UJsed ~rPi vetitn of Disease CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING F'OR RENT - Fhunshed apartment with private bath and shower, for 3 or 4 adults. Furnished apart- ment for 2. Also single room. Con- tlnuoUs hot water shower; garage. Dil 8544. 422 E. Wash ington.-0 '11 x M ake a Bee-JLine for Mack'si on r. BelCte choiin these examinations is health1 D r. B ell G h ee E C~tI o mi counselling. After. the exam ination r ''is m d an th h s o y is ev w d, 8hhWitd' HAO iCmdeandthrhtryisreid Important 114ea ealexmnations are ma~de for several reasons," stated Dr. Mar- ' taret Bel yesterday in a lectuire on .Health Examinations," citing pro- .ection of, the state in .,the case of, firmy entrance: examinations as on# cfthe important ones. "T~hey are ,ade in economics to protect the ployer against the health liabili- e~ of the-employees; they are made 4r sanitary reasons and for reasons Ofcontagion; and they are made With the idea of. prevention in mind trecognize the possbilities for dis- ease occurring in later years." Known Since Socrates' Time , Individuals are. often examined at their own request, Dr..Belindicated, because, they wish the benefits of ,§uch ai examination; they~;are ~ap- prehensive of disease or are forced to h~ave the examination ,f or applica- t on for a 'positioni and for inisur- ance. Health examinations have been in xkog e. throughout. the. years since 4hetimne of Socrates, Dr. Bell. stated, but "up until the nineteenth cen- tury they wer'e used largely as ,a device for selecting meni for afly lif.; ndthus decreasing~ the health ,"As the idea of the necesity for "integration of the human organism caeinto consciousness, the phys- Jqeof they individual was consid- er' d essential to. fulfillment. Even ~tlbugh this idea began to take ,shpe ini -the late,. eighteenth an~d, ,eoxly nineteenth cen4tury, it was not unp.til the latter part of the nine- teenth century that the life -insur- ,apce examinations were used to pro- tect . the insurance companies against poor risks and the experi- 4zent of health examinationis was beg un on any large scale. Insurance C6Inpanies Gain the, first important investigations' were made u~nder, they direction of the'Life Extension ins~tite aftbr 'meidical experts in insurancei had de- 'cided thiat prevention might not only problong life and decrease morbidity, butin directly increase monetary.,rT- tun.This study was beguin in 1014 under the direction of . the Metro- 'p$itan Insuran~e comparry when, a' group of 6,000\ policyholders were examined and compared with a 'gr'oup of 6,000 policyholders not so examined and advised. After 16 years it was estimated, as a result of this experiment, that the insur- ~ace company /ha~d taken out in-~ creased premiumIs double the amount invested or two, dollafs for every dol- lar invested. i- "The. statistics from. this series, of examinations reveal the fact that advice was most often given in re- gadto the following health factors: dtay hygiene, obesity, malnutri-, U',constipationi, exercise anTd out'- drwater, bathing;/sleep and rest,! se~k.The econd pjotent device used theC pnlemn L~kgoes over Ltne, ptLint's record and advises with him what his future course should be." Staute Alumnil Provide .Fifty Scholairships fifty high school students from 21 Michigan towns will go, to the University of MVichigan next; fall on scholarships given by University of Michigan alumni clubs in their sari- ous districts, Dr. Clarence S. Yoak- umn, vice-president in charge of