen Case, from instructor to assistant profes- sor of general and physical chemis- try; Arthur Louis Dunham, from assistant professor to associate pro- fessor of history; Wesley Henry Maurer, from instructor to assistant professor of journalism; Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, from associate professor to professor of physics; Ora Stanley Duffendack, from as- sistant professor to associate pro- fessor of physics; James Murle Cork, from assistant professor to as- sociate professor of physics, and Michael S. Pargment, from assistant professor to associate professor of French. Medical School: Theodore George Bernthal, from intructor to assist- ant professor of physiology; Walter Grierson Maddock, from instructor to assistant professor of surgery, and Donald Eliot King, from in- structor to assistant professor of surgery. School of Business Administra- tion: Earl Salisbury Wolaver, from assistant professor to associate pro- fessor of business law. School of Music: Otto Jacob Stahl, from assistant professor to associate professor of theory. Division of Hygiene and Public Health: Dr. Nathan Sinai, from as- sociate professor to professor of public health. Six promotions were approved by the regents during the school year just ended. Fu'ateni dW Nationalists May PI&.ge Ask Return During first e snter Under New System (Continued from Page 1) house. Only ordinary and moderate expenditure shall be made in rush- ing. Section 5. Automobiles shall not be used in rushing at any time. Section ,. No binding promise re- garding pledging shall be entered into by fraternity and rushee during the above specified rushing period., No such promise will have validity before the Interfraternity Council or the Judiciary Committee of the same. ARTICLE II Section 1. The period from 8:30 p. m. of Thursday of the second week of rushing until 12 noon of the following Monday shall be a period of silence during which there shall be no contact whatsoever be- tween a member of any fraternity and a rushee. Section 2. Any rushee who re- ceives a bid from a fraternity and who does not turn in a preference list as provided him shall be ineli- gible to pledgeany ,fraternity until the beginning of the second semes- ter of the same academic year. ARTICLE III Section 1. Any pledge attaining eleven hours and fourteen honor points, or more, in his first semes- ter of residence shall be eligible for fraternity initiation immediately af- ter the beginning of the next semes- ter. Section 2. Any pledge not attain- ing at least 11 hours and 11 honor points during the first semester of residence shall automatically be de- pledged, and shall not be allowed to be pledged again to any fratern- ity until he has attained at least 26 hours and a minimum of 26 honor points, and in case he has more than 26 hours to his credit he shall have as many honor points as hours. Section 3. Any pledge not eligible for initiation to a fraternity under the above provisions at the end of the first semester shall be eligible when he has obtained at least 26 hours and an equal or greater num- ber of honor points. ARTICLE IV Section 1. The above provisions shall apply to all entering students, both freshmen and upperclassmen. ARTICLE V Section 1. The Judiciary Commit- tee of the Interfraternity Council shall be empowered to take disci- plinary action as prescribed in Ar- ticle VI, upon the presentation of an indictment by any campus honor s o c i e t y, interested organizations, persons or person. Such indict- ments shall be filed with the Com- mittee and shall give evidence of the violation on the part of the fra- ternity or individual, and shall be signed. Parties presenting such in- dictments shall be ready to testify when called upon in order that the indictment may be held valid. TWO ROOM SUTE-Across from Nickel Arcade, $5. 9025. 324 Maynard. WANTED WANTED-Student laundry, prices reasonable. Phone 21984. WANTED-Laundry. S o f t water, 21044. Towels free, socks darned. WAiNTED--Family and Student laundry. Called for and delivered, Phone 4863. FOR RENT ONE SINGLE-And one double room both pleasant in quiet home nearcampus. Price reasonable. 811 Catherine. FOR RENT-Room for summer. Light, airy, close to the campus. Male student preferred. Phone 5929. FOR RENT-A cool room facing garden. Garage available. Phone 21840. FOR RENT-513 E. Jefferson. Large two room, 1st floor apartment. Bath, frigidaire. Close to Michi- gan Union. PLEASANT-Front suite for stu- dents or business men. Large double bedroom. 909 E. Washing- ton, opposite League. Of Hohenzollerns When. Strife Continues BERLIN, June 27.-(AP)-Return of the Hohenzollerns to the throne of Germany was called for today by the Nationalist party in the midst of a three-cornered, continuing strife among the south German states, the von Papen government and Adolf Hitler. The restoration of the kaisers was proposed Sunday at a party caucus by Alfred Hugenberg, Nationalist leader, who declared the Nationalists favored a return of the monarchy. Four persons were killed and many injured in political clashes Sunday. In the meantime, at a secret meeting with Chancellor von Papen and Gen. Kurt von Schleicher in Berlin, hitler was reported to have been asked by the chancellor as a personal favor to curb the violence of his brown-shirted followers. There was an official denial that the meeting was held, but on re- liable authority it was learned the chancellor asked Hitler to take his uniformed followers off the streets because the constant fighting had damaged Germany's cause at Lausanne. , The chancellor also conferred with President Paul von Hinden- burg. Supporters of the govern- ment appeared to be quite dissatis- flied with newspaper interviews at- tributed to the chancellor at Laus- anne last week. In Nationalist newspapers the chancellor was bitterly attacked for an interview in which he was quoted as saying: "I am among the first to admit the claim of France to compensation in connection with the liquidation of reparations." Pastel Felts for Sports Wear at$1 .95 Chalk Crepe Turbans at $1.95 Panamas $1.00 Beautifully Styled and large :heodsizes included. I J acobson's 612 E. Liberty Street I HARPER METHOD OFFICE for the scientific care of the scalp, face and hands. 403 South Division Street Phone 4016 Only Rain Water Used A Patio for Outdoor Drying SPECIAL! Regular Six Dollar Oil1 Permanent Wave $3.00 Complete Shampoo and Marcel $1.00 Shampoo & Fingerwave 75c Manicure. .........50e All Work Guaranteed Open Evenings COLLEGE BEAUTY SHOP 300 South State Street Phone 2-2813 Established 1899 Ann Arbor's Largest Restaurant Wishes to announce to Summer School Students that it is again under the management of the Chubbs who served Michigan Men and Women from 1899 to 1925. FOOD QUALITY UNSURPASSED Prices in Line with the Times. Service 6:30 A. M. -7:30 P. M. II 1t I t I -wVp S S! I t Ummer Session Sale of 111 s -ow L"l 1K1I 1 Loads of Seeond-hand Books which have been marked to your advantage- BLANK BOOKS, FOUNTAIN PENS, LABORATORY SUPPLIES, ETC. -at- _ rT - wW .M-0--oh-ki -r- 40 A of -akL - " °' --U w_~ Ad_ M 1 U / /m / - U oll I 111VUot I ' -1111 11 Uok7