edu- cational investigations at the Uni- versity, announced yesterday. The scholarship winr~i~s,'- chosen for the high quality of their high schiool work, are sponsored by the following clubs* Ann Arbor club, Arthur F. Garlick, ;Virginia E. Gra- ham, Magaret Hayes, Kenneth C. Mosier, Cathexin g. Stitt; Btl Creek club, Edwin R~. Dykeman, S. Champion Titus; Birmingham, club, Donald . Stew~art; Dearborn club, Elsie M. Kataja, Jack V. Turiibull; Charlotte club, Leon Sampson;,fbe= troit club, Bruce Bassett, Richard Braweman, Perry Brunk, Herbert Cisco, Henry Halladay, Germaine Kehrer, Leotine Lewis Eileen Mc- Manus, John Pietruska; Lyle Read- ing, Robert Rogers and-Peter Soubly. Escanaba .club,t Albert Laviolette; Flint club, Dorothea Handy, William Kniapp; Grand Haven club, Charles 'Donker; Grand Rapids club, Frank C. Jankowski, Chris Zarafonetis; Jackson club, Celestia Main; Kala- triiz6club, Eleanior Johinson; Lan- sing club, Helen. Ferner and. Rob- ert Palmiter, of Lawton; Marquette club, Edwin l. Ahtilla, of. kepubice; ~Mdland club, John Currie, William Dixon; Owosso club, Laura J., Zim- merman; .Ponitiac club, Richard Bal- Ter, Esher Stuart, William M. Travis; Niles club, John Strayer, of Bucha an; Rbyal Oak Club, Wil- fliam IL Menger, Stuart Storey; Mary Thomas;, Saginaw club, Floyd Rabe, David Stewart; Ypsilanti club, Wini- fred Grant, Ruth M~owry and Donald Stadler. The fiftieth wiiner has not been chosen. as yet..- RIDE at MULLISON OUT WEST HURON ST. PHONE 7428 SWIM at NeCwpor t Ieach Portage Lake TYPE WRITEIRS, all makes, ~bought, sold, areplted, exchan d; repaired. 0. D. MOR~RILL, 31 So. State. TYPEWRITING AND M IM t O- ;GR~APHING proyipfltiy and neatly done. 0. D. MOR1RILL,, 314 So. Slate St. -c LOST AND FOUND LOST-Small brown leather purse, between League and 'West Medical building, Saturday. Reward. Call 7781. -0 B~EAUTY SHOP 5Oc finger Waves, 25c Tesdays. Ex- pert scalp treatments $.50 regular- ly. Raggedy Ann Shop, pho~ne 7561. Across from the Den. Open evenings. -0 ". WANTED WASHING AND IRONING WXNT- 9D--Will call for dnd deliver. Soft Water used; washing. done separate. Phone~ 2-9478. --c WAIN4Ti1ED-Laundry. So f t waer 21044. Towels free, socks darned. WANTED - Family alid ti tIdeit laundry. Call and deliver. Phone 4#863. -0 FOR RENT=-Now, or Septertiber 1st, furnished or unfulrnisled or will share desirable :8, room steamn heated house. Garage. Phone 5035. f- l'FtR SAL-=Most rdependabke 'Furs and .Complete Serfvice. Lowest prices In. bur 28 dears Fin Ann Ar- bor. Zweriling's Fur. Shop, 215-k7? .E.< Liberty, Phone 8507 for Fur Storage.-c 4- ,'gain it y lir W-wv - W V V'-'W" .. - CHI C gtA'UtySHOi )dl sham~.o ' andelFinager W( Oil Shompob and Finger Wave . ? Shampoo and Marcel lVMarcel...... Rinses, any shde. Phdihe 2-27 2065Michigan Theatei 75c $1.010 r. 78 B3ecause for that Big Da y, the whole store will. lie damned, cramm dfull of amazing value - for, we intendl making it a 'sale shat will go dlown khistory ! r 3 ,{ ,p ai i1 COATS DRESSES, 7.95- $ 150values. 0 0 V~ihies to $1.0 .9 -Seconrd Floor. Ore. lot, $9.95 values. One lot, $5.95 values. -Second Floor 7.4.9 3.95 Is ; _ _ .. .. 1 ---- t i Thelma Todd c 25c until 2 P.M. fill "~.. . ,..3_' I Now OMILLION DOLLAR LEGS"7 A t fi'~ty oh the Olyn ic gam~es -~ With JACK OAKIE anid All Come~dy Cast T1CHIGANA ,I 11 1 3 9 L NNThe a so ie t lnelu (I -, Ital an linen uneheob l cloths, napinif to match, Chinese~ linen dd6ths. napkinis to match, 6 ,Madelrit Napkdns, Guest Towels, Italian linen scarfs, Chieese filet cloths. scarf sets, domestic filet lace cltiis, finger tip towels' '.-AntieX SIter $1.00 Humpmingbird Servike Weight HOSE 75c N -Annex Store $1.98 SUMMER SILKS! Nw$1.39 -Annex Store fHuming Bird CHI11IFON 1HOSE --Annex Store Fi~e;e n an's tning Room One block north f rome Hill Atiditoiti~~ Excellent tQuality -- Reagonable Prices Lunch and Dinner « $4.50 per week lI a HI I... Breakfast, Lunch and, Dinner . $6.0O per week N 11 Breakfast 10c . . .. Lunch 30C . .. . D~inner 50c Sundaiy Dinner 60c " 0 i " " Tomorrow is Ann Arbor's NIINTH ANNUAL Muck's prh aseof b-nki;.upt luggage . Sale Oen0n aganDy Mack's bought this 1bahkhtjit lug~gage~ sttick, which, was for:- m, ly ;tith property of the Prank Hi. Pitt Co., Incoipuroted a well known luggage hojuse of downtown Delfolt, and will offer never-to-be-equalled luggage bargains on- Jargain Dlay. I f I 11 Bargain Day SPECIALS! Bargain ] 'ay I,/ Wediies-da ,. Only Wednesday Only Z Straws Group I You'll be amlazed& "at the splendid hats you can buy atths il- 7 lously low prifce."t wide variety of styles -smnall and large head sizes, 290 " ~' 1'asteI Felts a (d Straws This group of hit's of- fers you a wide selec- tion of sumnmer milli- nery. . styles that will, flatter . . . every wanted color . . . all head, sizes. 59- Straws Group 1I1 This group of straws is composed of hats that you'll not want to pass up - , . hots whose every line shouts smartness and whose prices shouts economy. 39C I Y - r I I f I r ,.; A !\ V lihe obrt Liberty Street opposite Michigan Theater ~llBa rgai n Day 04-6 Ol for Wednesday Only SILK DRESSES COTTON DARESSES Alsilk dresses (excepfng chif- In this group of dresses are foun~d fords) 0111 . hve their 'prices cut all the cooler cotton fabrics. N . right in half for nine hours totnor- - a row. a~an~Baega.n Days . ,. 1/2 Price IH6SICRY LOVES Onea lot eo ourDexdale hose, both Large selection of fabric gloves- sericend hifonwil goon alt .white, tans, browns-all sizes. $1 svp adcifnilgoo a and $1.50 values. V. at Only.. far' dI 6y . 19t t Bargain Days . .79c pr. PURSES SKIRTS { join the' Throngs at THE COLLINS SIWIPPE for Real Bargains 'in Ladies Weating Apparel' SEvery Dress in our t~I{E S SE ShoPpe--AII made to $.~ 0"SSsOell from $12.75 to $25 ~~~0HATS HT 0 HOSIERY REGULAR 9'DOLLAR HOSE BLOUES Assortment of. 69e, Colors-$1 values SKIRTS Choice of colors. $aet ela .51*95 Variety of Costumne Jewelry tra JEIRY Vle to $2.65 PURSES andoPs$ and i. 95 PURSES$3.50 values 11 Fine Quality High Grade GLA DSTONE BAGS $4.95 and up :Choicie of SUIT CASES $1.95 Genuine towhide GLAD STOAT BAGS $8.88 ormerly $15.50 r A Fhtie Selection ofinexpensive. All Colors , Large Selectipn OVERN~IT CASES 89c A Fewa OVERNIGHT CASES are here at 5eLi t f t~ft ft C C l t e 4 D a i s y HAT BAGS S All, Sizes 2.9+9 and up Genuine Cowi~jide and Pigskin BRIEF CASES_ Everiwear' STEAMIERITRUNKS~ $24.45 air*ilup Forme~rly ut, tW'$650 - EVER WIAR STEAMER TRUNKS Values ui o $48.0 Ladies' 1Fitfed, OVERNIGHT CA~1iS x.2.98and up Men's- Week-End ZIPPER BAGS ,$2.45 and up* Table Eu1Ll. LEATHER. NOVELTIES. Priced to Sell $2.44 I1.' r al Special HAAtD BAGS 95C atdcl Purchase! l1landkerchiefs I FINE SHIRTS, One lot of LINGE~it I'r ctd Spcial Barrgtin DAY! 25s to 50c values- White.=and fancy- colored linen-chifton lOe II $6.50 SUMMER SiOIES Ifk$3,066_/ --Main IAloor 3 for $3.45 each --Main Floor formerly. to $3.95 DANCETTES- TEDDIES- STEP-INS- $1 qkfffiSprtaid25e Da ne Hndks .. . II -~ II nn.flfl7.fl ~7 ~ f III lnw4 ivwlpv